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NMSU Scholarships

Title Long Title Description
"MATT'S JOURNEY" END SCH "Matt's Journey" Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Matt''s Journey Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Communication Disorders and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
88 FOR 88 88 for 88 Created in 2024, the 88 for 88 fund supports students in the College of Arts & Sciences to help those who require financial assistance in order to register for the following semester.
A GRAND IN THE STANDS A Grand in the Stands Current Use Scholarship Created in 2018 and amended in 2018, A Grand In The Stands supports scholarships to students through drawings at sporting events. Student must be enrolled full-time at NMSU Main Campus and be in good academic standing.
TRAYLOR,MR&MRS CALVIN SCH A S Music Piano Scholarship Created in 1950, the Arts & Sciences Music Piano Scholarship supports students who are studying piano.
A&S DEAN'S FUND EXCELLENCE A&S Dean's Fund for Excellence
COX, A.B. FLORENCE MEMORIAL A. B. and Florence Cox Memorial Scholarship The A.B. & Florence Cox Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 to provide scholarships for students enrolled the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences who show a desire to improve themselves for a better future.
BARNEY ELDER MEMORIAL A. Barney and Billye J. Elder Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Barney and Billye J. Elder Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 1987 by Mrs. Billye J. Elder to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in any New Mexico State University College.
BROWNFIELD SR, A.D. MEM. A. D. Brownfield, Sr. Memorial Scholarship The A.D. Brownfield Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 by Lea Brownfield in memory of both A.D Brownfield, Sr. and A.D. Brownfield, Jr. This fund was created to make an award to a junior or senior student majoring in range science.
HUNTSINGER, A.E. SCH A. E. Huntsinger Scholarship The A.E. Huntsinger Scholarship Endowment was established in 1977 to make an award to a nursing student who is willing to live and work in a smaller community.
SISNEROS, ELISEO END SCH A. Eliseo Sisneros Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005 and amended 2005, the A. Eliseo Sisneros Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must be enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering, be classified as a junior or senior, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or better, must not be a transfer student unless transferred into NMSU Engineering as a freshman, and with a preference for financial need.
MURRELL, A. SCOTT MEM. SCH A. Scott Murrell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund The A. Scott Murrell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by astronomy graduate students, alumni and faculty in 2004 to make an annual award to a graduate student; and to facilitate the educational activities, research, and professional development of astronomy graduate students.
TELLES, A.W. & J.A. END A. W. & J. A. Telles Endowed Scholarship The A.W. and J.A. Telles Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 by the children of Mr. and Mrs. Telles to honor their parents and to provide support to students at New Mexico State University. There will be a preference in selection for students with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship may be a renewed award in succeeding years.
MARKELY, A.W. LESLA RHOADS A. W. and Lesla Markley Memorial Scholarship Established in 1977, the A.W. and Lesla Rhoads Markley Scholarship supports students with a major in Agriculture. Recipients must be a resident of New Mexico and be from Dona Ana County.
MELTON, AA & L ELOUISE ME A.A. and Elouise Melton Endowed Scholarship Fund in Honor of their Children and Grandchildren Established in 2016 with a gift from the estate of A. A. and L. Elouise Melton, this endowed scholarship honors their children and grandchildren. Recipients of this scholarship must have a declared major in Animal Science in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and qualify as a need-based student. Student must have full-time enrollment. Award amount not to exceed sum of tuition, fees and books.
MITCHELL, AK & AJ MEM. SCH. A.K. and A.J. MItchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship The A.K. and A.J. Mitchell Memorial Endowment was established in 2005 by Linda E. Mitchell Davis and Thomas E. Mitchell, III in order to make an award to one or more qualified and deserving students in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
TELLES,A.R. & D.L. END SCH A.R. and D.L. Telles Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 by Adolpho and Deborah Telles, this endowed scholarship seeks to support accounting students who are enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, demonstrate financial need and employment while enrolled at NMSU.. Preference in selection is given to students who demonstrate a strong work ethic as evidenced by components of the scholarship application.
ACAGE 25TH ANNIVERSARY SCH ACAGE 25th Anniversary Scholarship This scholarship was established in 2012 as a current use scholarship to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Academy of Civil and Agricultural Engineers at NMSU. An amendment in 2016 changed this fund to an endowment. Recipients must be majoring in Civil Engineering and have Junior, Senior, or graduate level classification. Preference will be given to students in a leadership position in a Civil Engineering student organization or in a related student organization in the College of Engineering as evidenced by a statement of campus activities.
ACES 111 CLASS CURRENT USE ACES 111 Class Current Use Scholarship The ACES 111 scholarship was created in the fall of 2018 in the ACES 111 class. The idea for the scholarship originated in the fall of 2017 after a lecture on giving back to the university was presented in class by Dr. Frank Hodnett. During the Mentor training the mentors came up with the idea of raising money for a scholarship to be presented to freshmen in the ACES 111 class. During class the mentors presented to their groups about the scholarship as a way for students to help students. The class liked the idea and the scholarship was started.
ACS-HACH LAND GRANT SCH ACS-Hach Land Grant Scholarship This current use scholarship, funded by the American Chemical Society, supports two scholars annually until such time as they complete the necessary course-work to obtain their undergraduate chemistry degree and teachers'' certification. Each ACS-Hach Land Grant Scholar must be enrolled as a full-time student with a declared major in Chemistry, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate a commitment to became a high school chemistry teacher.
ACTS HISPANIC PERF.ARTS ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Hispanic Scholarship in Memory of Steve Gutierrez and Maggie Gamboa Established in 2000 and amended in 2021, the ACTS Endowed Hispanic Scholarship in Memory of Steve Gutierrez and Maggie Gamboa supports students with a declared major in Dance, Theatre Arts, and Music. Recipients must have financial need and preference will be for a Hispanic student.
AGIF HISPANIC EDU FOUND SCH AGIF Hispanic Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship The AGIF Hispanic Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an award to a junior or senior student in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
ASNMSU LEADERSHIP SCH END ASNMSU Students Serving Students Endowed Scholarship The ASNMSU Students Serving Students Endowment was established in 2012 in order to make one or more awards to students enrolled at NMSU Main Campus.
COVARRUBIAS, ABEL & MONICA Abel and Monica Covarrubias Endowed Scholarship The Covarrubias believe in planting seeds for our future generation by giving others the opportunity to share their love and passion for helping children grow and learn. This endowment, established in 2016, allows this passionate family who are NMSU alumni, to do just that. Recipients will be junior level students studying Early Childhood Education who are New Mexico residents. Preference will be given to students of Hispanic heritage.
ABERNATHY FAMILY END SCH Abernathy Family Endowed Scholarship The Abernathy Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make annual scholarship awards to junior or senior level engineering students, majoring in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, or agricultural engineering. The award recipients must be graduates of a New Mexico high school and be New Mexico residents.
ACAD ALL STATE Academic All-State Award
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FUND Academic Excellence Fund Created in 2011 and amended in 2023, the Academic Excellence Fund provides support to students to advance their research, professional development, and educational requirements to further their careers and education. Academic Excellence Fund program supports students in advancing their scholarly objectives. Activities that are supported by AEF include research, dissemination of scholarly work, creative events such as student-led initiatives, activities or events, educational resources, workshop training, and other academic and professional opportunities.
CIVIL ENG ACADEMY SCH Academy of Civil Engineering
ACCOUNTING ALUMNI END SCH Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship The Accounting Alumni Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award undergraduate or graduate students who have a declared major in accounting, in the College of Business. Recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75, and be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior.
ACCT & INFO SYSTEMS SCH Accounting and Business Computer Systems Scholarships This fund provides scholarships in varying amounts for Accounting and Information Systems undergraduate and graduate majors. Selection is based on academic performance.
JOHNPOLL, ADA VINYARD END. Ada Vinyard Johnpoll Scholarship Established in 1998, the Ada Vinyard Johnpoll Endowed Scholarship Fund supports students who are residents of New Mexico and of either Luna or Hidalgo County.
ADAMS-CAHILL GRAD RES Adams-Cahill Graduate Research Award Current Use Fund Created in 2015 and amended in 2016, the Adams-Cahill Graduate Research Award Current Use Fund supports one or more graduate students who are engaged in research about psychological and/or educational issues impacting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Transgender Community. If there is no research being done in a particular year, it is understood that there will be no award that year. Recipient must be classified as a graduate student in the College of Education and must be enrolled as a student in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction or the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology. Must be a student whose research is related to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community.
ARCHULETA, A&R END SCHOL Adelmo and Rebecca Archuleta Endowed Scholarship The Adelmo and Rebecca Archuleta Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support undergraduate students with a declared major in civil engineering. Scholarship recipients must be a sophomore or junior, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and legally reside in New Mexico. Students must also demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students from rural communities with a population less than 25,000.
ARTHUR, PAUL & JOY SCH Admiral Paul and Joy Arthur Graduate Endowed Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship The Admiral Paul and Joy Arthur Graduate Scholarship was established in 2007 to make awards to graduate students in the College of Engineering. The award recipients must be majoring in electrical and computer engineering and be U.S. citizens.
BERRYHILL, ADRIAN FAMILY Adrian Berryhill Family Scholarship The Adrian Berryhill Family Scholarship was established in 1978 to provide scholarships to students in Animal Science or Range Management.
EDWARDS, ADRIAN & JACKIE Adrian and Jackie Edwards Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Adrian and Jackie Edwards Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students with a declared S.T.E.M. major, and/or students with a S.T.E.M. concentration in the College of Arts and Sciences or Engineering. Preference will be given to African-American students.
FARM CREDIT-COLL OF BUS. Ag New Mexico Farm Credit Services/Farm Credit of Texas Current Use Scholarship Created in 2006, the Ag. New Mexico Farm Credit Service/Farm Credit Bank of Texas Current Use Scholarship supports NMSU undergraduate students with $1,000 awards. The awards are to be fully distributed in the Spring semester of each year. Recipients must be classified as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior level student, have a declared major in the College of Business, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and have demonstrated leadership in the University campus and involved in the community as evidenced by a statement of college activities.
AGGIE BRIGHT FUTURES END SC Aggie Bright Futures Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Aggie Bright Futures Endowed Scholarship supports full time, junior or senior level students at NMSU. The donor''s inspiration for this scholarship is to support Aggie students and help their educational dreams come true.
AGGIE CANCER SURVIVOR SCH Aggie Cancer Survivor Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, The Aggie Cancer Survivor Scholarship supports graduate students at NMSU. This scholarship shall be awarded to one or more graduate students. All New Mexico State University graduate students who are cancer survivors, are currently diagnosed with cancer, but do not necessarily have to be receiving treatment are eligible.
AGGIE FINISHLINE SCH Aggie Finish Line Degree Completion Current Use Scholarship Created in 2017 and amended in 2020, the Aggie Finish Line Degree Completion Current Use Scholarship awards one or more undergraduate students who have academic "good standing" status at NMSU, who are senior level students within one or two semesters of completing a bachelor''s degree, and who have submitted appropriate documentation to this effect.
AGGIE JUMPSTART FUND Aggie Jumpstart Fund Established in 2019, the Aggie Jumpstart fund will be used to support an early start summer program.
AGGIE MILLIONAIRE CLUB Aggie Millionaire Club Established in 2001 and amended in 2023, Aggie Millionaire Club supports undergraduate students in good standing. Must be enrolled full-time and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference for a student who is a dependent of an NMSU Alumnus.
AGGIE ORGAN DONOR END SCH Aggie Organ Donor Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, and amended in 2019 the Aggie Organ Donor Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, must be on the organ transplant list to receive a new major organ or be a student whose child, parent, sibling or self has donated or received a major organ. Preference has be given to an undergraduate student. In the event that the above criteria is not met, the scholarship can be awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior level student with a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences and who has a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. In this instance, preference will be given to a student with a declared major in turf grass science and management.
AGGIE WELCOME SUPPORT Aggie Welcome Support Created in 2020, the Aggie Welcome Support fund supports the Aggie Welcome Orientation Program.
AEAB DEPARTMENTAL Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business Scholarship
AGRICULTURAL ENDOWED Agricultural Endowed Scholarship Fund The Endowed Agricultural Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
AXED DEPARTMENTAL Agriculture and Extension Education Scholarship
ACES DEAN Agriculture and Home Economics General College Scholarship
PEVS DEPARTMENTAL Agronomy and Horticulture Scholarship
AIR FORCE ROTC ALUMNI SCH Air Force ROTC Alumni Current Use Scholarship Created in 2013, the Air Force ROTC Alumni Current Use Scholarship supports students enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program at NMSU (must be enrolled in the program). Recipient must be in good academic standing according to university policy.
ALAMOGORDO BRANCH SCH. Alamogordo Branch Scholarships Created in 1998, the Alamogordo Branch Scholarships shall be used to make awards to students at NMSU Alamogordo.
NMSU ALAMOGORDO BRIDGE S Alamogordo Bridge Scholarship
BURRIS,ALBERT & MABEL PHYS Albert and Mabel Burris Physics Fellowship The Albert and Mabel Burris Physics Fellowship was established in 1996 to provide funds for the Department of Physics at New Mexico State University.
HOOD, ALEX & MARGARET MEM. Alec and Margaret Hood Memorial Scholarship The Alec & Margaret Hood Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 to award scholarships for Engineering students at New Mexico State University who have a grade point average of 3.0 or above.
GARCIA, ALEJANDRO END SCH Alejandro Garcia Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Alejandro Garcia Endowed Scholarship supports student in the NMSU College of Business, Recipients must have a declared major in Management or Information Systems, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, be classified as a junior or senior level student. Preference will be given to students in Information Systems or Project and Supply Management. and who demonstrate financial need.
SANCHEZ, ALEX & ELAINE END Alex A. and Elaine K. Sanchez Technical and Industrial Studies Scholarship The Alex A. and Elaine K. Sanchez Technical and Industrial Studies Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in their honor. This scholarship will be used to make awards to undergraduate students for 50 percent of the average tuition, books and fees at Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC in the Division of Technical and Industrial Studies, with a minimum of six credits. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0, demonstrate financial need, and complete a personal statement. Preference will be given to students who complete a statement of educational and career goals.
PORTER, ALFRED E END SCH Alfred E. Porter, Jr. Endowed Scholarship The Alfred E. Porter, Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in Agricultural Economics / Agricultural Business.
TRIVIZ, ALFRED E. MEM SCH Alfred E. Triviz Memorial Scholarship The Alfred E. Triviz Memorial Scholarship was established in 1987 by Mary M. Triviz to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education.
BARTHELD, ALICE M MEM. SCH Alice M. Bartheld Memorial Scholarship Established in 1984, the Alice M. Bartheld Memorial Scholarship supports the Department of Health Science now known as the School of Nursing. Award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students. Must be majoring in Medical Technology.
RIVAS, ALICE V. MEM. SCH Alice V. Rivas Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Alice V. Rivas Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 1993 by Mr. John A. Rivas in memory of his wife, Alice V. Rivas. There will be a preference in awarding for students who have demonstrated financial need. The scholarship award may be renewed in succeeding years if the student maintains a satisfactory academic record. The award amount shall be equal to the current tuition and fees.
SAVAGE, ALLEN H. SCH. Allan H. Savage Scholarship The Allan H. Savage Scholarship was established to award scholarships to undergraduate and graduate student accounting majors selected by the accounting faculty based on academic achievement and other evidence for success as a professional accountant.
ALLEN THEATRES INC. END SCH Allen Theatres, Inc. Endowed Scholarship Established in 1991, amended in 1993 and in 2000, the Allen Theatres, Inc., Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipient(s) must be enrolled at NMSU, including the community colleges, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, be residents of New Mexico and preference for students who are employed by Allen Theatres, Inc. To remain eligible candidates must continue to be employees of Allen Theatres. If recipients (renewable) are not attending NMSU, the scholarship will be divided among the remaining recipients. Eligible candidates shall be chosen by the Director of the Office of Financial Aid.
LEVY, ALMA & SCOTT END SCH Alma and Scott Levy Endowed Scholarship The Alma and Scott Levy Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in electrical engineering and demonstrate financial need.
ALUMNI ASSOC. ENDOWED SCH Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship The Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 to award a full-time junior or senior with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0. The award will rotate annually among academic colleges.
ALUM. PAST PRES STDT LEADER Alumni Past Presidents Student Leader Scholarship The Alumni Past Presidents'' Student Leader Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one incoming freshman with a minimum 3.0 grade point average and who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities in high school, their community, or elsewhere.
NEUMANN, AL & LP END. SCH Alvin L. and Lorena P. Neumann Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, the A.L. Neumann Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports the NMSU college of ACES. Recipients must be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for undergraduates, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for graduates and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
FUCHS, ALYCIA & HANS Alycia and Hans Fuchs Memorial Scholarship Fund for Chemistry Majors The Alycia and Hans Fuchs Memorial Scholarship Fund for Chemistry Majors was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Chemistry.
AMERICAN ASSOC UNIV WOM American Association of University Women Scholarship Endowment for Women Established in 2003 and amended in 2022, The American Association of University Women (AAUW) supports students from NMSU-Las Cruces and/or NMSU-Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be a continuing student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference for students involved in the following recognized student groups: Women in STEM, Society of Women Engineers or National Student Speech Language Hearing Association.
AMERICAN HEROES CU FUND American Heroes Current Use Scholarship Created in 2015 as the American Heroes Endowed Scholarship and amended in 2021 to the American Heroes Current Use Scholarship by NMSU Police Chief Stephen Lopez and his wife, Tracy. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students who are a surviving spouse or child of a firefighter or police officer who was killed in the line of duty. Recipients must be enrolled at any NMSU campus, with a minimum of six credit hours.
AMERICAN INDIAN SCHOLARSHIP American Indian Scholarships The American Indian Program Scholarship was established by Harry Lujan in 1992 in order to award Navajo students.
DEVASTHALI, AMMU&RAMA SCH Ammu and Rama Devasthali Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry and Biochemistry Established in 2010 and amended in 2010, the Ammu and Rama Devasthali Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. The income shall be used to make annual awards to outstanding students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. A total of 3 awards are to be given annually, one each to a Sophomore, Junior and Senior who are recognized as outstanding students based on GPA, student research projects and other academic achievements as evidenced by data in scholarship application or other requested information. Available earnings are to be equally distributed to the three award recipients. Recipient(s) must be enrolled full-time, have a declared major in Chemistry or Biochemistry, be classified as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
MONTGOMERY, AMY L. END Amy L. Montgomery Memorial Scholarship The Amy Lyster Montgomery Memorial Endowment was established in 1983 to make an annual cash award to a qualifying New Mexico high school teacher, with a preference towards a teacher at Robertson High School in Las Vegas.
MARTINEZ, ANA & JACOBO SCH Ana Maria and Jacobo Domingo Martinez Current Use Scholarship The Ana Maria and Jacobo Domingo Martinez Current Use Scholarship is established by Dr. Maria E. Martinez in honor of her parents Ana Maria and Jacobo Domingo Martinez for their selfless dedication to education, their servant hearts to their community and their steadfast advocacy for social change. To be awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Education, classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior level student, and have a declared major of special education, bilingual education, or secondary math education.
SENGUPTA, ANANDA&UDAY MEM Ananda and Uday Sengupta Memorial Scholarship The Ananda and Uday Sengupta Memorial Scholarship was established in 2009 by Drs. Champa and Amudhu Gopalan. This fund was created to make an award to an outstanding undergraduate student majoring in Genetics in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department. The award recipient must have declared a major in Genetics, and be classified as a junior or senior level student.
DE LOS SANTOS ENDOWED SCH Angelica and Aaron De Los Santos Endowed Scholarship The Angelica and Aaron De Los Santos Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 to support students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Awards will be given to one or more undergraduate student(s) whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given for a first generation college student.
SANCHEZ,ANGELINA ENLACE FND Angelina G. Sanchez Memorial Endowed Fund for ENLACE Students Studying Abroad The Angelina G. Sanchez Memorial Endowed Fund for ENLACE Students Studying Abroad was established in 2010 by Ms. Elisa Sanchez. The income from the fund is to be used to make an award to one or more students for travel, and/or educational and/or living expenses while in an NMSU Study Abroad Program. Each award recipient must be a U.S. Citizen, be classified as a junior or senior level student and be enrolled in any short or long term NMSU study abroad program. Preference will be given to students who have been, or are currently, enrolled in an ENLACE program.
ANRS DEPARTMENTAL Animal and Range Science Scholarship
GARDNER, ANN MARIE EDU SCH Ann Marie Gardner Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Ann Marie Gardner Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled at NMSU main campus, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be enrolled in the College or Arts and Sciences, and be a resident of Dona Ana County. Preference will be for a student who is pursuing a teaching certificate as evidenced by scholarship application and who has a gap in their university studies.
BALLARD,ANN & JIM MEM-JRNL Ann and Jim Ballard Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Journalism The Ann and Jim Ballard Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Journalism was established in 2004 by Doris Jolly in order to make an award to a qualified and deserving student.
KIST, ANNA SCHRUFER END SCH Anna Schrufer Kist Endowed Scholarship The Anna Schrufer Kist Endowed Scholarship was established in 2001 in order to Dr. Joseph Kist in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MURPHY,ANNE E MEMORIAL END Anne Elizabeth Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Anne Elizabeth Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in good standing in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
ROWLAND,ANNE&CHESTER M-EG Anne and Chester Rowland Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund The Anne and Chester Rowland Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to make an annual award to one or more students majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Eligible candidates for this award must have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or better and be United States citizens who have demonstrated financial need.
VALENCIA, ANNE-MARIE MEM Anne-Marie Valencia Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Anne-Marie Valencia Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Eugene Valencia and Kathryn Valencia in 2009 in honor of the memory of Anne-Marie Valencia, at nursing student at NMSU from 2003 to 2004. Each award recipient must be an entering full-time freshman student with a declared major in the College of HSS, have a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 2.5, be a student from Farmington High School. Preference for students who demonstrate an active social responsibility as indicated by volunteer service in church or community.
ANONYMOUS DONOR NA HISP SCH Anonymous Donor Native American and Hispanic Scholarship This endowed scholarship, established in 2018, supports students in the Chemical and Materials Engineering Department who have financial need. Preference in selection will be given to students who are native Americans (as evidenced by a Certificate of Indian Blood) or Hispanic.
WILHITE, ANTHA MEM END SCH Antha Wilhite Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Antha Wilhite Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students at DACC. Recipients must have financial need, have a gap in their educational sequence, be a New Mexico resident, and provide a statement of goals. Preference for a student who obtained a GED over a high school diploma and who is a single parent.
HU, ANTHONY MEM END SCH Anthony Hu Endowed Memorial Scholarship
JULIANA, ANTHONY MEMORIAL Anthony Juliana Memorial Scholarship The Anthony Juliana Memorial Wildlife Scholarship was established in 1976 to provide scholarships to Junior or Senior students in fishery or wildlife science with preference given to a resident of Eddy County.
CHAVEZ, ANTHONY & KRISTIN Anthony and Krisitn Graham Chavez Endowed Scholarship The Anthony and Kristin Graham Chavez Endowed Scholarship offers an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students. Each recipient must have a declared major in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and be a United States citizen. Preference shall be given to students from Taos, Rio Arriba, Mora or San Miguel counties.
ANTHROPOLOGY GENERAL SCH Anthropology General Scholarship Fund Created in 2015, the Anthropology General Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate and graduate students in Anthropology.
APPLIED STATISTICS GRAD CU Applied Statistics Graduate Current Use Created in 2015, the Applied Statistics Graduate Current Use Scholarship supports one award of at least $300 to a graduate student enrolled in the College of Business Applied Statistics Graduate program. Must be classified as a graduate student. Must maintain a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA. Must have completed at least 15 hours toward a graduate degree.
APRENDAMOS INTERVENTION Aprendamos Intervention Team Endowed Scholarship Established by the Aprendamos Intervention Team in 2016, this scholarship was created to invest in our future Speech-Language Pathologists who will help meet the needs of both children and adults with developmental delays in southern New Mexico. The endowment supports one or more graduate students enrolled in the NMSU Communication Disorders program who are New Mexico residents and whose GPA is 3.0 or higher. Preference shall be given to a minority student.
APRENDAMOS-COVARRUBIAS END Aprendamos-Covarrubias Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Aprendamos-Covarrubias Endowed Scholarship will support DACC undergraduate students. Students must be enrolled at Dona Ana Community College and in good standing, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Preference for first-generation college student, preference for a student whose parent or parents are migrant farm workers.
WOODWARD, ARA JANELLE SCHO Ara Janelle Woodward Agricultural Crop Farming Endowed Scholarship The Ara Janelle Woodward Agricultural Crop Farming Endowed Scholarship was established to encourage students to pursue careers in agriculture as crop farmers, and learn to become good stewards of the land. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are sophomores, juniors or seniors, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must be interested in farming as a career, primarily in cotton, alfalfa, chile or vegetable production. Preference is given to students with an interest in leadership through agriculture, and those demonstrating financial need.
FITCH, ARCHER G. END SCH Archer Graham Fitch Endowed Sc The Archer Graham Fitch Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Archer Fitch in 2000 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Engineering.
BALTENSPERGER,ARDEN&ELSIE Arden and Elsie Baltensperger Endowed Scholarship The Arden and Elsie Baltenspeger Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an award to one or more outstanding graduate students in the Agronomy Department.
GRIFFIN, ARDYTHE & PAULA Ardythe E. and Paula E. Griffin Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Established in 2022, the Ardythe E. and Paula E. Griffin Endowed Scholarship in Nursing supports students accepted into the NMSU Bachelor of Science in Nursing or the Master of Science in Nursing programs. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA. Preference
ARMSTRONG ENDOWMENT Armstrong Family Endowed Scholarship This endowed fund was established by Leonard and Stephanie Armstrong, with their children Nathan Armstrong and Ashley Armstrong Garcia to honor A. Ruth Waters Armstrong (Leonard''s mother) and Veteria O. Jones Allen (Stephanie''s mother). Earnings will be split equally to support students in the Colleges of Business and Education. Recipients must be classified as entering freshmen with a minimum GPA of 2.75 for their initial award, thereafter it is renewable as long as a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is maintained. Students must demonstrate financial need as evidenced by FAFSA results.
FRIENDS Art Museum Friends
KITTLESON,LOIS&ARTHUR SCH Arthur Claussen Kittleson and Lois Dittmar Kittleson Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1966, the Lois and Arthur Kittleson Endowed Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate or graduate students. Annual award to one or more students pursuing a Pre-Med curriculum or majoring in Education. Eligible candidates for this award must have grade point averages of 3.5 or better. Preference for students who have a demonstrated financial need, and preference for students and who have performed prior military service.
STEWART,ARTHUR J FAMILY SCH Arthur J. Stewart Family Scholarship Fund The Arthur J. Stewart Family Scholarship Fund was established to award scholarships to New Mexico State University students.
MAXWELL, ARTHUR & BEULAH Arthur and Beulah Maxwell Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018 by Arthur Maxwell, NMSU Class of 1949, this endowment enhances recruiting and retention of graduate level Physics students through scholarship support. Preference in awarding shall be given to graduate level students who are pursuing studies in geophysics.
A&S GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP Arts and Sciences General College Scholarship
TORRES, ARTURO SCHOLARSHIP Arturo Torres College of Educa This endowment is established under the Dean of the College of Education since Mr. Torres did not sign the endowment agreement before he passed away. It is the Arturo Torres College of Education Student Teaching scholarship.
ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER PROG Asian Pacific Islander Program Scholarship Created in 2025, the Asian Pacific Islander Program scholarship supports students enrolled at NMSU main campus. Recipients must be part-time or full-time, in good standing, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Preference will be given to a student with financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, but need is not required.
ASPREY FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Asprey Family Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1996, the Asprey Family Endowed Scholarship Fund supports annual awards of equal value to one or more students enrolled in the College of Engineering and the chemistry department of the College of Arts and Sciences. Preference for students with financial need and students must maintain a GPA of 2.8 or higher.
ASTRONOMY SCH-GRAD STD Astronomy Department Scholarship for Graduate Students The Astronomy Department Scholarship for Graduate Students was established in 1997 to further the education and research of Astronomy graduate students.
ASTRONOMY DEPARTMENTAL REST Astronomy Departmental Restricted Fund
VICK, AUSTIN L. MEM END SCH Austin L. Vick Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Austin L. Vick Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. This scholarship honors Austin L. Vick''s perseverance in pursuing an education and serves to support promising students in rural New Mexico.
MCGEHEE AUSTIN SEAN Austin Sean Williams McGehee Memorial Endowed Scholarship This scholarship was established in 2018 to honor the memory of Austin Sean Williams McGehee. He could light up any room with his big brown eyes and his sweet laugh. Austin loved sports and attended high school and Texas Tech football and basketball games with his Big Pop and Grammers. Austin loved being cuddled, especially by his mama Meritt Lain. Throughout cancer treatments, Austin continued to smile and exude love; his presence and courage made the world a better place. This endowment will ensure his legacy and the memory of his loving spirit live on forever.
AUXILIARY SERVICES SCH Auxiliary Services Current Use Scholarship Established in 2010 and amended in 2019, the Auxiliary Services Current Use Scholarship may be used toward: on-campus housing costs, campus meal plan, or textbook purchases from the NMSU Barnes & Noble College Bookstores. Funds will be distributed to the following campuses: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Dona Ana, Grants and Las Cruces.
AUXILIARY SERVICES QUASI EN Auxiliary Services Quasi-Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010 and amended in 2019, the Auxiliary Services Quasi-Endowed Scholarship will be used to make one or more awards to undergraduate students. Awards may be used toward the following student expenses: on-campus housing costs, campus meal plan, or textbook purchases from the NMSU Bookstore. Funds will be distributed to the following campuses: Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Dona Ana, Grants, and Las Cruces each year based on the previous fiscal year''s sales as a percentage of total sales across all stores. Recipients must be an on-campus resident or have a campus meal plan, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to a first-time, first-year freshman.
B.O.S.S. ENDOWED SCH B.O.S.S. Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the B.O.S.S. (an acronym for Bold, Original, Secure and Successful) Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Business and College of Arts and Sciences. Student must be enrolled full-time, be classified as a junior or senior, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Student must show evidence of leadership, participation in extracurricular activities involving volunteering, and an entrepreneurial experience through work or other means.
BANK OF AMERICA MINORITY Bank of America Minority Endowed Scholarship The Bank of America Minority Scholarship Endowed Fund was established in 2000 to make an annual award to one or more minority students enrolled in any academic program who are New Mexico residents with a high school grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
BANKS FAMILY ACCOUNTING Banks Family Endowed Accounting Scholarship The Banks Family Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be an accounting major enrolled in NMSU''s College of Business, and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative NMSU grade point average.
JENNINGS, BARBARA ANN MEM Barbara Ann Jennings Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Barbara Ann Jennings Memorial Scholarship was established in 1970 to support students who need some financial assistance to be able to further their attendance at New Mexico State University.
BIEBELLE, BARBARA J MEM Barbara Biebelle Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1991 and amended in 2004, the Barbara Biebelle Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be used to make an annual award to a junior-level, undergraduate student. Recipients must majoring in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences or Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, with an agricultural background, preferably a farm/ranch background. Recipients must be US citizens and a resident of New Mexico. Preference will be given to student(s) who demonstrate financial need, but do not need to qualify for federal financial aid.
HUBBARD IEBA END SCH Barbara Hubbard International Entertainment Buyers Association Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, the International Entertainment Buyers Association Endowed Scholarship honors the contributions to the entertainment industry that Barbara Hubbard has made in her long and illustrious career. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, be classified as a junior, senior, or graduate level student, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Preference shall be given to recipient(s) who are current participants in the American Collegiate Talent Showcase (ACTS) at NMSU, or involved in event planning, facility management or other related activities in the NMSU Special Events Office, and to student(s) who at the time of award have not been named a recipient of another NMSU scholarship. Involvement in the ACTS program or Special Events Office shall be verified by the Director of Special Events. This scholarship is renewable as long as all criteria is met.
MAIER, BARBARA J. MEM SCH Barbara J. Maier Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Barbara J. Maier Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an award to a sophomore, junior, or senior level student majoring in Horticulture.
PAGE, BARBARA K. JOURNALISM Barbara Kerr Page Endowed Journalism Scholarship The Barbara Kerr Page Endowed Journalism Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student with a 2.75 grade point average. Preference will be for a student enrolled in Journalism and Mass Communication who is working on the NMSU student newspaper or publication or pursuing a career in copy editing. A 500-1000 word essay is part of the evaluation process.
MCDONALD, BARBARA & CLIF ED Barbara and Clif McDonald Education Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Barbara and Clif McDonald Education Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, have a declared major in Education and preference for a first generation student.
WISE, BARBARA & MARK SCH Barbara and Mark Wise Endowed Scholarship The Barbara and Mark Wise Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student in the fall of each academic year. And will be determined according to the following: be the elected president of the Eta Lambda chapter of the Delta Gamma Fraternity. The Eta Lambda chapter of the Delta Gamma Fraternity will have selected the recipient by chapter vote when they elect the president of the organization for the calendar year.
BARHAM FAMILY CENTENNIAL Barham Family Centennial Scholarship The Barham Family Centennial Scholarship was established in 1985 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Business.
FINKENBERG, BARRY ACTS HUBB Barry Finkenberg-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 1991, the Barry Finkenberg-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must have a declared major in dance, music and theatre arts, a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 2.5 for incoming freshmen, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 for current students.
WITT, BARTON MCQUADE END Barton McQuade Witt Endowed Scholarship The Barton McQuade Witt Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 to make an award to undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients of this award must be enrolled in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences or the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business.
ANEX, BASIL G & GRETCHEN F Basil G. and Gretchen F. Anex Endowed Fund The Basil G. and Gretchen F. Anex Endowed Fund was established in 2011 in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate students to be known as the Kennett G. Melgaard Award in General Chemistry.
BATAAN BATTALION ALUMNI ORG Bataan Battalion Alumni Organization Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015 and amended in 2024, the Bataan Battalion Alumni Organization Endowed scholarship supports undergraduate students in good standing. Recipients must be enrolled full-time and must be a member in good standing in the NMSU Army ROTC program. Preference for cadets who are eligible to receive commission from the US Army.
BATAAN BATTALION SCH. Bataan Battalion Scholarship
BATKIN BROADCASTING END SCH Batkin Broadcasting Endowed Scholarship Created in 2009, the Batkin Broadcasting Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate student in the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipient must be enrolled full time and must have a declared major in Journalism and Mass Communications. Preference will be given to a student who is interested in creating new radio programming as validated by faculty in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications and/or staff at radio stations at which the applicant has been involved.
BEAL MEMORIAL Beal Memorial Scholarship Fund The Beal Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to provide scholarship support to students at New Mexico State University.
BEL CANTO OPERA SCH. Bel Canto Opera Current Use Scholarship Created in 2012 and amended in 2022, the Bel Canto Opera Current Use Scholarship supports students with a declared major in Music with an emphasis in Voice. Must be enrolled full-time and be enrolled in the NMSU Opera Workshop and participating in the NMSU Opera Program. Must maintain a 2.75 GPA for undergraduate level student or a 3.0 GPA for graduate level student.
CAMUNEZ, BELLA & G. RUDY Bella and G. Rudy Camunez Endowed Scholarship The Bella and G. Rudy Camunez Endowed Scholarship was established by their children in Bella and Rudy''s memory. Both native New Mexicans, their legacy was instilling the value of education in their family and community. Scholarship recipients must have a declared major in the College of Education, have a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA, and be a New Mexico resident. Preference will be given to first generation college students, Hispanic or American Indian students, and those demonstrating financial need.
ROARK, BELVA END. SCH. Belva Roark Endowed Scholarship The Belva Roark Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University Students.
KERN, BEN A MEMORIAL GOLF Ben A. Kern Memorial Endowed Golf Scholarship The Ben A. Kern Memorial Endowed Golf Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an award to an undergraduate student. The Head Coach of the NMSU Men''s Golf Team, in consultation with the NMSU Athletic Director, shall select the recipient.
BRIGHT, BEN H. MEMORIAL Ben H. Bright Memorial Scholarship The Ben H. Bright Memorial Endowed Fund was established by Mae Rose Bright in 1997 to make annual scholarship awards to qualified students.
PORTER, BRENDA K ENDOWED Benda K. Porter Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011, the Brenda K. Porter Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in elementary education, must be a senior level student, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, must be a graduate of a high school in Las Cruces, NM and be a US citizen.
CHANDLER, BENJAMIN M ENGR Benjamin M. Chandler Memorial Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering at New Mexico State University The Benjamin M. Chandler Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 by Larry and Joan Chandler, family members and friends of Benjamin Chandler. Each award recipient must be a full-time graduate level student with a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, and be a resident of New Mexico.
BERNALILLO COUNTY Bernalillo County Cent Sch Funds from the Bernalillo County Centennial scholarship shall be used to support students from Bernalillo County attending NMSU.
VIPOND, BERNARD M. MEM SCH Bernard B. "Bud" Vipond Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1982, the Bernard M. "Bud" Vipond Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Engineering majoring in Civil Engineering. Recipients must be a U.S. Citizen and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.2. Must be a sophomore level student who demonstrates financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference for a student who is working.
CORLEY, BERNARD MEMORIAL Bernard Corley Memorial Scholarship The Bernard Corley Memorial Scholarship in Turf Grass Management was established in 1989 to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University students intending to pursue a career in turf management, horticulture, landscaping or related field; or students majoring in recreation management, horticulture, or a related field.
ROSALES & MCINTYRE ATHLETIC Bernie Rosales & David McIntyre Athletic Training Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Bernie Rosales & David McIntyre Athletic Training Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students in good standing. Recipients must have a declared major in Athletic Training and must demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate leadership skills, are involved in extracurricular activities, involved in community service in approved and recognized organizations and/or activities provided by the NMSU system.
ASTON, BERT & ESTHER MEM Bert and Esther Aston Memorial Scholarship Established in 1980, the Bert and Esther Aston Memorial Scholarships supports NMSU students. Recipients must be undergraduates, enrolled full-time, US citizens, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need, are New Mexico residents and who demonstrate character and leadership traits that reflect well on the university.
JEFFERS, BESSIE IRBY MEM Bessie Irby Jeffers Memorial Scholarship The Bessie Irby Jeffers Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Ruth Jeffers in 1987 to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University students registered in The Department of Family & Consumer Sciences or any such future department which specializes in this similar major such as family living, consumer affairs, or child development, personal development, only when the Department of Family & Consumer Sciences no longer exists.
NELIGAN,BETTY H & ROBERT E Betty H.and Robert E. Neligan Endowed Scholarship The Betty H. and Robert E. Neligan Endowed Scholarship Fund in Chemistry and Biochemistry was established in 1997 to make an annual award to a New Mexico State University Student who is a graduate of any established High School or its equivalent in El Paso County, Texas, majoring in chemistry at New Mexico State University.
SHINAS, BETTY & THOMAS SCH Betty Jean and Thomas James Shinas, Jr. Endowed Scholarship The Betty Jean and Thomas James Shinas, Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Betty Jean and Thomas James Shinas Jr. who wish to support students who are pursuing careers in social work so they may make a difference in their community. Each award recipient must be enrolled as a graduate level student, be pursuing a Master of Social Work Degree, and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
YOUNG, BETTY & VARNER, IVA Betty Young and Iva Varner Memorial Current Use Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended in 2010, the Betty Young and Iva Varner Memorial Current Use Scholarship is an annual $1,200 award to students enrolled in the College of Health and Social Services. Award alternates between the Department of Health Science and the School of Nursing. Dept. of Health Science student, must be a graduate level student, have a declared major in Public Health, GPA of 3.5, enrolled fulltime, and must have presented or published research on the national or international level or in a professional journal or has been accepted to present or publish research. School of Nursing student must be undergraduate or graduate level student in the nursing program, enrolled fulltime, GPA of 3.5, undergraduate level. For a graduate level student must have presented or published research on the national or international level or in a professional journal or has been accepted to present or publish research.
BEZDEK SCHOLARSHIP FUND Bezdek Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1993, the Besdek Scholarship Fund supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The income shall be used to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in Physics. Eligible candidates must have a grade point average of 3.2 or better and have a demonstrated financial need.
BICKEL FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Bickel Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019 and amended in 2020, the Bickel Family Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, state of legal residence is New Mexico, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8, be a US citizen and a graduate from a New Mexico High School. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
FORD, BILLY J. NURSING SCH Biily J. Ford Nursing Scholarship Established in 2016, the Billy J. Ford Nursing Scholarship will support NMSU Alamogordo undergraduate students with a declared Nursing Major, a minimum GPA of 3.0 and a brief essay - Why I Chose Nursing as a Career.
HUNT, BILL MEMORIAL Bill Hunt Memorial Scholarship Established in 1981, the Bill Hunt Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in an agricultural field, with a preference for a student with an expressed interested in journalism. Recipients must have a 3.0 GPA, be a New Mexico resident, and US citizen.
SHERIFF,BILL&SHARON UG SCH Bill and Sharon Sheriff Business Endowed Scholarship (Undergraduate) The Bill and Sharon Sheriff Business Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to make an award to qualified and deserving undergraduate Business students.
SHERIFF, BILL & SHARON GRAD Bill and Sharon Sheriff Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011, the Bill and Sharon Sheriff Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Recipient(s) must be enrolled in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program, be classified as a graduate level student, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a U.S. citizen and preference will be given to a student who has prior work experience by a statement of career history.
PLANTZ, BILL & SUSAN FAMILY Bill and Susan Plantz Family Endowed Scholarship The Bill and Susan Plantz Family Endowed Scholarship shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Engineering, declared major in Engineering Technology and Survey Engineering Department in academic years ending in odd numbers and the Family and Consumer Sciences or Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management Departments in academic years ending in even numbers. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate official FAFSA results.
MCKINNEY,BILLIE MAXINE PAUL Billie Maxine Paul Mckinney Endowed Scholarship The Billie Maxine Paul McKinney Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 by Betty Hope Paul Maluf-Tver. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student in the School of Nursing.
BILLS FAMILY SCH Bills Family Scholarship Fund The Bills Family Scholarship was established by Mr. Philip Bills and his family in 2001. Each award recipient must have either no living parents (or guardian) or an immediate family headed by a single parent (or guardian), be enrolled full-time at the time of application, be a U.S. citizen, be single and under the age of 25 at the time of application, have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA for entering freshmen, a minimum 2.8 cumulative NMSU GPA for continuing students, and have financial need.
BINNIE THE BOOK BUG ENDOWED Binnie the Book Bug Endowed Scholarship The fund was established by The Valley Communities Library Association, Inc and is awarded to one or more students at the Dona Ana Community College.
BLACK PROGRAMS ENDOWMENT Black Programs Endowment This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
BLACK PROGRAMS SCHOLARSHIP Black Programs Scholarship The Black Programs Scholarship supports students associated with Black Programs
THIES, BLAKE C. MEMORIAL Blake C. Thies Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2018 in memory of Blake C. Thies. Blake was a member of the Eldorado High School Varsity Baseball Team, Eldorado Student Senate, and the MAC Elite Baseball Team. He will be remembered for his infectious humor, wit, and beautiful smile. Recipients of the Blake C. Thies Endowed Memorial Scholarship must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need and graduated from El Dorado High School in Albuquerque New Mexico.
PINA, BLAS & NANCY END SCH Blas and Nancy Pina Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Blas and Nancy Pina Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be full-time students with a declared major in Finance, a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given to a Hispanic student.
BLOCK FOUNDATION SCH Block Foundation Endowed Scholarship for MBA Established by the Block Foundation in 2017, this award supports Master of Business Administration students who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and demonstrate financial need
BLOUNT ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Blount Endowed Scholarship The Blount Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 by Lawrence Blount in order to make an award to a qualified and deserving student.
BCBS OF NM WORKFORCE CU Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico Workforce Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020 and amended in 2024, the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico Workforce Current Use Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Health and Social Services. Recipients must have a declared major in Nursing or Social Work or their successor disciplines, must be classified as a senior level student, and must be a resident of New Mexico. Preference for students who express commitment (such as a pledge) to live in New Mexico after graduation and seek nursing or social work associated employment preferably related to behavioral health as evidenced in educational and career goals in scholarship application.
HOPE & HUBBARD VETERANS Bob Hope-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Veterans Endowed Scholarship Established in 1974 and amended in 2021, the Bob Hope-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Veterans Scholarship Fund supports NMSU student veterans. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and discharged under honorable conditions, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior level student.
BOB KELLY SERVICE FIRST SCH Bob Kelly Service First Scholarship Established in 2022, the Bob Kelley Service First Scholarship supports students in the Department of Athletics. Recipients must be an undergraduate student in good standing, be a student-athlete on the NMSU football team, and have a high-level (25 hours) of community service hours.
PORTER, BOB ENDOWED SCH Bob Porter Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011, the Bob Porter Endowed Scholarship supports an undergraduate student with a declared a major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Recipient must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student.
WATKINS BOB AND GWEN CHEM Bob and Gwen Watkins Chemical and Materials Engineering Endowed Scholarship The scholarship founders recognized the positive impact that an NMSU Chemical Engineering education has had on their lives and established the Bob and Gwen Watkins Chemical and Materials Engineering Endowed Scholarship at NMSU in appreciation and acknowledgement. The purpose of this scholarship is to facilitate ongoing Chemical Engineering education at New Mexico State University for the benefit of deserving, need based students and their families.
CAMPBELL, BOBBY G & RANDY Bobby G. Campbell and Randy G. Campbell Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2000 and amended in 2017 and 2020 the Bobby G. Campbell and Randy G. Campbell Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the MBA graduate program, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and maybe renewed.
CREEL, BOBBY J ENDOWED SCH Bobby J. Creel Endowed Scholarship The Bobby J. Creel Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 and amended in 2020. Recipients must be classified as a graduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and have a declared major in Water Science and Management.
LOWENSTEIN, BONNIE Bonnie Lowenstein Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Bonnie Lowenstein Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 1993 to make an annual award to a student enrolled in horticulture, floriculture, landscape design, conservation, Agronomy, plant pathology, environmental control, land management or an allied subject.
BOTTLING GROUP, LLC SCH Bottling Group, LLC ( Created in 2017, the Bottling Group, LLC ("PepsiCo") Current Use Scholarship supports nine undergraduate students, divided equally. Must be classified as a junior or senior level student, have a declared major in the College of Business and maintain a cumulative 2.75 GPA.
GORDON, BRAD & JACQUI SCH Brad and Jacqui Gordon Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Brad and Jacqui Gordon Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Finance, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.4. The scholarship may not be renewed.
BRADBURY-STAMM ENDOWED SCH Bradbury-Stamm Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009 as the Bradbury-Stamm President''s Associates Current Use Scholarship and amended in 2019 to the Bradbury-Stamm Endowed Scholarship. This endowed scholarship supports student in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering or Civil Engineering Technology, be enrolled full-time and maintain a minimum cumulative PGA of 3.0.
BRANCATI FOUNDATION END SCH Brancati Foundation Student Leadership Award in the School of Hotel, Restuarant, and Tourism Management Established in 2013 and amended in 2015 and 2017 the Brancati Foundation Student Leadership Award supports the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Recipients must have a declared major in the School of HRTM, be classified as a junior or senior level students, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference for students that have leadership in HRTM student groups, activities, etc. as evidenced on the scholarship application.
STREIT, BRANDY K MEMORIAL Brandy K. Streit Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2004, amended in 2016 and 2021, the Brandy K. Streit Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate full-time students in good standing and majoring in Computer Science. Recipients must have a GPA of 3.0 with a preference for military veterans, military reserve members or active ROTC members.
BRAVE GIRL END SCH SPEC EDU Brave Girl Endowed Scholarship for Special Education Established in 2024, the Brave Girl Endowed Scholarship for Special Education will be used to provide one or more scholarships to undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in Special Education or its successor discipline, must be a full-time undergraduate student in good standing, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and must be a resident of New Mexico.
BRAZITO COMMUNITY CENTER Brazito Community Center Endowed Scholarship Funds in the Brazito Community Center Scholarship endowment are used to provide scholarship support to full time upper-class students who are New Mexico residents who may not have received any other scholarship support.
ALVAREZ, B & J FAMILY END. Brenda and Joe Alvarez Family Endowed Scholarship The Brenda and Joe Alvarez Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 and amended in 2015. The income from this fund is to be used to make awards to an undergraduate student in the College of Business. Must be enrolled full-time, must have a declared major, must be classified as a junior or senior level student. Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be a graduate of a New Mexico high school and preference for a Hispanic student(s).
WINWARD, BRETT&ALISHA HEST Brett & Alisha Winward College of HEST Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Brett & Alisha Winward College of HEST Endowed Scholarships to undergraduate students. Recipients must be a junior or senior level student in good standing. Must have a declared major in elementary education or its successor discipline, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
WINWARD, BRETT & ALISHA COB Brett and Alisha Winward College of Business Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015 and amended in 2024, the Brett and Alisha Winward College of Business Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students. Recipients must be a junior or senior level student in good standing, have a declared major in finance and accounting or their successor disciplines and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
PALORMO, BRIAN AND ANN MEM Brian D. and Ann M. Palormo Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Brian D. and Ann M. Palormo Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 and amended in 2016. The award recipient must be pursuing a Bachelor''s degree in Creative Media through the NMSU Creative Media Institute, must be a junior during the initial award semester and preference will be given to a student whose interest is in cinematography or screen writing.
BROOKS & DUNN, ACTS/HUBBARD Brooks and Dunn-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010 and amended in 2021, the Brooks and Dunn-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business, Department of Music and the Department of Agricultural Business and Agricultural Economics. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be a member of the NMSU Rodeo Team.
YELVINGTON, BROWNING M MEM Browning M. Yelvington Memorial Endowed ROTC Scholarship Established in 2021, the Browning M. Yelvington Memorial Endowed ROTC Scholarship supports the NMSU ROTC programs. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and be enrolled in an NMSU ROTC program.
ERHARD, BRUCE END SCH Bruce Erhard Endowed Scholarship The Bruce Erhard Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student majoring in Horticulture. The award recipient must be a sophomore, junior or senior majoring in Horticulture, and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.8.
PEDRICK, BRYANT E. MEM SCH Bryant E. Pedrick Memorial Scholarship The Bryant E. Pedrick Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarship awards to undergraduate students who might not otherwise be able to attend.
BOWERMAN, BRYCE MEM END SCH Bryce Bowerman Memorial Endowed Scholarship This scholarship was founded in honor of Bryce Bowerman. Bryce was majoring in Animal Science at loved being an Aggie. Bryce was happiest outdoors, especially hunting, fishing and working cattle. He was a dedicated member of the FFA organization and mentored younger members. As a giving person, he would have wanted others to have the same opportunities as he had, therefore in honor of Bryce this memorial scholarship was set up for New Mexico students, majoring in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and active FFA or 4H members.
WAID, BUCK & EVELYN SCH Buck and Evelyn Waid Academic Scholarship The "Buck" and Evelyn Waid Academic Scholarship was established in 2014 through the estate of Evelyn B. Wait in order to honor the legacy of the donor family by making awards to qualified and deserving students at New Mexico State University.
BUDENHOLZER FAMILY SCH Budenholzer Family Scholarship The Budenholzer Family Scholarship was established in 1990 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Engineering. Each award recipient must have a high school grade point average of 3.0 or a B.
PELTON,BUNFORD STUDY ABROAD Bunford "Bumpy" S. Pelton Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Bunford ''Bumpy'' S. Pelton Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship supports students who study abroad through the NMSU Department of International Programs. The recipients must be classified as a junior or senior in good standing, an enrolled in any short or long term NMSU sponsored study abroad. Preference will be given to students studying in Asia and to Latino or Hispanic students. The intent of this scholarship is to ease the financial burden of students and hopefully one day, they will pay it forward.
PELTON, BUNFORD COUNSELING Bunford Bumpy S. Pelton Counseling Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Bunford ''Bumpy'' S. Pelton Counseling Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Education. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior level student in good standing, and be pursuing a BS in Counseling and Community Psychology. Preference for students who demonstrate financial need and who demonstrate leadership. The intent of this scholarship is to ease the financial burden of students and hopefully one day, they will pay it forward.
PELTON, BUNFORD GAP SCH Bunford Bumpy S. Pelton Gap Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Bunford ''Bumpy'' S. Pelton GAP Endowed Scholarship supports students at DACC. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC, have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours, have a declared major, or field of study and preference shall be given to students who have a gap in their educational sequence between high school and college. The intent of this scholarship is to ease the financial burden of students and hopefully one day, they will pay it forward.
PELTON, BUNFORD TEACHING Bunford Bumpy S. Pelton Teaching Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Bunford ''Bumpy'' S. Pelton Teaching Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Education. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior level student in good standing, and be pursuing a BS in Education. Preference for students pursuing a teaching career in STEM, demonstrate financial need and who demonstrate leadership. The intent of this scholarship is to ease the financial burden of students and hopefully one day, they will pay it forward.
BURKE INSURANCE GROUP SCH Burke Insurance Group, LLC. Current Use Scholarship Created in 2015 and amended in 2021, The Burke Insurance Group, LLC Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students in the College of Business. Must have a declared major in finance. Must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must be classified as a junior or senior level student. Preference for students with a declared minor in risk management and insurance. Preference to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference for a student who demonstrates leadership skills/extracurricular activities/community service, and participation in an approved and recognized organization/activities in the NMSU system.
BURRELL COLLEGE OF OSTEO ME Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Current Use Scholarship Established in 2019 and amended in 2023, the Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine Current Use Scholarship supports NMSU students enrolled in the Osteopathic Medicine Pathway Program. Recipients must have an annual FAFSA on file, be classified as a freshman level student for first year eligibility, enrolled full-time at the Las Cruces campus, remain eligible for the NMSU Osteopathic Medicine Pathway Program, be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, Arizona or Texas.
STUDENT BUSINESS Business Club Scholarship
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS SCH. Business General College Scholarships The College of Business Scholarship is funded by alumni, friends, and faculty of the College of Business, scholarships are provided to various full-time students.
BUSINESS MENTORING SCH Business Mentoring Scholarship The Business Mentoring Scholarship benefits any undergraduate student who receive mentoring support from Business alumni.
CRANDALL, BYRON MEM. SCH Byron Crandall Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1990, the Bryon Crandall Memorial Scholarship will be used for to support scholarships for students with financial need.
PINCKLEY, BYRON MEMORIAL Byron Pinckley Memorial Scholarship The Byron Pinckley Memorial Scholarship was established in 1981 to provide scholarships to students majoring in Agricultural Biology or Pest Management who show academic achievement and promise.
C&J EQUIPMENT MANUF CU SCH C&J Equipment Manufacturing Current Use Scholarship Created in 2018, the C&J Equipment Manufacturing Current Use Scholarship supports one undergraduate student, one half payable in the fall semester, one half in the spring semester. If the recipient is not eligible for the spring award another recipient may be selected. recipient must be classified as a sophomore or junior, must be enrolled full time, be a New Mexico resident, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0; maximum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Student must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
JAEDICKE, JR. DALE C. MEM. C. Dale Jaedicke, Jr. Memorial Scholarship The C. Dale Jaedicke Jr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in 1990.
C. GERALD KING ENGINEERING C. Gerald King Engineering Scholarship The C. Gerald King Engineering Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 by C. Gerald (Jerry) King. Mr. King is a native of Corona, New Mexico and was married to Emily (Johnson) King of Carrizozo. He graduated with a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering in 1958 and joined Boeing as a design engineer where he worked and held numerous executive level positions during his 39 years with the company. The income is to be used to make awards to undergraduate students majoring in mechanical engineering.
STITH, C.H. FOUND. MEM END C. H. Stith Endowed Memorial Scholarship The C.H. Stith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1974 to provide scholarships to undergraduate students in need who have at least a 2.5 grade point average.
FORD, C. Q. SCHOLARSHIP C. Q. Ford Scholarship Established in 1989, the C.Q. Ford Scholarship Fund will be used to support scholarships in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be a full-time sophomore, junior or senior level students, maintain a 3.5 GPA, a New Mexico resident, and a U.S. citizen.
STITH, C.H. & ORIS END MEM C.H. & Oris Stith Endowed Memorial Scholarship The C.H. and Oris Stith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1966 to provide scholarship awards to students.
KWOK-YEUNG, CHIU TRF SCH CHIU Kwok-Yeung Transfer Scholarship for Community Health Students The CHIU Kwok-Yeung Transfer Scholarship for Community Health Students was established in 2005 to honor the head of the CHIU family, Mr. CHIU Kwok-Yeung, founder of Kou Hing Hong Scientific Supplies of Kowloon, Hong Kong. This fund is to be used to award a transfer student who has earned an Associate of Applied Science in Public Health degree from the Dona Ana Branch Community College, who is enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Community Health Program in the Department of Health Science in the College of Health and Social Services.
TRACEY, CHP CAPTAIN GREGORY CHP Captain Gregory Tracey Endowed Scholarship The CHP Captain Gregory Tracey Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 by CHP Captain Gregory Tracey in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
CLARK-KROPP SCHOLARSHIP CLARK-KROPP Endowed Scholarship Fund The Clark-Kropp Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award to junior or senior level students enrolled in the Department of History.
JEFFERSON,CSM MW ARMY ROTC CSM (ret.) Michael W. Jefferson Army ROTC Endowed Scholarship The Michael W. Jefferson Army ROTC Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2009 to make an annual awards to a cadets in the Army ROTC program.
CADASTRAL SURVEYING SCH Cadastral Surveying Endowed Sc The Cadastral Surveying Scholarship was established in 1994 to support students in Survey Engineering.
KITTLESON, CAL END MEM Cal Kittleson Memorial Scholarship Fund The Cal Kittleson Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to make an annual award to one or more students in the Music Department who are woodwind players.
CROWDER, CALVIN ENDOWED SCH Calvin Crowder Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Calvin Crowder Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Business. Student must be enrolled full-time, be a student in good standing, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference for a student who is from Sierra County and demonstrates leadership skills/extracurricular activities and community service.
ACOSTA, CAMERON E. SCH Cameron E. Acosta ''Cowboy Up 33'' Endowed Scholarship The Cameron E. Acosta "Cowboy up 33" Endowed Scholarship was established by Fred and Kimberly Acosta in 2011 to honor the memory of Cameron Acosta. The fund was created with the purpose of making an award to one or more students who have declared a major in Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, Animal and Range Sciences, Entomology, Plant Pathology, & Weed Science, and Plant and Environmental Sciences.
CAMINO REAL ENVIRONMENTAL Camino Real Environmental Center Adult Basic Education Current Use Scholarship Created in 2007 and amended in 2024, the Camino Real Environmental Center Adult Basic Education Current Use Scholarship support undergraduate students at DACC. Recipients must me enrolled in a minimum of 12 hours of Adult Education and complete a pre-test, attain a High School Equivalency Credential or complete at minimum 40 hours of Adult Education coursework plus complete a post-test. Preference to students who are residents of Sunland Park or Chaparra, New Mexico. Preference to students who apply for post-secondary enrollment and/or micro-credential.
CAMUNEZ-HUTCHINSON SCHOL Camunez-Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship The Camunez-Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support an undergraduate student from the College of Business, and another from the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Each recipient must have a declared major in College of Business or HRTM, and be scheduled to participate in an internship, co-op, or work-study program with real world experience relevant to their majors. Students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and hold legal New Mexico residency. Preference is given toward students who demonstrate financial need.
STERN, CANDIS J. END SCH Candis J. Stern Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Candis J. Stern Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in art with an emphasis in museum conservation and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students who are enrolled or have been enrolled in a museum conservation internship.
CANDIS J STERN INST MUSEUM Candis J. Stern Institute for Museum Art Conservation Established in 2021, the Candis J. Stern Institute for Museum Art Conservation Fund supports the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences. Expenditures from this fund will be used to support the Directorship of the Museum Conservation program in achieving a nationally competitive salary; encourage student excellence (scholarships), foster the studio facility (equipment and materials); and support the development of a Conservation Institute to serve our region and train students at New Mexico State University. If the initial purpose of this endowment becomes unlawful, impracticable, impossible to achieve or wasteful, expenditures from this fund will be used to support the following areas, in order of preference: 1.Department of Art General Unrestricted Funds 2.Department of Art Student Scholarships 3. NMSU Museum of Art Outreach and Education.
GRIFFITH, CAPT EDWARD MEM. Captain Edward Griffith Memorial Scholarship The Capt. Edward Griffith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1973 to award scholarships to sophomore or junior students in the Army ROTC program who have an interest in a military career.
TYRE, CARL A MEMORIAL SPAN Carl A. Tyre Memorial Award The Carl A. Tyre Memorial Spanish Language & Literature Award was established in 1975 to make an award to the best all-around Senior student majoring in Hispanic language and literature.
TURNER, CARL M. END SCH Carl M. Turner Endowed Scholarship The Carl M. Turner Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 to make annual award(s) students who maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or better. Recipients and/or immediate family must be a member of a New Mexico rural electric or telephone cooperative.
FAUBION,CARL&JOAN END FUND Carl and Joan Faubion Endowed Fund The Carl and Joan Faubion Endowed Fund was established in 2005 to support the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
GUTIERREZ, CARLOS & PATRICIA Carlos I. and Patricia B. Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship The Carlos I. and Patricia B. Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to award undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens, New Mexico residents, and are in "good standing" with the university.
WITMORE, CARLTON END SCH Carlton (Carlos) M. Witmore El Picante de la Vida Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 by Barbara K. Witmore, this endowment honors the memory of Carl Witmore''s generosity and desire to bless others. "El Picante de la Vida" (the spice of life) embodies Carl''s love of hot peppers and the great joy he shared. Recipients of this scholarship must be graduate level students in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences with an interest in conducting research with the Chile Pepper Institute. Students must have financial need and have a minimum GPA of 3.2. Preference in awarding will be given to veterans.
HERBEL,CARLTON&CAROLYN END Carlton H. and Carolene C. Herbel Endowed Scholarship Fund The Carlton H. and Carolene C. Herbel Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The award recipients must be undergraduate or graduate students majoring in range science.
MARTINEZ, CARLY MEM SCH Carly Martinez Memorial Scholarship The Carly Martinez Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Martinez in 1998 to make an annual award with a preference to freshmen students. Eligible candidates for this award must be residents of El Paso County or Dona Ana County who are eligible for financial aid.
SUTHERLAND, CAROL & ROBERT Carol & Robert Sutherland Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Carol & Robert Sutherland Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must be a junior, senior, or graduate level student with a declared major in the College of ACES. Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for undergraduate and 3.0 for graduate level student. Must demonstrate financial need and a preference for a student who is a resident of New Mexico.
GORDON, CAROL MEMORIAL Carol Gordon Memorial Scholarship The Carol Gordon Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 to provide scholarships to junior, senior, or graduate students in Fishery & Wildlife Sciences.
OWENSBY, CAROL & FRED END Carol and Fred Owensby Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Carol and Fred Owensby Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Agricultural Economics/Agricultural Business. Preference will be given to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. The scholarship is renewable as long as the student maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and meets the criteria.
GEORGE, CAROLINE MEMORIAL Caroline E. George Graduate Fellowship The Caroline E. George Graduate Fellowship is a scholarship established by Myron O. George in 2008 to make an award to a graduate student in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. Each award recipient must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
THOMPSON, C. & F. THEATRE Caroline L. and Frederic C. Thompson Endowed Scholarship In The Department Of Theatre Arts In The College Of Arts And Sciences The Caroline L. and Frederic C. Thompson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students.
THOMPSON, C. & F. KEYBOARD Caroline and Fred Thompson Endowed Keyboard Scholarship The Caroline and Fred Thompson Endowed Keyboard Scholarship was established in 2010 to make an award to an undergraduate or graduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared major in music; be a student studying keyboard, piano, or organ; and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
GEYER, CARRIE E. SCH Carrie Elisabeth Geyer Memorial Scholarship The Carrie Elisabeth Geyer Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to make annual awards to one or more senior level students enrolled in the College of Education majoring in Special Education.
DARNELL, CASEY & BLAIR END Casey and Blair Darnell Endowed Scholarship The Casey and Blair Darnell Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make awards on an annual basis to one or more undergraduate students who will be or are participating on the New Mexico State University Horse Judging Team.
KINZER, CATHY MEMORIAL Cathy Kinzer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 in memory of Dr. Cathy Kinzer. Dr. Kinzer was an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at New Mexico State University who worked tirelessly to improve teaching and learning for all students. She earned her Masters of Arts in Teaching Mathematics from NMSU in 1993 and her Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Mathematics Education from NMSU in 2005. It was through her experiences in the classroom that she came to passionately believe and advocate for the right of all students to have access to excellent mathematics learning opportunities.
CELEBRATE HEALTH&SOC. SVCS Celebrate Health and Social Services Endowed Scholarship The Celebrate Health and Social Services Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an award to an undergraduate or graduate student. The award will rotate annually among the three departments/schools in the college of Health and Social Services. Each award recipient must be enrolled full time, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, have financial need, and be involved in a chartered student organization within the college.
CENTER FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES Center for Public Utilities Endowed Graduate Scholarship Established in 2012, the Center for Public Utilities Endowed Graduate Scholarship supports graduate students accepted into the Master of Arts in Economics program offered through the Department of Economics, Applied Statistics and International Business.
CENTER PUBLIC UTILITIES GRA Center for Public Utilities Graduate Student Scholarship Created in 2024, the Center for Public Utilities Graduate Student Scholarship supports graduate students. Recipients must be a master''s level student in good standing, must have a declared major in Economics and be pursuing a concentration in Public Utility Policy and Regulation, or Master of Business Administration and be pursuing a concentration in Public Utility Regulations, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must have completed their bachelor''s degree at NMSU.
DAY, CHARLES PHARMACY MEM Charles Day Memorial-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Charles Day Memorial-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be classified as a junior level student and be enrolled in the UNM/NMSU Cooperative Pharmacy Program.
STILLWELL, CHARLES E. MEM. Charles E. Stillwell Memorial Scholarship The Charles E. Stillwell Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Arts and Sciences.
ABERNETHY,CHARLES E FELLOW Charles Ernest Abernethy Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Civil Engineering
HIGGINS, CHARLES H END MEM Charles H. Higgins Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Charles H. Higgins Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 to make an annual award to students majoring in Electrical Engineering who have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
HARLAN GRAHAM, CHARLES SCH Charles Harlan Graham Memorial Endowed Scholarship This Endowed Scholarship was established in 2017 by Laurie Guinn and Mike Graham to honor the memory of the late Charles Harlan Graham, his passion for the great outdoors, and his great heart. Scholarship recipients must have declared a major in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and they must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students whose legal residence is New Mexico.
COY, CHARLES I. END ENGR Charles I. Coy Endowment The Charles I. Coy Endowment was established in 2007 to make an award to an undergraduate student to help with costs associated with pursuing and taking the FE exam. The award recipient must be pursuing a degree in the College of Engineering, provide proof of registration for the FE exam, and be classified as a senior.
CALHOUN,CHARLES MEMORIAL Charles L. Calhoun Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Charles L. Calhoun Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students who seek to pursue careers as mental health counselors or treatment providers. Student must be enrolled in one of following graduate programs: Marriage and Family Therapy Program, Social Work or Counseling and Educational Psychology programs and Family/Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 and have financial need.
EBERHARDT, CHARLES MEM Charles L. Eberhardt Memorial Scholarship The Charles L. Eberhardt Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 1981. The income is used to provide scholarship support to students in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications or may be used as a student fund for travel etc. for members of Society of Professional Journalists.
BRYANT,CHARLES&PAULINE SCH Charles L. and Pauline Bryant Scholarship The Charles L. and Pauline (Johnston) Bryant Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 to make an annual award to incoming freshmen who are graduates of a Quay County High School, and who have been residents of Quay County for at least four years. Each award recipient must have maintained a grade point average of 2.5 or better in high school and have demonstrated financial need.
GUNN,C.M.&PARKER,B.L. MEM Charles M. Gunn and Barbara L. Parker Memorial Scholarship The Charles M. Gunn and Barbara L. Parker Memorial Scholarship was originally established in 1984 in order to provide awards to students at NMSU.
SPHAR, CHARLES M & PAMELA S Charles M. and Pamela S. Sphar Endowed Scholarship The Charles M. and Pamela S. Sphar Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 and amended in 2020. Recipients must be graduate students, have a declared major in the Department of English, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, must demonstrate financial need.
SWARTZ, CHARLES END SCH Charles Swartz Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Charles Swartz Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts & Sciences majoring in Mathematical Sciences. Preference will be given to graduate assistants.
ASBURY, CHARLES "TED" END Charles Ted Asbury Endowed Scholarship The Charles "Ted" Asbury Endowed Scholarship was established in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate students that are veterans of the U.S. military in the Engineering college.
WHITE, CHARLES & LINDA SCH. Charles and Linda White Endowed Scholarship The Charles and Linda White Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to an entering freshman student enrolled in the College of Education who is a graduate of a New Mexico public high school.
SWARTZ, CHARLES&NITA MATH G Charles and Nita Swartz Department of Mathematical Sciences Graduate Student Scholarship Created in 2023 and amended in 2024, the Charles and Nita Swartz Department of Mathematical Sciences Student Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in good standing with a GPA of 2.5 undergraduate, 3.0 graduate level. Recipient must have a declared major in the Department of Mathematical Sciences or its successor department.
NASON, CHARLES WILLOUGHBY Charles and Willoughby Nason Endowed Fund The Charles and Willoughby Nason Endowed Fund was established by Alexandra Nason Hall and friends of the Center for Latin American and Border Studies in 1980 in order to support certain areas in the Center for Latin American Border Studies.
LEE, CHARLES T. MEM. SCH. Charlie T. Lee Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2003, the Charles T. Lee Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU-Alamogordo student. Recipients must be an Otero County resident and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. First preference for a student who has participated in 4-H. Second preference for a student who has participated in FFA. Recipient must submit an essay describing how 4-H and/or FFA has influenced this/her academic goals.
CHEEMA BIOLOGY ENDOWED SCH Cheema Biology Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Cheema Biology Endowed Scholarship shall be awarded to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in Biology, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, and be classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. Preference will be given to a first generation college student.
CHEEMA CHEMISTRY END SCH Cheema Chemistry Endowed Scholarship Jagdev and Linda Cheema established this endowed scholarship in 2017 to support students in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Recipients for this renewable award must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be classified as sophomore, junior, or senior level students. Preference in selection shall be given to students who are the first generation in their families to attend college.
CHEEMA GEOLOGY ENDOWED SCH Cheema Geology Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Cheema Geology Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in Geological Sciences, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5, and be classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior level student. Preference will be given to a first generation college student.
ZECK, CHEF MAURICE & LINDA Chef Maurice and Linda Zeck Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Chef Maurice and Linda Zeck Endowed Scholarship supports students with a declared major in the School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management. Preference for a member of the National Society for Minorities in Hospitality. Preference for a student enrolled in the culinary program. Preference shall be given to a student who is classified as a freshman or sophomore.
CHEM ENGR DEPARTMENT SCH Chemical Engineering Scholarship
CHEMISTRY & BIOCHEMISTRY Chemistry & Biochemistry Departmental Fund
DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY Chemistry Scholarships
KIRBY, CHERYL L NEW BEG END Cheryl L. Kirby New Beginnings Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018 the Cheryl L. Kirby New Beginnings Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students. Student must be enrolled at the Las Cruces campus, maintain a 3.0 GPA, have a declared major in a STEM discipline, have a gap in his/her educational sequence.
CHEVRON PHILLIPS SCHOLARS Chevron Phillips Scholars Created in 2014, the Chevron Phillips Scholars fund supports students in the College of Engineering.
CHI EPSILON HONORARY SCH Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Scholarship The Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Scholarship was established in 1982 to honor students who have excelled academically and been involved in civil engineering with scholarships.
CHI OMEGA GOLDEN ANNIV. Chi Omega Golden Anniversary Endowed Scholarship The Chi Omega Golden Anniversary Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 to make an annual award to one or more students who are members in good standing of Chi Omega Fraternity. Eligible candidates for this award must be sophomores, juniors, or seniors.
CHICANO PROGRAM ALUMNI END Chicano Programs Alumni Endowed Scholarship Established by Antonio and Michelle Hernandez in 2010, this fund supports full-time junior or senior level students who demonstrate financial need and are members (for at leasat one year) or officers (for at least one semester) of a student organization within the Chicano Programs.
CHICANO PROGRAMS SCH. Chicano Programs Scholarship This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
CHILDREN OF NMSU CLASS. EMP Children of NMSU Employees Centennial Scholarship The title of the fund shall be the Children of NMSU Classified Employees Endowed Scholarship Fund. Contributions from classified employees will support this fund.
KELLEY, CHRISTINA CHAVEZ Christina Chavez Kelley Endowed Scholarship The Christina Chavez Kelley Endowed Scholarship was established by the long-time Aggie, in 2015. The award was created to support undergraduate students classified as a freshman or sophomore, who have a cumulative 2.75 GPA, are U.S. citizens, and whose legal residence is New Mexico. Preference is given to first generation students. If there are no first generation students in the applicant pool, preference shall be given to a student whose parent(s) are NMSU Aggie alumni.
DULANY, CHRISTOPHER SCH Christopher Dulany Endowed Scholarship Christopher Dulany established this Endowed Scholarship at in 2016 to be awarded to one or more undergraduate students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 and are members of social fraternities or sororities with an active charter at NMSU. Preference shall be given to a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity.
FOREMAN, CHUB & CAROL SCH Chub and Carol Foreman Endowed Scholarship The Chub and Carol Foreman Endowed Scholarship shall be awarded to two or more undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering, be enrolled full-time and can be renewed.
DAVIS, CHUCK SECOND CHANCE Chuck Davis Second Chance Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Chuck Davis Second Chance Endowed Scholarship supports students at Dona Ana Community College. The income shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate students for 1/2 the amount of tuition and fees. Recipients must have full-time enrollment, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, demonstrate financial need and complete a personal statement in the scholarship application. Preference will be given to Dona Ana County residents and to a student who has a gap in their educational sequence between high school and college or whose post-secondary education has been interrupted.This award is renewable.
SHAFER, CHUCK MEMORIAL SCH Chuck Shafer Memorial Scholarship The Chuck Schafer Memorial Softball Endowment was established in 1987 to award a scholarship to an outstanding softball player of Dona Ana County to serve as an incentive to encourage college attendance.
SCHILLO, CHUCK & ANITA END Chuck and Anita Schillo Endowment Fund The Chuck and Anita Schillo Endowed Fund was established in 2002 to support the concert, jazz and marching bands at New Mexico State University.
TRIVIZ,R MEM&CITIZENS BANK Citizens Bank/Robert Triviz Memorial Scholarship The Citizens Bank/Robert Triviz Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to make an award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Business.
CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPT FUND Civil Engineering Departmental Fund
ENGR TECH -CE ALUMNI SCH Civil Engineering Technology Alumni Scholarship The Civil Engineering Technology Alumni Scholarship was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for students majoring in Engineering Technology - Civil.
CLASS OF 1937 CENTENNIAL Cl;ass of 1937 Centennial The Class of 1937 Centennial Scholarship was created during NMSU''s centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
WICKER, CLABE END. SCH FUND Clabe Wicker Endowed Scholarship Fund The Clabe Wicker Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by the family of Clabe Wicker in 1999 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Civil, Agricultural and Geological Engineering Department of the College of Engineering.
WILLIAMS, CLARA FAMILY SCH. Clara B. Williams Family Endowed Scholarship The Clara B. Williams Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an annual award to one undergraduate student. Each award recipient must have declared major in the College of Education, be a new entering freshman, and have a minimum 2.5 high school grade point average.
WILLIAMS, CLARA B. SCH. Clara Belle Williams Endowed Scholarship The Clara B. Williams Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an annual award to junior or senior level student with a declared major in the College of Education.
GARCIA, CLARISSA SCH Clarissa D. Garcia Endowed Scholarship Established in 2003 and amended in 2011, the Clarissa D. Garcia Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students who are student teaching during the fall or spring semester of their senior year. Must have a declared major in the College of Education KNA College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation. Must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. Must demonstrate ongoing service to the community with a preference to service youth organizations.
CLASS OF 1919 SCH MEDAL Class of 1919 Scholarship Medal Established in 1984, the Class of 1919 Scholarship Medal funds were used to purchase a medal for an NMSU undergraduate student with the highest academic honors. The medal is no longer purchased, but a monetary award goes to an NMSU undergraduate student with the highest academic honors annually.
CLASS OF 1926 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1926 Scholarship The Class of 1926 Scholarship was established in 1978 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of at least 2.0 who are descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1928 Class of 1928 Scholarship Funds in the Class of 1928 scholarship endowment support students from New Mexico attending New Mexico State University.
CLASS OF 1929 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1929 Scholarship Fund The Class of 1929 Scholarship was established in 1979 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of 2.0 or above who are preferably descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1930 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1930 Scholarship The Class of 1930 Scholarship was established in 1980 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of 2.0 or above who are preferably descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1931 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1931 Scholarship The Class of 1931 Scholarship was established in 1982 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of 2.0 or above who are preferably descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1932 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1932 Scholarship The Class of 1932 Scholarship was established in 1982 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of 2.0 or above who are preferably descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1933 SCHOLARSHIP Class of 1933 Scholarship The Class of 1933 Scholarship was established in 1984 to award scholarships to upperclassmen students with a grade point average of 2.0 or above who are preferably descendants of NMSU alumni.
CLASS OF 1935 CENTENNIAL Class of 1935 Centennial Scholarship The Class of 1935 Centennial Scholarship fund was created during the university''s centennial celebration to support scholarships for students attending NMSU.
CLASS OF 1936 CENTENNIAL Class of 1936 Centennial Scholarship The Class of 1936 centennial scholarship fund was established during the university''s centennial celebration to support scholarships for students attending NMSU.
CLASS OF 1969 (INAUG YR) Class of 1969 (Inaugural Year) Industrial Engineering Endowed Scholarship The Class of 1969 (Inaugural Year) Industrial Engineering Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 by Mr. Philip Bills. This fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient(s) must be pursuing a bachelor''s degree in Industrial Engineering, be enrolled full time, be a citizen of the United States, be under the age of 28 at the time of application, have already obtained at least 30 graded NMSU credits, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, and have participated (or is planning to participate) in Cooperative Education through the NMSU Cooperative Education Office.
THARP, CLAUDE & AVALENE Claud and Avalene Tharp Scholarship Established in 1998, the Claud & Avalene Tharp Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 2.25.
DOVE, CLAUDE & ESSIE FUND Claude C. & Essie D. Dove Scho The Claude C. & Essie D. Dove Memorial fund was established in 1979 to support a scholarship in the College of Education. The scholarship shall be granted to a student with a teaching field emphasis in the area of early childhood education.
WANER, CLAUDE MEMORIAL SCH Claude Waner Memorial Scholarship The Claude Waner Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Fishery and Wildlife Science.
HENDRICKS, CLEMENT MEM Clement Hendricks Memorial Scholarship The Clement Hendricks Memorial Endowment Fund was established in 1979 to provide funds for research in the area of sheep and wool production and in the event all the funds are not used in any one year, the remaining amount can be used for scholarships for students enrolled in animal husbandry and range management.
ROSS,CLIFFORD&COOPER COACH Clifford Ross and Cooper CPA''s Aggie Football Coach''s Excellence Endowed Fund The Clifford Ross and Cooper CPAs Aggie Football Coach''s Excellence Endowed Fund was established in 2008 in order to make funds available for the NMSU Director of Athletics and NMSU Football Coach to utilize as they see fit.
CLIFFORD, ROSS & COOPER AAF Clifford, Ross and Cooper CPAs Aggie Athletics Fund (AAF) Endowed Scholarship The Clifford, Ross and Cooper CPAs Aggie Athletics Fund Endowed Scholarship to provide two (2) awards annually to students who are in good standing according to NMSU Athletics guidelines.
COBANK STUDENT LEADERSHIP CoBank Endowed Student Leadership Fund The CoBank Endowed Student Leadership Fund was established in 2013 by CoBank in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MURPHY, COACH EDWARD SCH Coach Edward (Ed) Murphy Endowed Scholarship The Coach Edward (Ed) Murphy Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006. The income is to be used to make an award to a student pursuing a degree in the College of Business at NMSU who has the drive and potential to obtain a degree and demonstrates outstanding character and attitude.
COFFEE/CASTILLO ENDOWED Coffee/Castillo Endowed Scholarship The Coffee/Castillo Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in honor of Francis and JoAnn Coffee, Emiliano and Lucy Castillo, and William and Virginia Coffee, all of whom are devoted to community and education. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in electrical engineering and have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Scholarship recipients must be a graduate from a New Mexico high school, preferably Los Lunas High School. Preference is also given to those who demonstrate financial need, and are first generation students attending college.
COLFAX COUNTY CENTENNIAL Colfax County Centennial Endowed Scholarship The Colfax County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
WILLIAMSON, C STDY ABROAD Colin Williamson Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship The Colin Williamson Study Abroad Scholarship will be used to make a cash award according to the following: must be an undergraduate student, have a sophomore classification or higher, have a 3.0 or better GPA, have demonstrated financial need, be a US citizen, and preference will be given to students accepted into ISEP or other NMSU sponsored study-abroad programs.
WHITFORD, COLLEEN MEM. SCH Colleen Whitford Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Colleen "Coco" Whitford Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Nursing program in the College of Human and Community Services.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS END SCH College of Business Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2023, the College of Business Endowed Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate or graduate students with any major within the College of Business. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and must be in good standing.
EDUCATION ENDOWED SCH. College of Education Endowed Scholarship The College of Education Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2002. The income from this fund is to be used to support scholarship awards in the College of Education.
FOUNTAIN, COL ALBERT END SC Colonel Albert Fountain Endowed Scholarship The Colonel Albert Fountain Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award junior or senior undergraduate students with a declared major in criminal justice with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
CORDOVA, COL DOUGLAS ROTC Colonel Douglas P. Cordova Endowed ROTC Scholarship Established in 2022, the Colonel Douglas P. Cordova Endowed ROTC Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, in good standing enrolled in a NMSU ROTC program, maintain a GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. Preference given to a student enrolled in an USAF ROTC program.
WAID, COL ELWOOD J. ROTC Colonel Elwood J. Buck Waid Endowed Scholarship The Colonel Elwood J. Buck Waid Endowed Scholarship was established by Major General (R) Tommy Crawford and Judy Crawford in 2008 to make an award to an undergraduate student. Each award recipient must be an Air Force ROTC Cadet and a U.S. Citizen.
WALL, COL KARY & BETTY END Colonel Kary and Betty Wall Fund The Colonel Kary D. and Betty W. Wall Endowed Fund was established by Colonel Kary D. and Betty W. Wall in 2006 in order to support educationally-related expenses for a cadet in the United States Army Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program.
PICKETT, LAWRENCE J. & T.H. Colonel Lawrence J. and Trudi Hahn Pickett Memorial Air Force ROTC Current Use Scholarship
PICKETT, COL. L.J. & T.H. Colonel Lawrence J. and Trudi Hahn Pickett Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011 and recently amended in 2024 the Colonel Lawrence J and Trudi Han Pickett Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the Department of Air Force ROTC. Recipients must be an active cadet of the Air Force ROTC, a sophomore, junior of senior level student.
COMM WORKERS OF AMERICA Communications Workers of America Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2017 and 2022, the Communication Workers of America Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0. Preference for students whose legal residence is the US, a member, a dependent child of a member, a domestic partner or spouse of a member or retired member of a labor union in New Mexico (CWA and its affiliates).
COMPUTER SCIENCE SCH. Computer Science Scholarships
CONNIFF SCHOLARSHIP Conniff Scholarship Created in 1983, the Conniff Scholarship supports students who have a minor in horse management.
KEYES, CONRAD G. SCH Conrad G. Keyes Jr. Endowed Scholarship The Conrad G. Keyes Jr. Endowed Scholarship was established to make an award to a graduate student majoring in Civil Engineering. The recipient must be working on a master''s thesis or doctoral dissertation in Water Resources Engineering and be a New Mexico resident.
CONSTRUCTION ADV ALLIANCE Construction Advancement Alliance Endowed Scholarship Enrolled at least PT, must have completed a minimum 12crs previous semester. Delcared major in Technical and Industrial Division.
CORDOVA NMSU COLLEGE OF BU Cordova NMSU College of Business Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended in 2024, the Cordova NMSU College of Business Scholarship supports a student with a declared major in the College of Business, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a sophomore, junior or senior level student in good standing and be a resident of New Mexico.
PETERSON, CORINNE END SCH Corinne Robinson Peterson Creative Writing Scholarship The Corinne Robinson Peterson Creative Writing Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for students who are enrolled in a creative writing course during the academic year in which this scholarship will be awarded and have a grade point average 3.0 or above.
CORREA FAMILY END SCH Correa Family Endowed Scholarship The Correa Family Endowed Scholarship is established by Mario, Hyon, Margaret, Orlando, and Shawn Correa. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior level student, have a minimum GPA of 3.0, and be enrolled full time. Preference shall be given to American Indian students. In years ending in an even number, recipients must have a declared major in the College of business and in years ending in an odd number recipients must have a declared major in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics program as determined by the New Mexico Higher Education Department.
CRAWFORD ENDOWMENT Crawford Endowment The Crawford Endowment was established in 1999 to provide scholarship support for students and program support to the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
CREATING METABOLIC/HOUSTON Creating Metabolic Maps of Individual Cancer Cells Established in 2016, this current use fund supports the applied research involved in creating metabolic maps of individual cancer cells using high-throughput fluorescence decay kinetics.
CREATIVE MEDIA INST GEN SCH Creative Media Institute General Scholarship Created in 2015, the Creative Media Institute (CMI) General Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate students in CMI.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE SCH. Criminal Justice Scholarships
CUBA WATER DISTRICT Cuba Soil and Water Conservation District Undergraduate Current Use Scholarship The Cuba Soil and Water Conservation District will award one undergraduate from the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences $1000 according to the following: must be a resident of the Cuba Soil and Water Conservation District as verified with the Soil and Water Conservation District office at 505.289.3950. The district includes portions of Sandoval, Rio Arriba, and McKinley counties. The students major me be in a agricultural field, but not limited to, range science, animal science, soil science, agricultural economics, agricultural business, entomology, plant pathology, and weed science. There must be a 2.0 cumulative NMSU GPA, and Financial need may be a consideration.
CURRY COUNTY MEMORIAL Curry County Memorial Scholarship Fund The Curry County Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients of this award must have graduated from a Curry County High School and must demonstrate leadership ability.
HIERS-ROBINSON,CYNTHIA END Cynthia Hiers-Robinson Endowed Scholarship The Cynthia Hiers-Robinson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 by Jean P. Hiers. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual scholarship award to Dona Ana Branch Community College student(s). The award recipient(s) must be a graduate of a New Mexico high school or have earned a GED in New Mexico, have a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average, and be accepted into or enrolled in an associate''s degree in Water Utility Operations or a related program.
JETT, D.B. MEM. JUNIOR AWD D. B. Jett Endowed Memorial Scholarship The D.B. Jett Memorial Scholarship was established in 1976 to award an outstanding Junior student in the College of Engineering, based on scholarship, character and leadership.
JETT, D.B. MEMORIAL SCH D. B. Jett Memorial Scholarship The D.B. Jett Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to make awards to outstanding junior engineering students.
REEVES, D.W. MEM SCH D. W. Reeves Memorial Scholarship The D.W. Reeves Memorial Scholarship was established in 1983. The income from this fund is to be used to provide scholarships for Engineering students who are graduates of New Mexico high schools with high academic ability and good character.
GREEN, D.D. END MEM RESEARCH D.D. Green Endowed Memorial Research Award Fund Established in 2019, the D.D. Green Endowed Memorial Research Award Fund supports students in the College of Engineering. Dixie D. (D. D.) Green received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from New Mexico State University in June, 1968. He obtained his Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado. He went on to have a very successful career with the Department of Defense, Naval Weapons Station-China Lake, CA. He was married to Margaret E. Green.
DACC END. STUDENT SCH. FUND DACC Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Student must NOT be receiving any other tuition based scholarship, GED or high school diploma required, FT/PT
DACC FILM INDUSTRY END SCH DACC Film Industry Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the DACC Film Industry Endowed Scholarship support NMSU DACC. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, demonstrate financial need, provide a personal statement or statement of career and educational goals and have a declared major in Digital Film, or be enrolled in a certificate program in one of the following: Digital Video, Film Crew Training, or Graphics and Animation.
DACC GOAL LINE CURR USE SCH DACC Goal Line Current Use Created in 2018 and amended in 2024, the DACC Goal Line Current Use Scholarship supports students enrolled at Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be in good standing and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Preference for students who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference or students who complete a personal statement indicating their desire to complete an associate degree or certificate.
DACC RESPIRATORY THERAPY DACC Respiratory Therapy Current Use Scholarship Established in 2018, the Respiratory Therapy Program Scholarship at Dona Ana Community College is a general scholarship fund for Respiratory Therapy Program Scholarship at Dona Ana Community College for students in good standing in the program at DACC.
DACC STEM TRANSFER END SCH DACC STEM Transfer Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, by Ratna Pankayatselvan and Sinnathamby Pankayatselvan, the DACC STEM Transfer Endowed Scholarship shall be used to provide renewable awards to students in their final year at DACC and through four semesters of study in a STEM field at NMSU-Las Cruces. Recipients must have a declared major in Chemistry, Biology, Math, Physics or Engineering with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be enrolled full time at NMSU-DACC and classified as a sophomore or higher.
GRAY, DAISY SCHOLARSHIP Daisy Gray Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, the Daisy Gray Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship supports the undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have a declared major in special education, and be a U.S. citizen. Renewable with a continued minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
SPENCER, DALE MEM ACCT END Dale Spencer Memorial Accounting Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Dale Spencer Memorial Accounting Endowed Scholarship supports students in the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in Accounting, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, and be classified as a sophomore, junior, senior or graduate level student.
RIERSON, DALLAS MEMORIAL Dallas Rierson Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Dallas Rierson Memorial Scholarship was established in 1971 to support students majoring in an agricultural field in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
NIELSON, DAN ALLEN MEM SCH Dan Allen Nielson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2013, the Dan Allen Nielson Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students at Grants Community College. Recipients must be classified as a freshman level student, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8, and must be involved or plan to be involved in the betterment of their community. Preference shall be given to a graduate of Grants High School.
COSTLEY, DAN L. MEMORIAL Dan L. Costley Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Dan L. Costley Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by Lavita Costley in 2003 to make an annual award to a student in the Department of Management who has a minimum grade point average of 3.2.
VILLANUEVA, DANNY END SCH Daniel D. Villanueva Student Leader Endowed Scholarship Established in 1983 and amended in 1993, the Daniel D. Villanueva Student Leader Scholarship honors student leaders at NMSU of Hispanic heritage. Recipient(s) must be a resident of New Mexico or of El Paso County, Texas (New Mexico residency may include undocumented students who attended and graduated from a New Mexico High School), have a minimum cumulative GP A of 2.5, be enrolled full-time at NMSU Las Cruces campus, have successfully completed 12 hours at NMSU Las Cruces, be a need based student as evidenced by F AFSA results, complete a personal statement addressing educational goals and professional goals, the qualities of leadership and his/her personal leadership experiences and be active in at least one chartered student or community organization, and demonstrate a significant record of leadership and/or community service on or off campus.
DANIEL FAMILY MEM END SCH Daniel Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Daniel Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering, General Surveying, or Surveying Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to students who are New Mexico residents.
LOERA, DANIEL SR. MEMORIAL Daniel Loera, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Daniel Loera, Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more student(s). Recipients must be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. In academic years ending in an even number, recipients must have a declared major in finance. In academic years ending in an odd number, recipient must have a declared major in information systems.
REYNA, DANIEL M. SCHOLARS Daniel Marks Reyna Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Daniel Marks Reyna Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to either an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the Department of Health Science. Recipient must be a legal resident of New Mexico or Texas with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Preference will be given to a Hispanic student.
PERRY, DANIEL R. END SCH Daniel R. Perry Endowed Scholarship for Journalism and Mass Communications The Daniel R. Perry Endowed Scholarship for Journalism and Mass Communications was established in 2013 by Irene Perry in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students.
TELLEZ, DANIEL MEMORIAL SCH Daniel Tellez Memorial Undergraduate Endowed Business Scholarship The Daniel Tellez Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 to make awards to undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Business.
RAMIREZ, DANIEL & ELOISA Daniel V. and Eloisa V. Ramirez Memorial Transfer Endowed Scholarship Liz Ramirez Lopez and Edward G. Lopez established this endowment in 2016 to honor Liz'' parents and their legacy of assisting people to obtain their educational goals. Daniel had been a respected police officer for more than 30 years. Daniel and Eloisa were also respected business owners and were very caring individuals who were active in serving their community. Recipients of this renewable scholarship are students who begin at NMSU Dona Ana and matriculate to NMSU Las Cruces to complete a degree in Criminal Justice and who intend to pursue a career in law enforcement. Preference shall be given to a student employed or is the spouse, child, grandchild or guardian of a law enforcement agent.
DANIELS OPPORTUNITY SCH Daniels Opportunity Scholarship The Daniels Fund Boundless Opportunity Scholarship is a two-year renewable award designed to benefit highly-motivated students who have had a gap in their pursuit of a college education and who recognize the power of education to create a better life for themselves and their families. All recipients will be required to participate in monthly academic success programming conducted by the Student Success Center and to complete an online survey about career and academic goals.
SULLIVAN, DARRELL END SCH Darrell Sullivan Endowed Scholarship The Darrell Sullivan Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make an annual award to horticulture students in the Department of Agronomy . The award recipient must be of at least sophomore standing with an interest in general horticulture.
THOMPSON, DAVE & EULA SCH. Dave and Eula Fern Thompson Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010 and amended in 2022, the Dave and Eula Fern Thompson Endowed Scholarship supports junior and senior level students who have a declared major in Elementary Education or Secondary Education and maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference for a student who is a New Mexico resident and a US resident.
DAVID ALLAN BREWER'S & DIST David Allan Brewer's & Distiller's Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020, the David Allan Brewer''s & Distiller''s Current Use Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have passed CHME 395V Brewing Science & technology and preference for a student with a declared major in Brewery Engineering.
BARHAM, DAVID CENTENNIAL David Barham Centennial Scholarship The David Barham Centennial Scholarship was established in 1988 to make awards to students who are employed at least part-time while attending NMSU and have a minimum grade point average of 2.75.
BEENE, DAVID MEMORIAL SCH David Beene Memorial Endowed Scholarship This fund was established in 2008 by Bohannan Huston, Inc., as a scholarship for students in the College of Engineering. In 2010, the name of the scholarship was amended to honor the service of David Beene. The income from this fund is to be used to make a minimum of one $1,000 award to an undergraduate engineering student majoring in Civil and/or Surveying Engineering who is a resident of New Mexico.
DAVENPORT, DAVID MEM END David Davenport Memorial Endowed Scholarship The David Davenport Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 by Steve Bennett and Jim Winder to honor their friend, David Davenport. Recipients must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and 3.5, must have financial need, must be a student whose post-secondary education has been interrupted for one or more years. Preference will be given to students who graduated from a New Mexico High School and who are members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.
GRAHAM, DAVID END SCH David Graham Endowed Scholarship The David Graham Endowed Scholarship was established by members of the Clayton Livestock Advisory Board along with Mike Hubert in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
WILLIAMS, DAVID H. END SCH David H. Williams Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the David H. Williams Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate upper level students majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, demonstrate financial need, and must be an U.S. citizen, a permanent resident or have conditional residency.
COLE, DAVID & LORNA SCH David L. and Lorna L. Cole Scholarship Fund Established in 1988, the David L. and Lorna L. Cole Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to students registered in the Hotel and Tourism Administration. Recipients must have a 2.5 GPA. Preference for a student who has financial need.
BOJE, D & A STRTYLNG RSRCH David M. Boje and Grace Ann Rosile Storytelling Research Endowment Scholarship The David M. Boje and Grace Ann Rosile Storytelling Research Endowed Scholarship was established to support graduate students with educational expenses, and other related costs such as professional development. Recipients must be a graduate student in the College of Business, with preference toward doctoral students. Award recipients must also be conducting at least one of the following types of research: storytelling, narrative, qualitative. The scholarship may be renewed annually, if the student is eligible.
VALDEZ, DAVID MEM CYBERSECU David Valdez Memorial Cybersecurity Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the David Valdez Memorial Cybersecurity Endowed Scholarship supports students at DACC. This scholarship honors David Valdez, who taught at DACC for 25 years. He was known to his students as a caring mentor and staunch supporter of students.
CLEMENTS,DAVID W JANET END David W. and Janet W. Clements Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the David W. and Janet W. Clements Endowed Scholarship supports students in the Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) Degree Program. Recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
HUTCHISON, DAVID WARNER David Warner Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship The David Warner Hutchinson Endowed Scholarship was established by Nancy Joy in 2009 in order to make an award to an undergraduate student.
WESSON, DAVID AWARD David Wesson Award The David Wesson Award was established to provide scholarship support to students attending New Mexico State University.
FRANCIS, DAVID W. MEMORIAL David Wesson Francis Memorial Scholarship The David Wesson Francis Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 to make an annual award in two installments to a junior, senior, or graduate student in the Department of Animal and Range Science. To receive this award, the student must have demonstrated academic excellence and have a commitment to the field of animal sciences.
THOMPSON, DAVID & CARLA SCH David and Carla Thompson Endowed Scholarship The David and Carla Thompson Endowment was established in 2011 in order to award a full-time undergraduate student with a declared major in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science. Recipients must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to be eligible.
NORRIS, DAVID & LORI END SCH David and Lori Norris Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the David and Lori Norris Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of ACES. Recipients must be classified as an undergraduate level student, enrolled full-time, have a declared major in the College of ACES and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, are enrolled in one of the following departments (AXED, AEAB, ARS) and are U.S. residents.
SALOPEK,DAVID&PAULINA SCH David and Paulina Salopek Scholarship The David and Paulina Salopek Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in1992 to make an annual award to one or more junior or senior students majoring in Agricultural Economics.
WARREN, DAVID & RETA SCH David and Reta Warren Endowed Scholarship The David and Reta Warren Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student applying for dental school who is a U.S. citizen and New Mexico resident. Recipient must have earned 90 or more credit hours, have a minimum 3.5 grade point average and have been a member of the NMSU Pre-dental Society for at least one year.
MCCUNE,DAYLA ANN GAFFORD Dayla Ann Gafford-McCune Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Dayla A. Gafford-McCune Memorial Scholarship was established in 1978 to help provide support for education or research in the field of solar energy including studies in heat generation and photo voltage generation.
DE LOS SANTOS ENDOWED SCH De Los Santos Endowed Scholarship The De Los Santos Scholarship was established by Aaron and Angelica De Los Santos in 2012 in order to make an award to an undergraduate engineering student.
HAWKINS, DEAN E PHD MENTORS Dean E. Hawkins, PhD Mentorship in Animal Reproductive Physiology Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, by an NMSU Alumni who was fortunate enough to benefit from the mentorship of Dean E. Hawkins, PhD. The donor considers Dean Hawkins as a once in a lifetime friend and mentor. He was an influential professor who guided his students through important chapters of their academic careers which enabled student successes. There is no shortage of ???Hawkins??? stories, this scholarship endeavors to show the gratefulness of this students. His legacy is deserving of a permanent tribute that will make a profound difference in the lives of NMSU students studying reproductive physiology.
SIMMONS, BARBARA SCH Dean Emerita Barbara Simmons Early Childhood Endowed Scholarship The Dean Barbara Simmons Emerita Early Childhood Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education was established in 2002. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual award to one or more junior or senior students majoring in Early Childhood Education in the College of Education.
DEAN'S DISCOVERY FUND Dean's Discovery Fund
MARTA, DEANISE ENDOWED SCH Deanise Marta Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Deanise Marta Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU Honors College. The recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
PRELL, DEBORAH ANN SCH. Deborah Ann Prell STEM Endowment The Deborah Ann Prell STEM Endowment was established in 2005 by family and friends of Deborah Ann Prell. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to community college and or undergraduate students seeking degrees in the fields of STEM or Education. Each award recipient must be a full-time student enrolled at any campus; have a major in science, technology, engineering, mathematics or education; and have a B or better grade point average.
THOMAS, DEBORAH L. MEM Deborah Louise Thomas Memorial Award The Deborah L. Thomas Memorial Award was established in 1984 to reward math tutors who best exemplify leadership, scholarship and teaching ability.
WIDGER, DEBORAH M. END SCH Deborah M. Widger Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005 and amended in 2024, the Deborah M. Widger Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The award recipient must initially be a sophomore, be majoring in horticulture, be a resident of New Mexico, and have a grade point average of at least 2.7.
OROZCO, DEBRA LDRSHP MEM Debra Orozco Memorial Scholarship Fund at NMSU Established in 1998, the Debra Orozco Memorial Scholarship supports qualified and deserving students.
OROZCO, DEBRA HISP. MEM SCH Debra Orozco Memorial Scholarship Fund for Hispanic Students The Debra Orozco Memorial Scholarship for Hispanic students will be given to a qualified and deserving Hispanic student at NMSU
EVENSKY, DEENA & HAROLD CU Deena and Harold Evensky Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020, the Deena and Harold Evensky Current Use Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Finance and preference will be given to students pursing Banking and Financial Planning and who is the first person in their immediate family to go to college.
ESPARZA, DEL AND FAMILY SCH Del Esparza and Family Endowed Scholarship The Del Esparza and Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award undergraduate students with a declared major in the College of Business. Recipients must be a legal resident of New Mexico and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference is given to Hispanic students.
CHAPPELL, DELL & RAY MEM Dell and Ray Chappell Memorial Scholarship The Dell P. and Ray Doyle Chappell Memorial Scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. John Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Chappell in 1985 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in Agriculture and Extension Education.
DEPT OF ART-RESTRICTED Department of Art-Restricted
DEPT. OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Department of Computer Science
GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT Department of Geography
LANGUAGES LINGUISTICS Department of Languages & Linguistics Current-Use Scholarship Fund Created in 1994, the Department of Languages & Linguistics Current Use Scholarship supports students majoring or minoring in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese or Linguistics. Recipients must be maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better, and are need-based as determined by the FAFSA application.
DESERT PROJECT Desert Project Endowed Scholarship Fund The Desert Project Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate Environmental Science students in the Department of Agronomy & Horticulture.
CORDOVA, DIANE ENDOWED SCH Diane Tschasar Cordova Endowed Scholarship Established 2017 and recently amended in 2024, the Diane Tschasar Cordova Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU undergraduate students in the College of Health, Education & Social Transformation. Recipients must be enrolled full-time and in good standing, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in Elementary Education, maintain a 3.0 GPA, be classified as a junior or senior level student, and have financial need as determined by FAFSA.
RONEY, DICK VETERANS SCH Dick Roney Endowed Scholarship for Returning Veterans The Dick Roney Endowed Scholarship for Returning Veterans will support scholarships for returning veterans enrolled in the College of Engineering. Preference will be given to a student who has served in a designated combat zone who has a declared major in chemical engineering.
CAMUNEZ,DINO&HEIDI FAMILY Dino and Heidi Camunez Family Endowed Scholarship The Dino and Heidi Camunez Family Endowed Scholarship was established to make an award to an undergraduate student majoring in Finance.
ROMERO, DINTY & OPHELIA SCH Dinty and Ophelia Romero Endowed Scholarship The Dinty and Ophelia Romero Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to provide an award for an undergraduate student. The award recipient must have a declared major in accounting or finance or a declared minor in insurance studies in the College of Business, and a minimum 3.25 cumulative NMSU grade point average.
DISABLED AMERICAN VET 38 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 38 DACC Nursing Scholarship Created in 2024, the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 38 DACC Nursing Scholarships supports students enrolled at DACC in good standing. Recipients must be pursuing an Associates of Science in Nursing or its successor discipline, must be a resident of New Mexico and must be a veteran or a dependent of a veteran.
DISABLED AMERI VET CHPT 38 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 38 HEST Nursing Scholarship Created in 2024, the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 38 HEST Nursing Scholarship will be used to provide one or more scholarships to students at New Mexico State University. Must be enrolled in the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation and in good standing, must be pursuing a Bachelor of Science in nursing (BSN) or its successor discipline, and must be a New Mexico resident.
DOLLAR RENT A CAR SCH. Dollar Rent-a-Car Endowed Scholarship The Dollar Rent-a-Car Scholarship was established by the Dollar Development Company. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to entering freshman engineering students.
BEASLEY,DON END SCHOLARSHIP Don Beasley Endowed Scholarship The Don Beasley Endowed Scholarship was established in honor of his retirement. Don, an NMSU alumnus, founded the local accounting firm Beasley, Mitchell & Co. in 1987, and is known for his local civic and philanthropic efforts. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students with a declared major in accounting. Students must be a junior or senior, and have a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA. Preference is given to students planning to pursue a masters degree in accounting with NMSU. Preference is also be given to students who plan to practice accounting in New Mexico.
LINDSEY, DON & BEATY SCH Don and Betty Lindsey Endowed Scholarship The Don and Betty Lindsey Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Don and Betty Lindsey to make a one-semester award to one or more undergraduate students entering the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
DACC EVENTS CU SCHOLARSHIP Dona Ana Community College Events Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020, the Dona Ana Community College Current Use Scholarship supports DACC students. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and preference will be given to students who complete a personal statement or a statement of goals in the scholarship application.
DACC GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP Dona Ana Community College Scholarship General scholarship to support students at Dona Ana County Community College.
DONA ANA COUNTY ASSOC SPORT Dona Ana County Associated Sportsmen Hubert Estabrook Endowed Scholarship The Dona Ana County Associated Sportsmen Hubert Estabrook Endowed Scholarship was established by the Dona Ana County Associated Sportsmen, Inc. for the benefit of students in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology.
DONA ANA LIONS CLUB SCH Dona Ana County Lions Club Scholarship The Dona Ana County Lions Clubs Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to make an annual award to one or more students who are visually disabled, deaf or hard of hearing and residents of New Mexico.
DONA ANA LYRIC OPERA DEPT Dona Ana Lyric Opera Department Restricted Fund Created in 1990, the Dona Ana Lyric Opera fund shall be used at the discretion of the Department Head of the NMSU Department of Music.
ROUSH, DONALD C. SCH Donald C. Roush Scholarship The Donald C Roush scholarship is awarded to one or more students enrolled for 6 hours or more in the graduate program of the College of Education. Must be a US citizen.
GUITERREZ-JARAMILLO, D&S Donald and Suzanne Gutierrez-Jaramillo Current Use Scholarship at the Grants Community College Created in 2009, the Donald and Suzanne Guiterrez-Jaramillo Current use fund supports students in the NMSU Grants Community College. Recipients must be undergraduate students who has attended Grants High School or Laguna-Acoma High School. Preference shall be given to students who are identified as entering freshman or continuing students at NMSU Grants campus.
HOGAN, DONNA MAE SHULTZ MEM Donna Mae Shultz Hogan Memorial Endowed Scholarship 1980 was a big year for Donna Hogan: she was awarded a Bachelor of Accountancy, passed the CPA exam and married Dan Hogan. She had an illustrious career in public accounting and was known for her knowledge of tax code, pension valuations and ability to share her knowledge with others in her field. This endowed scholarship supports accounting majors who have a minimum GPA of 3.0, are enrolled full time and have financial need. Preference in selection will be given to residents of New Mexico.
DEHN, BILL & DONNA BIOL SCH Donna and Bill Dehn Undergraduate Education Endowed Biology Scholarship The Donna and Bill Dehn Undergraduate Education Endowed Biology Scholarship was established in 2013 by Donna and William Dehn in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
GILE, DORA BLOSSOM MEMORIAL Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by Leland H. Gile. The fund was created to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Department of Agronomy majoring in soil science.
GILE, DORA B. BIOLOGY Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund in Biology The Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund in Biology was established by Leland H. Gile in 1995 to make an annual award to a student majoring in biology.
GILE, DORA B. GEOLOGY MEM Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship in Geological Sciences The Dora Blossom Gile Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund in Geological Sciences was established in 1997 by Leland H. Gile. This fund was created to make an annual award to a student majoring in Geological Sciences.
SIMPSON, DORIS RA RA MEM Doris "Ra Ra" Simpson Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Doris "Ra Ra" Simpson Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 by the family of Doris M. Simpson. Doris "Ra Ra" Simpson moved to New Mexico in 1946; she married Frank Brown Simpson at the close of World War II and became a doting mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. This fund is to be used to award a full-time student(s) majoring in engineering, be a New Mexico high school graduate, be a sophomore, junior or senior level student, have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average, and be a U.S. citizen.
BARKER, DOROTHY J ENDOW MEM Dorothy J. Barker Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2023, the Dorothy J. Barker Endowed Scholarship Memorial Scholarship supports the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipient must be an undergraduate level student in good standing, must have a declared major in Justice, Political Philosophy and Law or its successor major. Recipient must complete the education and career goals section of scholarship application.
DOUBLE H ELEMENTARY EDUC. Double H Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Double H Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students with a declared major in elementary education. Recipient must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, must have a state of legal residence in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, must have financial need as evidenced by official FAFSA results, and must submit an essay discussing one''s experiences and inspirational moments they had with their grandfather.
DAVIS, DOUGLAS & LORI END Douglas and Lori Davis Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Douglas and Lori Davis Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Electrical Engineering, be enrolled full-time, be in good standing and demonstrate financial need.
WILLIAMS SCH ALUM CHILD Douglas and Sheila Williams Endowed Scholarship for Children of NMSU Alumni The Douglas and Sheila Williams Endowed Scholarship was established to provide scholarship support to students whose parents are both graduates of New Mexico State University and graduates of a high school in New Mexico.
DOW CHEMICAL OUTSTANDING JR Dow Outstanding Junior Award Established in 1992, the Dow Junior Award in Chemical Engineering supports a student in the department of Chemical Engineering.
WALL, DR. ANDREW MEMORIAL E Dr. Andrew Wall Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Andrew Wall Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by Celia L. Moore in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MELTON, DR. BILLY AG END. Dr. Billy Melton Endowed Scholarship Income will be used to support a scholarship for a full time graduate student in the College of ACES with preference given to a student in Plant and Environmental Sciences.
CAMPA, DR. BLANCA RESILIENC Dr. Blanca Campa Resilience Scholarship Dr. Blanca Campa received a Doctor of Philosophy degree in 2008 from New Mexico State University and is currently a professor of Educational Psychology at El Paso Community College in Texas. This scholarship supports promising students who have completed their education at an accredited community college and are transferring to NMSU. As author of "The Mexican American Community College Experience", she describes the cultivation of resilience in these students and how engaging dynamic faculty can help them succeed.
WILLEY, DR. DARRELL FUND Dr. Darrell S. Willey Endowed Fund The Darrell S. Willey Endowed Fund was established in 2012 by Timothy Pettibone. This scholarship shall be awarded to a graduate student in the College of Education with a major in Educational Management and Development. Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 and submit a one-page paper delineating how the recipient intends to become a more socially just leader in education.
DETORIE, DEBORAH A. END SCH Dr. Deborah A. Detorie Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Dr. Deborah A. Detorie Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students. Recipients must be pursuing a Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration with a concentration on K-12 principal education, must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, and be a student whose legal residence is New Mexico. Preference for students who have experience working with diverse and under-served populations.
WINTERS, DR DEBORAH END SCH Dr. Deborah R. Winters Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Dr. Deborah R. Winters Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Recipients must be a graduate level student in the Master of Accountancy Program. Must be a full-time student in good standing and must have a declared major in Accounting.
WRIGHT-KNAPP, DR DEBRA END Dr. Debra Wright Knapp Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2023, the Dr. Debra Wright Knapp Endowed Scholarship supports a student who has a declared major in Dance. Student must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
EICHSTAEDT, DR. DONNA MEM Dr. Donna R. Eichstaedt Memorial Current Use Dance Scholarship Created in 2014, The Dr. Donna R. Eichstaedt Memorial Current Use Dance Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate dance students. Must be classified as a senior level student in the College of Education and be awarded during the student''s final semester before graduation (Fall or Spring semester). Must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA. Preference for one Contemporary Dance student and one Flamenco student each year.
KUGLER, DR. EDGAR SCH. Dr. Edgar M. Kugler/Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship The Dr. Edgar M. Kugler/Phi Delta Kappa Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002. This fund was created to make an annual award to a junior or senior in the College of Education with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and a minimum grade point average of 3.75 in education courses.
ROMAN, DR E & K END KLIPSCH Dr. Edgar R. and Kathleen Roman Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended in 2021, the Dr. Edgar R. and Kathleen Roman Endowed Scholarship supports the Department of Electrical Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Electrical Engineering, must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference for a New Mexico resident and preference for a student who demonstrates leadership skills, participate in extracurricular activities and/or community service.
GROTH, JR., DR. EDWARD MEM Dr. Edward Groth, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Established in 1984, The Dr. Edward Groth, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Endowment supports students who are enrolled in the College of Engineering. Student must be enrolled full-time and majoring in Chemical Engineering. Must be a junior or senior level student. Preference for a student who is an active member of the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Preference for a student who is active in civic and community affairs and is a student with financial need.
POEL, DR. ELISSA WOLFE END Dr. Elissa Wolfe Poel Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Dr. Elissa Wolfe Poel Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Education. Recipients must be pursuing a Graduate Degree in Special Education, and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. This scholarship was established by Frances Williams in honor of Dr. Poel who has impacted countless lives.
HUDDLESTON, ELLIS MEM SCH Dr. Ellis Huddleston Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Ellis Huddleston Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in order to make awards to students in entomology with a minimum GPA of 2.5. This endowment was funded through an initial gift from numerous memorial donors.
DR. GREG BLANCH INTL TRAVEL Dr. Greg Blanch International Travel Fund Established in 2024, the Dr. Greg Blanch International Travel Fund supports undergraduate or graduate students. Recipients must be enrolled at NMSU Main campus and be in good standing, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, must be participating in any NMSU Education Abroad program for the year the award is received and must be a full-time student.
HOPSON, DR. HAL & FLORENCE Dr. J. Hal and Florence Hopson Endowed Scholarship
BULLOCK, DR. JAMES ACCT. Dr. James Bullock Accounting Endowment The Dr. James Bullock Accounting Endowment was established in 2003 to make an annual award to one or more students majoring in Accounting at the College of Business who have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
ELLIOTT, DR. JAMES/EVELYN Dr. James and Evelyn Elliott Science Scholarship Established in 2024, the Dr. James and Evelyn Elliott Science Scholarship supports an undergraduate or graduate student in good standing. Recipient must be a full-time student. Must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in any of the following: Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Conservation Ecology, Geology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Physics or their successor disciplines. Preference for a student who has a gap in their educational sequence between high school and college. Preference for a student who is working while attending school. Preference for a United States veteran. Preference for a student who is involved in a recognized student activity, student employment or performs volunteer work.
DIEMER, DR. JANAAN TEACHING Dr. Janaan Diemer Student Teaching Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Janaan Diemer Student Teaching Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate or graduate student during the student teaching semester.
DENK, DR JOE MEMORIAL SCH Dr. Joe Denk Memorial Current Use Scholarship. Created in 2015, the Dr. Joe Denk Memorial Current Use Scholarship is in honor of Joe Denk and his inspiring legacy. He was a Renaissance man whose rich and vibrant career had a major impact on the community''s cultural and academic life, through computer science skills and academia and roles in more than 50 theatrical productions. This scholarship supports an undergraduate student with a declared major in the Department of Theatre Arts.
SAVAGE, DR. JOHN B. SCHOL Dr. John B. Savage Endowed Scholarship The Dr. John B. Savage Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 by Carol G. Smallwood. The income from this fund is to be used to a graduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared major of Master of Public Health and demonstrate financial need.
MONAGLE, DR. JOHN MEM SCH Dr. John J. Monagle Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Dr. John J. Monagle Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award second year or higher graduate students with a declared major in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
LOVELAND, DR. JOHN MGMT SCH Dr. John Loveland Management Excellence Fund The Dr. John Loveland Management Excellence Fund was established in 1999 to make an annual award to one or more Undergraduate in Management or Masters in Business Administration students at the College of Business.
GONZALEZ-SANCHEZ, JOSE L MD Dr. Jose L. Gonzalez-Sanchez MD Diagnostic Medical Sonography Scholarship Created in 2021 and amended in 2023, the Dr. Jose Gonzalez-Sanchez, MD Medical Sonography Scholarship supports students at NMSU-DACC. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC, pursuing an Associate of Applied Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography or a Certificate of Completion in Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DSM), must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, must be in good standing in the DMS program and preference will be given to students who are US residents. This scholarship is to be awarded in the Spring and is renewable as long as the criteria outlined is met.
JOHNSON, JUDY ORCHESTRA SCH Dr. Judy Gray Johnson NMSU Student Orchestra Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, this endowed scholarship supports students undergraduate and graduate students playing string instruments in the NMSU Student Orchestra. Recipients of this renewable award must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need. Award amount shall be equal to the amount of current in-state tuition or room and board, whichever is greater.
TAO, DR. JUNHUA GRAD AWARD Dr. Junhua Tao Graduate Research Award Dr. Junhua Tao and Andrew Tao established this fund in 2017 to recognize two students annually who are Ph.D. candidates in Chemistry or Biochemistry and who have achieved outstanding research accomplishments as evidenced by published scientific papers with high SCI index scores.
HAND, DR KAREN END MEM NURS Dr. Karen Louise Hand Endowed Memorial Nursing Student Scholarship Established in 2024, the Dr. Karen Louise Hand Endowed Memorial Nursing Student Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must be a full-time junior or senior level student in good standing. Must have a declared major in nursing or its successor discipline. Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
TRUJILLO, DR KAREN MEMORIAL Dr. Karen M. Trujillo Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021 and amended in 2022, the Dr. Karen Trujillo Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students enrolled in the NMSU College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must be classified as an undergraduate with a 2.0 GPA or graduate with a 3.0 GPA. Must be pursuing a degree in the School of Teacher Preparation, Administration and Leadership. Preference for students who are members of NMSU Educators Rising and who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
RIDINGS,KELLEY MEM NIC/CORA Dr. Kelley Ridings Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Nicholas and Cora Souvorin Established in 1988 and amended in 2020, the Dr. Kelley Ridings Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Nicholas and Cora Souvorin supports the College of Education. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Education, must be full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate leadership on or off campus as evidenced in the scholarship application and preference shall be given to a student classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior level.
DERER, DR. KRISTINE MEM. Dr. Kristine Derer Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010, the Dr. Kristine Derer Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in the Department of Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction and Communication Disorders. Recipients must be a junior, senior or graduate level student. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and demonstrate financial need. Preference for a student who demonstrates passion for special education and a commitment to teaching excellence.
WILSON, DR. LARRY L. MEM. Dr. Larry L. Wilson Memorial Scholarship The Dr. Larry L. Wilson Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2000 and amended in 2020. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of English, state of legal residence is New Mexico, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
SHARP,DR LARRY BEGIN AGAIN Dr. Larry Sharp ""Begin Again"" Endowed Scholarship
TRAINA, LEONARD A. END SCH Dr. Leonard A. Traina Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Leonard A. Traina Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 in his memory. Scholarship recipients can be an undergraduate or graduate student, and have a declared major in civil engineering. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and preference is given to first generation students attending college.
BOSTON, MCKINLEY & MAGELLIA Dr. McKinley and Megellia Boston Endowed Scholarship The Dr. McKinley and Magellia Boston Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to award undergraduate or graduate students who are actively participating in one of NMSU''s intercollegiate athletic teams and eligible for competition under the eligibility requirements of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).
COBBLE & MULHOLLAND ME SCH Dr. Milan H. Cobble and Dr. George P. Mulholland Mech Engr The Dr. Milan H. Cobble and Dr. George P. Mulholland Mechanical Engineering Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 by Colonel Robert Joe and Mrs. Dorothy A. Wicke. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be a full-time student majoring in mechanical engineering who is meeting academic requirements towards graduation, and be a resident of New Mexico or an adjoining state.
ZARATE, DR. NARCISA SCH Dr. Narcisa Zarate Endowed Scholarship This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals. Dr. Zarate, a native of southern Dona Ana county, received her doctorate from NMSU and continued to teach and work on behalf of students here for many years.
KACZMAREK, PEGGY SCH. Dr. Peggy Glaister Kaczmarek Counseling Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Peggy Glaister Kaczmarek Counseling Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one or more graduate students in the Ph.D. program in Counseling and Educational Psychology. The award recipient must have merit both inside and outside the classroom.
DOMINGUEZ DR RAMON DOCTORAL Dr. Ramon Dominguez Doctoral Scholarship The Dr. Ramon Dominguez Doctoral Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award second year doctoral students enrolled in the Educational Leadership and Administration Department with a declared major in Higher Education.
BROWN & JONES ENDOWED SCH Dr. Rebeccah Brown and Dan O. Jones Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 and amended in 2019 and 2023, the Dr. Rebeccah L. Brown and Mr. Dan O. Jones Endowed Scholarship shall be awarded to one or more NMSU undergraduate students who have a declared major in chemistry or biochemistry. Recipients must demonstrate financial need as determined by FAFSA results,and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, and who wish to pursue a career in the field of medicine as evidenced by a statement of educational and career goals in scholarship application.
RUIZ, DR. RENE AWARD IN CEP Dr. Rene A. Ruiz Dissertation Award in the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology The Rene Ruiz Memorial Scholarship was created in 1988 to help provide scholarships to NMSU doctoral students in the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology.
AGUILARMELANTZON,DR.RICARDO Dr. Ricardo Aguilar-Melantzon Endowed Fund for Graduate Students in the M.A. in Spanish Scholarship The Dr. Ricardo Aguilar-Melantzon Endowed Fund for Graduate Students in the M.A. in Spanish Scholarship was originally established in 1998 by the Department of Languages and Linguistics in order to award qualified and deserving students.
SUTHERLAND, DR ROBERT MEMOR Dr. Robert Sutherland Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2023, the Dr. Robert Sutherland Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must have a declared major of Mathematics or its successor discipline or declared major in Physics or its successor discipline. Recipients must be a full-time junior, senior or graduate level student. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 for undergraduate and a GPA of 3.0 for graduate level students.
GALLEGOS, DR. ROBERTO FUND Dr. Roberto Gallegos Fellows and Friends Endowed Fund The Dr. Roberto Gallegos Fellows and Friends Endowed Fund was established in 2005. The income from the fund is to be used to make an annual dissertation award to a doctoral student specializing in Bilingual Education in the College of Education''s Department of Curriculum and Instruction. The award recipient must be a doctoral student in good standing in the College of Education''s Department of Curriculum and Instruction .
PETERSON, DR. ROBIN T MEMOR Dr. Robin T. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2013 and amended in 2019, the Dr. Robin T. Peterson Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports student in the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
HANZELY,DR STEPHEN&BRIGITTA Dr. Stephen and Brigitta Hanzely Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2020, the Dr. Stephen and Brigitta Hanzely Endowed Scholarship is to be awarded to an undergraduate student majoring in Physics or Engineering Physics. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, preference will be given to students who demonstrated financial need and the award is renewable as long as criteria is met.
GIORDANO, THOMAS END SCH Dr. Thomas Giordano Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Thomas Giordano Endowed Scholarship, was established in 2016 in honor of Dr. Thomas Giordano who has been an integral part of NMSU Geology since 1977 and is an acknowledged expert in the field of geochemical research in ore deposits. Tom served as Department Chair for over a decade and his passion was always for students first. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Geological Sciences with preference given to students studying the field of Geochemistry. Must be classified as a graduate level student with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
FJORDBAK, DR. TIMOTHY SCHOL Dr. Timothy Fjordbak Endowed Scholarship The Dr. Timothy Fjordbak Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award graduate students in the College of Education who are licensed psychologists receiving training in the in the psychopharmacology program for prescriptive authority.
LIN, DR TSANHAI ACHIEVEMENT Dr. Tsanhai Lin Achievement Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Dr. Tsanhai Lin Achievement Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, must be a student who is working while attending school, and preference for students who show leadership skills, or volunteers, or participates in extracurricular activities.
CROSNO,DR&MRS DONALD SCH Dr. and Mrs. C. Donald Crosno Endowed Scholarship for Freshman Majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering Established in 1987 and amended in 1997, the Dr. and Mrs. C. Donald Crosno Endowed Scholarship Fund supports freshmen majoring in electrical and computer engineering. Recipients must have maintained a high school grade point average of 3.5 or better with an ACT score of 26 or greater. Preference will be given to high school graduates from New Mexico, El Paso County, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.
LOUSTAUNAU, JOAQUIN DR. MEM Drs. Joaquin and Martha Loustaunau Memorial Endowed Graduate Students Established in 2002 and amended in 2019 this scholarship was created in honor of former Mathematics Professor Dr. Loustaunau. He was committed to helping students to realize their full potential. At the end of his life, he was launching into research on equine genetics, combining his knowledge of mathematics, genetics and computer science, and developing complex computer programs. Upon his death, the Forty-fifth Legislature of the State of New Mexico honored Joaquin Loustaunau with a resolution recognizing his contributions to education, to his community, and his kindness and generosity to others.
TRUJILLO, DRUCILLA END SCH Drucilla Trujillo Scholarship Established in 2021, the Drucilla Trujillo Endowed Scholarship supports students at DACC. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC and preferences will be given to students from Valencia, Socorro and San Miguel counties, who has received their High School Equivalency or GED and who have a gap in their educational sequence.
DUBOIS RODEO ENDOWED SCH DuBois Rodeo Endowed Scholarship Fund The DuBois Rodeo Endowed Scholarship was established in 2000 award students who are eligible to compete under the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association guidelines. In the event that there is no rodeo program at NMSU, the funds will be used to provide scholarships to students who are, or have been, involved in New Mexico rodeo programs.
DUBOIS RODEO AWARD Dubois Rodeo Award Current Use Fund The DuBois Rodeo Award Current Use Fund was established in 2000 to support members of the NMSU Rodeo team. Funds may be used to support scholarships, awards, recruiting, fundraising, administrative expenses, professional services, facilities and practice stock.
LAYTON, DUKE V. MEMORIAL Duke V. Layton Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Duke V. Layton Memorial Scholarship was established in 1976 to support students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, & Weed Science and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
DUPONT BUS. MINORITY SCH. Dupont MInority Business Support Current Use Fund This scholarship will aid students in the college of business.
DURGIN, HENRY FAMILY MEM Durgin Family Scholarship Fund The Durgin Family Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Engineering.
HART, E. DALE & BARBARA E. Dale and Barbara Hart Endowed Scholarship Established in 1996 the E. Dale and Barbara Hart Endowed Scholarship Fund is to support students in the College of Engineering. The recipients must be Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors with a 3.0 GPA.
EDF RENEWABLES ENDOWED SCH EDF Renewables Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023 and amended, the EDF Renewables Endowed Scholarship supports Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be enrolled in the Advanced Technologies Division at DACC or its successor division. Must be full-time or part-time student taking a minimum of 6 credit hours, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and must be pursuing either a Certificate of Completion or Associate of Applied Sciences (AAS) degree. Preference to students in the Environmental and Energy Technologies program or Building and Construction Technologies program and preference to students who complete a statement of educational and career goals in scholarship application.
EMI TECH BRENDA & JOE ALVAREZ EMI Technologies Brenda and Joe Alvarez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010 and amended in 2015, the EMI Technologies Brenda and Joe Alvarez Endowed Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for full-time undergrade students with a declared major in the Department of Physics and the College of Business in alternating years. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be graduates of a New Mexico high school. Preference will be given to Hispanic students.
EAGLES AZOFF GLENN FREY SCH Eagles-ACT Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Honoring Irving Azoff and in Memory of Glenn Fry Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Eagles-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship honors Irving Azoff and the memory of Glenn Frey. This scholarship supports students in the Department of Music and the School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management. Recipients must be classified as a junior level student in the first semester in which the award is made, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have an interest in pursuing a career in the music business and/or entertainment business or venue management, as evidenced by information in the scholarship application such as a statement of educational and career goals.
GODDARD, EARL G SCH/FELLOW Earl G. Goddard Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship in Telecommunications The Earl G. Goddard Endowed Scholarship/Fellowship in Telecommunications was established in 1996 to make an annual award to a Junior or Senior who intends to pursue graduate work and obtain a master''s degree and who will likely pursue a Ph.D. degree. Candidates for this award must maintain a grade point average of 3.5 or better, have demonstrated an interest in and, be active in, an amateur radio club or equivalent telecommunication organization activities.
HORNBROOK,EARLE&MYRTLE SCH Earle C. & Myrtle K. Hornbrook Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Earle & Myrtle Hornbrook Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to award scholarships to students from Dona Ana County.
KNACKSTEDT, ED ACCOUNTING Ed Knackstedt Endowed Accounting Scholarship The Ed Knackstedt Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established by Chris and Lucinda Knackstedt in 2001 to make an annual award to a junior or senior accounting major.
FOREMAN, ED & BARBARA END Ed and Barbara Foreman Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Ed and Barbara Foreman Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Civil Engineering, and be enrolled for a minimum of 15 credits per semester. The scholarship is awarded to eight undergraduate students, two in each classification level. The award is renewable if all other criteria is met, for a maximum of 8 semesters.
EDDY COUNTY NORTH CENTEN Eddy County North Centennial Scholarship This endowment was established in 1990 to support freshman students at NMSU who are graduates of Artesia High School and who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.2.
WHITE, EDGAR & MARY SCH. Edgar Alexander (Slim) White and Mary Dimitroff White Endowed Scholarship The Edgar Alexander (Slim) White and Mary Dimitroff White Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to an undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Education. The award recipient must be active in 4-H, and be a graduate of a New Mexico public high school.
EDGAR GARRETT END. SCH. Edgar R. Garrett Speech and Hearing Center Endowment Scholarship The Edgar R. Garrett Speech and Hearing Center Endowment Scholarship was established in 1999 by the family and friends of Edgar R. Garrett in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students in the Speech and Hearing Center.
SEGOVIA, EDGAR MEMORIAL SCH Edgar Segovia Memorial Scholarship Created in 2021, Edgar Segovia Memorial Current use Scholarship supports students in the NMSU College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.8, and be classified as a graduate level student. Preference will be given to students with a minor in Family and Child Science.
MARCUS, EDMUND MEMORIAL SCH Edmund Marcus Memorial Endowed
REL, EDUARDO L. MEM SCH Eduardo L. Rel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Eduardo L. Rel Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Science. Preference for a student who is a graduate of a New Mexico High School.
EDUCATION ALUMNI SCH. Education College Scholarships These funds can be used for any expenditure that legally supports the scholarship needs of the College of Education. The criteria for scholarship award would follow the general criteria for NMSU.
SCEERY, EDWARD J. GRAD END Edward J. Sceery Endowed Scholarship The Edward J. Sceery Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an annual award to one or more graduate student(s). The award recipient must be a graduate student who was raised in a rural agricultural community with a declared major in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. The student must be specializing in range nutrition, reproductive physiology, or a related area dealing with grazing livestock.
HULL, EDWARD & LYDIE T END. Edward and Lydie Thiery Hull Endowed Fund Established in 2005, the Edward and Lydie Thiery Hull Endowed Fund supports scholarships or fellowships for graduate or post-graduate students in the Department of History.
MELHOP MCNEW SCHOLARSHIP Effie Melhop and Nettie Fry McNew Endowed Scholarship The Effie Melhop and Nettie Fry McNew Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make awards to students majoring in Agricultural Biology, with an emphasis in agricultural applications of entomology, plant pathology and/or weed science.
GUY, EILEEN T. ENDOWED SCH Eileen T. Guy Endowed Scholarship The Eileen T. Guy Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled full time, have a declared major in accounting, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. The student(s) must also have a gap in their education sequence between high school and college.
EL PASO ENERGY ENGR El Paso Corporate Foundation S The El Paso Energy Scholarship in Engineering was established to support students in the College of Engineering.
EL PASO CNTY HONOR END El Paso County Honors Scholars Created in 1985, to support NMSU students from El Paso, TX.
EPE LINEWORKER CURRENT USE El Paso Electric Company Electrical Worker Certification Current Use Scholarship Created in 2014, the El Paso Electric Company Electrical Worker Certification Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students in the DACC Lineworker Certificate program.
EL PASO RIDING DRIVING El Paso Riding and Driving Club Scholarship The El Paso Riding and Driving Club, Inc., Scholarship Fund was established in 2006 to support the activities of the New Mexico State University equine program. This includes scholarships and travel for undergraduate and/graduate students participating in the equine program at New Mexico State University.
BENFER, ELAINE P. SCH. Elaine Potter Benfer Memorial Scholarship The Elaine Potter Benfer Memorial Scholarship in Nursing was established in 1984 to provide scholarships at New Mexico State University.
CORDOVA, ELAINE R. NURSING Elaine R. Cordova Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Established in 2024, the Elaine R. Cordova Endowed Scholarship in Nursing supports undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must be in good standing, have a declared major in Nursing or its successor discipline, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
HEINS, ELEANOR A. MEM SCH Eleanor A. Heins Memorial Scholarship Any Associate Degree program, completed minimum 30hrs in said program. Provide two (2) ltrs of reference, statement describing future and career goals.
WARD, ELEANOR E MEM SCH Eleanor E. Ward Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 1993, the Eleanor E. Ward Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund supports the College of ACES. Recipients must be entering freshmen, enrolled in the College of ACES, majoring in Food Science or Food Nutrition, have a high school GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to U.S. and New Mexico residents.
WARD, ELEANOR E MEMORIAL Eleanor Ward Memorial Scholarship The Eleanor Ward Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students participating in the Department of Music, Pride Marching Band.
ELECTRIC CO CHARITABLE FND Electric Company Charitable Foundation Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Electric Company Charitable Foundation Endowed Scholarship will be used to provide one or more scholarships to undergraduate students. Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior level student and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to first-generation college students.
ELECTRIC UTILITY MGT PROG Electric Utility Management Program Created in 1986, the Electric Utility Management Program funds are to be used at the discretion of the Department Head of the KLIPSCH School of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
ECE ALUMNI & FRIENDS SCH Electrical Engineering Alumni and Friends Endowed Scholarship The Electrical Engineering Alumni & Friends Scholarship was established to make an award each semester for participation in IEEE activities.
ENGR TECH -EE ALUMNI SCH Electrical Engineering Technology Alumni Scholarship The Electrical Engineering Technology Alumni Scholarship was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for students majoring in Engineering Technology - Electrical.
ELECT & COMPUTER ENG ACAD Electrical and Computer Engineering Academy
ELECTRICAL&CMPTR. ENGR SCH Electrical and Computer Engineering Endowed Scholarship The Electrical & Computer Engineering Scholarship was established in 1980 to award scholarships to electrical engineering students. Each award recipient must have completed at least 60 credit hours, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.4, and be a member of the EE honorary society.
ECE DEPARTMENT SCH Electrical and Computer Engineering Scholarship
VALLES, ELENA MEZA SCH Elena Meza Valles Patient Advocacy Scholarship Created in 2023, the Elena Meza Valles Patient Advocacy Scholarship supports full-time undergraduate students in the College of HEST. Student must be pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), maintain a minimum cumulative GPA 3.0. Must have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to students who have or had a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a US veteran. Preference for a first-generation student.
SANCHEZ, ELISA M. END SCH Elisa M. Sanchez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Elisa M. Sanchez scholarship supports junior and senior level students who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and demonstrates financial need. Preference for students enrolled in any short or long-term NMSU sponsored study abroad programs, to study abroad for academic credit in the year of award (International Student Exchange Program). Preference for first-generation college students.
TITUS, MCKENNEY ELIZABETH E Elizabeth A. McKenney Titus and Robert Jay Titus Endowed Scholarship for Library Student Employees Established in 2015 and amended in 2021, the Elizabeth A. McKenney Titus and Robert Jay Titus Endowed Scholarship supports Library student employees. Recipient(s) must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, be classified as a sophomore level or higher, be currently employed in good standing with the NMSU Library, and must have been employed for at least two semesters prior to the award.
SHIRK, ELIZABETH ANN MEM. Elizabeth Ann Shirk Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Elizabeth Ann Shirk Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by her own estate, along with the help of the Class of 1956, in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students within the College of Education.
POLLARD, ELIZABETH AYRES Elizabeth Ayres Pollard Endowed Scholarship The Elizabeth Ayres Pollard Endowed Scholarship assists students with educational debt that is preventing them from enrolling for an upcoming semester. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and a need to reduce existing educational debt in order to re-enroll at New Mexico State University.
CORBETT, ELIZABETH B. MEM. Elizabeth B. Corbett Memorial Scholarship The Elizabeth B. Corbett Memorial Scholarship was established by Mrs. Susan Hooks, family, and friends in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Chemistry Department. Preference in selection shall be given students whose classification is junior or senior level.
MORGAN, ELIZABETH ROY Elizabeth I. and Roy R. Morgan Endowed Scholarship The Elizabeth I. and Roy R. Morgan Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an award to an undergraduate student in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
WICHERT, ELIZABETH J. MEM. Elizabeth Jean Wichert Memorial Endowed Scholarship The estate of Elizabeth Jean Wichert established this endowment to support a senior level student in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
WICHERT, ELIZABETH JEAN SCH Elizabeth Jean Wichert Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Elizabeth Jean Wichert Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 to make one or more awards to senior or graduate students who have declared major in the Department of English.
ELKS CURRENT USE Elks Lodge #1119 Scholastic Current Use The Elks Lodge #1119 Scholastic Current Use Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student.
ELKS LODGE ENDOWMENT Elks Lodge #1119 Scholastic Endowed Scholarship The Elks Lodge #1119 Scholastic Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student.
TORREZ/SALCIDO MEMORIAL Eloy Torrez and Savina Salcido Memorial Endowment Scholarship The Eloy Torrez and Savina Salcido Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015, in memory of the donor''s parents who placed a high value on education. The scholarship will be awarded to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in the College of Engineering, and must be a U.S. citizen and New Mexico resident. Preferences will be given to students whose legal residence is Lincoln or Chaves County, who demonstrate financial need, and are from Hondo Valley High School.
BARRY, ELSIE C. NURSING END Elsie C. Barry Nursing Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Elsie C. Barry Nursing Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU School of Nursing. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in nursing and be classified as graduate or undergraduate student.
RIGNEY CARR ELSIE RAYE END Elsie Raye Rigney Carr President's Associates Endowed Scholarship Fund The Elsie Raye Rigney Carr President''s Associates Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to award an entering freshman who is a recipient of the President''s Associates Scholarship, is majoring in humanities, arts & sciences (including health science), business or education.
JAROSEWICZ, EMILY SCH Emily S. Jarosewicz Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing The Emily S. Jarosewicz Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one student. The award recipient must be a U.S. citizen, be a resident of New Mexico, be a junior or senior, have a 3.25 minimum cumulative grade point average, and demonstrate professionalism and a caring attitude toward hospital patients.
SNOW,EMILY & LOUIS ENG SCH Emily and Louis Snow Endowed Scholarship The Emily and Louis Snow Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004. The award recipient must be a junior in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.3 or higher.
CERVANTES, EMMA JEAN ACES Emma Jean Cervantes ACES Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Emma Jean Cervantes ACES Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled full time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to students whose legal county of residence is Do??a Ana, have a declared major in agronomy, horticulture, or food science technology. This scholarship is renewable as long as all criteria is met or until the recipients complete their undergraduate degree.
CERVANTES,EMMA NURSING SCH Emma Jean Cervantes Nursing Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Emma Jean Cervantes Nursing Endowed Scholarship supports nursing students in the College of Health and Social Services. Recipients must be enrolled full time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to students whose legal county of residence is Dona Ana. This scholarship is renewable as long as all criteria is met or until the recipients complete their undergraduate degree.
NATIONS, EMMETT MEM SCH. Emmett L. Nations Memorial Scholarship
CHAPMAN, EMMETTE MEMORIAL Emmette Chapman Memorial Scholarship The Emmette Chapman Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mrs. Mary Jane Chapman in 1992 to make an annual award to two students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences majoring in Agronomy and Horticulture.
SHANNON, EMROY & ALMA & ROD Emroy, Alma and Roderick Shannon Endowed Scholarship The Shannon Family Endowed Fund was established in 2006 and amended to the Emroy, Alma and Roderick Shannon Endowed Scholarship in 2019. The scholarship recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference for a student who is a parent with dependent child(ren).
ENDEAVOR ENDOWED SCH Endeavor Endowed Scholarship The Endeavor Endowed Scholarship was established by Hilda Ripley in 2016 to award one or more undergraduate students in the College of Business at NMSU who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and are U.S. Citizens.
NM NATIVE AMERICAN FR Endowed Scholarship Fund for New Mexico American Indian Undergraduate and Graduate Students Established in 1988 and amended in 2018 by Mr. Charles M. and Mrs. Ruth Gable, the Endowed Scholarship Fund for New Mexico American Indian Undergraduate and Graduate Students supports American Indian students enrolled at New Mexico State University. Recipients must be a New Mexico resident. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate financial need and to incoming freshmen. If no incoming freshmen are qualified for this award, then the award may be given to a second year student or higher. The award may be renewed on a continuing basis as long as a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher is maintained and there is no break in matriculation. This award may be used to help defray the costs of room and board, books, fees, summer school tuition, and graduate school expenses.
EMERITUS ENGR FACULTY SCH Engineering Emeritus Faculty Scholarship The Emeritus Engineering Faculty Scholarship was created to support the College of Engineering. Eligible recipients must be classified as a junior or senior undergraduate and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. Preferences given to students that are a graduate of a New Mexico high school, participates in extracurricular activities, and attend Emeritus Faculty breakfast.
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SCH Engineering General College Scholarship Created in 1986, the Engineering General College Scholarship current use fund is the general scholarship fund for the College of Engineering. Recipient(s) must be enrolled in the College of Engineering.
ENGR TECH -ME ALUMNI SCH Engineering Technology - Mecha The Mechanical Engineering Technology Alumni Scholarship was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for students majoring in Engineering Technology - Mechanical.
ENG TECH & SURVEY ENG DEPT Engineering Technology Scholarship Created in 1988, the Engineering Technology Scholarship supports the Department of Engineering Technology in the College of Engineering. The criteria for the scholarship award will follow the general criteria for NMSU.
ENGLISH DEPT GRAD STUDENTS English Department Graduate Student Endowment Fund The English Department Graduate Student Endowment Fund was established by the Department of English and graduate students from the Department of English in 1997 in order to support graduate students in the department of English.
GUTIERREZ, JR. ENRIQUE PGM Enrique Henry Gutierrez Jr. Endowed PGM Scholarship The Enrique "Henry" Gutierrez Jr. Endowed PGM Scholarship was established in 2004 to make a $500 annual award to students who are currently enrolled in the Professional Golf Management program and are active in the PGM Student Association.
TELLEZ, ENRIQUE & DENISE EN Enrique and Denise Tellez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Enrique and Denise Tellez Endowed Scholarship support the College of Engineering. Recipients must be enrolled in the Department of Industrial Engineering and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
ENTERPRISE SCHOLARS CU SCH Enterprise Scholars Current Use Scholarship Created in 2021, the Enterprise Scholars Current Use Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must have a declared major in Marketing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be classified as a junior or senior level student.
EPPWS DEPARTMENTAL Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science Departmental Scholarship The Entomology & Plant Pathology Department Scholarship was established in 1982 to provide scholarships for students in the Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology.
RENTFROW, ERA MEMORIAL END Era Rentfrow Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Era Rentfrow Endowed Emergency Loan Fund was established by friends and family of Era Rentfrow in 1997 and amended in 2020. The funds shall be used to support graduate level students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
WILLIAM, ERASMUS SCH. Erasmus Williams Scholarship The Erasmus Williams Scholarship was established to provide scholarships for graduates of accredited New Mexico high schools.
GANNON, ERIC MEMOR PGA GOLF Eric M. Gannon Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Eric M. Gannon Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship will provide support to undergraduate students. Students must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program or its successor program, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and must be an undergraduate in good standing.
POWELL,ERIC & REECE,CYNTHIA Eric Powell and Cynthia Reece Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Eric Powell and Cynthia Reece Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU College of Business students. Recipients must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, have a declared major in accounting and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or for incoming freshmen graduated in the top 25% of their high school class.
CLEVELAND, ERNEST LYNN SCH Ernest Lynn Cleveland Scholarship Established in 2018, the Ernest Lynn Cleveland Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The award shall be given to one or more undergraduate student(s). Recipients must have a declared major in Physics or Engineering-Physics, be enrolled full-time, and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior level student.
ERNST & YOUNG BUS. LEADERS Ernst and Young Business Leaders Undergraduate Current Use Accounting and Finance Scholarship The Ernst & Young Business Leaders Scholarship was established in 2004 to make awards to juniors and seniors in Accounting or Finance. Students should have a minimum GPA of 3.3 and exhibit leadership skills through active involvement in on-campus activities and/or in the community.
ESPERANZA/COVARRUBIAS HELP Esperanza and Covarrubias Helping Hands Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Esperanza and Covarrubias Helping Hands Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must have a declared major in Special Education, be a full-time student, be classified as an undergraduate level student and must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to first-generation college students.
HERRERA, E.A. END GRAD SCH Esteban Herrera Endowed Graduate Scholarship The Esteban Herrera Endowed Graduate Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an annual award to one or more graduate students in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department. The funds can be used as either a stipend to augment an assistantship or for travel funds to present findings at a professional meeting.
THOMAS, ESTER & ESTAL END. Ester and Estal Thomas Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 and amended in 2016, the Ester and Estel Thomas Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students who are enrolled full-time, are a resident of Torrance County, New Mexico, maintains a 2.5 GPA, and has financial need as determined by FAFSA. Preference in selection is for a Estancia High School graduate and a student who is an entering freshman.
SHERROD, ESTHER R. SCH. Esther R. Sherrod Scholarship The Esther R. Sherrod scholarship is to be used to support students in the nursing department.
SHELDON, ESTHER & EVAN Esther and Evan Sheldon Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Esther and Evan Sheldon Endowed Scholarship supports students from NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be enrolled and satisfactorily complete a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester, have a declared major in a STEM or Fine Arts program, and submit degree audit documentation every semester for review to assure academic progress towards a two or four year degree.
STAFFELDT, EUGENE E. MEM. Eugene E. Staffeldt Tri-Beta M
EGERTON, EUGENE H. END SCH Eugene H. Egerton Memorial Scholarship The Eugene H. Egerton Memorial Scholarship was established in 1979 to provide scholarships students in need of financial assistance, but not qualifying for Federal or State assistance. First preference for this scholarship are students from Nara Visa, then Assisted, Logan, and Quay County.
WEMLINGER,EUGENE&MABLE SCH Eugene Wemlinger Endowed Scholarship in Finance The Eugene and Mable Wemlinger Endowed Finance Scholarship was established in 2000 to make an annual award to a junior finance major who is interested in a career related to the stock market.
WEMLINGER SCHOLAR FUND Eugene and Mable Wemlinger End The Eugene and Mable Wemlinger Endowed Geology Scholarship was established in 2000 to make an annual award to a geology major who is working part time.
ROSS,EUGENE&MARY NELL SCH Eugene and Mary Nell Ross Scholarship The Eugene and Mary Nell Ross Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 to support graduate students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education. One annual award recipient is selected upon the criteria that they are a full-time graduate student who demonstrates academic ability and commitment to complete his/her graduate study and is not supported by an assistantship, fellowship, or half-time or greater employment at NMSU.
EULER FAMILY END LITERATURE Euler Family Endowed Scholarship in Literature Established 2022, the Euler Family Endowed Scholarship in Literature supports undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must be a junior, senior or graduate level student in good standing, have a declared major in the Department of English with an emphasis in Literature, Language & Culture, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and must have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference for a New Mexico resident and a student who demonstrates leadership skills and/or community service.
EVANS RAMIREZ GARCIA ROTC Evans Ramirez Garcia ROTC Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Evans Ramirez Garcia ROTC Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 in order to honor Evans Ramirez Garcia for his heroism and sacrifices as a Bataan Veteran. This scholarship should be used to award an undergraduate or graduate student who is enrolled in the ROTC program, with preference to a student who plans on making the military their career.
YOQUELET, EVE THEATRE SCH Eve Yoquelet Scholarship in Theatre Arts The Eve Yoquelet Scholarship in Theatre Arts was established in 1986 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Theatre Arts.
HOLLEN, EVELYN END SCH Evelyn Hollen Endowed Scholarship Fund The Evelyn Hollen Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 by Evelyn Hollen. This fund was created to provide scholarships to undergraduate students in the College of ACES, majoring in Family and Consumer Sciences Education.
STEVENS/ROBESON MEM SCH Evelyn R. Stevens Memorial Scholarships & Stewart. H. Robeson Memorial Scholarships The E.R. Stevens and S.H. Robeson Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Eva Robeson Matson in 1992 to make an annual award students enrolled in the College of Business and the College of Engineering.
COX, EVELYN S ENDOWED SCH Evelyn S. Cox Endowed Scholarship The Evelyn S. Cox Endowed Scholarship was established to award scholarships to engineering students that are active in faith-based activities.
EXCELLENCE IN NURSING SCH Excellence in Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund The Excellence in Nursing Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Ms. Ann M. Goode in 2005 to make an annual award of at least $400 each to one or more students. Each award recipient must be a junior or senior, enrolled in the Roadrunner Program, and have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
EXPERIMENTAL STATISTICS GRA Experimental Statistics Graduate Student Support Fund Created in 2005, the Experimental Statistics Graduate Student Support Fund support students enrolled in the Experimental Statistics graduate program.
FYI INC GRAD. SOCIAL WORK FYI, Inc., Graduate Social Work Student Endowed Scholarship The FYI, Inc., Graduate Social Work Student Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an award to one or more graduate student(s). Award recipient(s) must be admitted to the Master''s of Social Work degree program, must be a resident of New Mexico, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, have financial need, and be committed to serving and meeting the needs of families, youth and children of New Mexico upon graduation.
SAMANIEGO, FABIAN&VIRGINIA Fabian and Virginia Samaniego Endowed Scholarship The Fabian and Virginia Samaniego Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 by Mr. Fabian A. Samaniego. The income from this fund is to be used yearly to make awards for educational costs. Eligible candidates for this award must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better, demonstrate financial need, and be majoring in Spanish.
FACILITIES & SRVCS EMPL SCH Facilities and Services Employee Current Use Scholarship This scholarship was established in 2015 to support NMSU students who are employed by the Department of Facilities and Services. The recipients shall be undergraduate level students and may be a regular, temporary or student employee; employment may be full or part-time. Recipient must be enrolled for a minimum of 3 credit hours at Las Cruces or Dona Ana campuses.
FAGAN FOUNDATION ENDOWED Fagan Foundation Endowed Scholarship The Fagan Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to support middle and high school student winners of the annual NMSU Innoventure Competition as scholarship awards if the winners enroll in the NMSU College of Business.
FCS DEPARTMENTAL Family and Consumer Science Department Scholarship The Family and Consumer Science Department Scholarship was established in 1981 to provide scholarships for undergraduate students registered in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
FANT FAMILY END. BAND SCH. Fant Family Endowed Band Scholarship The Fant Family Endowed Band Scholarship was established in 2012 in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students in their 2nd year of the NMSU Pride Marching Band.
FARM CREDIT OF NM Farm Credit of New Mexico Endowed Scholarship The Farm Credit of New Mexico Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make annual awards to one or more undergraduate students whose parents or grandparents are current members of Farm Credit of New Mexico.
MURPHY, FAYE L. SCHOLARSHIP Faye Leona Murphy Memorial Scholarship The Faye Leona Murphy Memorial Scholarship was established in 2004 by Sylvie Murphy, Candace J. Sitzer and family of Faye Leona Murphy. This fund was created to make an annual award to a junior or senior level student enrolled in the College of Education. The award recipient must complete 20 hours or more per semester of community service that directly benefits children.
CHAVEZ, FELIPE & ANN MEM Felipe L and Ann T. Chavez Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Felipe L. and Ann T. Chavez Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, be classified as an undergraduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to students who are New Mexico residents.
SAMANIEGO, FELIPE MD CU SCH Felipe Samaniego MD Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020, the Felipe Samaniego MD Current Use Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be undergraduate students with a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, demonstrate financial need, be a first generation in their family to attend college and be a New Mexico resident.
LIM, FELIPE & VICTORIA DACC Felipe and Victoria Lim NMSU-DACC Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Felipe and Victoria Lim NMSU-DACC Endowed Scholarship supports students at DACC. Recipients must be pursuing an Associate Degree or a Certificate in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and scholarship is renewable so long as the criteria outlined is met.
TRUJILLO, FELIX C. MEM SCH Felix C. Trujillo Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Felix C. Trujillo Memorial Scholarship was established in 1975. The income shall be used to make an award to an undergraduate student majoring in Civil Engineering.
CAUHAPE,FELIX & MADLYN MEM Felix and Madlyn Cauhape Memorial Scholarship The Felix & Madlyn Cauhape Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
FERGUSON-HIRZEL SCHOLARSHIP Ferguson-Hirzel Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Ferguson-Hirzel Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2004 by Donald and JoAnn Ferguson to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Education.
FIFTH YEAR SCHOLARSHIP Fifth Year Athletic Endowed Scholarship The Fifth year Athletic Endowed Scholarship was created in 1993 to provide support to fifth-year students in any NMSU sports program.
FINANCE DEPT SCHOLARHIP Finance Departmental Scholarship
FINANCE,INS,REAL ESTATE SCH Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Scholarship Funded by alumni, friends, and faculty of the department of Finance, scholarships are provided to undergraduate students based on academic performance.
FIRKINS, JEFFREY B. BAND Firkins Family Band Endowed Scholarship The Jeffrey Bruce Firkins Band Endowed Scholarship was originally established in 1985 in order to make an award to an undergraduate student.
FIRST NAT'L ALAMO MNTN RUN First National Bank Alamogordo Lady of the Mountain Run Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the First National Bank Alamogordo Lady of the Mountain Run Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours, have a GPA of 2.0 and priority will be given to need based students.
FISHERY & WILDLIFE DEPT SCH Fish and Wildlife Science Departmental Scholarship Created in 1996, this current use fund supports the department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation.
FISKE CONSTRUCTION ENGR SCH Fiske Construction Engineering The Fiske Construction Engineering scholarship is to be awarded to sophomore, junior or senior civil engineering majors who are construction-oriented.
CORREA, FLOYD ENDOWED SCH Floyd Correa Endowed Scholarship The Floyd Correa Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 by Laguna Development Corporation in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students in honor of Floyd Correa, for his outstanding contributions to NMSU, the state of New Mexico, and the Pueblo of Laguna.
FOLTZ FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Foltz Family Student Teacher Endowed Scholarship The Foltz Family Student Teacher Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to a senior student entering a semester of student teaching.
FOR CHAR'S LIFE ENDOWED SCH For Char's Life Endowed Scholarship For Char''s Life, Inc. is a non-profit foundation founded by Charlotte Austin Smithhisler "Char" and her family to help people in their battle against lupus. Recipients of this endowed scholarship must have Lupus or Autoimmune Disease, or be a student whose child or parent has had Lupus, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9 and be U.S. Citizens. Preference shall be given to students who have identified a Pre-medical track or have a declared major in the College of Education.
FOURATT & HEYDT LEADERS SCH Fouratt and Heydt American Leaders Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 by Gregory Fouratt and Larry Heydt, the Fouratt and Heydt American Leaders Endowed Scholarship was created to support students in the Army or Airforce ROTC programs at NMSU. Recipients of the award must be full time students of Junior or Senior level classification, they must be cadets in good standing of the NMSU Army ROTC or Air Force ROTC program, they must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students studying Government.
FOURATT AND HEYDT LAW ENFOR Fouratt and Heydt Law Enforcement Officer Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Fouratt and Heydt Law Enforcement Officer Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be undergraduate students, have a declared major in the Department of Criminal Justice, be a junior or senior level student, be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3. Preference will be giving to a student who has a parent/grandparent who is/was an active or retired police officer with the NM State Police or who is a current , former or retired commissioned law enforcement officer with the NM State Police.
WILLIAMS, FRANCES END SCH Frances Williams Endowed Scholarship Frances Williams has established this scholarship in honor of her family and their diverse interests and educational pursuits. Frances has a legacy in the Las Cruces and southern New Mexico communities as an advocate for women''s rights, civil rights and military affairs. The NMSU Library proudly houses her archives which detail her extraordinary humanitarian efforts, such as her political and community activities, her work during the Vietnam War, and her history with Temple Beth El. Frances has inspired many citizens to be champions in our community and this scholarship honors her and her family''s legacy in Las Cruces.
ORTEGA GARCIA; FRANCISCA SC Francisca (Kika) Ortega Garcia Memorial Endowed Scholarship Francisca "Kika" Garcia Ortega was born on June 20, 1915 in Mexico. She was married to Demetrio Ortega for over 65 years and had six children. Kika''s lifelong passion for education was key in her decision to agree to move her family to the U.S. All six of her children succeeded in their career paths and presented her with several degrees, seven received at NMSU. This scholarship is to honor her legacy at New Mexico State University, where she was instrumental in motivating her children to direct their own destinies through the power of an excellent college education.
MAES, FRANK ARMANDO SCH Frank Armando Maes Scholarship The Frank Armando Maes Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled at the College of Business. Eligible candidates for this award must be incoming freshmen who have displayed leadership abilities in community activities that contribute to his or her community.
BROMILOW,FRANK ENGR STU AWD Frank Bromilow College of Engineering Student Award Fund The Frank Bromilow Engineering Student Award Fund was established in 1974 to award the student president of the Engineers Council in the College of engineering.
BUDENHOLZER, FRANK E. MEM Frank E. Budenholzer Memorial Scholarship The Frank E. Budenholzer Memorial Scholarship was established in 1990 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Engineering. Award recipients should have a high school grade point average of 3.0 or a B.
SEIDEL, FRANK ENDOWED SCH Frank Seidel Endowed Scholarship Fund The Fank Seidel Endowed Scholarship Fund was established to make awards to undergraduate students in Chemical Engineering with a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or higher.
WILLIAMS, FRANK & CALLY Frank and Cally Williams End The Frank and Cally Williams Endowed Fund was established in 2010 to benefit the NMSU Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving Program.
GARRETT,FRANK&DOLORES SCH Frank and Dolores Garrett Scholarship The Frank E. & Dolores L. Garrett Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to make an annual award to one or more students at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
CLEMONS,FRANKIE&RUSSEL SCH Frankie and Russell Clemons Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business The Frankie and Russell Clemons Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an award to a Junior majoring in business at the College of Business who has attained a grade point average of 2.5 or better and who works a minimum of 20 hours per week.
WAID,FRED MEMORIAL END SCH Fred Waid Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Fred M. Waid Memorial Scholarship was established in 1981 to provide scholarships for children of full-time employees of the Physical Plant Department(Facilities & Services).
THOMPSON,FRED&CAROLINE SCH Fred and Caroline Thompson Scholarship The Fred and Caroline Thompson Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 to make an annual award for a vocal music student focusing on music education or whose desire is to be a church music director.
WIDMOYER,FRED&GENEVIEVE MEM Fred and Genevieve Widmoyer Memorial Scholarship/Loan Memorial Fund The Fred and Genevieve Widmoyer Scholarship/Loan Memorial Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in Vocational Horticulture and Instruction at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The award may be in the form of a scholarship or a loan.
CHRISTENSON,FRED&NOBUKU SCH Fred and Nobuku Christenson Endowed Scholarship The Fred and Nobuku Christenson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an annual award to one undergraduate student each year. The award recipient must be majoring in Social Work, be a senior, be a resident of New Mexico, be enrolled full-time at the time of the award, and have financial need.
SELL, FRED AND NORMA S. SCH Frederick W. and Norma Schroeder Sell and Lisa M. Sell Endowed Scholarship Fund The Frederick W. and Norma Schroeder Sell and Lisa M. Sell Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to provide scholarship assistance to students majoring in music or NMSU students who play a musical instrument and are members of a NMSU major ensemble.
COULSTON,FREDERICK GRAD SCH Frederick and Eileen Coulston Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Toxicology, Chemistry and Biochemistry Scholarship The Frederick and Eileen Coulston Endowed Graduate Scholarship in Toxicology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry was established in 2001 by Dr. Frederick Coulston in memory of his late wife, Dr. Eileen Coulston. This fund was established to make annual awards to one or more students who have been admitted into the masters or doctoral program in toxicology, chemistry, or biochemistry in New Mexico State''s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
FRIENDS OF ANTHROPOLOGY Friends of Anthropology
CHORAL SCHOLARSHIP Friends of Vocal Music
MUSIC VOCAL FRIENDS Friends of Vocal Music Endowed Fund This fund was established to support vocal music programs at New Mexico State University.
FROYLAN L VELASCO SCH Froylan L Velasco Scholarship The income shall be used to support the mission of NMSU-Alamogordo campus through scholarships, personnel development and other support programs.
HARTGER, G JEROME MEMORIAL G. Jerome Hartger Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011 and formalized in 2012, the G. Jerome Hartger Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and be an undergraduate level student.
GUTHRIE, G.L. SCHOLARSHIP G. L. Guthrie Endowed Scholarship Fund The G.L. Guthrie Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Business.
MARTIN, G.C & DORIS S. END G.C. & Doris S. Martin, Jr. Endowed Scholarship The G.C. & Doris S. Martin, Jr. Scholarship was established in 1973 and had originated as a loan, however in 1985 it was changed to an endowed scholarship for students at new Mexico State University.
HAMIEL, GLENN R. SCH G.R. Hamiel Memorial Award Established in 1976, the G. R. Hamiel Memorial Award supports the College of Arts and Sciences to award a sophomore or junior level student with a declared major in chemistry for outstanding scholastic achievement in analytical chemistry (CHEM 371).
GFWC PROG CLUB B.M. WRIGHT GFWC Progress Club Bernice M. Wright Current Use Scholarship The GFWC Progress Club Bernice M. Wright Current Use Scholarship will make an award to one undergraduate student in the College of Education. Recipient must be classified as a junior or senior level student, must be a NM resident. Preference will be given to a resident of Dona Ana County, have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
GFWC PROGRESS CLUB BETTY AR GFWC Progress Club Betty Arndt Endowed Nursing Scholarship The GFWC Progress Club Betty Arndt Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established by the GFWC Progress Club of Las Cruces in 2004 in order to make an annual award to an undergraduate student.
ANAYA, GABE HONORARIUM SCH Gabe Anaya Endowed Honorarium Scholarship Award The Gabe Anaya Honorary Endowed Scholarship was established in 2001 to honor Gabe Anaya who was an active member of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity throughout his college career, and has been the Alpha Omicron Chapter Advisor for almost three decades. This fund is to be used to make an award to one or more members of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity. The recipient must be enrolled at NMSU main campus, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, be an active member of the Alpha Omicron Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, and have demonstrated service, loyalty, and achievement to Tau Kappa Epsilon.
GAGE GAVIN & JEFF GOMEZ MEM Gage Gavin and Jeff Gomez Memorial "Head of the Class" PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Gage Gavin and Jeff Gomez Memorial "Head of the Class" PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship support students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and hold an officer position inside the PGA Golf Management Student Association.
GAVIN, GAGE M. MKTG END SCH Gage M. Gavin Memorial Marketing Endowed Scholarship The Gage M. Gavin Memorial Marketing Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 by Dean Jim Hoffman, with NMSU''s College of Business. The scholarship was created in memory of Gage, and in celebration of his life, and the love and kindness he showed to others. The award is given to undergraduate students with a declared major in marketing, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
GAVIN, GAGE MEMORIAL SCHOL Gage M. Gavin Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship The Gage M. Gavin Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015, in honor of his life and the impact he had on others. Awards are given to sophomore, junior or senior level students enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program. Students must be enrolled full time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Recipients must also be an active member of the NMSU PGA Golf Management Student Association. Preference is given to students with a documented learning disability.
GAVIN, GAGE MEM INSTATE SCH Gage M. Gavin Memorial PGM In-State Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Gage M. Gavin Memorial PGM In-State Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in Marketing, be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, a full-time Sophomore, Junior or Senior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
HARVEY, GALE A. SCHOLARSHIP Gale A. Harvey Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 and amended in 2019 and 2023, the Gale A. Harvey Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipient(s) must be undergraduates in good standing, majoring in physics or engineering physics, whose state of legal residence is the United States, Mexico or Canada. Student must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference for a student who is in their 3rd or 4th year in physics or engineering physics.
GALLEGOS,ROMERO&SALAZAR MEM Gallegos, Romero and Salazar Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Gallegos, Romero, and Salazar Memorial Endowed Scholarship shall be awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Education who is majoring in special education or elementary education with a 2.5 grade point average. Recipient must be a legal resident of New Mexico and provide a statement on how cancer has impacted their life. Preference in selection will be given to a student who plans to teach in New Mexico.
GARRETT-OWEN-WOOD SCH. Garrett-Owen-Wood Alumni and Friends Endowed Scholarship The Garrett-Owen-Wood Alumni and Friends Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to students in the Communication Disorders Program.
GARTH & TRISHA ACTS Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship honors their remarkable performances at the NMSU Pan American Center. This scholarship supports students in the Department of Music and the School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be classified as a junior level student and have an academic emphasis/interest, involvement or plans to pursue a career in special events and/or the entertainment industry as evidenced by educational and career goals in scholarship application.
SHIPLEY, GARY A. MEM. SCH. Gary A. Shipley Memorial Scholarship Established in 2005, the Gary A. Shipley Memorial Scholarship supports freshman students. Recipient must be from New Mexico with an ACT score of at least 22 and be majoring in marketing. Award is renewable annually for 4 years which requires student to continue majoring in marketing and maintaining a GPA of at least 2.8.
DURHAM, GARY HONORING HERB Gary Durham Endowed Scholarship Honoring Herb Wimberly The Gary Durham Endowed Scholarship Honoring Herb Wimberly shall be awarded to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, be a member of the New Mexico State University Golf Team, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
GEAN SCH FUND Gean Scholarship Fund The Macon G. Gean, Opal Gean and Hilda Gean Keeler Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Macon G. Gean in 1995. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual award to one or more deserving students.
JONES, GENA W. CU SCH Gena W. Jones Current Use Scholarship Dr. Gena W. Jones is a 1981 graduate of the School of Social Work. Dr. Jones has worked in the areas of human resources, management and supervision for over 25 years in both the private and public sectors; sixteen of which have been in executive leadership positions. In addition to her many years of hands on experience and leadership in the field of HR, she has taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the disciplines of Human Resource Management and Management & Supervision. She has served in a number of volunteer leadership positions including the national Board of Directors of the HR Certification Institute.
GENDER & SEXUALITY STUDIES Gender & Sexuality Studies General Scholarship Created in 2018, the Gender 7 Sexuality Studies General Scholarship supports students with a declared major or minor in Gender & Sexuality Studies.
BRAITHWAITE, GENE D MEM Gene D. Braithwaite Endowed Memorial Award The Gene D. Braithwaite Memorial Award was established to be used as scholarship support for students majoring in Civil Engineering.
ACADEMIC SCH GENERAL General Academic Scholarships This scholarship is to support students and their academic success.
GENERAL CENTENNIAL General Centennial Endowed Scholarships The General Centennial Scholarship Fund was created during the university''s centennial celebration to provide support for New Mexico State University students.
NATIONS,WALTER&ESTALINE END General Walter Nations and Mrs.Estaline Nations Endowed Scholarship Fund The General Walter Nations and Mrs. Estaline Nations Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 to make an annual award to one or more NMSU students, alternating between marching band members and students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
GEOGRAPHY GENERAL SCH Geography General Scholarship Created in 1993, this current use fund supports the department of Geography.
GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SCH Geological Engineering Scholarship Created in 2013, the Geological Engineering Scholarship supports scholarships to geological engineering students.
STUDIES ON GAS ION EICEMAN Geological Engineering Scholarship
GEOLOGY DEPARTMENTAL SCH Geology General Scholarship
ALEXANDER, GEORGE ET SCH George Alexander Scholarship in Engineering Technology The George D. Alexander Endowed Scholarship Fund for Engineering Technology was established in 2001 to award scholarships to Engineering Technology majors, with a 2.5 GPA and financial need.
DEFOE & VAN WINKLE END SCH George B. DeFoe and Kenneth D. Van Winkle Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2001, the George B. DeFoe and Kenneth D. Van Winkle Endowed Scholarship Fund supports a student in the Department of Music whose principle instrument is the trumpet. Recipient must maintain a 2.8 GPA. Preference for a student who has financial need.
SCOTT, GEORGE B. ACCT SCHOL George B. Scott Endowed Accounting Scholarship The George B. Scott Endowed Accounting Scholarship was established in 2004 to make an annual award in the amount of tuition to junior or senior level students who have a declared major in accounting.
BRIGGS, GEORGE E. MEM. SCH George E. Briggs Memorial Award Established in 1975, the George E. Briggs Memorial Award recognizes an outstanding Senior in Psychology at NMSU.
FETTINGER,GEORGE E NURSING George E. Fettinger Endowed Nursing Scholarship The George E. Fettinger Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established to support undergraduate students who are seeking a degree in nursing. The recipient of this scholarship must have been accepted into the BSN Program, and be a resident of Otero County. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and be enrolled full time student. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, and preference will be given to NMSU Alamogordo nursing students accepted into the BSN Program.
MYERS, GEORGE E. END SCH George E. Myers Endowed Scholarship Endowed in 2017, the George H. Myers Endowed Scholarship supports students enrolled in the College of Business. Student must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.8 GPA and be a US citizen. Preference for a student has a declared major in finance and whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
GODFREY, GEORGE A. MEMORIAL George Godfrey Memorial Scholarship Established in 1973, the George Godfrey Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships to junior and senior level students majoring in Agriculture and are members of an NMSU Judging Team. Recipients will be selected based on leadership, scholastic achievement, and financial need.
DENNARD, GEORGE H MEM END George H. Dennard Memorial Endowed Scholarship The George H. Dennard Memorial Scholarship was established in 1968 in memory of Mr. Dennard who was an NMSU Graduate and the Director of admissions at the time of his death. The income will be used to make scholarship awards to students attending New Mexico State University.
STRAIT, GEORGE MUSIC END. George Strait-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 and amended in 2021, the George Strait-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship honors the remarkable performances by George Strait at the NMSU Pan American Center. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Music, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
LUCKY, GEORGE W. AWARD George W. Lucky Scholarship The G.W. Lucky Scholarship was established in 1987 to make an award to a Junior or Senior level student who has completed 50 semester credit hours in the Department of Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University and is a full-time student.
PETTY,GEORGE&ANNABELLE SCH George and Annabelle Petty Scholarship The George and Annabelle Petty Engineering Scholarship was established in 2002 to make an annual award in the same amount as full time in-state tuition and fees to be distributed equally among the fall and spring semesters. Each award recipient must be an entering freshman who is graduate of Carlsbad High School with a minimum high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
GOEDECKE, GEORGE & BARB George and Barbara Goedecke Physics Excellence Fund Established in 2014, the George and Barbara Goedecke Physics Excellence Fund supports the College of Arts and Sciences. The fund shall support exemplary graduate students who will sustain excellence in physics education and research. The Department Head, in consultation with the Dean of Arts and Sciences, shall determine the use of the funds on an annual basis. As determined by the Dean, a regular review will be conducted by the Dean prior to renewal or re-award.
GODFREY,GEORGE&THELMA MEM George and Thelma Godfrey Memorial Scholarship The George & Thelma Godfrey Agriculture Fund was established in 1980 to help provide scholarships to NMSU students and benefit livestock and agricultural research.
JACQUEZ-LEWIS FAMILY (CAMP) Georgia Jacquez-Lewis Family College Assistance Migrant Program (C.A.M.P.) Endowed Scholarship The Georgia Jacquez-Lewis Family College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 in order to make an award to an undergraduate student.
GERALD CHAMPION MEDICAL SCH Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, The Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Nursing. Recipients must be admitted to the NMSU School of Nursing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, be a US citizen and Otero County resident. Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in the BSN at Alamogordo Campus.
LUNDEEN, GERALD "JERRY" MEM Gerald Jerry Lundeen Memorial Current Use Scholarship Established in 2018 the Gerald (Jerry) Lundeen Memorial Current Use Scholarship is to support students at DACC. Jerry Lundeen was a man of joy who touched many lives through his work as an architect, a teacher, as the proprietor of the Lundeen Inn of the Arts and, the love of his family. He was a giant of an individual. Early in his career he was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright and considered him a professional mentor. Jerry spent time as an adjunct architecture instructor at Do??a Ana Community College.
THOMAS, GERALD & JEAN SCH Gerald and Jean Thomas Endowed Scholarship for Returning Veterans The Gerald and Jean Thomas Endowed Scholarship for Returning Veterans was established in 2011 to make an award to one or more students in the College of ACES who are currently serving, or have served, in the U.S. Armed Forces.
CANO, GILBERT&DOLORES SCH Gilbert L. and Dolores C. Cano Endowed Physics Scholarship The Gilbert L. and Dolores C. Cano Endowed Physics Scholarship was established in 2005 in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
GILMORE, RICHARD H. SCH. Gilmore Family-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2000 and amended in 2021, the Gilmore Family-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must be classified as a junior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, have an interest in pursuing a career in performing arts, special events or facility management as evidenced by information in the scholarship application, such as a statement of educational and career goals.
LIBO, GINA NURSING SCH. Gina Libo Nursing Scholarship Established in 1986 and recently amended in 2008, the Gina Libo Nursing Scholarship supports annual award(s) undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0, be a New Mexico resident, with preference given to a student in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program.
GLASS FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Glass Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Glass Family Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Education. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Early Childhood Education, be classified as a junior or senior level student and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.45.
GLEASON-CROCKETT-GLENN END Gleason-Crockett-Glenn Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2017, the Gleason-Crockett Glenn Family Endowed Scholarship supports graduate or undergraduate students studying Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Preference will be given to students whose county of legal residence is Lea, NM.
BROWN, GLEN A. FIELD RESRC Glen A. Brown Endowed Scholarship for Field-Based Research The Glen A. Brown Endowed Scholarship for Field-Based Research was established in 2015 in his honor, to support a graduate student in the Department of Geological Sciences based on their field research potential. The scholarship recipient must be pursuing a Masters of Science degree, and have a graduate thesis involving field mapping.
YOQUELET, GLEN E. GRAD SCH Glen Yoquelet Scholarship Fund The Glen Yoquelet Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more graduate students enrolled in the College of Business.
KUEHN,GLENN & DONNA BIOCHEM Glenn and Donna Kuehn Biochemistry Award Established in 2022, the Glenn and Donna Kuehn Biochemistry Award supports full-time undergraduate students in good standing with a declared major in Biochemistry. Recipient must have a GPA of 3.4 and complete or be enrolled in BCHE 396 and have participation in formal biochemistry research projects.
VAUGHN,GLORIA ABE SCH Gloria Vaughn Adult Basic Education Scholarship The Gloria Vaughn Adult Basic Education Scholarship was established in 2013 by Gloria Vaughn in order to award a qualified and deserving student in the alternative energies field.
VAUGHN,GLORIA NURSING SCH Gloria Vaughn Nursing Scholarship The Gloria Vaughn Nursing Scholarship was established in 2013 in order to make an award to a sophomore nursing student.
VAUGHN,GLORIA SCIENCE SCH Gloria Vaughn Science Scholarhsip The Gloria Vaughn Science Scholarship was established in 2013 by Gloria Vaughn in order to make an award to a student in a science-related field who is deserving and qualified.
GODDARD, EARL CENTENNIAL Goddard Centennial Engineering Scholarship The Goddard Centennial Engineering Scholarship was established by Earl Gascoigne Goddard in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Engineering. Each award recipient must have a good academic record, with a grade point average of 3.0 or above and have taken part in extracurricular activities.
LITTLE, GOLDIE WRIGHT END Goldie Wright Little Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Goldie Wright Little Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major within the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences or its successor discipline. Recipients must be an undergraduate or graduate level student in good standing.
GOOD SAMARITAN SOCIETY LAS Good Samaritan Society Las Cruces Village Residents Endowed Scholarship The Good Samaritan Society Las Cruces Village Residents Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an award to one or more students interested in the field of gerontology, including health administration.
GOPALAN FAMILY ENDOWED Gopalan Family Endowed Fund The Gopalan Family award for outstanding undergraduate research will be awarded to a student majoring in chemistry or biochemistry. Preference is for a senior with a minimum 3.2 grade point average who has worked two or more semesters doing research under the guidance of a faculty member.
MCMILLAN, GORDON FAMILY Gordon McMillian Family Endowed Fund The income for this award will be used to make an award to a pre-engineering student or electronics technology and financial need is required.
GOVERNMENT DEPT GENERAL Government Scholarships Created in 1999, the Government Scholarships fund supports students in the Department of Government in the College of Arts and Sciences.
GRADUATE SCHOOL RESTRICTED Graduate School Restricted Created in 2002, funds supports Graduate School.
GRADUATE STUDENT SCH IN SW Graduate Student Scholarship in Social Work Established in 2023, the Graduate School Scholarship in Social Work supports graduate students. Recipient must have a Master of Social Work student, be in good standing, be enrolled or will be enrolled in MSW practicum (SOWK 5180, 5190, 5280, or 5290), maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a New Mexico resident, be a graduate of a New Mexico high school and must demonstrate financial need.
GRADUATION FOR ALL-KELLOGG Graduation for All - Kellogg Established in 2018, the Graduation for All - Kellogg funds are to create service centers at DACC''s Gadsden and Sunland Park campuses.
GRANT GRAY MEM END SCHOL Grant Gray Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Grant Gray Memorial Endowed Scholarship honors Grant Wendell Gray''s legacy. Recipient(s) must be undergraduate students with a declared major in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Preference shall be given to student(s) who are presently serving, or have served, in the U.S. Armed Forces.
GRANTS CAMPUS SCHOLARSHIP Grants Campus Scholarship This scholarship was established to help give scholarships to students that have a GED.
GRAPHIC DESIGN/FILM END SCH Graphic Design/Film Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Graphic Design/Film Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must have a declared major in Graphic Design, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
GRATEFUL AGGIE EGR SCH Grateful Aggie Engineering Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 and amended in 2021, the Grateful Aggie Engineering Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Engineering. Recipients must be full-time students in good standing, enrolled in the College of Engineering, classified as sophomore, junior or senior level student, a U.S. citizen, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
MACK, GREG END SCH Greg Mack Endowed Scholarship The Greg Mack Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award graduate students with a declared major in the Department of Geological Sciences studying the fields of Sedimentology, Petrology, or Stratigraphy, and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
MULLINS, GREG & IRIS END Gregory and Iris Mullins Endowed Scholarship The Gregory and Iris Mullins Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 to make an annual award to one or more students. The award recipient must be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior level student with a declared a major in Environmental Science or Soil Science.
GUTIERREZ FAMILY TROY NY Gutierrez Family from Troy New York Engineering Endowed Scholarship Recipients of the Gutierrez Family from Troy New York Engineering Endowed Scholarship must have a declared major in the College of Engineering. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
PHILLIPS, GUY MEDIA END SCH Guy Phillips Media Endowed Scholarship The Guy Phillips Media Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award students pursuing excellence in radio, television, publishing or social media. The scholarship is given to undergraduate students with a declared major in Journalism/Mass Communications, and demonstrate financial need. Scholarship recipients must also have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
WIMBERLY, GUY PGM SCH. Guy Wimberly Scholarship The Guy Wimberly Professional Golf Management Scholarship was established in 1989 to award scholarships to junior and senior level students who are majoring in Professional Golf Course Management and have a grade point average of at least 2.5.
WILLIAMS, H BARTEL MEMORIAL H. Bartel Williams Memorial Fund The H. Bartel and Doris Williams Memorial Endowment was established in 1974 to provide scholarships for undergraduate majors in physics, equipment for undergraduate research, book awards, magazine subscriptions, and other things needed for Society of Physics Students.
KINZER, GRANT & CATHY END. H. Grant Kinzer Scholarship Endowment Established in 1991, The H. Grant and Cathy Kinzer Endowed Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate or graduate students with a major in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Must have financial need and must maintain a GPA of 2.75.
COOPER III, H. WARREN SCH H. Warren Cooper III Scholarship The H. Warren Cooper III Scholarship was established to make an award to a student majoring in electrical engineering.
BROOK, H. H. MEMORIAL SCH H.H. Brook Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 1975, the H. H. Brook Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for incoming freshmen students in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences based on scholarship, need, and leadership.
HRTM ALUMNI ENDOWED SCH HTRM Alumni Endowed Scholarship The HRTM Alumni Endowed Scholarship was established by Antonia Roybal-Mack in 2016 as a targeted way for HRTM ( Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management) graduates to give back directly to the program. It establishes a true connection between former students and current students. Recipients must be classified as a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Graduate level student, and have a declared major in the School of HRTM. Applicants must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, and demonstrate leadership in department or college activities as evidence by a statement of college activities.
HUB INTL INSURANCE EL PASO HUB International Insurance-El Paso Endowed Scholarship Established in 2006 and amended in 2013, the HUB International Insurance - El Paso Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be undergraduate level students, enrolled in the College of Business, show a demonstrated interest in an insurance related career, and have a minimum 2.5 high school or NMSU cumulative grade point average.
STETSON, HAFFORD P. MEM Hafford P. Stetson Memorial Scholarship Established in 1973 the Hafford P. Stetson Memorial Fund supports students in the college of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be entering freshmen, majoring in pre-veterinary medicine, animal or range science. Preference will be given to New Mexico Residents.
WILLIS,HANK STDT AMBASSADOR Hank Willis Memorial Student Ambassador Endowed Fund in College of Business The Hank Willis Memorial Student Ambassador Endowed Fund was established in 2009 by the family of Mr. Henry M. "Hank" Willis. This fund was created to support the Student Ambassador Program in the College of Business.
HANNAH COLE LOOK WHO'S DANC Hannah Cole Look Who's Dancing Endowed Scholarship The Hannah Cole DanceSport Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 and amended in 2020. The Look Who''s Dancing Endowed Scholarship was collapsed and funds were transferred into the this fund, both scholarships were funded by gifts from friends and supporters of the NMSU DanceSport program. The title of the fund was changed to the Hannah Cole Look Who''s Dancing Endowed Scholarship. Recipients must have a declared major or minor in dance, and be enrolled full time. Preference is given to students with a concentration in DanceSport.
FARBO, HANNAH MEMORIAL SC Hannah Farbo Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Hannah Farbo Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in remembrance of her and her love for life, NMSU, and agriculture. This scholarship supports undergraduate students with a declared major in animal sciences. The recipient of this scholarship must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students whose legal state of residence is New Mexico or Arizona.
SANKARAN, H & J FIN END SCH Harikumar Sankaran and Jayashree Harikumar Finance Endowed Scholarship The Harikumar Sankaran and Jayashree Harikumar Finance Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support undergraduate students with a declared major in finance. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled full time, and classified as a junior or senior. The scholarship is awarded to students with the highest cumulative GPA among applicants, and preference is given to those demonstrating financial need.
ELMENDORF, HAROLD AND SARA Harold B. and Sara H. Elmendorf Memorial Fund The Harold B. and Sara H. Elmendorf Memorial Scholarship was established in 1975 to provide loans or scholarships varying in amounts to civil engineering students. Recipients are to be selected by a committee consisting of the civil engineering department head, the advisor to Chi Epsilon and the advisor to the American Society of Civil Engineers student chapter.
CUNNINGHAM, HAROLD END SCH Harold Cunningham Endowed Scholarship The Harold Cunningham Scholarship was established in 1986 so scholarships may be awarded to New Mexico State University students enrolled in the College of Engineering.
BERKLEY, HAROLD F. MEM. Harold F. Berkley Memorial Scholarship The Harold F. Berkley Memorial Scholarship was created from the estate of Mr. Berkley to support NMSU students.
RUNNELS, HAROLD END MEM Harold Runnels Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Harold Runnels Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide assistance and inspiration to many worthy New Mexico residents in pursuing their at New Mexico State University.
TRUBY, HAROLD MEMORIAL Harold and Beth Truby Memorial Scholarship The Harold and Beth Truby Memorial Scholarship was established in 2010 to make an award to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients of this award must be a Sophomore or Junior student who has declared a major in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
HARRIS-KUNZ, PETER AWARD Harris-Kunz Endowed Award in Poetry The Peter Harris-Kunz Endowed Award in Poetry was established in 2003 by the family of Peter Harris Kunz in order to award outstanding students who are writing a poetry thesis and will be graduating during the following 12 months.
SCHMITT, HARRISON SCH. Harrison Schmitt Scholarship The Harrison Schmitt Scholarship was established in 1981 to award a scholarship to a New Mexico native with good academic achievement.
BURDICK, HARRY L. PGA SCH Harry L. Burdick PGA Current Use Scholarship Created in 2016, the Harry L. Burdick PGA Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students. Recipient must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program, must be enrolled full time, must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA, and must be an active member of the NMSU PGA Golf Management Student Association.
LEE, HARRY FLOYD MEMORIAL Harry and Floyd Lee Memorial Scholarship The Harry and Floyd Lee Memorial Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships to NMSU students registered in the Department of Animal Science, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
HOPSON, HARRY & LINDIT' SCH Harry and Lindit'''' Hopson Rodeo Scholarship Created in 2017, the Harry and Lindit'' Hopson Rodeo Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate or graduate students. Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 and be a U.S. citizen. Preference will be given to a student who is involved in Rodeo as evidenced by the activities selected an/or personal statement on the scholarship application and students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
HARTWELL MEMORIAL SCH Hartwell Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Hartwell Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2003 by Elizabeth Hartwell and her family. The income from this fund is to be used to support a scholarship in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering.
HUTCHINGS, HARVEY END SCH Harvey Hutchings Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Harvey Hutchings Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of ACES. Recipients must be an entering freshman, with a declared major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, with a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.2, and a graduate from a New Mexico high school.
MORRIS, HARVEY MEMORIAL Harvey L. Morris Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Harvey L. Morris Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Betty Morris in 2006 to make an annual award to students. Each award recipient must be a U.S. citizen, a New Mexico resident, be classified as a junior or senior in the Animal Range Science department, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need.
HATCH VALLEY CURRENT USE Hatch Valley Current Use Scholarship Created in 2006 and amended in 2016, the Hatch Valley Current Use Scholarship supports students at DACC. As funds are available, the funds shall be used to make an award in the amount of $500 to one or more students at Dona Ana Community College. The award amount may increase in future years dependent on tuition costs. Said award amount will only be made for credit hour courses and are intended to cover approximately half of the per-credit-hour tuition costs. This current use scholarship may be eligible for matching funds from the earnings of the Jon Wynne Endowment at the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico. Recipient(s) must be a graduate of Hatch Valley High School, be enrolled and in good standing at the Dona Ana Community College (DACC), have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, be taking classes towards a certificate or associate degree at DACC or seeking a degree at NMSU under the Aggie Pathway program as evidenced by the academic profile and a statement of career and professional goals, demonstrate financial need as determined by official F AFSA results and submit a thank you letter to be eligible for future awards. Preference shall be given to applicants taking courses at the Hatch Learning Center. Scholarship may be renewed as long as all other criteria has been met.
H & SS COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP Health and Social Services College Scholarship The Health and Social Services General Scholarship funds supports students enrolled in the College of HSS.
RIVAS, HEATHER R. END SCH Heather R. Rivas Endowed Scholarship The Heather R. Rivas Endowed Scholarship was established in 1993 to make an annual award to one or more students. Each award recipient must be a graduate of a New Mexico high school and who is majoring in Engineering at NMSU.
CAMPOS, HECTOR & TAMMIE SCH Hector Campos and Tammie Aragon Campos Endowed Scholarship The Hector Campos and Tammie Aragon Campos Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 order to provide scholarship support to students enrolled in the Colleges of: Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, Education, and Engineering. The award will rotate among these three colleges annually. Preference in selection will be given to graduates from the Arrowhead Park Early College High School.
YARBROUGH,HELEN DODSON HRTM Helen Dodson Yarbrough Undergraduate Endowed HRTM Scholarship Established in 1995 and amended in 2003, the Helen Dodson Yarbrough Endowed Scholarship supports an undergraduate student majoring in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, is a graduate of a New Mexico High School, and maintains a GPA of 3.0.
HELLMUTH MILITARY SCI/AERO Hellmuth Military Science and Aerospace Studies Endowment The Hellmuth Military Science and Aerospace Studies Endowment shall be used to make annual awards for educational expenses to one or more Cadets who are contracted into either the Army or Air Force ROTC NMSU programs. Recipients must have successfully competed the AFROTC Field Training (if in Air Force ROTC program) or AROTC Leadership Development and Assessment Course (if in Army ROTC program).The award is intended to provide educational expenses following a Cadet''s summer training.
HENDRICKSON FAMILY SCH Hendrickson Family Endowed Scholarship Established by Chritstian and Katie Hendrickson in 2016, the Hendrickson Family Endowed Scholarship was created to support one or more undergraduate or graduate students who have declared a major in Government and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2. Preference shall be given to a studnet who is enrolled in the Honors Program.
WEINSCHEL, HENRY D. END SCH Henry D. Weinschel Endowed Scholarship Fund The Henry D. Weinschel Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2018 with a gift from the estate of Mr. Weinschel to support outstanding students in the Department of Physics. Recipients must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.5 to be eligible for the award.
WIMBERLY,HERB MENS GOLF SCH Herb Wimberly Endowed Men's Golf Scholarship The Herb Wimberly Endowed Golf Scholarship was established in 2007 to provide an award to a student athlete who plays men''s golf.
WIMBERLY, HERB PGA SCH. Herb Wimberly Endowed PGA Golf Management Scholarship Established in 2008, The Herb Wimberly Endowed PGA Golf Management Scholarship supports the College of Business. This fund was created to make annual awards of $500 each to New Mexico State University PGA Golf Management students. The award recipients must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program and be an active member of the NMSU PGA Golf Management Student Association. Students must be full-time and have a GPA of 2.5.
WIMBERLY, HERB END GOLF Herb Wimberly Undergraduate Endowed Golf Scholarship The Herb Wimberly Endowment Fund was established to provide scholarship support to students at New Mexico State University.
GREATHOUSE, HERBERT F. MEM Herbert F. Greathouse Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Herbert F. Greathouse Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Mrs. Patricia O. Greathouse in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more junior or senior level students enrolled in the Department of Criminal Justice.
STEWARD,HERBERT & ALICE MEM Herbert R. and Alice Stewart Memorial Scholarship The Herbert Rupert and Alice Stewart Memorial Scholarship was established by the estate of Vernice Stewart in 1983 to support students in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
ZUHL, HERBERT & JOAN END. Herbert and Joan Zuhl Endowed Scholarship Fund The Herbert and Joan Zuhl Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 to make annual scholarship awards to students who have grade point averages of 3.0 or better.
HERITAGE HOTELS ENDOWED SCH Heritage Hotels Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Heritage Hotels Endowed Scholarship supports students with a declared major in the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Recipients must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior. Preferences will be given to students planning to work in hotel, restaurant or tourism industries in New Mexico.
BACA, HERMAN ENDOWED SCH Herman Baca Endowed Scholarship The Herman Baca Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an award for educational expenses to undergraduate students from Santa Rosa High School in Santa Rosa, New Mexico with a declared major in Electrical and Computer Engineering. The award recipient must be an entering freshman with a high school cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
TACHAU,HERMAN STRUCTURAL EG Herman Tachau Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Herman Tachau Endowed Scholarship Fund for Students of Structural Engineering was established in 1993 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Engineering, majoring in Civil Engineering, who have chosen to study in the field of structures.
HEROES OF COMPASSION SCH Heroes of Compassion Scholarship Created in 2020, the Heroes of Compassion Annual Fund for Excellence funds shall be used to support strategic initiatives at the discretion of the NMSU School of Nursing Director. Scholarships awarded from this fund must be for graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in the BSN or DNP programs and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and financial need for undergraduate students.
HIGH ACH. LEADERSHIP FEES High Acheiver Leadership Scholarsship - Fees
HADLEY, HIRAM H. MEM. SCH Hiram Hadley Endowed Scholarship Fund The Hiram Hadley scholarship shall be awarded to a student selected by the President of New Mexico State University.
HIRAM HADLEY 016 Hiram Hadley Scholarship The Hiram Hadley Scholarship was established in 1988 to support undergraduate students attending New Mexico State University.
HIRSCHMANN MEM END SCH Hirschmann Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2000, The Hirschmann Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund supports an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Department of Biological Sciences to benefit pre-med students.
HISPANIC CIVIL ENG SCH Hispanic Civil Engineering Scholarship Established in 1985, this fund supports undergraduate civil engineering students. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering, be a U.S. citizen, be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given to a Hispanic student, and may be renewed.
HISP FACULTY STAFF CAUCUS Hispanic Faculty/Staff Scholarship This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
HISTORY DEPARTMENT SCH. History Scholarships
HOLGUIN CURRENT USE SCH. Holguin Current Use Scholarship Created in 2010, the Holguin Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate student enrolled full-time in Dona Ana Community College. The recipient must be a graduate of a high school in Dona Ana County; must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results; and must have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA. For the inaugural award, recipient must have a declared major in the Associate in Nursing program; in the following years, the award may go to a student of any program at DACC.
HEATHMAN, HOMER SCHOLARSHIP Homer W. Heathman Jr. Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Homer Heathman, Jr. Memorial Scholarship was established in 1994 to annual awards to students in the College of Education demonstrating character, scholarship, and financial need.
DEBATE BOWL Honors College Debate Bowl Fund The Honors College Debate Bowl Fund supports the training and participation of NMSU students, faculty and staff, and community members in student debates at NMSU and in regional and national competitions. Activities include, but are not limited to, ethics and professional debate bowls, training, travel, scholarship, special events, lectures etc.
FUND FOR EXCELLENCE Honors College Fund for Excellence
HRTM DEPARTMENTAL Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Scholarship The HRTM Scholarship was established to support the department of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management.
KLINE, HOWARD LA MONT SCH Howard La Mont Kline (USAF Retired) Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 by Edward G. Lopez and Liz Ramirez Lopez to honor the contributions of USAF (Retired) Howard La Mont Kline and his distinguished career in military and public service. Lt. Col. Kline was a veteran of WWII, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, and had the distinction of being a Pearl Harbor survivor. After leaving federal service, he retired in Las Cruces, where he continued to be a strong advocate of the trades and helped many young people achieve their goals. The fund supports students at DACC in Technical and Industrial Studies, with a preference for students enrolled in heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Students must be need based and maintain a 2.7 GPA.
STROUP, HOWARD R. SCH. Howard R. Stroup Endowed Scholarship The Howard R. Stroup Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 and amended in 2020. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be classified as a freshman and be a resident from Chaves, Eddy or Lea Counties.
HUBERT & SYDOW FAMILY END Hubert and Sydow Family Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Horace Grayson Hubert and Virginia Vaughn Hubert Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 by Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sydow and Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Hubert in order to make an award to a qualified and deserving senior student who is experiencing severe financial hardship, in order to make it possible for the recipient to graduate when he or she might not otherwise be financially able to complete a degree.
BARHAM, HUGH & FORREST SCH Hugh F. & Forrest Barham Centennial Scholarship The Hugh F. & Forest J. Barham Centennial Scholarship was established in 1986 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in College of Business. Preference for a freshman level student and U.S. citizen. Student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0
MILTON II, HUGH M. MEM SCH Hugh M. Milton II Memorial Scholarship The Hugh M. Milton II Memorial Scholarship in Engineering was established in 1987. The income from this fund is to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Engineering. Each award recipient must have a grade point average of 3.25 or better at New Mexico State University on 50 or more graded credits.
MEANS,JR HULING "JUPE" SCH Huling "Jupe" Means, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Established in 2004, the Huling "Jupe" Means, Jr. Endowed Scholarship supports an undergraduate student. To receive this award, the student must be a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior student in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences who is in pursuit of an agricultural career and exhibits an independence of character apart from the mainstream core of students.
HUNT FAMILY FOUNDATION SCH Hunt Family Foundation Scholarship Created in 2013, the Hunt Family Foundation Scholarship (Jon Wynne Scholarship Match) supports students enrolled at the Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must have a declared major in Business, Information Systems, Health and Public Services, or Technical Studies. Preference will be given to graduates from the Gadsden Independent School District.
HURT ENDOWED SCH FUND Hurt Endowed Scholarship Fund The Hurt Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 by Tamara G. Hurt. This fund was created to make an annual award to one or more students who have declared a major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, and who are active in a student organization relevant to the department.
HURTADO FAMILY SCH Hurtado Family Endowed Scholarship The Hurtado Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 to benefit students within the College of Engineering at New Mexico State University.
IE POCKET PROTECTOR END SCH IE Pocket Protector Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, recipients of the IE Pocket Protector Endowed Scholarship must have a declared major in Industrial Engineering and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
IIANM/NM MUTUAL ENDOWED IIANM/New Mexico Mutual Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the IIANM/New Mexico Mutual Endowed Scholarship was established to award undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in the College of Business. Recipients must also have an interest in an insurance-related career, and a minimum high school or NMSU cumulative GPA of 2.75. Preference is given to students with a declared minor in risk management and insurance, and whose legal residence is New Mexico.
IDEAS SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS Ideas in Science and Electronics Scholarship Established in 1988, Ideas in Science and Electronics Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be a junior level student, New Mexico resident and must demonstrate financial need. Must maintain a GPA of 3.0.
INCA SCH IN ANTHROPOLOGY Indigenous Nations for Community Action (INCA) Current Use Scholarship Created in 2008 and recently amended in 2024, the Indigenous Nations for Community Action (INCA) Current Use Scholarship to support undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must have a declared undergraduate minor or graduate minor in Native American Studies. Must have completed at least one of the courses required for a minor in Native American Studies. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and be in good standing. Preference for a Native American student from a federally recognized tribe. Preference for applicants from the Piro-Manso-Tewa tribe and members of the Corporation of the Senora De Guadalupe will be considered but must have an official signed letter from the Board of Directors of their organization stating the applicant is active and is a recognized member of their group.
INDUSTRIAL ENGR DEPT SCH Industrial Engineering Scholarship
INT'L RELATIONS INST Institute International Relations Scholarship Created in 2009, the Institute for International Relations scholarship supports NMSU students.
INSURANCE SCHOLARSHIPS Insurance Scholarships Scholarships for students interested in pursuing a career in the insurance industry. Selection is based on academic performance and involvement in insurance-related campus organizations and activities. Sponsored by insurance industry donors.
INTEL CORPORATION ENDOWED Intel Corporation Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Intel Corporation Endowed Scholarship fund supports the College of Engineering for undergraduate and graduate level students. Student(s) must have a declared major in the College of Engineering, be enrolled full-time, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES Interdisciplinary Studies Department Scholarship Established in 2018, the Interdisciplinary Studies Department Scholarship is to support students enrolled in the College of Arts & Sciences with a declared major or minor in the department.
STULL, IOLA LOWMAN MEM SCH Iola Lowman Stull Memorial Scholarship The Lola Lowman Stull Memorial Scholarship in Nursing was established in 1988 to provide scholarships for students registered in the Department of Nursing, College of Human and Community Services.
RODRIGUEZ, ISAAC & SANCHEZ Isaac Rodriguez and Marita Sanchez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Isaac Rodriguez & Marita Sanchez Endowment will support students in the College of Business. Marita and Isaac believe in a strong focus in education and are grateful to be able to share that focus with scholarship recipients.
CROUCH, ISABEL M. SCH. Isabel M. Crouch Readers Theatre Scholarship The Isabel M. Crouch Readers Theatre Scholarship was established in 1980 to support NMSU students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be U.S. citizens, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and preference will be given to Communication Studies majors.
RUTTER, ISABEL ENDOWMENT Isabel Rutter Memorial Scholarship for the Symphony
WOLLE,J.B. & FRIENDS (SWIM) J. B. Wolle and Friends Swimming Scholarship The J.B. Wolle and Friends of NMSU Swimming Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1990 by Jordan B. Wolle to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in Intercollegiate Athletics (Gold Medal Swimming).
MORGAN, J DERALD & JUNE END J. Derald & June Morgan Endowed Engineering Scholarship This endowment was established to pay tribute to Dr. Morgan, former Dean of the College of Engineering. The fund will support engineering students.
MCINTOSH, J EARLE & MOSELLE J. Earle and Moselle McIntosh Scholarship The J. Earle and Moselle McIntosh Scholarship was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for students registered in the Department of Music in the College of Arts and Sciences.
WATTS, J. GORDON NANALIE J. Gordon and Nanalie C. Watts Endowed Scholarship The J. Gordon and Nanalie C. Watts Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to encourage excellence in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science. This will be achieved through an annual award given to an undergraduate student who is pursuing a degree in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Weed Science.
CLEMENTS, J.H. HELEN J. H. and Helen Clements Agricultural Scholarship Fund Established in 1975, the J. H. and Helen Clements Agricultural Scholarship Fund will be used to provide at leave 5 scholarships in the amount of $300 each to freshmen students in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. Preference for at least one of these scholarships will be given to students from the Artesia area.
ADAMS, J. MACK END SCH J. Mack Adams Endowed Scholarship The J. Mack Adams Endowed Scholarship was established by Ronald and Penelope Wills in 2007 and amended in 2019. This scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in Computer Science, be enrolled full-time, classified as a sophomore level student, demonstrate financial need and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
BROWN, J. MAUGHS ENGR. J. Maughs Brown Engineering Scholarship The J. Maughs Brown Engineering Scholarship Endowed Fund at the College of Engineering was established in 1996. The income is to be used for scholarships for students with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
J. SEAN McCLENEGHAN ENDOW J. Sean McCleneghan Endowed Scholarship The J. Sean McCleneghan Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an award to an undergraduate student majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications.
ENZIE, J. V. MEMORIAL J. V. (Josh) Enzie Memorial Scholarship Established in 1988, the J.V. (Josh) Enzie Memorial Scholarship Fund supports the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Award to one or more undergraduate or graduate level student majoring in Horticulture. Recipient must have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
POLLARD, J. WARREN END SCH J. Warren Pollard Endowed Sch The J. Warren Pollard Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award to a New Mexico State University student who is a resident of New Mexico, a U.S. citizen and majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
RODRIGUEZ/VALDEZ END FUND J.G. (Lupe) Rodriguez and Angelina R. Valdez Endowed Scholarship Fund in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics The J.G. (Lupe) Rodriguez and Angelina R. Valdez Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and is a son or daughter of any Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.
J.R. STEWART 141 END SCH J.R. Stewart 141 Endowed Scholarship J.R. Ray Stewart was a strong supporter of NMSU who retired after 35 years in local Law Enforcement with the Las Cruces Police Department. J.R. Stewart was tragically killed on November 27, 2017 and left a legacy of giving back to his local community and country. He did so much in life, and he will continue to help others through his charities and foundation. The J.R. Stewart 141 Foundation is dedicated to his memory and to support the children of law enforcement officers and their education.
JB WATERS END SCHOLARSHIP JB Waters Endowed Scholarship The JB Waters Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support students with expenses such as tuition, fees, books and supplies. Scholarship recipients must have a declared major in civil engineering and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. Students must also be a U.S. citizen, and be a resident of southern New Mexico. Preference is given to freshmen students who qualify to register for Math 190 or higher. The award may be renewed with the exception of freshman classification, if the student remains eligible.
DAVIS,JACK&MARYLOU ENGR Jack & MaryLou Davis Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended in 2010, the Jack and MaryLou Davis Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipient(s) must be enrolled full-time in the College of Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and must be a resident of New Mexico or Arizona. Preference shall be given to a student(s) who have an expressed interest in pursuing a career in the electric utility industry as evidenced by education and career goals.
THOMPSON,JACK CURTIS MEM EN Jack Curtis Thompson Memorial Engineering Scholarship Established in 2023 and amended in 2023, the Jack Curtis Thompson Memorial Scholarships supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Engineering, must be a full-time undergraduate student in good standing and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
GROVES, JACK SCHOLARSHIP Jack Groves Engineering Scholarship The Jack Groves Engineering Scholarship was created in 2006 to award a full-time student majoring in Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering. Eligible recipients will be classified as a sophomore, junior and/or senior possessing an interest in a career in the electric utility industry or one of its supporting industries.
RUTTLE, JACK L. ENDOWED SCH Jack L. Ruttle Endowed Scholarship The Jack L. Ruttle Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more students in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. Recipients of this award must be a junior or senior undergraduate student with a declared major in animal science or a graduate student in reproductive physiology in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences, be a citizen of the United States or the Republic of Mexico, and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
ROGERS,JACK & FRANCES NURS. Jack L. and Frances L. Rogers Endowed Nursing Scholarship The Jack L. & Frances L. Rogers Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established in 2006 by Trula E. Holstein. This fund is to be used to award a sophomore, junior or senior majoring in nursing in the College of Health and Social Services at NMSU''s main campus, or be admitted to and enrolled in a nursing program at one of NMSU''s branch campuses, must be a New Mexico or El Paso County, Texas, resident, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, and have financial need.
HARDGRAVE, JACK M. MEM SCH Jack M. Hardgrave Memorial Scholarship The Jack M. Hardgrave Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 in remembrance of Jack Hardgrave, a professor in mechanical engineering. This fund will provide scholarships to sophomore and junior level mechanical engineering students who are active participants in extra curricular activities.
WARD,JACK W. MUSIC SCH Jack W. Ward Music Scholarship Created in 1992 and amended in 1993, the Jack W. Ward Music Scholarship supports a student who will be a member of a major ensemble in the fall and spring. Student must be a wind or percussion instrumentalist; must maintain a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA and be a U.S. citizen. Preference will be given to a freshmen level student.
WARD, JACK W. EE SCH Jack W. Ward Scholarship in Electrical Engineering The Jack W. Ward Scholarship Endowment in Electrical Engineering was established in 1999 to make an annual award to a freshman majoring in Electrical Engineering.
TEJADA, JACOB & LINA MEM Jacob and Lina Tejada Memorial AXED Endowed Scholarship The Jacob and Lina Tejada Memorial AXED Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to award senior level undergraduate students with a declared major in Agricultural and Extension Education with a cumulative GPA of 2.5.
TEJADA MEMORIAL NURSING SC Jacob and Lina Tejada Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship
COOK, JACQUELINE AXED END Jacqueline Cook Endowment - Agriculture Extension Education Program Scholarship The Jacqueline Cook Endowed Agriculture Extension Education Program was established in 1993 for the benefit of the animal science department and to assist students who are studying to become extension professionals in the Department of Agriculture Extension Education Program.
COOK, JACQUELINE ANRS END. Jacqueline Cook Endowment - Animal and Range Science Department Scholarship The Jacqueline Cook Endowed Agriculture and Animal & Range Sciences Fund was established in 2004 for the benefit of both Agriculture and Animal and Range Sciences programs.
CAMUNEZ, JACQUELINE END Jacqueline W. Camunez Endowed Scholarship Established in 1999, the Jacqueline W. Camunez Endowed Scholarship Fund supports junior or senior level students in the Department of Family and Consumer Science. Recipients must have a GPA of at least 3.0 and financial need may be a consideration.
BOEBINGER JADE LOVELL END Jade Lovell Boebinger Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Jade Lovell Boebinger Endowed Scholarships supports the undergraduate and graduate students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology. Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8.
JAEDICKE ATHLETIC SCH Jaedicke Athletic Endowment Fund The Jaedicke Athletic Endowment Fund was created in 1984 to provide a scholarship to a student athlete who has not completed their course requirements for a degree but have exhausted their athletic eligibility.
CHEEMA, JAGDEV & LINDA SCH Jagdev and Linda Cheema Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015 and amended in 2020, the Jagdev and Linda Cheema Endowed Scholarship was established to award undergraduate students who are student athletes eligible for NCAA competition. Preference for students who demonstrate financial need.
CHEEMA, JAGDEV & LINDA SCH Jagdev and Linda Cheema Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Jagdev and Linda Cheema Endowed Scholarship supports Do??a Ana Community College students. The income shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate students for up to 50% of tuition and fees. Recipients must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours, must have completed 15 credit hours successfully at the time of the award, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, demonstrate financial need and complete a personal statement in the scholarship application.
MAXWELL, JAMES A. MEMORIAL James A. Maxwell Endowed Scholarship for First Generation Students Established in 2006 and amended in 2017 the James A. Maxwell Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be at a sophomore level or above, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given to a student who has an interest in pursuing a major in accounting and who demonstrates financial need.
OGDEN, JAMES & MARY END James C. and Mary Sue F. Ogden Endowed Scholarship The James C. and Mary Sue F. Ogden Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an annual award to one or more students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The Scholarship was established in memory of Jay Reed Ogden and Pearl Birt Ogden, educators who pioneered in agriculture in the Pecos Valley.
COLE, JAMES F. MEMORIAL James F. Cole Memorial Scholarship Established in 1980, the James F. Cole Memorial Scholarship will be used to provide scholarships to students majoring in Agricultural Economics and Business. Recipients will be selected according to their demonstrated promise, need and character. Preference will be given to entering freshman.
HAGEMAN & KUEHN BIOCHEM SCH James H. Hageman and Glenn D. Kuehn Biochemistry Scholarship The James H. Hageman and Glenn D. Kuehn Endowed Scholarship supports a graduate student enrolled full time pursuing a degree in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology under the mentorship of a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Must be in second or third year of graduate study with a 3.3 grade point average, completed the qualifying examination to advance into the Ph.D. track and have made significant progress on his/her dissertation research.
HANSSEN, JAMES MEMORIAL SCH James Hanssen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Established in 1991 and amended in 1999, the James Hanssen Memorial Scholarship Endowment supports the College of Business. Recipient(s) must be enrolled in the College of Business with a major in Production Operations Management or Finance, awarded to a junior level student in their second semester or a senor level student, and have a GPA of 3.5. Preference shall be given to student(s) who are U.S. Citizens, and demonstrate participation in extracurricular activities and are/or employed while in school. Scholarship is renewable as long as all criteria is met.
DOOLITTLE, JAMES M. MEM James M. Doolittle Memorial Scholarship The James M. Doolittle Memorial Scholarship supports students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
GARDINER, JAMES M. END SCH James Michael Gardiner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 and amended in 2021, the James Michael Mike Gardiner Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must be classified as an undergraduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and must have a declared major in Fisheries and Wildlife.
MURCKLEN, JAMES SR & LUCY James O. Murcklen, Sr. and Lucy P. Murcklen Scholarship Established in 2021, the James O. Murcklen, Sr. and Lucy P. Murcklen Scholarship shall be to be awarded to graduating high school seniors who have been accepted into the College of Engineering or the College of Education and whose intentions are to major in any of the engineering or education degree programs. If appropriate, donors request that such scholarship recipient(s) be referred to as a "Murcklen Scholar(s)". The amount of the scholarship and number of recipients shall be determined by the respective college.
REILLY, JAMES ENDOW SCH James P. Reilly Endowed Scholarship Established in 2002 and amended in 2020, the James P. Reilly Surveying Engineering Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Engineering Technology & Surveying or Surveying, be enrolled full-time, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and preference will be given to students with a declared major in Surveying Engineering.
GRAY, JAMES R MEMORIAL END James R. Gray Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021 and amended in 2024, the James R. Gray Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students in the College of ACES. Recipients must be graduate level student enrolled in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have a declared major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business.
PAYNE, JR. JAMES END SCH James R. Payne, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship The James R. Payne, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by friends of Mr. Payne in order to award qualified and deserving students in his honor.
NORRIS J.R. RACHEL MEMORIAL James R. and Rachel Norris Memorial Endowed Scholarship The James R. and Rachel Norris Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences who are from the Artesia or Lake Arthur, New Mexico areas.
HSIEH, JAMES SG ENDOWED SCH James SG Hsieh Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the James SG Hsieh Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in good standing enrolled in the College of Engineering. Student must have a declared major with a minor in Computer Engineering or a major in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Computers and Microelectronics. MUST maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0, be a student who is a NM resident, and be enrolled full-time.
JAMES SULLIVAN MEM END SCH James Scotti Sullivan Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the James Sullivan Memorial Endowed Scholarship to support undergraduate students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, a primary preference for a student who is currently serving, or has served in the U.S. Armed Forces and a secondary preference for a student who is enrolled in an NMSU ROTC Program.
CLOYD, JAMES T. MEM. SCH James T. Cloyd Memorial Scholarship The James T. Cloyd Memorial Scholarship was established in 1993 by Christa Cloyd in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
GORMAN, JAMES W. MEM END James W. Gorman Endowed Memori The James W. Gorman Memorial Scholarship was established in 1979. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a Junior or Senior in Chemical Engineering who has a grade point average of 2.5 or better.
FISHER, JAMES T. SCH. James and Kathleen Fisher Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2019, the James and Kathleen Fisher endowed scholarship will provide scholarships for students in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences with a declared major in horticulture and an interest in sustainability and environmental improvement of NM''s forests and woodlands, and the genetics, ecology or physiological functioning of trees. A minimum grade point average of 3.0 is required.
HUGHES, JAMES & SANDRA SCH James and Sandra Hughes and Dr. G.N. DOC Stroman Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 by James and Sandra Hughes this scholarship supports students in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. This fund shall be awarded to the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications in academic years ending with an odd number and in even years awarded by the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Student must be enrolled full time and have a declared major in said department depending on award year.
SCARBROUGH, JAN MEM. SCH. Jan Scarbrough Memorial-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended in 2021, the Jan Scarbrough Memorial-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship was established to honor the many contributions of Jan Scarbrough to the local music community as a musician, songwriter, playwright, and poet. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have a declared major in the Department of Music and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
SWENSON, JANET J. MEM SCH Janet J. Swenson Memorial Scholarship The Janet J. Swenson Memorial Scholarship in Art was established in 1985 to make an annual award to an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in an Art program at New Mexico State University.
SHEARIN, JANET END SCH Janet Shearin Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education Established in 2016, the Janet Shearin Endowed Scholarship supports College of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must be enrolled full time and hold the role of mother in their families. Recipients must have financial need.
FIRKINS, JANICE ENDOWED SCH Janice Thompson Firkins Rose Endowed Scholarship The Janice Thompson Firkins Rose Endowed Scholarship was established by Bruce and Janice Firkins in 2003 to make an award to a student who is a member in good standing of Sigma Alpha Iota. The award recipient must have strong support for Sigma Alpha Iota''s goals and activities, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher.
TWOMEY, JANINE L. SCH Janine L. Twomey Endowed Scholarship at New Mexico State University-Alamogordo The Janine L. Twomey Endowed Scholarship at New Mexico State University-Alamogordo was established by Joseph N. Roth Jr., Elizabeth L. Roth, and Emily M. Bunch in 2008 in honor of their mother, Janine L. Twomey. This fund is to award an undergraduate student(s) each semester. Each award recipient must be a full-time student at NMSU-Alamogordo, have earned a minimum of 20 hours of credit, and be making satisfactory progress toward a stated educational goal, demonstrate financial need, and have earned a minimum cumulative 3.0 grade point average.
MOORHEAD, JASON A END SCH Jason A. Moorhead Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Jason A. Moorhead Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, demonstrate financial need, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference given to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
APODACA, JEAN BANKS SCH Jean Banks Apodaca Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Jean Banks Apodaca Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students in the College of Education. Recipients must be classified as a graduate student in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, pursuing a graduate degree in Elementary Education, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, a residence of either Dona Ana or Chavez County.
BREAKIRON GUTIERREZ, JEAN Jean Breakiron Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship The Jean Breakiron Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by Joni Marie Gutierrez in order to make awards to qualified and deserving upperclassmen undergraduates.
DODIER, JEAN SCHOLARSHIP Jean H. Dodier Current Use Scholarship Fund This award was established in 1997 and will provide two scholarships each year to Junior and/or Senior students. One shall be in the College of Engineering and one in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Art. Eligible students must maintain a minimum GOA of 3.0 or better.
THOMAS, JEAN SCHOLARSHIP Jean Thomas Scholarship The Jean Thomas Endowed Scholarship was established in 1983 to make annual awards for educational expenses. The award recipients must be graduates of a New Mexico high school, and be interested in math education at the middle school level in the College of Education at New Mexico State University.
CULBERTSON, JEANNE SWIM SCH Jeanne Culbertson Current Use This award was established to help students realize their potential and find success in their goals.
DURRENBERGER, J & M MEM Jed & Martha Durrenberger Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund The income from the Jed and Martha Durrenberg PSL Scholarship will award a full-time student from NMSU and in good standing with a GPA of 2.0. Also, preference will be given to students with parents working for PSL.
DUNHAM JEFF ENDOWED SCH Jeff Dunham-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2021, the Jeff Dunham-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, have an interest in pursuing a career in the entertainment field as evidenced by information in the scholarship application, such as a statement of educational and career goals and preference will be given to a student with a declared major in Theatre Arts.
GOMEZ, JEFF PGA MEMORIAL Jeff Gomez PGA Golf Management Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Jeff Gomez PGA Golf Management Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 by the family and friends of Jeff Gomez. Recipients will be students enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, who are active member of the NMSU PGA Golf Management Student Association.
SMITH, JEFF MEMORIAL END Jeff Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Jeff Smith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 to provide scholarships to students who have a 2.0 grade point average for the first year receiving the scholarship, and have at least a 2.5 grade point average thereafter.
BRANDON, JEFFREY & MARY END Jeffrey E. and Mary T. Brandon Public Health Endowed Scholarship The Jeffrey E. and Mary T. Brandon Public Health Endowed Scholarship was established in order to make awards to qualified and deserving graduate students.
NICHOLS, JEFFREY & PAUL SCH Jeffrey and Paula Nichols Endowed Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Students The Jeffrey and Paula Nichols Endowed Scholarship for Chemical Engineering Students was established in 2005 to make an annual award to freshmen students in the Department of Chemical Engineering for the purchase of university textbooks and supplies. The award recipients must be residents of New Mexico.
JENNINGS FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Jennings Family Endowed Scholarship The Jennings Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students. To qualify, students must be pursuing a degree in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, have been a member of New Mexico 4-H, and be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student.
REECE, JERALD & OLWEN FUND Jerald L. and Olwen Reece Scholarship The Jerald L. and Olwen Reece Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to make an annual award to a junior or senior level student who graduated from a New Mexico High School or obtained a GED in New Mexico and is enrolled in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education. To be eligible for this award, applicants must be admitted to the teacher education program of the college, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
JEREMIAH 29:11 RODRIGUEZ FA Jeremiah 29:11 Rodriguez Family Endowed Scholarship The Jeremiah 29:11 Rodriguez Family Endowed Scholarship shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate student(s). Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Education, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students that are from a single parent home. The scholarship is renewable in succeeding years as long as student continues to meet scholarship criteria.
GURULE, JEREMY MEMORIAL Jeremy Gurule Memorial Endowed Schoalrhsip The Jeremy Gurule Memorial Endowed Scholarship is established in Jeremy''s memory whose life was cut short at the age of 23. He is remembered as a fun loving and caring individual who showed tenacity even as an infant. Jeremy was born with a congenital condition and received a liver transplant when he was only nine months sold. Jeremy was a native New Mexican born in Albuquerque and served as a police officer with the Albuquerque Police Department. Recipients must have a declared major in Electrical Engineering and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference in selection shall be given to a U.S. Citizen.
SHAW, JEROME & JOYCE END. Jerome and Joyce Shaw Endowed Scholarship The Jerome and Joyce Shaw Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make multiple awards in the amount of $1,000 each to undergraduate engineering students. Each award recipient must be a full-time student majoring in electrical and computer engineering, and have a minimum 3.2 grade point average.
COOPER,JERRY&DATHYLENE SCH Jerry B. and Dathylene Cooper Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 by Pamela V. J. Cooper, this fund will provide scholarship support to full-time undergraduate students in their junior or senior year with a declared major in electrical engineering, with a GPA of 3.0 or better, and who have financial need as demonstrated by FAFSA.
NUNLEY, JERRY DAN MEMORIAL Jerry Dan Nunley Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Jerry Dan Nunley Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports Athletics. Recipient must be full-time student athlete in good standing. Preference for an Offensive Lineman or Equipment Manager.
MUELLER, JERRY EARTH SCI Jerry E. Mueller Endowed Scholarship for Earth Sciences The Jerry E. Mueller Scholarship for Earth Sciences was established in 1999 to make awards to students enrolled in the Department of Geology in the College of Arts and Sciences.
SCHICKEDANZ, JERRY DALE Jerry G. & Dale T. Schickedanz Endowed Scholarship The Jerry G. and Dale T. Schickedanz Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an award to one or more undergraduate and/or graduate students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
HAWKINS, JERRY M. END SCH Jerry M. Hawkins Endowed Scholarship The Jerry M. Hawkins Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an award to one or more undergraduate students. The award recipient must be a member or a prospective member of the livestock judging team.
NEVAREZ, JERRY CAMP SCHOLAR Jerry Nevarez CAMP Scholarship Created in 2024, the Jerry Nevarez CAMP Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students. Recipients must be a full-time student in good standing, must be a junior, senior or graduate level student, and must be an alum of the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)
DELANEY,JERRY&EARLENE END Jerry and Earlene Delaney Endowed Scholarship The Jerry and Earlene Delaney Endowed Scholarship was established by Dan Delaney in 2006 to make scholarship award(s) to New Mexico State University student(s) who are eligible to participate as a member of the livestock judging team in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
STRANGE,JERRY&SANDRA ENGR Jerry and Sandra Strange Endowed Scholarship The Jerry and Sandra Strange Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by Jerry and Sandra Strange. The income from this fund is to be used to make an awards to an undergraduate student majoring in chemical engineering.
CIVIL ENGR DEPARTMENT SCH Jesse B. Gilmer Memorial Fund in Civil Engineering
GERARD,JESSE B & CARMEN END Jesse B. and Carmen Gerard Endowed Scholarship The Jesse B. and Carmen Gerard Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make annual awards to students who are New Mexico residents with a financial need, have enthusiasm for a degree program, and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
LUNSFORD, JESSE B END SCH Jesse V. Lunsford Endowed Scholarship The Jesse V. Lunsford Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 in honor of Professor Lunsford\''s unfaltering commitment to students. Professor Lunsford was a faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering at New Mexico State University for over 25 years. The income from this fund is to be used to make annual awards to undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering in the College of Engineering.
RHODES, JESSIE CASAD MEM Jessie Casad Rhodes Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Jesse Casad Rhodes Memorial Scholarship was established in 1975 by the family of Jesse Casad Rhodes to award an annual scholarship to a student who is at least a junior in ranking and has maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
LUCERO, JESUSITA DOLORES SUC Jesusita Dolores M. Lucero Success Current Use Created in 2014 and recently amended in 2024, the Jesusita Dolores M. Lucero Success Current Scholarship supports undergraduate students enrolled full-time at Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be in their final semester with a declared major in pre-business or business management or their successor disciplines and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
GRIGGS, JIM TECHNOLOGY END. Jim Griggs Technology Endowed Scholarship The Jim Griggs Technology Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by Ron Griggs in order to make an award to one or qualified and deserving students.
PUTMAN, JIM MATCHING SCH Jim Putman Matching Current Use Scholarship Established in 2017 by Dr. Don Cotter, the Jim Putman Matching Current Use Scholarship makes a matching award to the recipient of the Jim Putman Second Chance Endowed Scholarship at Dona Ana Community College as an augmentation to that scholarship award.
PUTMAN, JOHN SECOND CHANCE Jim Putman Second Chance Endowed Scholarship Gap in education and/or training. Current program of study in area of training which will enable the student to enter the work force. Financial need may be considered. Established in honor of Jim Putman to support successful students studying at DACC in their efforts to change course in their lives, helping those of us who seek a second chance. Mr. Putman was friend pf the little people, lending money to those in need, sought out for his sage advice. He was keenly aware of how helpful and nnecessary a second chance in life is for many us.
BALLARD, JIM & ANN END MEM Jim and Ann Ballard Endowed Memorial Scholarship in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences Established in 1998 and amended in 2004, the Jim and Ann Ballard Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports students in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be a returning student, have a 3.0 GPA, have a declared major in Range Sciences. Preference for a student who has financial need.
SELF, JIM & JAMIE TUBA END Jim and Jamie Self Tuba Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Jim and Jamie Self Tuba Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students with a declared major in Music. Student must be a sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student who is in good standing and whose primary instrument is tuba. First-year graduate students are not eligible. Preference for a student who demonstrates leadership skills, extracurricular activities or community service.
LEYVA JO MEM CU SCH Jo Leyva Memorial Current Use Scholarship The Jo Levya Memorial Current Use Scholarship was established by Kristen Leyva in memory of her mother Juana "Jo" Leyva, a class of 1998 NMSU Mechanical Engineer. Jo was mother to Brianna, a 2016 NMSU Biology graduate, and Kristen, a 2016 NMSU Mechanical Engineer graduate and Miss New Mexico USA 2018. Before her untimely passing Jo worked as an engineer for NASA at WSMR and inspired Kristen to pursue the same career by bringing her to work during a launch of a crew vehicle for the International Space Station. This scholarship honors Jo''s legacy in supporting and inspiring a new generation of engineers.
GOHO, JOAN MATTER MEMORIAL Joan Matter Goho Memorial Scholarship The Joan Matter Goho Memorial Scholarship was established in 1975 to make an annual award to an Economics major beginning their Senior year with a preference for a graduate of Las Cruces High School.
YABUMOTO, JODO MEMORIAL Jodo Yabumoto Endowed Memorial Scholarship for the Study of Agriculture The Jodo Yabumoto Memorial Endowed Scholarship for the Study of Agriculture was established in 2000 to make an annual award to an NMSU student who is a graduate of Gadsden High School and enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
ANAYA JOE MEMORIAL SCH Joe Anaya Memorial Scholarship Created in 2022, the Joe Anaya Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must be a student enrolled in the College of Business and have financial need.
WALLACE, JOE D GRAD. END. Joe D. Wallace Endowed Graduate Scholarship The Joe D. Wallace Endowed Graduate Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more students in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. To receive this award, a student must be a graduate student in range nutrition or a closely-related area dealing with grazing livestock in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
CREED, JOE L. MEM END SCH Joe L. Creed Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Joe L. Creed Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students who have a declared major in Chemical and Materials Engineering and maintain a GPA of at least 3.0. Joe Creed was an Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering in 1988 and was responsible for development activities as well as alumni and public relations and work with charitable foundations. Always an Aggie, Joe was advisor to the President for athletics and was an NCAA Faculty Representative. Joe retired from NMSU in 2005 but continued to be an ardent supporter of Aggie Athletics and College of Engineering events.
HIXON,JOE L&EMMETT E END Joe L. and Emmett E. Hixon Endowed Scholarship Fund The Joe L. and Emmett E. Hixon Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by Joe L. and Emmett E. Hixon. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual award to one or more students who are U.S. Citizens, alternating each year between a student enrolled in Electrical Engineering and Chemical Engineering. Eligible candidates must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
PARKER, JOE SCHOLARSHIP Joe Parker Scholarship The Joe E. Parker Scholarship was established in 1990 to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University students enrolled in Agronomy.
CORDOVA,JOE&ESMERALDA MEM Joe R. and Esmeralda Cordova and Elisa M. Cordova Eubank Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 and amended in 2019, this scholarship supports NMSU College of ACES students. Joe and Esmeralda Cordova lived, worked and raised their family in Raton, New Mexico. They had three children that all attended NMSU. Joe enjoyed fishing and Esmeralda was an expert seamstress. What was most important to them was their children. Elisa, Joe and Esmeralda''s middle child, received a BA degree from NMSU in 1974. She was an avid quilter, seamstress and dog lover that retired with her husband to the Big Island of Hawaii where they lived, until her death in 2019.
CORGAN, JOE & DAISY END Joe and Daisy Corgan Endowed Scholarship The Joe and Daisy Corgan Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an annual award to one or more New Mexico residents majoring in Horticulture in the Department of Agronomy . Candidates for this award must be sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate students.
LUJAN, JOE & DIANA END SCH Joe and Diana Lujan Endowed Scholarship
GRANUCCI,JOE&JOAN END. SCH Joe and Joan Granucci Endowed Scholarship Fund The Joe and Joan Granucci Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2002 by Joe and Joan Granucci. This fund was created to provide scholarships for incoming full-time undergraduate students declaring a major in Management.
BULLOCK, JOE AND SHEILA END Joe and Sheila Bullock Endowed Scholarship The Joe and Sheila Bullock Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 by Joe and Sheila Bullock to make alternating annual awards to students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and the College of Education.
GRANGER,JOEL EXCELLENCE END Joel Granger Excellence Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019 and amended in 2021, the Joel Granger Excellence Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipient(s) must be enrolled at the NMSU Las Cruces main campus, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be classified as a Junior or Senior level student. Preference for a student(s) with a declared minor in Human-Animal Interaction.
GRANGER, JOEL LEADERSHIP Joel Granger Leadership Endowed Scholarship The Joel Granger Leadership Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support sophomore, junior, or senior students enrolled full time at the NMSU Main campus. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative 3.25 GPA, and be actively involved in a recognized student organization. Students must also serve as president or incoming president of a university-recognized student organization. Scholarship recipients must also write a thank you letter for receiving the scholarship.
GRANGER,JOEL STUDENT SUCCE Joel Granger Student Success Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2023, the Joel Granger Student Success Scholarship supports freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior level student. MUST maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0. MUST be a part-time or full-time student. Preference given to students who meet the criteria of Homeless/Foster Care/Emancipated as determined on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) results. Preference given to students who participate in the TRIO Student Support Services Program (tutoring, mentoring and leadership services).
CHINN & LAMBRIGHT SCH. John & Patricia Chinn and Thomas & Jean Lambright Endowed Scholarship The John and Patricia Chinn and Thomas and Jean Lambright Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Kathleen M. Chinn. The income is to be used to make an award to a graduate student majoring in Education in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders.
THOMAS, JOHN & ROMAYNE FUND John & Romayne Thomas Student Teaching Endowed Scholarship The John and Romayne Thomas Student Teaching Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 as a result of the division of the original John and Romayne Thomas Endowed Scholarship. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student in the College of Education in his/her student teaching semester.
CARTER, JOHN A. SCH John Allen Carter Scholarship The John Allen Carter Scholarship was created to support a student in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The recipient will be a Junior or Senior undergraduate, has demonstrated sufficient progress to project a high potential for graduation, has personally assumed financial responsibility for most of his/her own college expenses, and maintained a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better.
GILL, J.E., G.E. & J.L. MEM John E. and Grace E. and John L. Gill Memorial Scholarship The John E. and Grace E. and John L. Gill Memorial Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
KALESKY, JOHN F. MEM SCH John F. Kalesky Memorial Scholarship The John F. Kalesky Memorial Scholarship for Geology was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students who are US citizens, have a declared major in Geology, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75.
DOYLE, JOHN & BERNICE MEM John H. and Bernice O. Doyle Endowed Scholarship The John H. and Bernice O. Doyle Endowed Scholarship was established in 1986 to provide scholarships for students who are in good academic standing.
HARRINGTON, JOHN MEM. SCH. John Harrington Memorial Endowed Scholarship The John Harrington Memorial Scholarship is to be awarded to a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student with a declared major in plant and environmental sciences and a major interest in forestry, urban forestry or natural resource management. Preference shall be given to a student who has teamed with other students or faculty on projects.
HENNINGER, JOHN & CARDONA John Henninger and Rosanna Cardona Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the John Henninger and Rosanna Cardona Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in Accounting, be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25.
VALKENAAR,SR,JOHN AIRFORCE John J. Valkenaar Sr. Memorial Air Force ROTC Endowed Fund The John J. Valkenaar Sr. Memorial Air Force ROTC Endowed Fund was established in 2007 to support the ROTC program.
DURKIN, JOHN MEMORIAL John J. and Sylvia Ann Durkin Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2005 and amended in 2023, the John J. and Sylvia Ann Durkin Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate students with a declared major in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science with a concentration in Entomology. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Entering freshman must have a high school GPA of 3.0. Preference for a student who is a New Mexico resident.
WHITMIRE, JOHN L SCH John L. Whitmire Scholarship Created in 2023, the John L. Whitmire Scholarship supports undergraduate student in good standing. Student must have a declared major in the College of Engineering, be classified as an entering freshmen, GPA of 2.5, and must be a NM resident.
GREENWALD SR, JOHN L. END John Lewis Greenwald Sr. Scholarship Endowment The John Lewis Greenwald, Sr. Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled at New Mexico State University pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree that leads to certification in Agricultural Education.
CALL, JOHN P. ENDOWED SCH John P. Call Endowed Scholarship The John P. Call Scholarship was established in 1971 to provide support to NMSU students who attended the New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, be a New Mexico resident and a US Citizen.
TAYLOR, JOHN PAUL JR MEM John Paul Taylor, Jr., Endowed Memorial Fund The John Paul Taylor, Jr., Endowed Memorial Fund was established in 2005 to provide an annual award to a student studying in an area of natural resources in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
YOUNG, JOHN R. MEM END John R. Young Memorial Endowed Scholarship
RISNER-SCHILLER GRAD FUND John Risner Memorial Scholarship The Risner-Schilling Memorial Endowed Fund for Graduate Students was originally established in 1998 but was most recently amended by Cynthia Risner. It was established in order to award returning students who are currently teaching in the LCPS school district but wish to pursue an additional degree in special education or education management and development.
SUTTER, JOHN FAMILY MEM SCH John Sutter Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship The John Sutter Family Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by his wife Stephanie and friends, in memory of John who passed at age 34. The scholarship''s meant to remember his lasting impact on friends and family, and honor is legacy through what he valued: education. Recipients can be undergraduate or graduate students, and must have one or more deceased parents. Students must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA, be classified as a sophomore or higher, and be enrolled full time. Preference is given to students with financial need. The award may be renewed up to six semesters if the student is eligible.
SUTTER, JOHN MEMORIAL SCH John Sutter Memorial Endowed Scholarship The John Sutter Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to students enrolled at Dona Ana Community College in pursuit of an Associate of Applied Science degree majoring in either emergency medical services or fire science technology. Award will alternate annually between these two programs. Recipient must be a U.S. citizen with a 2.5 cumulative grade point average. Preference to students who participated in Public Safety Volunteer programs or high school EXCEL programs.
HINKLE, JOHN T SCHOLARSHIP John T. Hinkle Scholarship The John T. Hinkle Scholarship was established in 1984 to award a scholarship to an NMSU student who is interested in an area of study that would lead to the development of a device to aid a blind or deaf person.
VAN DAMME, JOHN MEM PGA MGT John Van Damme Memorial PGA Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the John Van Damme Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program. maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be active in the PGA Student Association.
EOFF,JOHN & JEAN TENNIS SCH John W. Eoff & Jean S. Eoff Endowed Tennis Fund The John W. Eoff and Jean S. Eoff Endowed Fund for Tennis was established in 1997 to award scholarships, equipment, and for operating funds for the tennis program.
KNORR, JOHN W. (BILL) John W. and Ruth Knorr Memorial Scholarship The John W. & Ruth Knorr Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide a scholarship for a student enrolled in The College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and majoring in an agricultural field.
HERNANDEZ JOHN W CIVIL ENG John Whitlock Hernandez Civil Engineering Endowment Fund Established in 1999, the John Whitlock Hernandez Civil Engineering Endowed Fund shall be used to support programs in Civil Engineering at the discretion of the department head of the Department of Civil, Agricultural and Geological Engineering at NMSU.
WOOD, JOHN MEMORIAL John Wood Memorial Scholarship The John E. Wood Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to honor the Dr. John Wood, the first department head of Fisheries and Wildlife Science. The earnings from this endowment shall be used to make an award to a second year graduate student who shows promise for making a contribution to the field in wildlife and fishery science.
MEXAL, JOHN & BARBARA END. John and Barbara Mexal Endowed Scholarship The John and Barbara Mexal Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one or more students. The award recipient must be a sophomore, junior, or senior in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department with a minimum 3.0 cumulative NMSU grade point average.
YATES, JOHN & CHARLOTTE John and Charlotte Yates Endowed Scholarship Established in 2003, the John and Charlotte Yates Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. The funds shall be used to provide either one-time fall semester tuition and fees awards for new entering freshmen or annual awards for tuition and fees for new entering transfer students in accordance with the established guidelines for Opportunity Scholarships (bridge) and Transfer Student Scholarships of the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarship Services. Eligible recipients must be New Mexico residents. The Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarship Services shall select the eligible recipients.
YATES, JOHN & CHARLOTTE SCH John and Charlotte Yates Student Teaching Endowment Established in 2006, the John and Charlotte Yates Student Teaching Endowment supports the College of Education. Recipient(s) must be classified as an undergraduate, enrolled in and admitted to the College of Education, be student teaching in the year the award is given, be a resident of New Mexico and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to a graduate of a New Mexico high school.
WATTS, JOHN & DOROTHY END John and Dorothy Watts Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Dorothy Watts Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation. Recipients must be a full-time undergraduate in good standing, have a declared major in Special Education and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
GARRETT, JOHN IRENE MEM. John and Irene Garrett Memorial Endowed Scholarship The John & Irene Garrett memorial Scholarship Endowment was established in 1979 to award a scholarship to a freshman entering to NMSU who is a graduate from Curry County High School.
CORPENING, JOHN & LILL-ACES John and Lillian Corpening Memorial Endowed Scholarship Louis and Nora Corpening have established this scholarship in memory of Louis''s parents, John P. Corpening and his beloved wife Lillian. John proudly served his country during World War II, and was a successful cotton farmer in La Mesa and Anthony, New Mexico. Lillian inspired many young minds in her 35 years as a teacher in the Gadsden Independent School District. This scholarship honors this proud Aggie family''s legacy in farming and education. Preference to students who graduated from high school in the Gadsden Independent School District in New Mexico.
CORPENING, JOHN & LILL-EDU John and Lillian Corpening Memorial Endowed Scholarship Louis and Nora Corpening have established this College of Education scholarship in memory of Louis''s parents, John P. Corpening and his beloved wife Lillian, both graduates of NMSU. John proudly served his country during World War II, and was a successful cotton farmer in La Mesa and Anthony, NM. Lillian inspired many young minds in her 35 years as a teacher. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Education, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be classified as a Junior or Senior. Preference to students who graduated from high school in the Gadsden Independent School District in New Mexico.
THOMAS,JOHN & ROMAYNE NURS. John and Romayne Thomas Nursing Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, the John and Romayne Thomas Student Teaching Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the School of Nursing. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have been accepted into the Bachelor of Science (BSN) program, demonstrate financial need, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
OVERPECK, JOHN & RUTH MEM John and Ruth Overpeck Memorial Scholarship Established in 1961. the John and Ruth Overpeck Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports a senior level student with a declared major in Agronomy in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. The recipient should be selected on the basis of demonstrated character and scholarship.
LONG, JOHN & SUSAN SCH John and Susan Long Endowed Scholarship Established by John and Susan Long in 2017, this endowed scholarship awards alternates between the Departments of Accounting (academic years ending in an odd number) and Finance (academic years ending in an even number). Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
MIERS, JOHN & TERESA CU SCH John and Teresa Miers Current Use Scholarship Created in 2019, the John and Teresa Miers Current Use Scholarship supports students as NMSU Grants. To honor the memory of John''s career as head librarian at NMSU Grants, and in particular, John''s journey which eventually brought him to the Grants campus his family created this scholarship. Recipients must be enrolled in Grants, and preference for students who have a gap in their university studies.
ALLEN, JOHANNA C MEM Johnna Christine Allen Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Johnna Christine Allen Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 by John W. Allen and Barbara L. Allen in order to make an award to one undergraduate or graduate student.
COSENTINO, JOHNNY END MEM Johnny Cosentino Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Johnny Cosentino Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Must be an undergraduate student with a declared major in the College of Engineering.
FANNING, JOHNNY & GERENE Johnny L. and Gerene Fanning Endowed Scholarship The Johnny L. and Gerene Fanning Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in agricultural economics and agricultural business. Scholarship recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a legal resident of New Mexico and demonstrate community or school leadership/involvement.
THOMAS, J.R. HELEN ENDOWED Johnny R. Thomas and Helen H. Thomas Endowed Scholarship Established in 1998 and recently amended in 2016, the Johnny R. Thomas and Helen H. Thomas Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be full-time, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and have financial need. Preference shall be given to an entering freshman.
JOHNSON FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Johnson Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Johnson Family Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must be a full-time graduate level student in good standing, majoring in Chemistry, maintaining a 3.0 GPA,. Recipients must pass the Qualifying Exam issuded by the Dept. of Chemisty & Biochemistry. Prefernce for a student who is a NM resident and studying Organic Chemistry. Secondary preference physical or analytical chemistry. Preference to a student who is a member of one of the following: American Indian in Science & Engineering, Black Students Association, Gay Anime Club, Gender Diverse Aggies, Her Campus NMSU, Hispanic Council, Latinos in Science & Engineering, Men of Color Initiative, Muslim Student Association, Society for Advancements of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, Women in STEM.
WYNNE,JON CFSNM SCH Jon Wynne Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico Scholarship Established in 2017 by the Jon Wynne Endowment at the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico, this Scholarship recognizes NMSU students at Dona Ana Community College who are taking a minimum of six credits, are maintaining a 2.0 GPA, have great financial need as determined by FAFSA.
WYNNE, JON CU SCHOLARSHIP Jon Wynne Current Use Scholarship Established in 2017 by the Jon Wynne Endowment, this Scholarship recognizes NMSU students at the Dona Ana Community College who are taking a minimum of six credits, are maintaining a 2.0 GPA, have great financial need as determined by FAFSA, and have completed a personal statement of the standard scholarship application form required by DACC for all scholarship applicants.
NORRIS,JONATHAN JUDG. TEAM Jonathan Norris Judging Team Fund The Jonathan Norris Judging Team Endowment was established in 2001 to support the activities of the judging team, including travel and scholarships.
MOY, JORGE & MARTHA END Jorge and Martha Moy Endowed Scholarship at the Dona Ana Branch Community College The Jorge and Martha Moy Endowed Scholarship was established by Jorge and Martha Moy in 2005 in order to award four undergraduate students in any major at Dona Ana Community College each spring semester.
GARCIA, JOSE MEM HISP SCH Jose A. Garcia Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Hispanic Students This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
URANGA, JOSE & JOAN LAW SCH Jose N. and Joan T Uranga Law Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 to support students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients of the Jose N. and Joan T. Uranga Law Endowed Scholarship must demonstrate financial need, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be a Junior or Senior at time of award. Preference for a Hispanic student interested in the role of law in the American political system as evidence by taking at least two law courses offered by the Government Department. Preference for a student intending to pursue a law degree.
URANGA, JOSE & JOAN SCH. Jose N. and Joan T. Uranga Hispanic Educator Endowed Scholarship The Jose N. Uranga Hispanic Educator Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make annual awards to freshman level students who have a declared major in the College of Education.
TENA, JOSE DANCE SCH. Jose Tena Endowed Dance Scholarship The Jose Tena Endowed Dance Scholarship was established in 2004 to make an annual award to student(s) who are working toward a Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance in the College of Education. The award recipients must have demonstrated ongoing service to the community.
FOX, JOSEPH B. MEMORIAL SCH Joseph B. Fox Memorial Scholarship The Joseph B. Fox Memorial Scholarship was established in 1987 by Evelyn G. Fox to make an annual award to an NMSU football student athlete.
KIST,JOSEPH D DEPT MATH SCH Joseph E. Kist Department of Mathematical Sciences Graduate Studies Current Use Fund Established in 2019, the Joseph E Kist Department of Mathematical Sciences Graduate Student Scholarship Fund supports graduate students in good standing in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. The Department Head with advice and consent of the the Department''s Graduate Studies Committee, shall select the scholarship recipients.
FORSYTH, JOSEPH H. MEM Joseph H. Forsyth Memorial Scholarship The Joseph H. Forsyth Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 in order to make an annual award to one or more junior students majoring in English.
CORDOVA,JOSEPH ROTC END SCH Joseph S. Cordova Air Force ROTC Endowed Scholarship This scholarship celebrates the legacy of Joseph S. Cordova (1930 to 2015). He began his 32 plus years of federal service as an Airman in the United States Air Force during the Korean War, before completing his career in a twenty-year leadership role as the Regional Director of the Veterans Administration in Albuquerque NM. Mr. Cordova''s charismatic presence served as a constant source of integrity, strength and guidance for family, friends and co-workers. This scholarship supports upper level students enrolled in the Air Force ROTC program, who maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
SUDER, JOSEPH MEMORIAL SCH Joseph Suder Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established by Joel Buschmann in 2017, the Joseph Suder Memorial Endowed Scholarship is used to award one or more undergraduate students who are members of the NMSU Men''s Football team who are in good standing and have minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
LOWE, JOSEPH & DOROTHY CE Joseph W. Lowe, Jr. and Dorothy B. Lowe Scholarship in Civil Engineering This endowment was established by a bequest from the estate of Joseph W. Lowe, Jr. and Dorothy B. Lowe. The fund supports students enrolled in the Department of Civil Engineering.
SALOPEK, JOSEPH & BRIDGET Joseph and Bridget Salopek Endowed Scholarship The Joseph and Bridget Salopek Endowed Scholarship, established in 2015, is awarded to students who are classified as a sophomore, junior or senior, and have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Scholarship recipients must be a legal New Mexico resident, and be a student who''s had a gap in his or her university studies. Preference is given to students who left their previous university in good standing, for at least one semester.
ADAMS, JOSEPH & CYRENA SCH. Joseph and Cyrena Adams Memorial Scholarship The Joseph C. and Cyrena E. Adams Scholarship was established for a graduate student majoring in Speech Language Pathology in the Speech Department at New Mexico State University.
BECHTOL, JOSEPH & MARY KAY Joseph and Mary Kay Bechtol Endowed Scholarship The Joseph and Mary Kay Bechtol Endowed Scholarship gives awards to one or more undergraduate student(s). Recipients must be classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior level student. Students must also be enrolled in the department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be a U.S. citizen. Recipients must be an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force or have been honorably discharged as an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force.
PETROSKO, JOSEPH/NAMOK SCH Joseph and Namok Petrosko Scholarship Established in 2024, the Joseph and Namok Petrosko Scholarship supports in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must have a declared major within one of the following: the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology or its successor department, or a declared major in Educational Leadership, Educational Leadership and Administration, Curriculum and Instruction or their successor disciplines OR a declared major in Education with a concentration in Curriculum and Instruction or its successor discipline. Recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate level student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2. Preference for a student who demonstrates leadership skills, extracurricular activities, and community service.
DUNNE, JOSH MEMORIAL SCH Josh Dunne Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2024, the Josh Dunne Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at any NMSU campus or NMSU Global. Recipients must be a veteran or a dependent of a veteran, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, must have a declared major in Social Work, Public Health, Nursing, Kinesiology, Psychology, Journalism, Communications, Criminal Justice or any of their successor disciplines.
JOURNALISM & MASS COMM SOPH Journalism and Media Studies Sophomore Scholarship Created in 1997, the Journalism and Media Studies Sophomore Scholarship supports students with a declared major in Journalism. Recipients must have a 3.0 GPA and be enrolled full-time. Recipients must present evidence of professional activity.
TORRES, JOVITA ENDOWED SCH Jovita H. Torres Endowed Scholarship The Jovita H. Torres Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award juniors or seniors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.4. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled full time within the College of Engineering, be a U.S. citizen and legally reside in New Mexico. Preference is given to students who graduated from a Lincoln County high school, and to those demonstrating financial need. Preference is also given to students possessing a strong interest in community improvement. Recipients may be invited to submit an essay in receiving the scholarship, which is renewable for four semesters.
JEFFERSON, JOY B. MEM. END. Joy Bennin Jefferson Memorial Established in 2004, the Joy Bennin Jefferson Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students majoring in biology or microbiology. Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
SMITH, JOYCE L. MEM. SCH. Joyce L. Smith Memorial Endowment The Joyce L. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by her family. Mrs. Smith and her husband raised five children in New Mexico, she was active in the community and ran her own catering business. The fund is to be used to make an annual award valued at $2,000 each to two undergraduate students.
ORTEGO, JOYCE MEMORIAL CU Joyce Ortego Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2020, the Joyce Ortego Memorial Current Use Scholarship will support students at DACC. Recipients must demonstrate financial need, completed one semester in DACC Radiologic Technology Program including all pre and co-requisite courses, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and complete the statement of educational and career goals in the scholarship application. Preference will be given to students who are involved in on or off campus activities as evidenced in the scholarship application.
GONZALES, JUAN I. MEM SCH Juan I. Gonzales Memorial Scholarship The Juan I. Gonzales Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a Civil Engineering student with potential for professional development and who is a graduate of a Northern New Mexico high school.
BRANUM, JUANITA D. MEM END. Juanita Denton Branum Endowed Scholarship Fund The Juanita Denton Branum Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1986 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences.
HUBBARD, WW & FRANCES MEM Judge William Wingate Hubbard and Frances Peirce Hubbard Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, this scholarship honors the legacy of Judge William Wingate Hubbard (1868-1951) whose illustrious law career took him from New York City to West Texas, and his wife, Frances Peirce Hubbard, an accomplished cotton farmer and investor. Awards will alternate annually between students in the Government Department and the College of Business. Recipients must be juniors with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference in selection for Government students with a stated interest in pursuing a law degree or Business students majoring in Finance.
OWENS, JUDITH A. SCH. Judith Ann Owens Memorial Scholarship The Judith Ann Owens Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by John and Virginia Owens in 1988. The income from this fund is to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Education and majoring in Elementary Education.
TRAINA, JUDITH R END SCH Judith R. Traina Endowed Scholarship The Judith R. Traina Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 in Judith''s memory. Scholarship recipients can be an undergraduate or graduate student, and must have a declared major in nursing. Recipients must also have a cumulative GPA of 3.0, and preference is given to first generation students attending college.
LEE, JULIA S. MEMORIAL Julia S. Lee Endowed Fund The Julia S. Lee Memorial Scholarship was established in 1985 to fund research and/or scholarships in the department of Family & Consumer Sciences, preferably to be in the field of textiles.
TURNER, JULIAN J. SCH Julian J. Turner Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship The Julian J. Turner Civil Engineering Endowed Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Civil Engineering.
DILL, JULIE ENDOWED SCH Julie Dill Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 to support students in the College of Business. Recipients of the Julie Dill Endowed Scholarship must be classified as a freshmen level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need and be a student whose legal state of residence is New Mexico.
BRIGGS, JUNE & DINUS SCH June and Dinus Briggs Endowed Scholarship The June and Dinus Briggs Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to award full time sophomore, junior, or senior students with a declared major in the Animal and Range Sciences Department and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
ADKISSON, RICHARD & JUSTINE Justine and Richard Adkisson Business Endowed Scholarship The Justine and Richard Adkisson Business Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award students with a declared major in the College of Business. Scholarship recipients must be a continuing undergraduate student in the College of Business, and classified as a sophomore, junior or senior. Students must also have a cumulative GPA of 3.25 and be enrolled in a minimum six credit hours. Preference is given to sophomore students.
KANKANAHALLI ENDOWED SCH Kankanahalli Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Kankanahalli Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled in the Department of Computer Science, have financial need.
WATERMAN, KAREN D. SCH Karen D. Waterman Endowed Scholarship The Karen D. Waterman Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 to make awards to one or more undergraduate students who have declared a major in accounting at NMSU, are classified as a junior or senior level student, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference shall be given to a student with a cumulative GPA below 3.0.
FLETCHER, KARIN MEMORIAL SC Karin Fletcher Memorial Scholarship Fund - NMSU Grants Established in 2025, the Karin Fletcher Memorial Scholarship Fund - NMSU Grants supports students enrolled in NMSU Grants Community College. Recipients must be pursuing an Associates of Science degree, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be a full-time student.
SCHUEPPERT,KARL J &SYLVIA P Karl J. and Sylvia P. Schueppert Endowed Scholarship The Karl J. and Sylvia P. Schueppert Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 and honors the Schueppert''s lifetime experiences and impact to the fields they loved. The scholarship rotates annually between the Chemistry and Biochemistry department, Art department, and the Music department to award full time sophomore, junior, or senior level students with declared majors in these departments.
HOLMES, KAROL LYNN MEM SCH Karol Lynn Holmes Memorial Scholarship The Karol Lynn Homes Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 1997 to make an annual scholarship award to a student in pursuing a degree in Chemical Engineering within the College of Engineering.
MARTINEZ-GRAHAM KATHRINE Katherine Martinez-Graham Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2016, the Kathrine Martinez-Graham Memorial Current Use Scholarship honors the legacy of Kathrine Martinez-Graham whose lifelong love of learning and teaching is only surpassed by her love of country and her pride in New Mexico State University. The scholarship will support one or more students classified as graduate level. Preference will be given to a graduate student who is the first person in their immediate family to pursue a graduate education. Preference will be given to a student who has declared a minor in communication and national security.
CARRUTHERS,KATHERINE HRTM Katherine T. Carruthers Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Endowed Fund Established in 2006, the Katherine T. Carruthers Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Endowed Fund supports the School of HRTM. The funds shall be used for unrestricted support of the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management at the discretion of the Director of the School of HRTM.
KENT, KATHLEEN SCHOLARSHIP Kathleen Kent Current Use Scholarship The Kathleen Kent scholarship will be awarded to a Native American student who has completed a baccalaureate degree in another field and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree. The award recipient shall be a Native American who can demonstrate heritage by a "Certificate of Indian Blood". Shall be a person in good standing in the community; who shows interest and concern in the mental and physical well being of the Native American community by providing at least one recommendation letter from a community member. Also, they shall be willing to commit to working with a Native American population on a reservation in the state of New Mexico for a period of two years within six months of graduation and passing the NCLEX exam. Candidates shall have been active in Indian Program activities at the previous college or university. They shall maintain a 2.5 GPA and meet all the requirements for admission to NMSU.
KENT, KATHLEEN ENDOWED SCH Kathleen Kent Endowed Scholarship The Kathleen Kent Endowed Scholarship will support a student pursuing a bachelor''s, master''s or Ph.D. degree in nursing who has completed all prerequisites for the BSN degree. Must be a certified Native American, have a minimum 2.5 grade point average, be active in Native American programs on campus and planning to work in that community in New Mexico following graduation.
WILLIAMS, KATHLEEN HISTORY Kathleen Williams History Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018 by Frances F. Williams this scholarship supports undergraduate students. Must have a declared major in history, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5.
SEPICH, KATHRYN JAYE MEM Kathryn Jaye Sepich Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Kathryn Jaye Sepich Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an annual award to a graduate student with a declared major in the master of Business Administration program.
HAFEN, KAY R & IRENE BUS EN Kay R. and Irene S. Hafen Business Endowed Scholarship Established in 2013, and funded in 2019, the Kay R. and Irene S. Hafen Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business, must be a junior, senior or graduate level student and must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
KEITH URBAN ENDOWED SCH Keith Urban-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2021 ,the Keith Urban-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business and Department of Music. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference will be given to a student who is employed by the NMSU Special Events Office (including operations and the ticket office) or the Department of Music.
AVERY, KEITH W. END SCH Keith W. Avery Endowed Scholarship Fund The Keith W. Avery Endowed Scholarship was established in 1997 to make an annual award to one or more students in good standing enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The Scholarship is funded through the proceeds of the sale of Campfire Echoes, a book of Mr. Avery's poetry and illustrations that was composed and published solely for the purpose of funding the Keith W. Avery Endowed Scholarship.
STACK, KELLY MEMORIAL SCH Kelly Stack Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Kelly Stack Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Anna Cook in 2012 in order to honor the memory of Kelly Megan Stack, a talented young woman with many talents, who grew up in Las Cruces, NM.
BARRICK, KEN GRAD MEM SCH Ken Barrick Memorial Endowed Scholarship
VALENTINE, KENNETH A. END Kenneth A. Valentine Scholarship The Kenneth A. Valentine Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships to students enrolled in Animal and Range Sciences.
O'DONNELL, KENNETH, MEM SCH Kenneth C. O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship Fund Created in 2021, the Kenneth C. O''Donnell Memorial Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Agronomy, be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
SMITH, KENNETH L. SCH. Kenneth Leland Smith Memorial The Kenneth Leland Smith Memorial Scholarship for Special Education was established in 1988. This fund was created to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in Special Education.
GODDARD, KENNETH R. MEM Kenneth R. Goddard Endowed Mem The Kenneth R. Goddard Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarships for engineering students who have completed at least 60 hours, but less than 110 hours with a grade point average of 3.2.
K. HEITZ/EPE MEMORIAL SCH Kenneth R. Heitz/El Paso Electric Memorial Scholarship Fund
WHITE, KENNETH END SCH Kenneth White Endowed Scholarship Fund The Kenneth White Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2014 by Richard L. and Cindy Leza in order to make awards to one or more qualified and deserving undergraduate students.
MELGAARD, KENNETT END SCH Kennett Melgaard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008, the Kennett Melgaard Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts & Sciences and the Honors College. Recipients must be a resident of New Mexico, be a junior or senior with Crimson Scholar standing, and have financial need. Preference will be given to students interested in teaching chemistry as a career.
KENNEY AND SELLUNG FAMILY Kenney and Sellung Family Endowment Established in 2024, the Kenney and Sellung Family Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipient must be an undergraduate student in good standing, have a declared major in Horticulture or its successor discipline, must be a full-time student and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
HIXON, KERRY & DEBORAH SCH Kerry and Deborah Hixon Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the Kerry and Deborah Hixon Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU College of Business students. Recipients must have a minimum high school GPA of 2.75 if an incoming freshman or maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Preference will be given to students with a declared minor in Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) and to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
MCILVOY, KEVIN END SCH Kevin McIlvoy Creative Writing Endowed Fellowship The Kevin McIlvoy Creative Writing Endowed Fellowship was established by the Las Cruces Organization for the Literary Arts in 2008 in order to make an award to students with an emphasis in Creative Writing.
ARCHULETA, KIM NURSING CU Kimberly Archuleta Nursing Current Use Scholarship The Kimberly Archuleta Nursing Current Use Scholarship was created in 2019. Kimberly Archuleta is a two-time Aggie ''95 (Associate in Nursing) and ''02 (Bachelor of Science in Nursing), and is a family nurse practitioner in Albuquerque, NM. She created this scholarship to help nursing students afford their education and succeed in their careers.
MING,KIMBERLY(THEATRE ARTS) Kimberly Ming Endowed Theatre Arts Scholarship Fund The Kimberly Ming Endowed Theatre Arts Scholarship Fund was established in 1993. This fund was created to make an annual award to one or more juniors, seniors, or graduate students majoring in theatre arts.
MING, KIMBERLY SCHOLARSHIP Kimberly Ming Endowed Scholarship for Social Work The Kimberly Ming Endowed Scholarship for Social Work was established in 2003 to make an award to undergraduate students with a declared major in social work and financial need. Candidates for this award must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
MING, KIMBERLY HRTM END Kimberly Ming Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2001, the Kimberly Ming Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management Endowed Scholarship Fund supports the College of ACES. Recipients must be a Junior, Senior or Graduate level student, maintain a 3.5 GPA, and must have financial need. Student must have academic concentration is within culinary activities.
KISER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Kiser Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Kiser Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be classified as sophomore, junior, or senior level students, have a declared major in Civil Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7, be a U.S. citizen, be a resident of the state of New Mexico and must demonstrate financial need as evidenced by official FAFSA results.
KLIPSCH SCH FOR ECE JUNIORS Klipsch Electrical Engineering Endowed Scholarship The Klipsch Electrical Engineering Endowed Scholarship For Juniors was established in 2007 to make awards to junior level students who are majoring in electrical engineering. The recipients must have high academic achievement and have good moral character.
KRINGLE THE CAT PEVS Kringle the Cat Memorial Scholarship in Horticulture Created in 1995 to support the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Eligible recipients may be at any classification with a declared major in Horticulture.
MADRIL, KRISTA L. END SCH Krista L. Madril Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Krista L. Madril Endowed Scholarship will support students in the College of Engineering.
RHODES, KYLE ENDOWED SCH Kyle Rhodes Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Kyle Rhodes Endowed Scholarship support the NMSU College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, state of legal residence is New Mexico and a preference for a student from San Juan county.
LOUVAR, KYLE & NICOLE Kyle and Nicole Louvar Endowed Scholarship The Kyle and Nicole Louvar Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in their honor, to support undergraduate students whose declared major is finance in the College of Business. Students must be enrolled full time, be classified as a junior or senior, have a 3.5 cumulative GPA or greater, and demonstrate financial need.
BEATY, KYLER MEMORIAL SCH Kyler Beaty Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Kyler Beaty Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by Heather Beaty in 2010 in order to make an award to an undergraduate student.
HAUN, L. O. END SCH L. O. Haun Endowed Scholarship The L.O. Haun Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make an annual award to a student majoring in Fishery and Wildlife Sciences.
MATHERS, L.E. MEMORIAL L.E. "Gene" Mathers, Jr., Mary Mathers and Family Endowed Scholarship The L.E. Gene Mathers, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Mary J. Welch in 2002 and amended in 2012. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, be classified as a junior or senior level student, be a US citizen, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 and exhibit academic promise, character, and leadership as evidenced by a statement of education and career goals. Preference will be given to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
HOOTON, LJ END SCH PRE-VET L.J. Hooton Endowed Scholarship in Pre-Veterinary Studies Established in 2024, the L.J. Hooton Endowed Scholarship in Pre-Veterinary Studies supports undergraduate students in the College of ACES. Recipients must be in good standing with a declared major in Animal Science with a concentration in Science or their successor disciplines. Recipients must be planning to apply to veterinary school. Preference for a student who is a New Mexico resident, an active member of the Pre-Vet club, who intends to pursue a career in veterinary medicine for range and ranch animals in New Mexico and with a financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
FUNKHOUSER-TATREAULT END. LE Sparks and Lucille Denton Funkhouser Tatreault End Fnd The L.E. "Sparks" and Lucille Denton Funkhousher Tatreault Endowed Fund was established in 2014. Recipients must be a senior or graduate level student with a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Preference for a student studying or doing research in viticulture.
LA CONCHA STRINGS SCH La Concha Strings Endowed Scholarship The La Concha Strings Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 and amended in 2013 by James J. Landye in order to make an award to qualified and deserving students
COOK, LA JUAN & MARION SCH La Juan Price Cook and Marion D. Cook, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1993, the La Juan Price and Marion D. Cook, Jr. Endowed Scholarship Fund will be used to support scholarships for sophomore, junior, or senior level students in the College of Business Administration and Economics and the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences in alternating years. Recipients must be US citizens, have demonstrated financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
GORDON, LADD S. MEMORIAL Ladd S. Gordon Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Ladd S. Gordon Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 and amended in 2019. The scholarship was funded through gifts from family and friends of Ladd S. Gordon and the employees of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. This fund was established to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students majoring in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology. Recipients must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and preference will be given to students with an interest in the Wildlife Science program and who plans to pursue a career of work for the NM Department of Game and Fish.
LANE ARAGON MEMORIAL Lane-Aragon Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Lane-Aragon Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to make an annual award to one or more students who are graduates of a Las Cruces High School.
LANGUAGES&LINGUISTICS ENDOW Languages and Linguistics Scholarship Fund The Languages and Linguistics Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to make awards to interested undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic merit in their subject area and attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better.
ASPREY, LARRY MEM RESEARCH Larry Asprey Memorial Undergraduate Research Fellowship The Larry Asprey Memorial Undergraduate Research Fellowship was established by Margaret B. Asprey in 2005 to support undergraduate students that are involved in research in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The goal of this program is to provide students with important practical experience in a research laboratory and give them the opportunity to interact with a faculty member.
JONAS, LARRY MEM HORN SCH Larry Jonas Memorial Horn Endowed Scholarship The Larry Jonas Memorial Horn Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 and amended in 2020 to honor Larry''s life, and in remembrance of his time as an Aggie and NMSU''s music community. The award supports undergraduate students with a declared major in the Department of Music. The award recipient must be a horn player, and have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to students who are active in community service.
MCGEHEE, LARRY MEMORIAL SCH Larry McGehee Memorial Scholarship The Larry McGehee Memorial Scholarship was established in 1978 by Mrs. Jackie McGehee and Exxon Corp. in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students in the Department of Music.
LUJAN, LARRY & ARLENE SCH Larry and Arlene Lujan Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 and amended in 2022, the Larry and Arlene Lujan Endowed Scholarship supports Athletics. Recipients must be an undergraduate student and a member in good standing in the NMSU Men''s Golf Team. Preference given to a student with a declared major in the College of Business.
LC BUSINESS & PROF WOMEN Las Cruces Business and Professional Women's Endowed Scholarship The Las Cruces Business and Professional Women''s Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to award an undergraduate or graduate student. The award recipient must be a resident of New Mexico, have been out of school but now returning, and have completed at least the freshman year.
LAS CRUCES CNTRY CLUB GOLF Las Cruces Country Club Golfer Development Endowed Fund
LCHBA AGGIE BUILDER END SCH Las Cruces Home Builders Association Aggie Builder Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Las Cruces Home Builders Association Aggie Builder Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Recipients must be an undergraduate student with a declared major in the College of Business, must have a state of legal residence in New Mexico, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference shall be given to students interested in pursuing a career in general contracting.
LC PAN AM ROUND TABLE Las Cruces Pan American Round Table Endowed Scholarship Established in 1988 and recently amended in 2024, the Las Cruces Pan American Round Table (PART) Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior level student in good standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must have a declared major in one of the following: College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences: Agricultural and Community Development, Agricultural Biology, Agricultural Economics and Business, Animal Science, Environmental Science, Fisheries and Wildlife Science, Natural Resource Economics and Policy, Range Science, Soil Science, and their successor disciplines. College of Arts and Sciences: Anthropology, Art, Conservation Ecology, Geography, Geology, Foreign Languages, Government, History, Justice, Political Philosophy and Law and their successor disciplines. College of Business: International Business and its successor disciplines. College of Health, Education and Social Transformation: Communication Disorders, Counseling and Community Psychology, Dance, Elementary Education, Nursing, Public Health, and Social Work and their successor disciplines. College of Engineering: Civil Engineering, Engineering Technology Civil, Engineering Technology Mechanical, Engineering Technology Electrical Computer, and their successor disciplines. Recipient must indicate a desire to utilize education further to work or conduct research on issues relevant to Latin America or U.S.A./Mexico borderland. Must be a resident of New Mexico. Preference for a student who demonstrates financial need.
LCPS STUDENT TEACHING SCH Las Cruces Public Schools Administrators and Faculty Student Teaching Current Use This scholarship was established as an endowed fund in 2006 by Las Cruces Public Schools Administrators and Faculty. It was changed to a current use fund in 2017. Eligible recipients must be in their student teaching semester, and must demonstrate financial need. Preference will be given to a graduate of a Las Cruces public high school.
EVANS, LATIMER R. SCH Latimer R. Evans Scholarship Established in 1986, the Latimer R. Evans Scholarship supports the College of Arts & Sciences to award on the basis of performance in the sophomore organic chemistry courses and overall scholastic achievement.
POTTORFF, LAURA JACKSON END Laura Jackson Pottorff Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Laura Jackson Pottorff Endowed Scholarships supports incoming freshman students. Student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 and have financial need as determined by FAFSA. Preference for a student who graduated from Deming High School and is full-time. Renewable for additional semester in freshman year as long as criteria is met.
HARTY, LAURA L. SCHOLARSHIP Laura Lee Harty Endowed Scholarship for Student Teaching The Laura Lee Harty Endowed Scholarship for Student Teaching was established by William Harty and Leland Harty in 2008 to make one or more awards to undergraduate students majoring in Elementary Education. The student will receive the award during the student teaching semester.
HELMICK, LAURIE SUSAN MEM Laurie Susan Helmick Memorial Scholarship The Laurie Susan Helmick Memorial Scholarship was established in 1987 to award scholarships students who have at least a 2.5 grade point average and demonstrate financial need.
LAUTERBACH, BORSCHOW & CO Lauterbach, Borschow & Company Accounting Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Lauterbach, Borschow and Company Accounting Endowed Scholarship is to be awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior level student with a declared major in accounting and a 3.5 grade point average. The recipient should be a resident of New Mexico or Texas.
NOYES, LAVERNE END. MEM SCH Laverne Noyes Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Laverne Moyes Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarship awards to direct descendants of World War I Veterans, based on need.
PACHECO, LEROY ENDOWED SCH LeRoy John Pacheco Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the LeRoy John Pacheco Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Business. Recipients must be in good standing, have a declared major in Finance, be classified as a junior or senior level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference for a student whose legal residence is the United States.
LEA COUNTY SCHOLARSHIP Lea County Centennial Endowed Scholarship The Lea County Centennial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate students who are New Mexico residents from Lea County who have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
LEADERSHIP NAT.RESOURCE SCH Leadership in Natural Resources Endowed Scholarship Created in 2010 and amended in 2017, the Leadership in Natural Resources Current Use Scholarship supports one or more students who demonstrate knowledge and experience with natural resource sciences as shown through work experiences, volunteer work, internships and coursework. Recipient must be a full time student, have a classification of junior, senior or graduate, maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Preference will be given to students with declared majors in Fisheries (FISH), Wildlife Science (WLSC), Range Science (RGSC) or Master of Public Administration (MPA). Preference will be given to students whose employment and/or volunteer experience indicate a career path to natural resource agency leadership and administration.
LEE DORIS"TUTU"MEM DANCESP Lee Doris Tutu Blais Memorial DanceSport Endowed Scholarship The Lee Doris "Tutu" Blais Memorial DanceSport Endowed Scholarship was established to award one or more students each academic year, with a declared major or minor in dance. Students must be a sophomore, junior, senior or graduate, and enrolled full time. Scholarship recipients must also exhibit goals and aspirations for dance in his or her future. Preference is given to students within the DanceSport program, and to those demonstrating financial need.
LEE, J.E. AND JUNE FUND Lee Fund - Vocal Music Established in 1997, the Lee Fund in vocal music supports students in the NMSU Vocal Music Program. Eligible students can be undergraduate or graduate students studying vocal music.
EVANS, LEE S. LOU C. MEM. Lee S. and Lou C. Evans Memorial Scholarship Established in 1988, the Lee S. and Lou C. Evans Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences for students with financial need interested in pursuing a career in a farm or ranch field.
LEG UP CURRENT USE SCH Leg Up Current Use Scholarship Established in 2019, the Leg Up Current Use Scholarship supports students in the American Indian Program at NMSU. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Engineering, must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student, must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, must have financial need and must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American Tribe by proof of CIB or Tribal Identification Card.
SUGERMAN, LEN & MATT PGM Len and Matt Sugerman PGM Endowed Fund The Len and Matt Sugerman PGM Endowed Fund was established in 2005 to support program activities for award recipients in the Professional Golf Management Program such as tournament entry fees, travel funds to tournaments, equipment purchases, etc. Eligible award recipients must be fully admitted into the NMSU Professional Golf Management Program, maintain the grade point average as required by the program, and maintain the handicap required by the program.
DUDGEON, LENORE NURSE ANESTH Lenore Dudgeon Nurse Anesthesiology Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Lenore Dudgeon Nurse Anesthesiology Endowed Scholarship supports full-time graduate students who must be pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree with a concentration in Nurse Anesthesiology.
JAQUES, LEO MEM MUSIC EDUC. Leo Jaques Memorial Music Educator Scholarship The Leo Jaques Endowed Memorial Music Educator Scholarship was established by Chris and Lucinda Knackstedt in 2000 to make an annual award to a junior or senior music education major.
RADZIEMSKI, LEON&BARBARA Leon J. and Barbara W. Radziemski Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship The Leon J. and Barbara W. Radziemski Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship was established in 2005. Recipients must be enrolled in the Department of Physics, be a full-time sophomore, junior or senior with at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA.
WAGLEY, DR. LEON SCH. Leon Wagley Scholarship The Dr. Leon Wagley Scholarship was established in 1991 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences with a major in Agriculture and Extension Education.
SUGERMAN,LEONARD&LOIS SCH Leonard & Lois Sugerman Sch The Col. Leonard R. and Lois I. Sugerman Endowed Scholarship was established in 1996 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student.
SMITH, LESLIE C. & JUDY L. Leslie C. and Judy L. Smith Endowed Nursing Scholarship The Leslie C. and Judy L. Smith Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established in 2008 to award a nursing student(s). Each award recipient must be a New Mexico resident, and have acumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
CLAYSHULTE,LESLIE&BETTY SCH Leslie and Betty Clayshulte Scholarship The Leslie and Betty Clayshulte Scholarship was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science.
TOMEI, LESTER MEM GOLF SCH Lester Tomei Memorial Golf Scholarship The Lester Tomei Memorial Golf Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by Elizabeth Tomei and the children of Lester Tomei in 1999. The recipient must be from the Las Cruces School District who was a member of a high school golf team.
FISHER,LESTER&NORMAJEAN END Lester and Norma Jean FIsher Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Lester and Norma Jean Fisher Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to one or more graduate or undergraduate students enrolled in an agricultural related field with a minimum 2.8 GPA. Student must apply for FAFSA Financial Aid; preference will be given to a student with legal residence in either Kansas or New Mexico.
SEGOVIA, LETICIA MEM SCH Leticia P. Segovia Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2012, the Leticia P. Segovia Memorial Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate student. The recipient must have a declared major in Civil Engineering. Preference will be given to graduates from Las Cruces High School.
LICHTENFELS-HOWARD FAM SCH Lichtenfels-Howard Family Endowed Scholarship The Lichtenfels-Howard Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015, to award an undergraduate student accepted into the Osteopathic Medicine Pathway Program at NMSU. The recipient must be a legal resident of New Mexico, a graduate of a public high school, and be a first-year student when awarded. The student must remain in good standing in the OMPP program, and demonstrate financial need. The scholarship will be renewed if the student is eligible.
MARTINEZ, LIETTE MEM SCH Liette (Lola) Martinez Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Graphic Design This endowed scholarship honors the memory of Liette Martinez, an NMSU student pursuing a Bachelor of Art who took classes in graphic design at DACC where she thrived in the diverse student body. It was Liette''s goal, upon completing her degree, to open her own graphic design business. This fund was established in 2016 with a transfer from the original 2009 endowment in order to fund separate awards - this one at Dona Ana Community College. Recipients must be sophomore level in the Creative Media Technology program with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must submit a statement of educational and career goals. Preference will be given to students who do not qualify for federal financial aid.
LIETTE MARTINEZ MEM END SCH Liette (Lola) Martinez Memorial Endowment Scholarship in Graphic Design This endowed scholarship honors the memory of Liette Martinez, an NMSU student pursuing a Bachelor of Arts. She spent hours in the art studio or computer lab, immersing herself in every project she undertook. It was Liette''s goal, upon completing her degree, to open her own graphic design business. This fund was established in 2016 with a transfer from the original 2009 endowment in order to fund separate awards - this one at NMSU-Las Cruces. Recipients must be junior or senior level in Art with an emphasis in graphic design, have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must submit a statement of educational and career goals. Preference will be given to students who do not qualify for federal financial aid.
CONWAY,LT COL FB & CA ROTC Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Francis B. and Christine A. Conway Endowed Army ROTC Scholarship Established in 2013, the Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Francis B. and Christine A. Conway Endowed Army ROTC Scholarship supports undergraduate students. Recipients must be a junior or senior contracted in the Army ROTC program. Recipient must have a 2.5 GPA and must have a 2.5 GPA in Military Science courses.
MITCHELL, LINDA E. MEMORIAL Linda E. Mitchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Linda E. Mitchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 by Linda E. Mitchell and Thomas E. Mitchell, III in order to award a qualified and deserving student in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
DENNIS,LINDA M (DALY) END Linda M. (Daly) Dennis Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Linda M. (Daly) Dennis Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by Raymond Lee Dennis. The income from this fund is to be used to make a one-semester award to an undergraduate student with a minimum grade point average of 3.0.
LINDSEY FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Lindsey Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019 and amended in 2020, the Lindsey Family Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Agricultural Biology, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference will be given to a student with a minor in Plant Pathology.
HAIGHT, LIONEL D. SCH. Lionel D. Haight Scholarship This scholarship provides awards for Accounting undergraduate or graduate students who have demonstrated scholastic excellence in previous accounting courses and in other university work.
ERICKSON, LISA K. MEMORIAL Lisa K. Erickson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, Lisa K. Erickson Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Health Sciences supports undergraduate students enrolled at Dona Ana Community College. Recipient must be full-time maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6, be a graduate of Onate High School KNA Organ Mountain High School and must have a declared intention to pursue a major leading to professional credentials in a health field.
LLANO ESTACADO SURVEY ENG Llano Estacado Surveying Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 and amended in 2018, The Llano Estacado Surveying Endowed Scholarship awards an undergraduate student. The award recipient must have a declared major in Geomatics or Surveying Engineering, be enrolled full time at the time of the award, have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average, and be a resident of New Mexico. Preference for a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, is from Lea, Eddy, Chavez or Roosevelt counties and an entering freshman.
COOPER, LLOYD SCHOLARSHIP Lloyd Cooper Memorial Scholarship Established in 2002, The Lloyd Cooper Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports a graduate student in the Department of Educational Management and Development in the College of Education, also, to be used for professional development in the Department of Educational Management and Development in College of Education.
LYSTER, LLOYD & SHARON MEM. Lloyd W. and Sharon L. Lyster Memorial Scholarship The Lloyd W. and Sharon L. Lyster Memorial Endowed Fund was established in 1995 by Sheryl Ann Lyster in memory of Lloyd W. Lyster and his daughter Sharon L. Lyster. The Fund was created to award undergraduate students who show academic promise.
SUGERMAN PSL SCHOLARSHIP Lois I. and Leonard R. Sugerman PSL Scholarship Fund The Lois and Leonard and Sugerman Endowed PSL Scholarship will be administered and given to students who demonstrate financial need and have maintained a GPA of 3.0 or better.
MELTON, LOIS MCKINLEY SCH Lois McKinley Melton Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Lois McKinley Melton Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Clothing, Textiles and Fashion Merchandising, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be a graduate from a New Mexico high school.
SUGERMAN,LOIS&LEONARD END Lois and Leonard Sugerman Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005, the Lois and Leonard Sugerman Endowed Scholarship supports students with a declared major in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management. Recipients must be a sophomore, junior or senior level student, must be enrolled for 12 credit hours and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to a student who is a New Mexico resident.
BULLOCK, LOLA P. END SCH Lola P. Bullock Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008, the Lola L. Bullock Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students. The award recipient must be a New Mexico high school graduate, be a Junior or Senior student majoring in Family and Consumer Sciences in the College of Agricultural.
ABERNATHY III, LONNIE LEE Lonnie Lee Abernethy III Memorial Scholarship for Native American Students The Lonnie Lee Abernethy III Memorial Scholarship for Native American Students was established in 2007 to make an award to an undergraduate and/or graduate students. The award recipients must be Native American, and be a full-time student majoring in Civil Engineering.
SUMPTER,LONNIE MEM AEROSPA Lonnie Sumpter Memorial Scholarship The Lonnie Sumpter Memorial Endowed Aerospace Engineering Scholarship was established in 2007 by Mrs. Katrin C. Sumpter in honor of her husband, Lonnie. Lonnie Sumpter was the first Executive Director of the New Mexico Spaceport Authority from 2005 to 2007. The award recipient(s) must be a full-time student majoring in mechanical engineering, be an entering freshman, be a New Mexico resident(s), be a U.S. citizen, and have a minimum high school grade point average of 3.0.
TERRY, LONNIE & JOYCE END Lonnie and Joyce Terry Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010, the Lonnie and Joyce Terry Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and be a student whose legal residence is other than New Mexico.
COOK, LOREN ACCT END SCH Loren Cook Accounting Endowed Scholarship The Loren Cook Accounting Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 in her honor. Scholarship awards are given to graduate students with a declared major in the Masters of Accountancy program.
LOS ALAMOS CO. CENTENNIAL Los Alamos County Centennial Scholarship The Los Alamos County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU''s centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
VEGA, LOUIS EXP LRN END SCH Louis A. Vega Endowed Scholarship for Experiential Learning The Louis A. Vega Endowed Scholarship for Experiential Learning was established in 2015 to award undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in government or public administration. Scholarship recipients must demonstrate financial need, and have a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA. Students must also seek to participate in research, service learning, internships, study abroad or other experiential learning opportunities, to promote understanding of the inter-relationships between government, business, and civil society. The scholarship may be renewed if the student remains eligible.
KAZDA, LOUIS F & JANE MEM Louis F. and Jane Kazda Memorial Endowed Scholarship Created in 2000, the Judith Ann Kazda Burd Memorial Scholarship supports students in the college of Engineering. Recipients must be an Electrical Engineering major, full-time student, Junior level, minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Award is renewable.
FAGAN, LOUIS NEILL ENG MEM Louis N. Fagan Memorial Scholarship Established in 1989 and amended in 1999, the Louis N. Fagan Memorial Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipient must be a second semester sophomore in their chosen field of engineering. Preference for a permanent resident. Must have financial need as determined by FAFSA, a high school GPA of 2.0 or better and enrolled in College of Engineering. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA during sophomore year, GPA of 3.0 junior and senior year.
LYSTER,LOUIS P & ETHEL MEM Louis Ployart and Ethel Lyster Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Louis P. & Ethel Lyster Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to award a scholarship to a graduate of Robertson High School
KLEINE, LOUIS & SENITH ENGR Louis W. and SenithA. Kleine Scholarship for Engineering Technology The Lewis W. Kleine Scholarship in Engineering Technology was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Engineering Technology. Each award recipient must have completed 70 or more graded credits in engineering technology with a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
CANBY, LOUISE H SPIRIT AWD Louisa Hawkins Canby Spirit Award Current Use Fund Established in 2015, the Louisa Hawkins Canby Spirit Award Current Use Fund is for a nursing student who has an outstanding academic record and who best embodies the charity and compassion of Louise Hawkins Canby, a civil war nurse. The recipient must be a senior with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5
GARRETT, E. LOUISE MEMORIAL Louise E. Garrett Memorial Scholarship The Louise E. Garrett Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to award a scholarship to an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in Family & Consumer Sciences.
SALAZAR, LOUISE CAMP SCH Louise Salazar College Assistant Migrant Program (CAMP) Endowed Scholarship The Louise Salazar Endowed College Assistant Migrant Program (CAMP) Scholarship was established by Candis J. Stern in 2012 in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate students.
LOUVAR FAMILY FOOTBALL SCH Louvar Family Football Endowed Scholarship The Louvar Family Football Endowed Scholarship was created by Kyle and Nicole Louvar in memory of Gary Louvar, Kyle''s father and Richard P. Louvar, Kyle''s grandfather. Recipients must be a member in good standing of the NMSU football team and meet NCAA eligibility standards.
LOVING QUINTELA END SCH Loving Quintela Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, recipients of the Loving Quintela Endowed Scholarship must be enrolled full-time at any campus in the NMSU system, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be a graduate of Loving High School.
DAVIS, LOWERY H. AND DORIS Lowery H. and Doris Davis Scholarship Established in 1988 and amended in 2003, the Lowery H. and Doris C. Davis Scholarship support one student each from the Department of Health Science, Department of Nursing, and the School of Social Work in the College of Health and Social Services (KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. The award recipients must be a junior or first semester senior standing, a minimum 2.0 grade point average, and exemplifies the mission of the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need.
MECHEM, T COL JESSE MEM SCH Lt. Col. Jesse Mechem Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Lt. Col. Jesse Mechem Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 to make an annual award to a student who is a resident of New Mexico.
AGUILAR, LT TONY P. MEM Lt. Tony P. Aguilar Memorial Scholarship The Lt. Tony P. Aguilar Memorial Scholarship was established in 1978 to provide scholarships in Electrical Engineering.
GRAHAM, LUCILLE END SCH Lucile Graham Memorial Scholarship Fund The Lucile Graham Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 to grant scholarships to undergraduate students in agriculture, home economics, mathematics and engineering.
RONEY, LUCILLE EARNHART SCH Lucille Earnhart Roney Endowed Scholarship The Lucille Earnhart Roney Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 by the Roney Family Foundation. This fund was established to make an award to an undergraduate student who has a declared major in the department of English, with an emphasis in Literature, Language, and Culture or successor disciplines.
MA, LUCY ENDOWED SCH. Lucy Ma Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Mother, Irene Stokes The Lucy Ma Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Mother, Irene Stokes was established by Lucy Belle Ma and Jonathan K. Ma in 1986 to provide students registered in a degree seeking program with full-time status studying at NMSU-Grants Campus.
SANDOVAL, LUCY NURSING MEM Lucy Sandoval Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship The Lucy Sandoval Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established in 2013 by Julio A. Sandoval in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate nursing students.
MONTES,LUIS&GREINER ALYSON Luis D. Montes and Alyson L. Greiner Endowed Scholarship The Luis D. Montes and Alyson L. Greiner Endowed Scholarship shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate or graduate student(s). Each award recipient must have a declared major in the Department of Philosophy and complete the educational and career goals section of the scholarship application and indicate reason for choice of philosophy as a major and career plans. Preference will be given to a Philosophy-STEM double major.
MAYNEZ, LUIS & JOSEFA SCH. Luis and Josefa Maynez Family Endowed Scholarship in the Program of Dance The Luis and Josefa Maynez Family Endowed Scholarship in the Program of Dance was established in 2010 by Rex and Irma Glover in memory of Luis Maynez, Josefa Mestas Maynez, Hector Maynez, Raquel Maynez, Leist, and Dolores Sierra Jacobs. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a junior or senior level student with a declared major in Dance.
LUJAN FAMILY SENIOR AWARD Lujan Family Senior of the Year Award Current Use Fund
TORRES, LUPE CAS MEM END Lupe Torres Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Lupe Torres Memorial Scholarship endowment celebrates Mrs. Torres'' career of serving students tirelessly with joy and compassion. The Student Success Center established this award in 2013 to support students who are participating in a student program at the Center such as enrolling in a Freshman Year Experience course, or accessing one of the many Student Success Center services and programs.
LUTHER A. SIZEMORE FOUND Luther Sizemore Foundation Scholarship Created in 1989, the Luther Sizemore Foundation Scholarship shall be used towards full tuition for NMSU students. Recipient(s) must be undergraduates, complete at least 12 hours, and have a 2.5 GPA. Preference shall be given to student(s) who are dependents of carpenters. This scholarship is renewable as long as all criteria is met.
ALLRED, LYNN MEMORIAL SCH Lynn Allred Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Lynn Allred Memorial Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students. The scholarship will rotate through each college, going to one college per year.
MCNAMEE, M. GLENN MEMORIAL M. Glenn McNamee Memorial Scholarship The M. Glenn McNamee Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 1998 to make awards to one or more undergraduate or graduate students each year who are majoring in an area related to production agriculture.
JOHNSON, MABEL L. SCH. Mabel L. Johnson Scholarship This scholarship was to be established from the estate of Mabel Johnson for scholarships for the nursing department.
MABIE, NORM MEM END SCH Mabie Legacy Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009 and amended in 2022, the Mabie Legacy Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipient must be full time and in good standing. Must have a declared major in the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology. Must be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference shall be given to students with an interest in or a familiarity with fly fishing as indicated in the scholarship application process.
MACINTOSH MURCHINSON ROGER MacIntosh Murchison Rogers Memorial Scholarship The MacIntosh Murchison Rogers Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by Patricia M. Rogers, Jonathan W. Rogers, Jonathan W. Rogers Jr., Dede Rogers Rushton, and Isha Rogers Babel. The fund is to be used to make an annual award to one or more students from El Paso County High Schools and cover out-of-state tuition waiver scholarships.
JOHNSON, MAE MARTHA MEM. Mae Martha Johnson Scholarship The Mae Martha Johnson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
GELDARD, MAJOR GORDON AWARD Major Gordon Geldard Memorial Award The Major Gordon Geldard memorial Award was established in 1984 to provide an award for an ROTC student.
PHILLIPS,MAJOR ROBERT M MEM Major Robert Montgomery Phillips Scholarship Fund The Major Robert M. Phillips and Peter D. Hendrickson Endowed Scholarship was established by Mrs. Roberta P. Hendrickson and Mr. Peter D. Hendrickson, in 1982 for students attending Alamogordo Community College. The income shall be used as scholarship support for students who a capable of performing adequately in his/her education, but may not qualify as either gifted students or as financially deprived.
MALONE & CALDWELL SCH. Malone and Caldwell Families Endowment for Education The Malone and Caldwell Families Endowment for Education was established by Meredith Caldwell in 2008 to make an annual award to one or more students majoring in education.
MGT & GENERAL BUSINESS Management & General Business Created in 1987, the Department of Management and General Business current use gift fund supports the NMSU College of Business. Funds shall be utilized at the discretion of the Department Head(s).
DEPT. OF MANAGEMENT Management Scholarships Funded by alumni, friends, and faculty of the department of Managements, scholarships are provided to various students.
MANATT ARMY ROTC LEADER Manatt Army ROTC Leadership Endowed Scholarship The Manatt Army ROTC Leadership Endowed Scholarship was established by James C. and Marilyn Manatt in 2008 to make an award to a cadet or cadets who demonstrate superior leadership potential and/or desire.
MANATT JOURNALISM ENDOWED Manatt Journalism Endowed Scholarship The Manatt Journalism Endowed Scholarship was established by James C. and Marilyn Manatt in 2008 in order to award undergraduate students who demonstrate potential for leadership and career success in the field of advertising/public relations.
SCRIVNER, MANSIL W. SCH Mansil W. Scrivner Scholarship The Mansil W. Scrivner Scholarship Endowment was established by Mansil W. Scrivner in 1992 to award scholarships to students in Civil, Agricultural, or Geological Engineering.
TAPIA, MANUEL MEM SCH Manuel Tapia Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2016, the Manuel Tapia Memorial Current Use Scholarship is in memory of Private Manuel Tapia, a World War II veteran and survivor of the D-Day Invasion of Normandy, Ardennes Offensive, Rhineland Offensive and Central Europe campaign. His ribbons included the WWII Campaign Medal, American Theatre Campaign, European African Middle Eastern Campaign, the Victory ribbon and five Bronze Stars. Private Tapia was discharged from the Army as a marksman, cannoneer and gunner. This scholarship is a gift from one warrior to another. This scholarship supports students enrolled at the Dona Ana Community College.
MILLER & MCLELLAN MEM. SCH Marc Miller, Velma McClellan, August Miller Endowed Fund Established in 1978 and amended in 2014, the Marc Miller, Velma McClellan, August Miller Endowed Fund supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be undergraduate students, with a GPA of 3.0 or better in laboratory courses offered by the Department of Physics.
MEDINA, MARCOS MEMORIAL Marcos Medina Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Marcos Medina Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 in honor of Marcos C. Medina, a gifted student, and generous friend who strived to help others. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student with a declared major in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering who is enrolled in at least two junior level courses in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and is a resident of New Mexico.
ESTELL, MARGE SCHOLARSHIP Marge Estell Endowed Scholarship The Marge Estell Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2003 to make an annual award for a stipend to a graduate student in the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology in the College of Education. The award recipient must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative grade point average.
RANKIN, MARGIE A PSALM 24:1 Margie A. Rankin Psalm 24:1 Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Margie A. Rankin Psalm 24:1 Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Range Science and preference will be given to students with an interest in Rangeland and Soil Health as indicated in the career and educational goals in the scholarship application.
MARGUERITE LOYA PEARSON Marguerite Loya Pearson Scholarship Fund for the Arts The Marguerite Loya Pearson Fund for the Arts was established in 1993 in memory of Marguerite Loya Pearson, the beloved owner of The Flower Pot. The recipient of this scholarship must be an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in theater arts, arts, music or dance.
PAPEN, MARGY AND JOHN END Margy and John Papen Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Margy and John Papen Endowed Scholarship supports students in the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, be classified as a freshman, sophomore, junior of senior level student, and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to New Mexico residents.
ROWAN, MARION K (CHEM 110) Marian Kabler Rowan Chemistry 110 Prize Endowment The Marian Kabler Rowan Chemistry 110 Prize Endowment was established by William H. Rowan and Mary Sue Rowan in 2009 as a result of the division of the original current use fund that had been in existence for many years. This fund honors their mother, Marian Kabler Rowan, who was a highly respected instructor in the Chemistry Department, as well as a leader within the NMSU and Las Cruces communities. Income from the fund will used to make two annual awards to the most outstanding student in Chemistry 110 in each semester of the academic year.
HEATON, MARIE ENDOWED AWARD Marie Heaton Endowed Award The Marie Heaton Endowed Award was established in 2005 to make an annual award to the student with the best performance in the physical chemistry sequence (currently called CHEM 430) offered by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
MATSON, MARIE C. MEM. SCH Marie Matson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1989, the Marie Matson Memorial Scholarship supports NMSU graduate and undergraduate students. Recipients must have a state of legal residence of New Mexico, demonstrate high scholastic aptitude, and preference for a student who is a graduate of Deming High School.
STEWART, MARIE P. SCH. Marie Palm Stewart Endowed Scholarship Fund The Marie Palm Stewart Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2001 by Dr. R. Malcolm Stewart. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual award to an outstanding student enrolled in the College of Education.
HEATHMAN, MARILYN SCH. Marilyn Kallman Heathman Scholarship The Marilyn Kallman Heathman Endowed Scholarship Fund was established by H. William Heathman in 1994 to make an annual award to a hearing impaired student preferably majoring in Special Education/Communication Disorders.
HARDMAN, MARION P. SCH. Marion P. Hardman Scholarship The Marion P. Hardman Scholarship was established in 1974 to make an annual award to an outstanding junior or senior English major.
BROOKE, TONY ENDOWED SCH Marjorie A. and Anthony S. "Tony" Brooke Endowed Scholarship The Marjorie A. and Anthony S. Tony Brooke Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by Dr. Leonard Sugerman, Jacqueline (Brooke) Porter, and Ricki-Ellen Brooke in memory of Anthony S. Tony Brooke who was an award winning cinematographer and long standing member of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. The fund was established to make an annual award to an undergraduate student who is pursuing a Bachelor''s degree in Creative Media through NMSU''s Creative Media Institute.
LOLLMAN, MARK MEM MUSIC END Mark Lollman Memorial Music Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022, the Mark Lollman Memorial Music Endowed Scholarships supports students with a declared major in the Department of Music. Recipients must have a woodwind (Saxophone) as a declared principal instrument, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for undergraduate and 3.0 for graduate level.
MEDOFF, MARK LEGACY END SCH Mark Medoff Legacy Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Mark Medoff Legacy Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and be accepted into the Creative Media Institute.
NESIBA, MARK MEMORIAL SCH Mark Nesiba Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Women in Computing The Mark Nesiba Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Women in Computing was established in 2010 and amended in 2020 by Natasha Nesiba. Recipients must be undergraduate students, have a declared major in Computer Science, have a minimum cumulative high school or college GPA of 3.0, and must have financial need.
MILLER, MARK & JAN END SCH Mark and Jan Miller Endowed Scholarship Mark Miller graduated with a bachelor''s in Mechanical Engineering in January 1967. He was granted a teaching graduate assistantship by the Mechanical Engineering department. Mark graduated with a Master''s degree in Mechanical Engineering in August 1968. Throughout his career the benefits of the advanced degree has been greatly appreciated. It is this investment in Mark''s career that has inspired the creation of the endowment to invest in New Mexico''s engineering students.
ROBERTSON, MARK & LINDA SCH Mark and Linda Robertson Learning Communities Endowed Scholarship Recipients of the Mark and Linda Robertson Learning Communities Endowed Scholarship must be enrolled in the College of Engineering. Preference will be given to a student with a declared major in the Department of Engineering Technology and employed in Learning Communities in Engineering at New Mexico State University or equivalent program.
MEDOFF, MARK ENDOWED SCH Mark and Stephanie Medoff Scholarship Fund The Mark and Stephanie Medoff Endowed Fund was established in 1980 and amended in 2014 in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MARKETING DEPARTMENT REST Marketing Departmental Restricted Created in 1986, the Marketing Departmental Restricted funds can be used at the discretion of the Department Head.
SAUCEDO, MARLO & ALEX SCH Marlo and Alex Saucedo Endowed Scholarship Established by Marlo and Alex Saucedo in 2016, this endowed scholarship awards one or more undergraduate students in the College of Engineering with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who are residents of New Mexico or Texas. Preference will be given to students with a declared minor in the College of Business.
MARTIN DEGREE COMPLETION Martin Degree Completion Current Use Scholarship Created in 2007, amended in 2012 and 2022, the Martin Degree Completion Current Use Fund supports NMSU students with educational related expenses. Recipients must be in good academic standing and must be a senior level student. Preference for a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and who has financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
ROHOVEC, MARVIN D. SCHOL Marvin D. Rohovec Scholarship The Marvin Rohovec Scholarship was established in 1985 to provide scholarships for students registered at New Mexico State University-Alamogordo.
WILSON,MARVIN MEM END FUND Marvin Wilson Memorial Endowed Fund for Student Travel The Marvin Wilson Memorial Student Travel Endowment was established in 1987 to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University students in Agronomy .
RIDER,MARVIN&HELEN MEM END Marvin and Helen Rider Endowed Memorial Scholarship at Grants Community College The Marvin and Helen Rider Endowed Memorial Scholarship at Grants Community College was established in 2009 by the children of Marvin and Helen Rider, and the First United Methodist Church in Grants. Each award recipient must be enrolled at Grants Community College.
CONSTANTINI ENDOWED SCH Mary Ann, Rachel and Emily Constantini Endowed Scholarship This endowed scholarship was established in 2016 by Louis O. and Mary Ann Constantini to be awarded annually on an alternating basis between the College of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation (HEST)(academic years ending in an odd number) and the College of Business (academic years ending in an even number). Award recipients shall be residents of New Mexico, must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be declared students of education or business in the assigned award years. Based upon the rotation schedule, the scholarship committee of that unit shall select the recipient in their assigned year.
KNOTT, MARY C. SCHOLARSHIP Mary Carolyn Knott Endowed Scholarship for Graduate Student in Communication Disorders Established in 2011, the Mary Carolyn Knott Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students in Communication Disorders. Student must be in the second year as a graduate student, have a 3.0 GPA in graduate Communication Disorders classes.
MEXAL, MARY FRANCES MEM. Mary Frances Mexal Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Mary Frances Mexal Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one or more students. The award recipient must be an undergraduate student in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department, with preference toward a single parent returning to school, a returning student with at least 3 years since previous enrollment or single parent continuing their education. Must have a GPA of 2.5.
CLINE, MARY KAY SCH Mary Kay Cline Scholarship Established in 2003, the Mary Kay Cline Scholarship is an annual award to one or more students in the amount not be less than $500.00 per year. The award amount and/or the number of students awarded may be changed at the discretion of the selection committee based on availability of funds. Recipient must be a student with a declared major in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management and may specialize in any area within the department. Recipient MUST be a sophomore, junior, or senior enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of3 .5 or higher. A student may receive the award for more than one year. If otherwise qualified, preference will be given to students from the Albuquerque area. Recipient does not need to qualify for federal financial aid. The Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Department Scholarship Committee shall select the eligible recipients. One representative from the Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau and one member of the Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Department Advisory Board shall also be involved in selecting the eligible recipients using a blind selection process.
JOHNSON, MARY MAXWELL MEM Mary L. (Maxwell) Johnson Endowed Scholarship This endowment honors Mary (Maxwell) Johnson''s thirty-two year teaching career and her love for adventures of all types. While an educator, Mary received a Fulbright Teacher Exchange Scholarship to Canada. She and her husband Jim served as volunteer interpretive rangers at light houses, National Historical Parks, and state wildlife refuges and hatcheries. The scholarship supports undergraduate students pursuing a degree in Elementary Education who maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8 and are U.S. citizens. Preference in selection shall be given to students who are residents of New Mexico, Arkansas, Texas, Arizona or Colorado.
WRIGHT, MARY E. ENDOWMENT Mary L. and Ellis Wright Endowed Writing Scholarship The Mary L. and Ellis Wright Endowed Writing Scholarship was established by VioDell Gosnell with Gene Gosnell in 2006 to make an award to a student pursuing studies in writing in the department of English. The scholarship may be renewable for up to five years of consecutive study.
DOCKUM, MARY N. MEM MUSIC Mary N. Dockum Memorial Music
AMBROSE, MARY POWELL MEM. Mary Powell Ambrose Memorial Scholarship The Mary Powell Ambrose Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 by Dr. Philip Ambrose in memory of his wife Mary. The income will be used to make an award to an outstanding student with a declared major in English.
HOCKADAY, MARY & ROBERT PHY Mary and Robert Hockaday Physics Endowed Scholarship Mary Hockaday received her Masters and Ph.D. in physics in 1984 and 1986 respectively from NMSU. Robert Hockaday received his Master???s in mechanical engineering from NMSU in 1984. As Mary progressed through the leadership ranks at Los Alamos National Laboratory, she served nearly three decades on the NMSU Physics Department''s Advisory Committee. Each year it seemed the faculty would remark that inadequate endowment and scholarship funds hampered their ability to attract the best US citizen graduate students. When the opportunity arose to invest in NMSU, Mary and Robert decided to do something about these long standing concerns and establish this endowment.
DAVIS, MARYLOU ENDOWED SCH MaryLou Davis Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2018, the MaryLou Davis Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Education. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Elementary Education or Early Childhood Education, be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico or Arizona, or a student qualified to pay in-state tuition per current enrollment policies, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2, and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. A ward may be renewed for a maximum of 10 semesters. Each award may be up to the amount of tuition and fees for the current academic term.
HAWK,MARYLEE EMMA&ALYCE SCH Marylee, Emma & Alyce Hawk Scholarship Endowment Established in 1980, the Marylee, Emma & Alyce Hawk Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must show academic promise. Preference for a student majoring in Family & Consumer Sciences.
UNDERGRAD MATH MAJORS SCH Mathematical Sciences Department
MATHEMATICS SCHOLARSHIPS Mathematical Sciences Scholarship
MATHEMATICAL FOUND SCHOL Mathematical Sciences Scholarships This endowment supports students with a declared major in mathematical sciences.
REITZEL, MATTHEW MEMORIAL Matthew "Matt" David Reitzel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established and amended in 2020, the Matthew "Matt" David Reitzel Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports student in the College of ACES. Recipients must be classified as a Junior or Senior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and preference for student(s) who graduated from St. Pius High School in Albuquerque New Mexico.
BURNHAM, MAUDE B. MEMORIAL Maude B. Burnham Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Maude B. Burnham Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to award scholarships to students from Quay County High School who are sophomores at NMSU.
SUMMERLOT, MAX MEM SCH Max Summerlot Memorial Scholarship The Max Summerlot Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarship support for students in their second year of water utilities technology.
HUDSON, MAX & MARY SCH Max and Mary Hudson Endowed Scholarship The Max and Mary Hudson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be enrolled in the Intelligence Option within the Department of Economics, with preference given to a junior or senior level student.
RUSSELL, MC DERMOTT SCHLR Mc Dermott-Russell Endowed Scholarship The McDermott-Russell Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 to make an annual award to any student(s) in the Department of Industrial Engineering. The award recipient(s) must be eligible for federal student financial aid.
MCCOWEN ATHLTRAINING SCH McCowen Athletic Training Education Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 and amended 2022, the McCowen Athletic Training Education Endowed Scholarships supports graduate students in good standing in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation (HEST). Recipients must be accepted into and pursing a Master of Science degree in Athletic Training and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5. Preference will be given to those who have professional involvement in athletic training.
MCCOWEN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH McCowen Behavioral Health Leadership Endowed Scholarship The McCowen Behavioral Health Leadership Endowed Scholarship was established by Margaret McCowen in order to make awards to qualified and deserving graduate students in the School of Social Work.
MCELYEA FAMILY ATHL. END McElyea Family Athletic Endowed Scholarship Fund The McElyea Family Athletic Fund was established to support NMSU Athletics.
MCKEE, ROBERT EVELYN FOUND. McKee Foundation Fund for Agriculture Scholarships The McKee Foundation Fund for Agriculture Scholarship was created in 2000 to support students in the College of Agriculture.
MCKINLEY CNTY CENTENNIAL McKinley County Centennial Endowed Scholarship The McKinley County Centennial Endowed Scholarship was established to provide scholarship support to NMSU students who are residents of McKinley County, New Mexico.
SUTHERLAND MCMANUS ENGL McManus Memorial English Schol Established in 1994, the Sutherland-McManus Memorial Fund in the English Department shall be used for scholarships to be divided equally to support undergraduate and graduate students.
MAE DEPARTMENT SCH Mechanical Engineering Scholarship
MOLINA, MELISSA A MEM. SCH Melissa A. Molina Memorial Scholarship The Melissa A. Molina Memorial Scholarship Endowment was established in 1981 to provide a scholarship to a student who has displayed excellence in one or more of the sports offered at NMSU or who has competed successfully in a high school athletic program.
WILLIAMS, MELVIN LEE PGA Melvin Lee Williams PGA Endowed Scholarship Frances Williams established this endowed scholarship in honor of her son Melvin Lee Williams and his passion for the game and in memory of her husband Ausvel L. Williams. Recipients of this scholarship must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, be active members of the PGM Student Association and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
SMITH, MERRILL EUGENE ENDOW Merrill Eugene Smith Endowment Scholarship Established in 2020, the Merrill Eugene Smith Endowed Scholarship supports scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the College of Engineering.
LYNCH, MERRILL CENTENNIAL Merrill Lynch Centennial Scholarship Established in 1999 and formalized in 2019, the Merrill Lynch Centennial Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in Accounting or Finance, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico and must have financial need as determined by official FASFA results.
MERRITT FAMILY & SONIC END. Merritt Family/Sonic Restaurants Endowed Scholarship The Merritt Family/Sonic Restaurants Endowed Scholarship was established by Bobby and Betty Merritt in 2003 and amended in 2020. Recipients must be a past or present employee of Sonic restaurants at any location in the nation, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need.
MESILLA VALLEY ART GUILD Mesilla Valley Arts Guild Scholarship The Mesilla Valley Arts Guild Scholarship was established in 1985 in order to make awards to undergraduate students majoring in studio arts or graphic arts in the College of Arts and Sciences or for a student in art education in the College of Education.
MESILLA VALLEY BAND FELLOW Mesilla Valley Concert Band Endowed Graduate Fellowship Established in 1998, the Mesilla Valley Concert Band Endowed Graduate Fellowship supports graduate students pursuing a master''s degree in music at NMSU. Recipients must have a 3.5 GPA. Recipients will be selected through an audition before a committee.
MESILLAVALLEY CULINARY ARTS Mesilla Valley Culinary Arts Scholarship The Mesilla Valley Culinary Arts Scholarship was established in 2013 by Dr. Kim and Mrs. Gail Seifert in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MESILLA VALLEY IRIS SOCIETY Mesilla Valley Iris Society Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Mesilla Valley Iris Society Endowed Scholarship full-time undergraduate and graduate students with a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and must be a resident of New Mexico. Preference for a student with a declared major in Horticulture and for a student who demonstrates financial need.
MESILLA VALLEY MAZE SCH Mesilla Valley Maze Endowed Scholarship The Mesilla Valley Maze Endowed Scholarship was established by Steve and Anna Lyles in 2006. This fund is to be used to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Department of Surveying. The award recipient(s) must be a full-time student with an interest in maze design, and have at least a 2.5 grade point average.
MESILLA VALLEY RADIO CLUB Mesilla Valley Radio Club Endowed Scholarship The Mesilla Valley Radio Club was established in 1989 to make an annual award to a student who is in good standing at the college, is a sophomore, and is a licensed amateur radio operator.
LALLA, MICHAEL B ENDOWED SC Michael B. Lalla Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Michael B. Lalla Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Students must have a declared major in the college, be an undergraduate full-time student in good standing, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference for a student who graduated from a high school in Las Cruces, Socorro, Belen, or Las Vega, New Mexico. Preference for a student who has financial need.
CORPENING, MICHAEL MEM SCH Michael Corpening Memorial Scholarship Established in 1999, the Michael Corpening Memorial Scholarship supports junior and senior full-time students in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Recipients must have and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better. Preference will be given to a student who graduated from Mayfield High School or Las Cruces High School, Las Cruces, NM. Preference will be given to a student who displays exceptional NMSU citizenship, such as active participation in student professional organizations, and/or active participation in Boy Scots other similar organizations, soccer, church organizations, community organizations, etc.
DREXLER, MICHAEL END SCH Michael Drexler Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Michael Drexler Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Business. Recipients must be an undergradute student enrolled in the College of Business and be a recipient of the President''s Associates Scholarship. Preference will be given to a student with a declared major in Accounting. This award may be renewed.
WATTS, MICHAEL E MEM END LE Michael E. Watts Memorial Endowed Leadership Award This endowment honors the memory of Mike Watts, an exemplary student and leader at NMSU. It was established in 1982 to make one or more annual awards to graduate students who possess constructive traits for exceptional leadership and personal and professional success. Each award recipient must be a U.S. citizen, and have demonstrated leadership qualities as evidenced by involvement in campus-based and community organizations or programs. Preference in selection will be given to students with involvement in organizations or programs which go beyond the recipient''s field of study. The agreement was amended in 2017.
GAINES, MICHAEL G FAMILY Michael G. Gaines Family Endowed Scholarship Fund In The College Of Agricultural, Consumer And Environmental Sciences The Michael G. Gaines Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2013 by Anne and Kent McIntosh in order to make an award to one or more qualified and deserving students, as well as serve as a memorial to Michael Gaines, an excellent high school agriculture teacher.
GALLEGOS, MICHAEL SCH. Michael Gallegos Memorial Scholarship The Michael Gallegos Memorial Scholarship was established in 1988 to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Special Education/Education Departments. Each award recipient must be planning to teach Special Education at the Junior High or High School level and must be eligible/committed to student teach in a secondary level classroom where learning disabled or behavior disordered students are served.
CERVIN, MICHAEL R. MEMORIAL Michael R. Cervin Memorial Leadership Award The Michael R. Cervin Endowed Memorial Leadership Award was established in 1995 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Business who demonstrate leadership ability and potential.
VEGA STUDY ABROAD SCH Michael Ray Vega Ride On Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship The Michael Ray Vega "Ride On!" Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship was established to make awards to undergraduate students who are studying abroad. This scholarship is in memory of Michael Ray Vega who was tragically killed while riding his bicycle home from work. He attended Kansai Gaidai University in Japan where he studied the language, culture, and art as part of the NMSU Study Abroad program.
SCHNEDAR, MICHAEL MEM SCH Michael Schnedar Memorial Scholarship The Michael Schnedar Memorial Scholarship was established in 1986. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an active member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AICHE) or Omega Chi Epsilon Honorary.
SWIFT, MICHAEL MEMORIAL SCH Michael Swift Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Michael Swift Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Jane and Doug Swift in order to make an award to an undergraduate student to help with the cost of educational and living expenses for one year.
GALYEAN,MICHAEL & CHARLOTTE Michael and Charlotte Galyean Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Michael and Charlotte Galyean Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in Animal and Range Sciences and preference will be given to students researching Ruminant Nutrition or Beef Cattle.
CERLETTI,MICHAEL&HELEN END Michael and Helen Cerletti Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005, the Michael and Helen Cerletti Endowed Scholarship supports students in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management. Recipients must have a declared major in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, must be a full-time junior or senior level student, and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
MOREHEAD, MICHAEL&JAN SCH. Michael and Jan Morehead Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, and recently amended in 2022, the Michael and Jan Morehead Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipient must be a full-time senior level student, maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Scholarship supports students with a declared major in Secondary Education with a preference for a concentration in Social Studies and who is in their student teaching semester and/or a student with a declared major in Dance with a preference to a student who is in the DanceSport program. Preference given to students who have financial need.
BOND, MICHAEL & PAUL MEM Michael and Paul Bond Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Michael and Paul Bond Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by Damon and Marie Bond in 2003 to make an award to a student who is a graduate of an Eddy County high school or other alternative school program within Eddy County and enrolled in any college at New Mexico State University.
LUJAN/LLAVE, MIGUEL SCH Miguel Lujan/Llave Endowed Scholarship The Miguel Lujan/Llave Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by family and friends of Miguel Lujan who was a registered professional engineer with more than 20 years of experience in engineering and regulatory areas of the electric utility industry, including 17 years with PNM. The income from this fund is to be used to make non-renewable annual awards to senior level students preparing to graduate who enrolled in the College of Engineering. The award recipient must have at least a 3.0 grade point average, be a resident of the State of New Mexico and a citizen of the United States.
BERGMAN, MIKE CURRENT USE Mike Bergman Current Use Scholarship Created in 2018, the Mike Bergman Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate student(s) who have transferred from Dona Ana Community College to NMSU Las Cruces Campus. Mike Bergman, is a two-time Aggie ''66 and ''72, Las Cruces High School graduate, and retired United Methodist minister. He established this scholarship after a visit to the NMSU campus, during which he learned about the Aggie Pathways program. Early on in his life, Mike spent four years in Peru and gained a unique and valuable perspective of the Hispanic/Latino culture. Additionally, Mike''s daughter graduated with a STEM-related degree, which has inspired this award.
WISCHKAEMPER,MIKE&MARY SCH Mike and Mary Wischkaemper Accounting Endowed Scholarship The Mike and Mary Wischkaemper Accounting Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 in order to make awards to qualified and deserving undergraduate students.
BONNELL, MILDRED SCH Mildred Lee Bonnell Memorial Scholarship The Mildred Lee Bonnell Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established by Margaret Bonnell Ritter, other family members, and friends in 2002. This fund was created to make an annual award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be majoring in elementary education with a minor in Spanish and some background courses taken in English/American Literature.
MILITARY OFCRS ASSC(MOAA) Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Scholarship Fund was established in 1990 to help provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students in the Air Force and Army ROTC programs.
MILITARY SCIENCE SCH Military Science Endowed Scholarship Established in 2000 and most recently amended in 2024, the Military Science Endowed Scholarship supports Army ROTC. Recipients must be contracted to Army ROTC, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and in be in good standing. Must exhibit a strong propensity for seeing public service leadership responsibilities, both military and civilian, as evidenced by a statement of educational and career goals in scholarship application. Must appear before the scholarship committee for a personal interview.
MILLAT EDUCATION FND SCH Millat Education Foundation Learning Communities Current Use Scholarship This current use scholarship, established by the Millat Education Foundation, Inc. in 2017, provides graduate research assistantships for up to five graduate level students from Pakistan. Recipients must be enrolled as graduate level students in the following departments: Biology, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Economics Applied Sciences & International Business, or Electrical and Computer Engineering.
GENERAL MINORITY Minority Scholarships This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
MONFILETTO FAMILY END SCH Monfiletto Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Monfiletto Family Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Education. Recipients must be enrolled full-time and have a declared major in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Preference shall be given to a student who is a single parent and who has financial need.
BILLINGTON,MONROE GRAD AWD Monroe Billington Endowed Gradudate Thesis Award The Monroe Billington Endowed Graduate Thesis Award was established by Dr. Monroe Billington, originally in 1987, in order to make an award to a graduate student for the purchase of history books of their choice.
MOORHEAD FAMILY END SCH Moorhead Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 by Allan and Frances Moorhead, the Moorhead Family Endowed Scholarship supports students with a declared major in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled as a full-time student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to a student who has served in the U.S. Military or Armed Services and has exhausted eligibility for federal and/or state financial aid as verified by the scholarship committee of the College of Business.
NELSON, MORGAN & JOYCE END. Morgan and Joyce Nelson Endowed Scholarship The Morgan and Joyce Nelson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an annual award to one or more students with declared majors in Agronomy; Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science; Human Nutrition or Food Science.
TROGSTAD, MORRIS A. END Morris A. Trogstad Endowed Scholarship The Morris A. Trogstad Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the Animal and Range Sciences, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
SANFORD JR., CHARLES MEM. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sanford, Jr. Memorial Scholarship The Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford, Jr., Memorial Scholarship was established in 1978 to provide scholarships for students with financial need who do not qualify for federal or state aid.
TRUJILLO, BEN MEM END SCH Mr. Ben Trujillo Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Mr. Ben Trujillo Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU undergraduate students. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Engineering, be classified as a freshman or sophomore level student, and be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given to students who maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and to students who are residents of Rio Arriba, Taos, Mora, San Juan, McKinley or San Miguel counties.
DEVASTHALI, DV & SUDHA END Mr. DV and Mrs. Sudha Devasthali Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Mr. DV and Mrs. Sudha Devasthali Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Art, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student.
JAEDICKE, C. DALE CE SCH Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale Jaedicke Scholarship The Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale Jaedicke Scholarship was established in 1975 to award scholarships to New Mexico State University students.
MITCHELL, MR & MRS T.E MEM. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mitchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Mitchell Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established to support sophomore, junior, or senior level students enrolled in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. Recipients must be residents of Harding, Union, Colfax, Mora, San Miguel, or Quay counties.
MRS. CAREY ENDOWED FUND Mrs. Carey Endowed Fund Michael Roe established this endowed scholarship to honor Mrs. Irene Carey for the generosity she showed when he was in need of assistance. Earnings from the Mrs. Carey Endowed Fund will be awarded to an undergraduate student with a 2.5 GPA and in need of financial assistance to remain in school. This is a one-time award chosen by scholarship committee in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
NAMA CU GRADUATE SCH NAMA Current Use Graduate Scholarship Created in 2020, the NAMA Current Use Graduate Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipients must be classified as a graduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and have been a member of the NMSU National Agri-Marketing Association. Preference will be given to students based on participation and contributions made to the NAMA Club and/or NAMA Marketing Team and to students who held or hold leadership positions with the department, college, university, and/or community.
NBCU ENGINEERING SCH NBCU Engineering Scholarships Established in 2021, the NBCU scholarship is a grant that supports undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the College of Engineering.
NMFO GIVEBACK PROG UNT MARS NMFO Giveback Program - UNT MARS Created in 2017, the NMFO Giveback Program - UNT MARS supports at NMSU Alamogordo with supplies, scholarships, professional development and equipment in the graphic design program related to CMT 190 and replacement class in the Graphic Design degree.
NMOGA CATLETT NMOGA/Catlett Endowed Scholarship Fund The NMOGA/Catlett Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences majoring in Agricultural Economics.
NMSU ROTC CDT AIR FORCE TUI NMSU Air Force ROTC Cadet Tuition Award Funds used to pay tuition for Air Force ROTC cadets
ALAMO NM FILM OFFICE GRAPHI NMSU Alamogordo NM Film Office Graphic Arts Program Created in 2018, the NMSU Alamogordo NM Film Office Graphic Arts Program supports students in the Graphic Arts Program. Funds can be used for scholarships, equipment, instruction, etc.
END SCH PRG NMSU Endowed Scholarship The NMSU Endowment Scholarship fund was established in 1979 for scholarships for students enrolled at New Mexico State University.
NMSU GRANTS FACULTY ENDOW NMSU Grants Endowed Fund for Excellence Established in 2007 and amended in 2011 the NMSU Grants Endowed fund for Excellence supports the Grants campus.
NMSU LEGISLATIVE ENDOWED SCH NMSU Legislative Endowed Scholarship This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
OUT OF STATE INT'L - G NMSU Out of State Waiver Fund Formalized in 2021, the NMSU Out of State Waiver Fund supports the state mandated NEW MEXICO COMPETITIVE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico in accordance with University guidelines. The NMSU Foundation agrees to fund this commitment with an annual transfer of $10,000 from Fund #100500 beginning in August 2020. In the event that the state mandate changes, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services will notify the Foundation. If university designated scholarship gift funds are not available, the Foundation will contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Any unused funds will revert to Fund #100500 at the end of each fiscal year.
OUT OF STATE INT'L - U NMSU Out of State Waiver Fund Formalized in 2021, the NMSU Out of State Waiver Fund supports the state mandated NEW MEXICO COMPETITIVE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico in accordance with University guidelines. The NMSU Foundation agrees to fund this commitment with an annual transfer of $10,000 from Fund #100500 beginning in August 2020. In the event that the state mandate changes, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services will notify the Foundation. If university designated scholarship gift funds are not available, the Foundation will contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship Services prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. Any unused funds will revert to Fund #100500 at the end of each fiscal year.
COMPANEROS PRESCHOOL SCH. NMSU Preschool for the Gifted Endowment Fund The NMSU Preschool for the Gifted Endowment Fund was established in 1987 in order to provide scholarships and instructional support for the NMSU Special Education/Communication Disorders Department.
NMSU ROTC CDT AIR FORCE STI NMSU ROTC Cadet - Air Force Scholarship The NMSU ROTC Cadet - Air Force Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to reward top performing students/cadets that want to earn a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force through the NMSU ROTC program.
NMSU ROTC CDT ARMY STIP NMSU ROTC Cadet - Army Scholarship The NMSU ROTC Cadet - Army Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to reward top performing students/cadets that want to earn a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army through the NMSU ROTC program.
NMSU ROTC CDT ARMY TUIT NMSU ROTC Cadet Army Tuition award Funds used to pay tuition for Army ROTC cadets
NMSU SNA NMSU Student Nursing Association Scholarship This scholarship is sponsored by the NMSU Student Nursing Association for a nursing student.
NMSU WOMEN IN ENGINEERING NMSU Women in Engineering Current Use Scholarship Created in 2012, the NMSU Women in Engineering Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students. The recipient must have a declared major in engineering; must be enrolled full-time; must be classified as an undergraduate level student.
NMSU WOMEN'S CLUB CURR. USE NMSU Women''s Club Current Use Established in 2007 by the NMSU Women''s Club, this scholarship supports NMSU students who have a gap in their educational sequence as evidenced by scholarship application.
NMSU-A AUTOMOTIVE TECH END NMSU-A Automotive Technology Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the NMSU-A Automotive Technology Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must be enrolled in at least 3 college credits that lead to either a degree or certificate in the NMSU-A Automotive Program, state of legal residence is New Mexico and preference shall be given to students that have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
MCMILLAN NANCY UG GEOLOGY Nancy J. McMillan Undergraduate Geology Scholarship Established in 2024, the Nancy J. McMillan Undergraduate Geology Scholarship supports undergraduate students in good standing. Recipients must be full-time, have a declared major in Geology or its successor discipline and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8.
WATSON, NANCY LIGHTFOOT END Nancy Lightfoot Watson Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010, the Nancy Lightfoot Watson Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU undergraduate students. The recipients must have a cumulative GPA between 2.0 and 3.3 and be U.S citizens.
KEARNS, NANCY LOUISE NURS Nancy Louise Kearns Memorial Scholarship The Nancy Louise Kearns Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 to make a renewable annual award to one or more students enrolled in Nursing. Eligible candidates for this award must have good academic standing and demonstrate financial need.
GUNAJI, NARENDRA N. SCH Narendra N. Gunaji Graduate Endowed Civil Engineering Scholarship
NAMA SCHOLARSHIP National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Scholarship
NAT'L DISTRIBUTING COMPANY National Distributing Company Endowed Scholarship The National Distributing Company Endowed Scholarship will make an award to a junior or senior majoring in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management with a 3.0 GPA.
NEA TorC CHAPT TEACHER PREP National Education Assocation - Truth or Consequences Chapter Teacher Preparation Endowed Scholarship Established in 2008 by the NEA - Truth or Consequences Chapter, this endowed scholarship awards undergraduate students studying Education at NMSU who are graduates of Hot Springs High School and have a minimum 2.5 cumulative high school GPA.
NATIVE AMERICAN END. SCH. Native American Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005 by Donald D. Pepion, the Native American Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU American Indian Program. Recipients must by Native American as evidenced by an official CIB, enrolled full-time and successfully obtaining credits toward a bachelor''s degree on the New Mexico State University Main Campus, and demonstrate financial need.
C DE BACA, NAZARIO FMLY SCH Nazario C''de Baca Family Endowed Scholarship Fund The Nazario C''de Baca Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1998 to make annual awards to students enrolled at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
NELSON FAMILY END SCHOL Nelson Family Endowed Scholarship Dr. Arnold Nelson was Department Head of Animal, Range and Wildlife Science in 1973, which had one of the largest teaching programs at the university. He was awarded Fellow of the American Society of Animal Science for all of his valuable contributions. The Nelson Family Endowed Fund was established in 2014 and amended in 2015. Recipients must be classified as a graduate level student, with a declared major in Animal and Range Sciences, a US Citizen and preference to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
ROMERO,NESTOR & ANGELA RMGI Nestor and Angela Romero Insurance and Risk Management Program Endowment The Nestor and Angela Romero Insurance and Risk Management Program Endowment was established in 2006 to be used for unrestricted support of the Insurance and Risk Management Program at the College of Business.
MING, NEVIN END MEM GOLF Nevin Ming Endowed Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund The Nevin Ming Endowed Memorial Golf Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 by Kimberly Ming. This fund was established to make an annual award to one or more juniors, seniors, or graduate students who participate in the Golf Program and who maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
NM ASSOC OF NURSE ANESTHETI New Mexico Association of Nurse Anesthetists Scholarship for Nurse Anesthesiology DNP Students Created in 2023, the New Mexico Association of Nurse Anesthetists Scholarship for Nurse Anesthesiology DNP Students support students who are full-time graduate students, pursuing a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree with a concentration in Nurse Anesthesiology. Must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0. Preference for a student who is a New Mexico resident.
NM CENTENNIAL ALUMNI END. New Mexico Centennial Alumni Endowed Scholarship New Mexico Centennial Alumni Endowed Scholarship was established in order to provide general support to the University''s scholarship program.
NM AMERICAN CONCRETE INST New Mexico Chapter of the American Concrete Institute Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Civil Engineering The NM Chapter of the American Concrete Institute Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 to make one or more awards to undergraduate students. Award recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering and be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student.
NM DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC New Mexico Distinguished Public Service Award Current Use Scholarship Established in 2003 and amended in 2014, the NM Distinguished Public Service Award Current Use Scholarship supports the NMSU American Indian Program. Recipients must be graduate or undergraduate level students, enrolled full-time, have successfully completed 12 credit hours as an undergraduate student or 9 credit hours as a graduate student at NMSU- Las Cruces campus, be a member of a federally recognized American Indian Nation/Pueblo/Tribe and provide documentation in the form of a tribal identification or verification, be in good academic standing 2.0 for undergraduate and 3.0 for graduate, provide a statement of educational and career goals, provide a statement discussing personal leadership experiences and/or qualities of good leadership, be active in at least one student or community organization and preference for students who provide a personal statement as part of the NMSU scholarship application process.
NM DRY ONION COMMISSION SCH New Mexico Dry Onion Commission Current Use Scholarship Created in 2010, the New Mexico Dry Onion Commission Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate or graduate student. The recipient must be a student with a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences; must be classified as a junior, senor or graduate level student; must be enrolled full time; must be a U.S. citizen; must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, or Texas; must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate an interest in onions, plant breeding, and/or genetics.
NM GRAIN FEED ASSOCIATION New Mexico Grain & Feed Association Endowed Scholarship Established in 2006, The New Mexico Grain and Feed Association Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students enrolled in an agricultural area in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be a NM resident and have a cumulative NMSU GPA of 2.0 or better.
NM HAY ASSOCIATION New Mexico Hay Association Scholarship The New Mexico Hay Association Scholarship Endowment was established in 1989 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
NM PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS New Mexico Professional Surveyors Scholarship The New Mexico Association of Surveyors and Mappers Scholarship was established in 1983 to award scholarships to New Mexico State University students who have a declared major in Survey Engineering and have a demonstrated interest in land surveying.
NM REST ASSOC & HOSP INDUST New Mexico Restaurant Association and Hospitality Industry Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the New Mexico Restaurant Association and Hospitality Industry Education Foundation Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipients must be an undergraduate level student with a declared major in the School of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management, a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference for a U.S. Citizen and for a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
NM SHERIFFS POLICE ASSN New Mexico Sheriffs' and Police Association Scholarship Award The New Mexico Sheriffs'' and Police Association Scholarship was established in 1994 to support students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Eligible candidates must be majoring in Criminal Justice, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher, and must be a second (2nd) term student or later/higher. Preference given to students who plan to enter the criminal justice field upon graduation.
NM SOC PROF ENGR SW CHAP New Mexico Society for Profess The New Mexico Society of Professional Engineering Endowment was established in 1981 to award scholarships to New Mexico State University students.
NM STD LOANS END SCH New Mexico Student Loans Scholarship Endowment The New Mexico Student Loans Scholarship Endowment was established in 2001 to support New Mexico State University students who are residents of the state of New Mexico and who have demonstrated financial need.
NM WATERCOLOR SOCIETY New Mexico Watercolor Society Southern Chapter Current Use Art Scholarship Created in 2016, the New Mexico Watercolor Society Southern Chapter Current Use Art Scholarship supports a student whose work exhibits excellence in watercolor. Recipient must present work accepted into the annual NMSU Art Department Juried Student Show. Preference shall be given to a student whose work exhibits Excellence in Watercolor as defined during the Juried Student Show. May be classified as an undergraduate or graduate student. May be enrolled as a full time or part time student. Student may have a declared major in any subject.
NEWS 22 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP News 22 Student Scholarship Created in 2015, the News 22 Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate student in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications. Must be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level; must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must have shown an interest or activity in News 22 as evidenced by a statement of educational and career goals or a statement of college activities.
NEWS22 PROGRAM ENDOWED FUND News22 Program Endowed Fund Established in 2021, the News22 Endowed Fund supports News22. Funds will be used at the discretion for the News22 Director. When a scholarship is awarded in conjunction with this fund it shall be administered in accordance with the guidelines listed below and shall be known as the News22 Endowed Scholarship. The number and amount of the scholarships to be awarded shall be determined by the News22 Director and shall be limited to the funds available in the spendable account. All recipients will be selected by a committee of faculty and/or staff of New Mexico State University in accordance with University policy. Required Selection Criteria: Must have a declared major in Journalism and Mass Communications or Creative Media; Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5"
CLEGG, NICHOLAS MEMORIAL CU Nicholas Clegg Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2014, the Nicholas Clegg Memorial Current Use Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. The recipient must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering; must be enrolled full time; must be classified as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior level student.
FRANKLIN, NICK GOV. FUND Nick Franklin Government Endowed Fund The Nick Franklin Government Endowed Fund was established in 2005 by Robert N. Franklin in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
MARIN, NICOLAS & ELIAN Nicolas and Elian Marin Endowed Fund Established in 2011 and amended in 2015, the Nicolas and Elian Marin Endowed Fund supports students enrolled in the College of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must be enrolled in the college and be a current College of Education Student Ambassador (KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation) or a similar undergraduate program if the Ambassador program no longer exists.
GURLEY, NICOLE AND RON END Nicole and Ron Gurley Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Nicole and Ron Gurley Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have demonstrated self-motivation and maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better and must be classified as a person with a disability as determined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
NIGHTINGALE CU TRAVEL FUND Nightingale Current Use Travel Fund Created in 2015, the Nightingale Current Use Travel Fund supports students in the School of Nursing. The funds will be awarded to an undergraduate or graduate nursing student for the use of travel to an approved professional development conference. The conference must be approved by the director of the School of Nursing. The recipient must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must be admitted in the School of Nursing; must have completed one semester of nursing coursework; must provide a one page essay on how the conference will benefit their future as a nurse.
SWARTZ, NITA ENDOWED SCH Nita Swartz Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Nita Swartz Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Preference will be given to students who are employed as graduate assistants.
NO STRINGS DANCE SCH. No Strings Theatre Company Scholarship The No Strings Theatre Company Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 and amended in 2007. Recipients must be a student pursuing a career as a choreographer, director, or producer and preference shall go to a student who has had one or more of their works publicly presented. The award of this scholarship shall be based solely on merit.
JONES, NOBLE T. END SCH Noble T. Jones Endowed Scholarship The Noble T. Jones Endowed Scholarship Fund In Memory of Hazel Lora Hathorne Jones and Melvin Earl Jones was established by Noble T. Jones in 1993 in memory of his late wife Hazel Lora Jones and his late brother, Melvin Earl Jones. This fund was created to be used for payment of tuition for one or more students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
RANKIN, NOEL & CARRIE MEM. Noel and Carrie Rankin Memorial Scholarship The Noel and Carrie Rankin Scholarship was established in 1991 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences majoring in Animal Science and preference for freshman level student. If funds are not needed for scholarships they are to be used for research in Animal Science.
NORDQUIST FAM MA ACCT SCH Nordquist Family Master of Accountancy Endowed Scholarship The Nordquist Family Master of Accountancy Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to make awards to graduate students in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems. Recipients must be pursuing a Master of Accountancy and have a minimum cumulative 3.2 GPA. Preference will be given students residing in New Mexico.
NORDYKE, JAMES SCHOLARSHIP Nordyke Economics Scholarship The Nordyke Economics Scholarship was established by James Nordyke in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Economics Department with a high grade point average. Preference for a student who is a junior or senior level student and a U.S. citizen.
ULERY, N BELLOWS WOMEN SCH Norma Bellows Ulery Outstanding Woman in Soil and Environmental Sciences Endowed Scholarship The Norma Bellows Ulery Outstanding Woman in Soil and Environmental Sciences Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make an annual award to a student who has been nominated by faculty, staff or graduate students. The student must be majoring, or have a declared emphasis, in Soil Science or Environmental Science.
NORTHERN NM ENDOWED SCH Northern New Mexico Endowed Scholarship Established by Rita A. Gonzales and Lyn J. Alter in 2016, the Northern New Mexico endowed Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students through multiple years. Recipients must be enrolled full-time in the Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be classified as a sophomore or junior level student (unless the award is renewed in subsequent years). The recipient must also have graduated form a high school in one of the following northern New Mexico counties: Taos, Rio Arriba, Mora, San Miguel,or Santa Fe. Preference will be given to a Hispanic student.
DAVIS, NORTON J. ELECT MEM Norton J. Davis Memorial Scholarship The Norton J. Davis Memorial Scholarship was established in 1981 to award scholarships to electrical engineering students from a New Mexico community served by an Electrical Cooperative preferably.
ADDY, NORTON & JAN END SCH Norton and Jan Addy Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007 as the Josephine Ward Endowed Scholarship; it was amended in 2012 and renamed the Norton and Jan Addy Endowed Scholarship. The earnings from the fund will be used for an award to an undergraduate or graduate student who is majoring in music and is a member of the Jazz Band. Preference in selection will be given to a Native American student.
NURSE ANESTHESIOLOGY EXCELL Nurse Anesthesiology Excellence Fund Created in 2021, the Nurse Anesthesiology Excellence Fund supports the NMSU School of Nursing supporting the Nurse Anesthesiology concentration in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program. Funds to be used at the discretion of the NMSU School of Nursing Director.
NURSING DEPARTMENTAL SCH Nursing Departmental Scholarship
NURSING WALL OF RECOGNITION Nursing Wall of Recognition Plaques Created in 2014, the Nursing Wall of Recognition Plaques supports students in nursing.
NUTRITION SERVICE ASSOC. Nutrition Service Associates Current Use Scholarship The Nutrition Service Associates Current Use Scholarship, created in 1992, supports students enrolled in the Animal Science department at NMSU. Eligible applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better. Preference given to students with a strong interest in ruminant nutrition and/or feedlot management who have achieved junior status as of the spring semester with at least two (2) semesters remaining before graduation.
DE TIJERINA, NYLDA ZAKAHI Nylda Zakahi de Tijerina Endowed Scholarship The Nylda Zakahi de Tijerina Endowed Scholarship was established by Walter R. Zakahi and Catharine Foster in 2005 to make annual awards to graduate students in the Department of Communication Studies.
CERVANTES, O. DINO & LESLIE O. Dino and Leslie A. Cervantes Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the O. Dino and Leslie A. Cervantes Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must be at a Junior or Senior level, enrolled full-time, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and preference will be given to those whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. The College of Business holds a special place for Dino and Leslie since they met there, took classes together and both received their business degrees. They feel that the education they received laid a strong foundation for the successes they would achieve in business.
GRAY, OCIE MEMORIAL Ocie Gray Memorial Scholarship Established in the 1960s, the Ocie Gray Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for junior or senior level students with a declared major in the Department of Fishery & Wildlife Science or its successor discipline. Recipients must be a US citizen and have financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
OKIE CURRENT USE SCH. Okie Current Use Scholarship Created in 2012 and amended in 2017 the Okie Current Use Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business, and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to a member of the men''s golf team and can be renewed for a maximum for four years as long as all other criteria is met.
SANCHEZ, OMAR MEM TRSF SCH Omar Sanchez Memorial Current Use Transfer Scholarship
BEATY, OPAL W. SCHOLARSHIP Opal W. Beaty Endowed Scholarship In The College Of Agriculture And Home Economics The Opal W. Beaty Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make an annual award to a student preferably with a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences Education or Family and Consumer Sciences.
CERVANTES, ORLANDO END SCH Orlando Cervantes Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Orlando Cervantes Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be a graduate of El Paso High School, enrolled as a full time student, and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 with attending NMSU. Preference will be given to a student who demonstrates financial need. If a student does not meet the criteria of an Engineering major, the scholarship may be awarded to a student pursuing any degree at NMSU and also meets the above criteria. This award is renewal for a maximum of 5 years as long as the above criteria is met.
PINTO, OTIS M. MEMORIAL SCH Otis M. Pinto Memorial Scholarship The Otis M. Pinto Memorial Scholarship was established by Linda Pinto in 1986 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in Industrial Engineering/Mechanical Engineering.
THUM, OTTO MEMORIAL SCH Otto Thum Memorial Scholarship The Otto Thum Memorial Golf Scholarship was established in 1982 to provide an annual award to an NMSU student as selected by the Golf Coach.
WEEKS, OWEN MEMORIAL Owen Weeks Memorial Scholarship The Owen Weeks Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 in memorial of New Mexico State University biology and chemistry researcher Dr. Owen B. Weeks. This fund was created to provide an annual award to a graduate chemistry student who is making outstanding progress toward the graduate degree.
OWENSBY FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Owensby Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Owensby Family Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Animal and Range Sciences, be enrolled full-time, be classified as a Junior or Senior level student, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 and preference for a student majoring in Range Science.
NEALE, P.E & CELESTINE MEM. P. E. and Celestine Neale, Sr. Memorial Scholarship The P.E. & Celestine Neale Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to award scholarships to Animal and Range Science major students.
THOMAS,P STEVEN MEM END SCH P. Steven Thomas Memorial Endowed Scholarship at the Grants Community College The P. Steven Thomas Memorial Scholarship will make an award to an undergraduate student that must be a first or second year student at NMSU-Grants. Preference will be given to a "Non-Traditional" student, preference will also be given to a resident of either Cibola or McKinley counties and financial need will be determined be FAFSA results.
HUTCHCROFT, P.T & JUNE MEM. P.T. and June Hutchcroft Memorial Scholarship The Paul T. and June Hutchcroft Memorial Scholarship was established by Nancy Hutchcroft in 1990 to support students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
KINESIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIPS PE/Recreation/Dance Scholarshi The HPDR Department Scholarship is given to benefit a student in the program of Human Preformance, Dance and Recreation in the College of Education.
PEO CON'T EDUCATION SCH PEO Program for Continuing Education Scholarship The PEO Program for Continuing Education Scholarship was established in order to award a qualified and deserving student.
PGA MGMT ALUMNI END SCH PGA Management Alumni Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the PGA Management Alumni Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be active in the PGA student association.
PURE GRAD STUDENT SCH PURE Graduate Certificate Scholarship Created in 2024, the PURE Graduate Certificate Scholarship supports graduate students. Recipients must be in good standing, must be enrolled in the Public Utility Regulation and Economics (PURE) Graduate Certificate program, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be a full-time employee in the field of public utility regulation without access to employer education/tuition assistance for NMSU courses.
PENA, PABLO & PABLITA END. Pablo and Pablita Pena Endowed Scholarship Fund The Pablo and Pablita Pena Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled at the New Mexico State University Grants Branch Campus.
PAIDEIA AWARD Paideia Award Endowed Fund This endowment was established in 2008 in the Department of English to support student and instructor writing awards.
MARTINEZ, PALEMON MEMORIAL Palemon A. Martinez Memorial Scholarship Created in 2024, the Palemon A. Martinez Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in good standing in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be enrolled full-time, and must be a resident of any of the following counties in New Mexico: Bernalillo, Cibola, Los Alamos, McKinley, Mora, Rio Arriba, San Juan, San Miguel, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Taos, Torrance, or Valencia County.
CREEK, P MIL. VET CHILDREN Pamela Creek Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Children of Military Veterans The Pamela Creek Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Children of Military Veterans was established in 2011 by the Honorable William Mattiace in order to make an award to a qualified and deserving student for their education.
PAPEN FAMILY ENDOWED MEM Papen Family Memorial Scholarship Endowment The Papen Family Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 to make an annual award(s). The award recipient(s) must be a graduate of a New Mexico high school, be a full-time undergraduate or graduate student, and have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average.
PARTNERS MUSICAL EXCELLENCE Partners for Musical Excellence
CAMPBELL, PAT & LOUISE MEM Pat F. & Louise Gibbs Campbell Memorial Scholarship The Pat F. and Louise Gibbs Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1980 by the children of Pat F. and Louise Gibbs in memory of their parents. This fund was established to provide scholarships in Business Administration & Economics and Family & Consumer Sciences. Recipients of this scholarship are asked to assist others, as they have been assisted, when their financial circumstances permit.
CAMPBELL, PAT & LOUISE MEM Pat F. and Louise G. Campbell Memorial Scholarship The Pat F. and Louise Gibbs Campbell Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1976 by the children of Pat F. and Louise Gibbs in honor of their parents. This fund was created to award scholarships in Business and Family & Consumer Sciences.
MURPHY,PATRICIA MEM END SCH Patricia Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Patricia Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the college of Health, Education, and Social Transformation. Recipients must be an undergraduate or graduate student in good standing. Must have a declared major within the School of Nursing: Nursing, Nursing Leadership & Admin, Nursing Practice, Psych/Mental Health Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
GAVIN, PATRICK&VALECIA PGA Patrick M. Gavin, Sr. PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship The Patrick M. Gavin, Sr. PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Patrick M. Gavin Jr. This fund will provide an annual award to students enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program who are active members of the NMSU PGA Golf Management Student Association. Must be enrolled full time.
HIGHTOWER, PATRICK MEM. Patrick R. Hightower Current Use Memorial Scholarship The Patrick Hightower Memorial Scholarship will award $500 per year. The recipient must be a graduate of a New Mexico High School majoring in the college of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences. Preference will be given to a freshman or sophomore student, although any classification level is eligible. A demonstration of leadership and character values and essential, a production agriculture background is required, financial need is a consideration although recipients need not qualify for federal financial aid.
HERNANDEZ, PATSY MEM. SCH Patsy Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Patsy Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to award at least $400 each to one or more students. The award recipient must be enrolled full-time at Dona Ana Branch Community College (DABCC), have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, and demonstrate financial need.
ALLEY, PAUL MEM END SCH Paul Alley Memorial Endowed Scholarship
LAVINE, PAUL & CECILIA Paul D. and Cecelia J. La Vine Endowed Scholarship The Paul D. and Cecilia J. La Vine Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more junior, senior or undergraduate level students majoring in horticulture in the Department of Agronomy .
ROACH, PAUL MEMORIAL Paul Roach Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund The Paul Roach Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2000 to make annual awards to support students majoring in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business.
SAGAL, PAUL T. PHILOSOPHY Paul T. Sagal Endowed Philosophy Scholarship The Paul T. Sagal Endowed Philosophy Scholarship was established in 2010 to make one or more awards to an undergraduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared major of Philosophy, be classified as a junior or senior level student, and must have interest in and commitment to the teaching of Philosophy.
KLIPSCH, PAUL W. ENGR SCH Paul W. Klipsch Engineering Endowed Scholarship The Paul W. Klipsch Engineering Endowed Scholarship was amended in 2007, the spending allocation shall be used to make an award each academic year to two undergraduate engineering students. Each award recipient must be a U.S. citizen, have financial need, have high academic achievement, and good moral character.
KLIPSCH, PAUL W GRADUATE END Paul W. Klipsch Graduate Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007, the Paul W. Klipsch Graduate Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must be a graduate student majoring in engineering with a preference for a student who is returning to graduate school after up to a five-year absence from campus. Preference for student who are a member of Tau Beta Pi or ROTC graduates and must be a permanent resident.
KLIPSCH,PAUL W ETA KAPPA NU Paul W. Klipsch-Eta Kappa Nu Scholarship The Paul W. Klipsch Eta Kappa Nu Endowed Scholarship was established by Valerie Klipsch in 2007 to make awards to undergraduate students majoring in electrical engineering
KLIPSCH, PAUL W TAU BETA PI Paul W. Klipsch/Tau Beta Pi Endowed Scholarship The Paul W. Klipsch/Tau Beta Pi Endowed Scholarship was established by Valerie Klipsch in 2007 to make awards to undergraduate engineering students. Preference will be given to members of Tau Beta Pi the engineering honorary.
ZICKEFOOSE, PAUL W. SCH Paul W. Zickefoose Scholarship The Paul W. Zickefoose Scholarship was established in 1985 to provide awards to students in the Department of Economics in the College of Business.
KLIPSCH,PAUL&VALERIE END. Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship The Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 to make awards to undergraduate engineering students with a declared major in electrical and computer engineering who are residents of New Mexico or El Paso, Texas and are U.S. citizens.
KLIPSCH HONORING J JORDAN Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Jay and Lya Jordan The Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Jay and Lya Jordan was established in 2007 to make awards to undergraduate engineering students. Each award recipient must have a declared major in electrical and computer engineering, be a resident of New Mexico or El Paso, Texas and be a U.S. citizen.
KLIPSCH HONORING J CREED Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Joe and Priscilla Creed Established in 2003 and amended in 2007, the Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Joe and Priscilla Creed supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Chemical Engineering, be a resident of New Mexico or El Paso, TX, be a US Citizen, be enrolled full-time, and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school or NMSU grade point average.
KLIPSCH HONORING M. HALEY Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Mack and Louise Haley The Paul Wilber and Valerie Klipsch Endowed Scholarship Honoring Mack and Louise Haley was established in 2007 to make awards to undergraduate students. Each award recipient must have a declared major in mechanical engineering, be a U.S. citizen, be enrolled full-time, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative high school or NMSU gpa.
BOSLAND, PAUL AND JUDY END Paul and Judy Bosland Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Paul and Judy Bosland Endowed Scholarship support the NMSU College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, be conducting research in the area of vegetables and be graduate level students.
HUBBARD,PEIRCE&BARBARA SCH Peirce and Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 1996 and amended in 2019, the Peirce and Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Fund supports NMSU graduate and undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled or majoring in one of the following: College of Business, College of Education, School of Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management, Theatre Arts or Music.
FITZGERALD, PERCY C. MEM Percy C. Fitzgerald Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Percy C. Fitzgerald Memorial Scholarship Endowed Fund was established in 1978 to award annual scholarships to New Mexico State University students.
HERNANDEZ, CRUZ VETERAN'S Perfecto Ben (Chico) Segura and Cruz Hernandez Veterans Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Perfecto Ben (Chico) Segura and Cruz Hernandez Veteran''s Endowed Scholarship supports students who are veterans or dependents of a veteran. This scholarship was established in memory of Perfecto Ben (Chico) Segura who inspired J. Cruz Hernandez to join the U.S. Army. Chico was a boxing star and coach while serving his country in the U.S. Navy. Chico had a great love for the youth in his community and was the founder of P.A.L. Boxing in Las Cruces. His mentorship and inspiration changed Cruz''s life and future as he did for countless others throughout his lifetime.
HYDER, PERRY & GWENDOLYN Perry and Gwendolyn Hyder Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Perry and Gwendolyn Hyder Endowed Scholarship will support students in the College of Business. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior, have a declared major in Finance, a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, financial need and state of legal residence is New Mexico.
ATKINS,PERVIS AGGIE ATH FND Pervis Atkins Endowment Established in 2010, the Pervis Atkins Endowment supports summer school scholarships, recruiting, training table and nutrition, costs of academic support, and retention of assistant coaches for the NMSU Intercollegiate Athletics Football Program. Specific use of the funds shall be determined by the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and the Head Football coach.
THORNBERRY, PETE MEM. SCH. Pete Thornberry Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1978, the Pete Thornberry Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled full-time at the Las Cruces main campus, have a declared major in the Department of Music, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7. Preference for a student pursuing a Bachelor of Music in instrumental performance.
FOLTZ, P & LEE, A GRAD SCH Peter Foltz and Adrienne Lee Graduate Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Psychology The Peter W. Foltz and Adrienne Y. Lee Graduate Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make one or more annual awards to graduate students in the Department of Psychology. This fund was established to support program activities such as research fees, travel funds to conferences, equipment purchases, books, etc.
PETTIGREW & ASSOC - HICKS Pettigrew & Associates, P.A.- Debra and Tres Hicks Endowed Scholarship The Pettigrew & Associates, P.A. - Debra and Tres Hicks Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to support undergraduate students with a declared major in civil engineering, civil engineering technology, or surveying engineering. Scholarship recipients must have a minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA, be a U.S. citizen, and be a graduate from a New Mexico high school. Preference is given to residents of all New Mexico counties, except Bernalillo.
PHI KAPPA PHI SCHOLARSHIP Phi Kappa Phi Endowed Scholarship This scholarship fund will support students in the national scholastic honorary society, Phi Kappa Phi.
NEALE, PHILIP E. JR. MAJ Philip E. Neale, Jr. Memorial Scholarship The Major Philip E. Neale, Jr., Memorial Scholarship was established to award a scholarship to a deserving Air Force ROTC cadet. Recipient selection will be based on character, need, and academic standing.
MANZ, PHILLIP & EDNA PSL Philip J. and Edna Mae Manz PSL Endowed Scholarship The Philip J. and Edna Mae Manz PSL Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to a Junior, Senior, or graduate student pursuing a degree in physics or mechanical engineering, enrolled full-time, and having a minimum 3.0 cumulative NMSU grade point average.
WRENCH,PHILIP ENDOWED SCH Philip Wrench Endowed Scholarship The Philip Wrench Endowed Scholarship is used make an annual award to a student with a major in the Department of Art, focusing on Retablo Art, Mexican Religious Art, or Iconography.
COOK, PHILLIP & SANDRA SCH Philip and Sandra Cook Endowed Scholarship The Philip and Sandra Cook Endowed Scholarship was established to honor Philip and Sandra Cook''s parents; Helen and George Janssen, and Eleanor and Glenn Cook. This scholarship serves as a bridge scholarship to the existing New Mexico Lottery Scholarship Program. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, be classified as a freshman level student, and qualify for the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship.
DJANG, PHILIPP ENDOWED FUND Philipp Djang Endowed Swimming and Diving Program Fund The Philipp Djang Endowed Fund was established in 2010 to benefit the NMSU Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving Program. The funds from this endowment may be used for, but are not limited to, scholarships, travel, recruiting, equipment, and post-season dinners.
CHURCH, PHILLIP MEMORIAL Phillip Church Memorial Scholarship Established in 1979, the Phillip Church Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for freshman or sophomore students in the Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and be a New Mexico resident. Preference will be given to students with financial need, and who graduated from a high school serving the mountain regions of Bernalillo County.
LEYENDECKER, PHILIP J. END. Phillip J. Leyendecker Memorial Scholarship Established in 2004 and amended in 2011, The Phillip J. Leyendecker Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate students. Recipient must have a declared major in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Preference will be given to students who are residents of Luna County, New Mexico.
PELLETTE,P & ALVAREZ T SCH Phillip Pellette and Tony Alvarez Endowed Scholarship The Philip Pellette and Tony Alvarez Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to an undergraduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, have completed a minimum of 28 hours, have a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade point average, be a resident of New Mexico, and be a U.S. citizen.
PHILOSOPHY ALUMNI & FACULTY Philosophy Alumni and Faculty Endowed Scholarship
PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT SCH. Philosophy Department Current Use Scholarship-Hedden
PHOENIX AREA ALUMNI SCHOL Phoenix Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship The Phoenix Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship fund was established in 2015 and amended in 2020. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, be a resident of Arizona, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student and write a thank you letter in order for award to be funded. Preference for students from the following Arizona cities: Apache Junction, Avondale, Buckeye, Carefee, Cave Creek, Chandler, El Mirage, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Glendale, Goodyear, Guadalupe, Litchfield Park, Mesa, Paradise Valley, Peoria, Phoenix, Queen Creek, Scottsdale, Sun City West, Surprise, Tempe, Tolleson, Wickenburg, and Youngtown and to a student whose parent, guardian or grandparent was a graduate of NMSU.
PSL EMPLOYEES ENDOWED SCH Physical Science Laboratory Employees Endowed Scholarship The PSL Endowment Scholarship will make an award to any student that demonstrated financial need but also maintains a 2.5 GPA. This award has been established to provide one or more scholarships to full time students pursuing a four year bachelors degree. Primary intent is to provide assistance to children of PSL employees.
A S PHYSICS Physics Department Restricted Fund
PHYSICS DEPARTMENT SCH. Physics Scholarships
PIONEER HI BRED 4-H Pioneer Hi-Bred/4-H Scholarship The Pioneer Hi-Bred 4-H Scholarship was established in 1987 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
NMSU PIONEER BOOK SCH. Pioneers Book Current Use Scholarship Established in 2003 and amended in 2022, The Pioneers Book Current Use Scholarship supports students enrolled full-time at the Las Cruces campus. Recipients must be a junior level student, has a state of legal residence as New Mexico, maintain a GPA of 2.5, have financial need and have a parent, grandparent or guardian who is a current or retired employee of NMSU.
PISTOL PETE ENDOWED SCH Pistol Pete Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011 and amended in 2022, the Pistol Pete Endowed Scholarship awards students who meet the requirement associated with being named Pistol Pete. Recipients must be selected to be Pistol Pete through the announced audition process. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA.
THE PLAYAS SUPPORTERS ENDO Playas Supporters' Endowed Scholarship The Playas Supporters Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 as a memorial tribute to Ernie Hurt. The award will go to a student who is a graduating senior from Animas High School in Hidalgo County, NM who will be attending NMSU in the fall.
MISQUEZ, POMPOSO & JOSEFINA Pomposo G. and Josefina R. Misquez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Pomposo G. (P.G.) And Josefina R. Misquez Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours. Preference will be given to a first generation student and who demonstrates financial need.
DACC PRESIDENTS LEGACY SCH President's Legacy Scholarship Endowment Established in 2013, the DACC President''s Legacy Scholarship supports Dona Ana Community College students. Recipients must be enrolled at DACC (any campus), taking a minimum of six (6) credits, maintain a 2.0 GPA, have financial need determined by FAFSA, and complete a qualitative portion of the standard scholarship application. Preference for a student with a 3.0 GPA, preference for a student who is a resident of Dona Ana County, preference for a student who has experienced a break in their education between high school and college and/or during their college career.
ASKEW, PRESLEY ATHL SCH Presley Askew Endowed Scholarship The Presley Askew Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics was established by Robert C. Rogers in 2011 in order to make awards to undergraduate or graduate students. The gift was made in honor of Presley "Pres" Askew. Presley Askew came to New Mexico State in 1953 and served the Aggies as a beloved and renowned head basketball coach, head baseball coach, and athletic director before retiring in 1965. This gift was also made in order to help Aggie student athletes achieve their educational goals.
ASKEW, PRESLEY & PATTI SCH Presley and Patti Askew Endowed Student Teaching Scholarship The Pres and Patti Askew Student Teaching Scholarship was established in 2010 by Pres and Patti Askew. The income from this fund will be used to make an annual award to student in the Curriculum and Instruction Department is currently student teaching, with a 3.0 GPA.
PRESSER FOUNDATION Presser Foundation The Theodore Presser Foundation Scholarship was created in 1993 for a student majoring in music, at or after the end of his or her Junior year.
MITCHELL, PRESTON & ELAINE Preston and Elaine Mitchell Current Use Scholarship Established in 2017, this scholarship supports students whose declared major is Accounting in the College of Business.
PRICE, PAUL W. MEMORIAL Price W. Paul Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1994, the Paul W. Price Agricultural Memorial Scholarship supports NMSU students in the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES). Recipients must be enrolled in the College of ACES, have a GPA of 2.25 or better, financial need may be considered but it is not necessary for the recipient(s) to be eligible for federal financial aid. Students receiving no-need work-study funds may be considered and recipients shall be selected by the scholarships committee and approved by the Dean of the College of ACES.
PRIETO FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Prieto Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Prieto Family Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students, rotating annually between the Department of Accounting (academic years ending in an odd number) and the Department of Music (academic years ending in an even number). Award recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, must be a U.S. citizen or resident and must have declared a major in either accounting or music education on the departments'' corresponding award years. Preference will be given to students with financial need as demonstrated by FAFSA.
PGM ALUMNI ENDOWMENT SCHO Professional Golf Management (PGM) Alumni Endowed Scholarship The Professional Golf Management (PGM) Alumni Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to a Professional Golf Management student in good academic standing. The award recipient must be majoring in Professional Golf Management, have a 3.0 minimum cumulative grade point average, and have passed the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) playing ability test.
BROWN, PROF HAROLD EE SCH Professor Harold Brown Scholarship The Professor Harold Brown Scholarships in Electrical Engineering was established in 1986 to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the Department of Electrical Engineering.
PRUETT FAMILY ANIMAL SCI. Pruett Family Animal Science Endowed Scholarship The Pruett Family Animal Science Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an award to one or more graduate students with a declared major in Anima in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
PRUETT FAMILY ECONOMIC DVLP Pruett Family Economic Development Endowed Scholarship Established in 2007, the Pruett Family Economic Development Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students. The award recipient must be majoring in Economics, be enrolled in a course or involved in a program of study related to economic development, with preference given to graduate students.
PRUETT FAMILY WATER TECH DA Pruett Family Water Technology Program Endowed Scholarship Must be enrolled in second semester at DACC, completed fist term in the water technology program. Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
QUAY COUNTY 4 H MEMORIAL Quay County 4-H Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established by in 2017 and amended in 2019, the Quay County 4-H Memorial Endowed Scholarship this supports undergraduate students who have graduated from a high school in Quay County. Recipients must be a US Citizen and classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student who must be or has been a member of the Quay County 4-H Program.
HEDGECOCK,R FORREST&MARY E R Forrest and Mary E Hedgecock The R. Forrest and Mary E. Hedgecock Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1989 to help provide support to NMSU programs and students.
CLEMONS,R.E.&F.D. FIELD SCH R. E. and F. D. Clemons Field Endowed Scholarship Established in 1993 and amended in 2015, the R.E. and F.D. Clemons Field Endowed Scholarship supports graduate students with a declared major in Geological Sciences and Graduate thesis must involve field mapping.
HEDGECOCK, FORREST & MARY R. Forrest and Mary E. Hedgecock Memorial Fund The R. Forrest & Mary E. Hedgecock Memorial Scholarship was established to award scholarships to students attending New Mexico State University
AHRENS, R.L. MEMORIAL SCH R. L. Ahrens Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1980, this endowed scholarship was created in memory and honor of R L Ahrens, who had a profound interest in assisting highly motivated students who were in need of financial assistance to encourage them to pursue their college goals. An amendment in 2016 updated the selection criteria: recipients must be undergraduate students who are studying Engineering at NMSU and are U.S. citizens. Preference will be given to transfer students from San Juan College, students of junior level classification, and students who demonstrate financial need as determined by FAFSA results. Award is renewable.
FRANKLIN, R. NICK END SCH R. Nick Franklin Endowed Scholarship for Public Policy Established in 2016, the R. Nick Franklin Endowed Scholarship for Public Policy will be used to support scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students with a declared major in Government or Public Administration, in alternating years. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3, show consistent progress toward academic excellent, and exhibit a commitment to public service such as successful internships, student government, and international study.
LUDWICK, R. W. MEMORIAL R. W. Ludwick Memorial Endowment Fund Established in 1991, the R.W. Ludwick Memorial Endowment Fund provide scholarships to New Mexico State University junior or senior students registered in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences with a major in Horticulture and financial need.
ORDISH R.C. PGA GOLF MGMT R.C. Ordish Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the R.C. Ordish Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship supports students enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program at NMSU. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and be active in the PGA Student Association.
ORDISH, RC TOP STUDENT PGA R.C. Ordish Top Student PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the R.C. Ordish "Top Student" PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management program, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75, and be active in the PGA student association.
RAYVETS DEG COMPLETION END RAYVETS Degree Completion Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 and converted into an endowed fund in 2019, the RAYVETS degree completion scholarship supports NMSU Military and Veterans programs. Recipients must be honorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard and have expired or unavailable Veterans benefits. Preference will be given to students who are within one or two semesters of completing a degree, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and are a member of Student Veterans of America or the NMSU student Veterans Organization.
RIMS ROCKY MTN END SCH RIMS Rocky Mountain Chapter Endowed Scholarship The RIMS Rocky Mountain Chapter Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 to support undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in the College of Business, with an expressed interest in an insurance-related career. Scholarship recipients must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75, and preference is given to students with a declared minor in risk management and insurance, and those whose legal state of residence is New Mexico.
AIR FORCE ROTC ROTC Air Force Scholarships This scholarship was established in the hope of supporting students and their academic goals.
ROTC ALUMNI FRIENDS ROTC Alumni and Friends Scholarship The ROTC Alumni & Friends Scholarship was established in 1981 to award scholarships to NMSU students who are active in the Reserve Officer Training Corps and who exhibit leadership potential.
RA MEMORIAL DANCE SCH. Ra Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Dance Established in 2009 and amended in 2022 by Ernesta and Lou Roberts, the Ra Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Dance supports undergraduates and graduates with a declared major in Dance. Recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference to a student who demonstrates financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
STEVENS, RACHEL B. CU SCH Rachel B. Stevens Current Use Scholarship Established in 2019, the Rachel B. Stevens Current Use Scholarship supports students in the Art Department at NMSU. Dr. Kim Baranowski created this scholarship in honor of her mentor, Professor Rachel B. Stevens, who taught sculpture at New Mexico State University beginning in 1994 until her retirement in 2019.
GARZA,RALPH MEMORIAL SCH Ralph Garza Memorial Endowed Scholarship
GUTIERREZ, RALPH J END SCH Ralph J. Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship The Ralph J. Gutierrez Endowed Scholarship was established in memory of Ralph J. Gutierrez, a second generation pharmacy owner and local Las Cruces pharmacist and businessman. Ralph shared his love for pharmacy, community, faith and family with the people of Las Cruces and surrounding areas while teaching his children the importance of relationship and family values. This scholarship is for the benefit of Pre-Pharmacy students at NMSU Main Campus.
CORTESE, RALPH FCBT ACADEMY Ralph W "Buddy" Cortese Farm Credit of Texas Academy of Honor Scholarship Created in 2023, the Ralph W. "Buddy" Cortese/Farm Credit Bank of Texas Academy of Honor Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Student must be full-time, pursing a master or doctorate degree in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and be a US resident. Preference for a student with financial need.
DRESSEL, RALPH W. MEMORIAL Ralph W. Dressel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 1997 and amended in 2004, the Ralph W. Dressel Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for sophomore, junior, or senior level students with a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences. This scholarship will be rotated annually among the following areas: sciences, fine arts, social sciences, and humanities. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Financial need may be considered but is not a requirement.
GODDARD, RALPH W. MEM SCH Ralph W. Goddard Memorial Scholarship The Ralph W. Goddard Memorial Scholarship was established by Earl G. Goddard in 1991 to provide scholarships for first- or second-year New Mexico State University students accepted for admission to the University who have demonstrated the aptitude and desire to study in a recognized field of engineering.
SKAGGS, RALPH & AMELIA SCH Ralph and Amelia Montes Skaggs Experiential Learning Scholarship Established in 2011 and amended in 2014, the Ralph and Amelia Montes Skaggs Experiential Learning Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Languages and Linguistics, be enrolled full-time at NMSU-Las Cruces Campus, have a minimum cumulative HS or NMSU GPA of 2.5 and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference shall be given to students who might otherwise have to terminate their education due to inadequate support but who could remain in school if they had gainful employment.
SKAGGS, RALPH & AMELIA EXPE Ralph and Amelia Montes Skaggs Experiential Learning Scholarship in ACES Established in 2011 and amended in 2014, the Ralph and Amelia Montes Skaggs Experiential Learning Scholarship in ACES supports undergraduate and graduate students. Student must have a declared major in College of ACES, must be enrolled full-time, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference for a student with a declared major in Animal Sciences, and a preference for a student interested in the dairy industry.
QUINTELA, RAMON MEM END SCH Ramon Quintela Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Ramon Quintela Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to a student enrolled in the College of Business who graduated from a New Mexico High School. The recipient may be a full- or part-time student but not currently eligible for the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship, with preference given to a student with FAFSA-certified financial need.
RANDHAWA-DHILLON MEM SCH Randhawa-Dhillon Memorial Academic Scholarship in Physics or Biology The Randhawa-Dhillon Memorial Academic Scholarship in Physics or Biology Scholarship was established by Dr. Gurinder K. Randhawa, M.D. and Jatinder S. Dhillon, M.D. in 2010 in order to honor the memory of Jagir Singh Randhawa and Narinder Kaur Randhawa. The award will be used to award the achievement of an undergraduate student at the end of their final semester.
STAHMANN, RANDY MEMORIAL Randy Stahmann Memorial Scholarship Established in 1996, the Randy Stahmann Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund supports an award to a student who is a Junior or Senior in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
FARMER, RANDY & CINDY END. Randy and Cindy Farmer Endowed Fund Established in 2004 and amended in 2020, the Randy and Cindy Farmer Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Preference will be given to students who possess leadership attributes, express an interest in business, science, sustainable agriculture or landscape horticulture, demonstrate financial need and who are working while enrolled at NMSU.
GIRAUD, RANKIN MEM END SCH Rankin Giraud Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Rankin Giraud Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to support a scholarship to incoming freshman enrolling in the College of ACES.
BONE, RAQUEL END SCH Raquel Bone Endowed Scholarship The Raquel Bone Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award undergraduate minority students in the College of Business.
TROSS, RAY AWARD WOODWIND Ray Tross Memorial Scholarship
CARREON, RAY AND HOPE CU Ray and Hope Carreon Current Use Scholarship Established in 2018, the Ray and Hope Carreon Current Use Scholarship supports students in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Health and Social Services who intend to enter into the mental health services filed upon graduation.
KYSAR, RAY & PATSY END SCH Ray and Patsy Kysar Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018 to support students in the College of Business. The recipients of the Ray and Patsy Kysar Endowed Scholarship must have a declared major in Finance and be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference will be given to students with an interest in a career in the Risk Management and Insurance industry.
KUCHARCHUK RAYMOND MEM Raymond A. Kucharchuk Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Raymond A. Kucharchuk Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in order to award students enrolled at NMSU or any NMSU Community College with financial need.
WELBORN, RAYMOND C ENDOWED Raymond C. Welborn Endowed Scholarship Established in 2022,the Raymond C. Welborn Endowed Scholarships supports undergraduate students. Must be a student in good standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Recipient must have a declared major in the College of Business, or a declared major in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences or have a declared major in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Special Education or Secondary Education. Preference for graduates from Hot Springs High School in Truth or Consequences, NM.
STOCKLOS, RAYMOND END MEM Raymond Stocklos Memorial Scholarship The Raymond Stocklos Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1991 by Annette H. Stocklos. The income from this fund is to be used to make an annual scholarship award to an undergraduate student majoring in Electrical Engineering at New Mexico State University.
REBA MCENTIRE ACTS/HUBBARD Reba McEntire-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 2013 and amended in 2021, the Reba McEntire-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Music, be classified as a junior level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
SMITH, REBA & JIMMY END SCH Reba and Jimmy Smith Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 to support students at NMSU Alamogordo. The Reba and Jimmy Smith Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, enrolled in 6 or more credit hours per semester in the Education Program.
SCHLEICH, REECE ENDOWED S Reece Schleich Endowed Scholarship The Reece Schleich Endowed Scholarship was established in his memory, and in honor of his kindness and love for life. Scholarship recipients are undergraduate students with a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Preference will be given to students with a declared major in the Department of Art, and whose legal residence is Wyoming.
RESPIRATORY AREA SCH. Respiratory Scholarships
RETIREES REMEMBR GEN ED SCH Retirees Remember General Education Endowed Scholarship The Retirees Remember General Education Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award undergraduate students who are enrolled at the NMSU Alamogordo campus. Scholarship recipients must be enrolled for a minimum of six credit hours, be a U.S. citizen, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. The scholarship may be renewed if the recipient remains eligible.
HUNTER & LEWIS SCHOLARSHIP Reverend Hunter and Edith Weymouth Lewis Scholarship Established in 1988, the Reverend Hunter Lewis and Edith Weymouth Lewis Scholarship supports students in the College of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Preference for junior level student.
PIEPER, REX D. ENDOWED SCH Rex D. Pieper Endowed Scholarship The Rex D. Pieper Endowed Scholarship was established by Dan Delaney in 2004 to make an annual award to one or more graduate students in the Animal and Range Sciences Department.
FAUGHT, RHONDA TRANS SCHLR Rhonda Faught Transportation Scholarship Established in 2007, the Rhonda Faught Transportation Endowed Scholarship will be used to support one or more scholarships in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering.
FORD, RICH END SCHOLARSHIP Rich Ford Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Rich Ford Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Terry Richardson, a 1972 Electrical Engineering alumnus, established this scholarship in honor of his father, Rich E. W. Richardson.
PHILLIPS, RICH ENDOWED SCH Rich Phillips Endowed Scholarship Fund The Rich Phillips Endowed Fund was established in 2010. The income from this endowment is dedicated to be used as support of chile germplasm research for an undergraduate student in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
JOHNSON, RICHARD END SCH Richard "Dick" Johnson Endowed Scholarship The Richard "Dick" Johnson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 by Richard Johnson to make an award to one or more undergraduate students who have declared a major in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
LEZA, RICHARD & CYNTHIA GRAD Richard & Cynthia Leza Graduate Fellowship Honoring Dr. Karen Apodaca Trujillo Established in 2021, the Richard & Cynthia Leza Graduate Fellowship Honoring Dr. Karen Apodaca Trujillo supports the NMSU College of Education. Recipient(s) must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, have a declared major in the Department of Educational Leadership & Administration and be classified as a Graduate level student. Preference will be given to a student(s) who are New Mexico residents.
BELL,RICHARD MEM END SCH Richard Bell Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Richard Bell Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of Richard Bell, a member of the AES, the IEEE, Eta Kappa Nu engineering honor society, and Sigma Tau. He was also a pioneer in the development and production of communications systems ranging from stereo hi-fi to manned space travel. The income from this fund is to be used to make one or more awards to entering freshman students.
CARLSON, RICHARD H GUITAR Richard H. Carlson Endowed Faculty Guitar Fund The Richard H. Carlson Endowed Faculty Guitar Fund was established by Ann B. Carlson, sister of Richard H. Carlson, in 2006. This fund was created to support the instructional needs of guitar courses in the Department of Music, including faculty salaries, instructional materials, or student scholarships.
CARLSON, RICHARD H. ENDOWED Richard H. Carlson Endowed Scholarship The Richard H. Carlson Endowed Scholarship was established by Ann B. Carlson, sister of Richard H. Carlson, in 2006 to make an award to an undergraduate student in the Department of Music.
STARK, RICHARD H. ENDOW Richard H. Stark Endowed Scholarship Fund in Computer Science The Richard H. Stark Endowed Scholarship Fund in Computer Science was established in 2003 and named in honor of Dr. Richard H. Stark, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Computer Science. The annual earnings from this fund are to be used for one or more annual scholarship awards in the Department of Computer Science.
RUNDELL, RICHARD END SCH Richard J. Rundell Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Richard J. Rundell Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be undergraduate students whose majors are in Theatre Arts or Languages and Linguistics. Recipients must submit a short essay discussing their interests in their chosen major and/or career goals. Awards will rotate annually between the Department of Theatre Arts and the Department of Language and Linguistics Department.
TRAEGER, RICHARD K MEM SCH Richard K. Traeger Memorial Scholarship Created in 2021, the Richard K. Traeger Memorial Scholarship supports NMSU students. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have no financial need and preference will be given to students who are in their final semester.
RICHARD L. HEDDEN ENDOWED Richard L. Hedden Endowed Chair in Advanced Philosophical Studies The Richard L. Hedden Endowed Chair in Advanced Philosophical Studies was established in 2007. Subject to the following, the income shall be used to elevate the Department of Philosophy at New Mexico State University to regional prominence. The income shall be added to enhance the annual salary of a new faculty hire in the area of philosophy, the annual income shall also provide the Department of Philosophy with a Graduate Assistantship stipend; and will also provide the necessary income for a Philosophy Speaking Series. Lastly, unspent income may be used at the discretion of the Department Head to support students, faculty, or staff to advance the Philosophy Department at New Mexico State University. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Academic Department Head of Philosophy, shall select the recipient(s).
LEZA, RICHARD L. ENDOW SCH Richard L. Leza Endowment Established in 1987, the Richard L. Leza Endowment supports students enrolled in the Civil, Mechanical, Electrical or Chemical Engineering Departments. Preference for a US Citizen, full-time junior level student and Hispanic. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA and demonstrate financial need. Must be a resident of Arizona, California or New Mexico.
BERRETH, RICHARD MEM. SCH Richard M. Berreth Memorial Scholarship The Richard M. Berreth Memorial Scholarship was established in 1982 to provide scholarships to student athletes who play baseball.
BENFER, RICHARD SCHOLARSHIP Richard W. Benfer Scholarship Established in 1987, the Richard W. Benfer Endowment supports graduate student who actively engaged in ongoing research within the fields of speech pathology and audiology, while pursuing a graduate degree in Communication Disorders. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need.
DAVIS,RICHARD&P.A.C.A. SCH Richard W. Davis and Professional Aerospace Contractors Association Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005 and amended in 2019, the Richard W. Davis and Professional Aerospace Contractors Association of New Mexico Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be full-time and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to students with a major or minor in Aerospace Engineering.
LEZA, RICHARD & CYNTHIA Richard and Cynthia Leza Endowed Scholarship Honoring John Hernandez Established in 2017, the Richard and Cynthia Leza Endowed Scholarship Honoring John Hernandez supports undergraduate students who are at risk of disenrollment or re-enrollment for upcoming academic terms due to financial challenges. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Engineering and must be a junior or senior level student who demonstrates financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to a parent of dependent child(ren).
ADKISSON, R & J GRADUATE Richard and Justine Adkisson Endowed Scholarship
MCCOWEN, RICHARD& VELMA SCH Richard and Velma McCowen Athletic Training Current Use Scholarship Created in 2015 and amended in 2022, the Richard and Velma McCowen Athletic Training Current Use Scholarship supports graduate students in good standing who are accepted into and pursuing a Master of Science degree in Athletic Training. Must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Preference for students who have professional involvement in athletic training.
KEIZER, RICHARD P. MEM SCH Rick Keizer Memorial Scholarship
RIOTECH GRADUATE SCH Riotech Endowed Scholarship Fund The RIOTECH Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to make annual awards for graduate level scholarships in environmental engineering studies.
MARTINEZ, ROBERT & SHARON Robert A. and Sharon Martinez Endowed Scholarship The Robert A. and Sharon Martinez Endowed Scholarship will be paid as a summer session award and given to one or more undergraduate student(s). Recipients must be a member of the NMSU Football Team, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and be enrolled in summer school.
MARTINEZ ROBERT & TINA SCH Robert A. and Tina D. Martinez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the recipients of the Robert A. and Tina D. Martinez Endowed Scholarship must be enrolled full-time, with a declared major in Finance, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must also be a legal residence of New Mexico and demonstrate financial need.
C DE BACA, ROBERT MEMORIAL Robert C de Baca Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2000, the Robert C. de Baca Memorial Endowed Fund is an annual award to a Junior or Senior with a 3.0 GPA or better, majoring in Animal and Range Science at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
RHOME, ROBERT CHARLES END Robert Charles Rhome Endowed Scholarship Lt. Col. Rhome worked as a student in PSL 1961-1965 and graduated in 1966 from NMSU with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. While a student at NMSU, he achieved Cadet Colonel Brigade Commander for the NMSU Army ROTC chapter. Bob holds a Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) a Master of Public Works (MPW) degrees, granted in 1972 from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Long Island University in 1979. This scholarship supports full time Civil Engineering students, who are US citizens with a preference for contracted Cadets in the NMSU Army ROTC program.
MCKEE,ROBERT E&EVELYN FDN Robert E. & Evelyn McKee Fund The McKee Foundation Engineering Scholarship was created for students in the College of Engineering, specially studying Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering.
KIRKPATRICK,ROBERT E MEM. Robert E. Kirkpatrick Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Robert E. Kirkpatrick Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an award to a student in the College of Business. The award recipient must be a nontraditional student, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
HARTMANN, ROBERT G END SCH Robert G. Hartmann Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2021, the Robert G. Hartmann Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Languages and Linguistics and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
BRANDL, ROBERT JOSEPH MEM Robert Joseph Brandl Memorial Scholarship Eligible candidates of the Robert Joseph Brandl may be entering freshman or continuing students at NMSU. Preference will be given to students majoring in a field of computer discipline. Candidate must have demonstrated need, with a high school GPA of 3.0 or better for an entering freshman or university GPA of 3.0. Special consideration will be given to students who are, or their parents are volunteer firemen or women.
COPPERSMITH,ROBERT L. MEM Robert L. Coppersmith Memorial Scholarship The Robert L. Coppersmith Memorial Scholarship was established in 1986 to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University Students enrolled in Agricultural Economics.
LITTLE, ROBERT L. MEMORIAL Robert L. Little Memorial Scholarship The Robert L. Little Memorial Scholarship was established in 1983 in memory of Robert Lawson Little, a graduate of Highland High School, Albuquerque, New Mexico- 1959 and New Mexico State University; Major: Range Management- 1965. Robert also served 2 years in the U.S. Military with an Honorable Discharge and worked as a Range Conservationist in Cibola National Forest. This fund was established to provide scholarships and unsecured loans to undergraduate Range Management students.
STEWART,ROBERT MALCOM PREME Robert Malcom Stewart, M.D. Premedical Educational Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Robert Malcom Stewart, M.D. Premedical Educational Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled full-time in the College of Arts and Sciences, be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and must provide proof of registration for the MCAT Exam.
ROBERTS, ROBERT BCS SCH Robert Roberts BCS Scholarship This fund was established to honor "Dr. Bob," a professor in the Business Communication and Information Systems program.
ROWAN,JR ROBERT GRAD FELLOW Robert Rowan, JR Endowed Graduate Fellowship The Robert Rowan Jr. Endowed Graduate Fellowship was established in 2009 as a result of the division of the original current use fund that had been in existence for many years. This fund honors the memory of Dr. Robert Rowan, Jr and was established by his children William H. Rowan and Mary Sue Rowan. The income from the fund is to be used to make up to two awards to graduate students in Analytical Chemistry who embodies the pursuit of excellent scholarship and the conduct, aims, and qualities of a professional chemist.
HAMILTON, ROBERT GEN ED SCH Robert W. Hamilton Endowed General Education Scholarship The Robert W. Hamilton Endowed General Education Scholarship was established in 2015 to award undergraduate students enrolled full time at NMSU''s Alamogordo campus. Scholarship recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be a U.S. citizen, and a resident of Otero County. The award may be renewed for a maximum of three years.
MUNSON, ROBERT & DIANA MEM Robert and Diana Munson Memorial Scholarship The Robert and Diana Munson Memorial Scholarship was established in 1977 to help support students majoring in Biology or Engineering.
CZERNIAK,R. & E. END SCH Robert and Elizabeth Czerniak Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012, the Robert and Elizabeth Czerniak Endowed Scholarship will be split equally between undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Geography. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of Geography. Undergraduate recipients must be classified as a junior or first-semester senior. Graduate recipients must have completed one semester as a graduate student. Preference will be given to a student with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, and students with a commitment to the discipline as demonstrated by leadership within the department, class activities, teaching in laboratories, and/or extracurricular activity as evidenced by a statement of college activities.
STOLL GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Robert and Janet Stoll Geological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fund The Robert and Janet Stoll Endowed Geological Sciences Undergraduate Research Fund was established by Nancy J. and Neal E. McMillan in 2008. This fund was created in honor of Robert and Janet Stoll, the parents of Nancy J. Stoll McMillan who taught her that her dreams and goals can become reality. The purpose of this fund is to make an award to support one or more undergraduate geology majors working on original research projects in the Department of Geological Sciences.
WELSH, ROBERT & KONTESSA Robert and Kontessa Welsh Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Robert and Kontessa Welsh Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more students. Recipients must be enrolled full-time in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, have a declared major in accounting, be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference shall be given to students whose legal state of residence is New Mexico.
NOSBISCH, ROBERT & TOSHIKO Robert and Toshiko Nosbisch Fund Created in 2023, the Robert and Toshiko Nosbisch fund supports scholarships and hardship awards to students in good standing. Recipients must be a junior, senior, or graduate level student. Must have a declared major in Government or its successor discipline. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be full-time and in good standing. Graduate students must have passed three graduate level courses in government to be eligible. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate how they help those less fortunate and have an interest in foreign policy or international relations. For Hardship Award, recipients must be a junior or senior level student, must have a declared major in Government or its successor discipline. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and must be full-time and in good standing with the University. Recipients must be facing unexpected hardships or emergency expenses, not including financial aid and tuition and/or fees.
BURDEN, ROBIN M. MEMORIAL Robin M. Burden Memorial Scholarship Established in 1986 and amended in 2005, the Robin M. Burden Memorial Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Award to one freshman student enrolled in the College of ACES who is a resident of New Mexico. Preference for a permanent resident of the US, outstanding member of FFA graduating from Roswell High School.
RODRIGUEZ FAMILY PROVERBS 3 Rodriguez Family Proverbs 3:5,6 Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Rodriguez Family Proverbs 3:5,6 Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in Biology, demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and preference will be given to students who has a single parent or guardian.
POWELL, ROGER B ENDOWED SCH Roger B. Powell Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Roger B. Powell Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in HRTM, demonstrate financial need, graduated from a New Mexico high school, have a high school GPA of 3.25 and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25.
POBAR, ROJO & PEGGY SCH. Rojo and Peggy Pobar Endowed Scholarship The Rojo and Peggy Pobar Endowed Scholarship was established in 2002 and amended in 2009 to make an annual award to a student enrolled full time with a declared major in the Early Childhood Education Program. Student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and demonstrate financial need. Student must receive the award during the student teaching semester.
ROLAK MCMILLIAN SCHL Rolak-McMillan Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2005 and amended most recently in 2024, the Rolak-McMillan Endowed Scholarship Fund supports an undergraduate student in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, be classified as an entering freshman level student to receive initial award, and preference for a New Mexico resident.
BUDENHOLZER,ROLAND&FLORENCE Roland and Florence Budenholzer Scholarship The Schultz Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make an annual award to one or more students, alternating between those who have declared a major in either mechanical engineering or biochemistry.
KEY, RON TR MEMORIAL Ron Key Memorial Undergraduate Endowed Texas Roadhouse Scholarship The Ron Key Memorial Texas Roadhouse Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 to make an award to an undergraduate student who is currently, or has been, employed at the Las Cruces location of Texas Roadhouse, Inc.
PINCOMB,RONALD & LUCY MEM Ronald A. and Lucy A. Pincomb Memorial Endowed Scholarship Created in 2010 and amended in 2016, the Ronald A. and Lucy A. Pincomb Memorial Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate student with a declared major in Criminal Justice. Must be classified as a junior or senior level, have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and must be a U.S. Citizen. Preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to students who plan to serve the criminal justice community as evidenced by a statement of educational and career goals.
GREEN, RONALD DALE MEM. Ronald Dale Green Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2011, the Ronald Dale Green Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business, be classified as a junior or senior level student and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to a student who has graduated from a New Mexico high school. Preference for a student on an intercollegiate team.
BURCH, RONALD E AND GLORIA Ronald E. and Gloria A. Burch Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Ronald E. and Gloria A. Burch Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Ron and Gloria Burch believe that success is rooted in education and their commitment to community will continue through this scholarship.
HULL, RONALD AND MARY LEE Ronald J. and Mary Lee Hull Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Ronald J. and Mary Lee Hull Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipient must be a freshman level student, have a declared major in the Department of Civil Engineering, must be a full-time student in good standing, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and be a resident of New Mexico.
KIRKPATRICK, RONALD LEWIS Ronald Lewis Kirkpatrick Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2001 this award supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be Junior or Senior level, enrolled in Mechanical Engineering and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. This endowment was funded through gifts from family and friends of Ronald Lewis Kirkpatrick.
SEIDEL, RONALD & JANICE END Ronald and Janice Seidel Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Ronald and Janice Seidel Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Engineering and be named a Ron Seidel Engineering Leadership Institute Scholar.
WILLS, RONALD & PENELOPE Ronald and Penelope Wills Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Ronald and Penelope Wills Endowed Scholarship supports Native American graduate students with a 3.0 GPA, must have financial need, must show leadership in service to the community, the University, and their tribe. Must write a one-page essay discussing their reason for pursuing and advance degree and the leadership contributions they hope to make to their community.
ROOTIN TOOTIN ENDOWED SCH Rootin Tootin Endowed Scholarship The Lyles Family Farm Scholarship was established to make awards to undergraduate students majoring in Plant and Environmental Sciences. The endowment is funded through an initial gift from Steve and Anna Lyles of the Lyles Family Farms.
LUJAN, ROQUE M. END SCH Roque M. Lugan Endowment for the Study of Public Administration and Government Established in 2002 and amended in 2008, the Roque M. Lujan Endowed Fund for the Study of Public Administration and Government was established to support activities that promote the studies of public administration and government.
PRAISNER, ROSE SCHOLARSHIP Rose H. Praisner Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2004 and amended in 2015, the Rose H. Praisner Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. Recipients must be majoring in Social Work, be a resident of New Mexico, junior or senior level student and have a 3.0 minimum cumulative GPA. Preference will be given to undergraduate students interested in public health and/or maternal child health. Interested students shall include with their application a 500-word essay explaining their interest in social work and career plan.
ORILLA, ROSE ENDOWED SCH Rose Orilla Endowed Scholarship Established in 2003 and amended in 2019, the Rose Orilla Endowed Scholarship supports students in the Colleges of Health and Social Services, Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and Education. Recipients must be classified as a junior, senior or graduate level student, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, must be a graduate of a New Mexico High School and must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American Tribe by proof of CIB or Tribal Identification Card.
ORILLA, ROSE SCH - GRANTS Rose Orilla Grants Community College Endowed Scholarship The Rose Orilla Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 and amended in 2019. Recipients must be enrolled at Grants Community College, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, must be a graduate of a New Mexico High School and must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American Tribe by proof of CIB or Tribal Identification Card.
HENRY, ROSE & GRAFTON MEM Rose and Grafton Henry Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2005, the Rose and Grafton Henry Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports entering freshmen students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and be a New Mexico resident.
ROSENBLUM FAMILY SCH Rosenblum Family Endowed Scholarship The Rosenblum Family Endowed Scholarship was established by Dennis Rosenblum and Marcia Rosenblum in 2017 to award one or more junior or senior level students studying Elementary Education in the Department of Curriculum Instruction at NMSU. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be U.S. citizens, and demonstrate financial need.
ROSENBLUM FAMILY ENG END SC Rosenblum Family Engineering Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Rosenblum Family Engineering Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Electrical and Computer Engineering, be classified as a Junior or Senior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have financial need and be a U.S. citizen.
PATTERSON, ROSINA HRTM SCH Rosina Patterson HRTM Scholarship Established in 1992, the Rosina Patterson Trust Scholarship was created students enrolled full-time at NMSU. Eligible recipients should be maintaining a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, who will be working during their semester of eligibility, students can also be listed as incoming freshman. Preferences given to a student with high need as demonstrated by the FAFSA application, and those students who purchase used books when possible compared to new books. Students also attending summer courses are also eligible for awarding.
STERRETT, ROSS END MEM SCH Ross Sterrett Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Ross Sterrett Memorial Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarships for Dexter High School graduates or, in the event Dexter High School should not be in existence, the award should be made to a student from the Dexter area.
LOPEZ, ROSS & LYDIA UNDERGR Ross and Lydia Lopez Undergraduate Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Ross and Lydia Lopez Undergraduate Scholarships supports undergraduate students in good standing in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9 and must be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference for a student with a declared major in Computer Science or a student with an interest in pursuing a degree in Computer Science. Preference will be given to an entering freshman and a student who is first-generation.
MCCALLISTER, ROSS & PATTY Ross and Patty McCallister Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 the Ross and Patty McCallister Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students with a declared major in management. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be classified as a junior or senior level student. Preference shall be given to a student whose legal state of residence is New Mexico.
KING, ROY ENDOWED SCH Roy King Endowed Scholarship Established by Roy King in 2016, this endowed scholarship supports one or more junior or senior level students who are enrolled full time at NMSU and are U.S. citizens. The recipient must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and must be a member of organization under the Panhellenic or Interfraternity Council. Preference will be given to members of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. In academic years ending in an even number, the recipient must have declared a major in the College of Business, and in academic years ending in an odd number, the recipient must have declared a major in the College of Engineering.
NAKAYAMA, ROY MEMORIAL SCH Roy Nakayama Memorial Scholarship The Roy Nakayama Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1985 by Horticulture faculty & staff and friends of Roy Nakayama. This fund was created to provide scholarships to New Mexico State University students who are studying Agronomy .
HILBRAND,ROY R. ENDOWED SCH Roy R. Hilbrand Endowed Scholarship The Roy R. Hilbrand Endowed Scholarship was established in 2102 from the estate of Roy R. Hilbrand. This fund was established in order to make an award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students with a declared major in the College of Engineering.
WINSLER,ROY S& MABEL P MEM Roy S. and Mabel P. Winsler Memorial Established in 1985, the Roy S. & Mabel P Winsler Memorial Scholarship supports students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
CHILDERS, RUSSELL MEM. SCH Russell Childers Memorial Scholarship The Russell Childers Memorial Scholarship was established in 1990 to make an award to a vocal music major.
CLEMONS, RUSSEL WOMENS GOLF Russell Clemons Memorial for Women's Golf Endowed Established in 1995 and amended in 2015, the Russell Clemons Memorial Women''s Golf Endowment supports travel, equipment and scholarships associated with NMSU golf teams.
JENTGEN, RUSSELL END SCH Russell Jentgen Endowed Scholarship Established in 2004, the Russell Jentgen Endowed Scholarship supports students who are full-time with a declared major in Geological Sciences and the desire to pursue a career in geology.
JEDLICKA, RUSSELL P. MEM Russell P. Jedlicka Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Russell P. Jedlicka Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 in memory of Dr. Jedlicka, who was nationally known for his work in antenna analysis and design as well as analysis of electromagnetic coupling in complex systems. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a junior or senior level student majoring in electrical and computer engineering. Each award recipient must have completed the core electrical and computer engineering electromagnetic course with a grade of "B" or better.
PLATT, RUSSELL L. MEMORIAL Russell Platt Memorial Scholarship The Russell L. Platt Memorial Fund was established in 1970 to provide scholarships to students in the department of Chemistry in the College of Arts and Sciences.
RUSSELL-MCDERMOTT NM DREAM Russell-McDermott New Mexico Dream Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Russell-McDermott New Mexico Dream Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must be enrolled in the department of Industrial Engineering and demonstrate financial need.
KUNZ, RUTH B. MEMORIAL SCH Ruth B. Kunz Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Ruth B. Kunz Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by Dr. Kaiser S. Kunz, family, and friends in 2005. This fund is to be used to award one or more outstanding ESL student(s) who have successfully completed the English as a Second Language (ESL) program at the Dona Ana Branch Community College in the Adult Basic Education Division and who enroll in two-year degree at the Dona Ana Branch Community College.
FORD, RUTH M CHI OMEGA END. Ruth M. Ford-Chi Omega Scholarship The Ruth McKinney Ford- Chi Omega Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to award to a junior or senior member of Chi Omega to assist in defraying the cost of living in the Chi Omega house. Eligible candidates must be New Mexico residents who have shown exceptional service, loyalty and achievement to Chi Omega Fraternity and have an overall grade point average of 3.2 or better.
SNEED, RUTH MEMORIAL Ruth Sneed Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Ruth Sneed Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 and amended in 2013 by the Las Cruces Press Women in order to make an award to qualified and deserving students.
KING, MRS. RUTHENA C. MEM Ruthena C. King Memorial Scholarship
HYATT, RYAN MEMORIAL END SC Ryan Hyatt Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Ryan Hyatt Endowed Scholarship in Engineering was established in 2012 by the family of Ryan Hyatt in order to award one or more qualified and deserving students.
HYATT, RYAN MEM END EDUC. Ryan Hyatt Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Education Established in 2012, the Ryan Hyatt Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Education supports undergraduate students. Recipients must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time, majoring in communications disorders and must submit a 1000 word (minimum) essay detailing their passion for pursuing a degree in communications disorders.
QUALEY, S. LLOYD END FUND S. Lloyd Qualey Endowed Scholarship Fund The S. Lloyd Qualey Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual award to one or more students who are residents of Luna or Dona Ana County.
SCHEIDEGGER BURKE, S.J. SCH S.J. Scheidegger Burke Endowed Scholarship The S. J. Scheidegger Burke Endowed Scholarship was established by Dr. Gerald Burke and Sylvia Burke originally in 1987, in order to award undergraduate students AS with preferences for computer science (first), then math, physics, chemistry/biochemistry or biology. Scholarship to support New Mexico residents who are need based, have a minimum GPA of 3.2 and are a single parent of a minor child.
RODRIGUEZ, SFC ANTONIO REY SFC Antonio Rey "ROD" Rodriguez Memorial Endowed Scholarship The SFC Antonio Rey "ROD" Rodriquez Endowed Scholarship was established in 2020 to support students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must be enrolled in Army ROTC or Air Force ROTC, maintain an minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25, demonstrate financial need, be classified as a Junior or Senior level student and has served or is serving in the US Armed Forces.
SGI CO-OP STUDENT ENDOWED SGI Co-op Student Endowed Scholarship Fund The Satellite Ground Instrumentation (SGI) Co-op Student Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 to make an annual award to NMSU students nominated by the Physical Science Laboratory''s (PSL) scholarship committee with a preference for PSL technical student employees in a Co-op program.
SSMTL ALUMNI & FRIENDS SCH SSMTL Alumni and Friends Current Use Scholarship Created in 2015, the SSMTL Alumni and Friends Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate or graduate students. The recipient must have a declared major in Civil Engineering and must be involved with research activities in the Structural Systems and material Testing Laboratory.
WRIGHT SAL & CHRISTINE Sal and Christine Wright Football Endowed Scholarship The Sal and Christine Wright Football Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more student(s). Recipients must be a member in good standing of the football team and meet the NCAA eligibility standards.
SALOPEK FOUNDATION END SCH Salopek Foundation Endowed Scholarship The Salopek Foundation Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Weed Science, or the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
ALMEIDA, SALVADOR & BLANCA Salvador and Blanca Almeida Endowed Scholarship Established by Salvador and Blanca Almeida in 2016, this endowed scholarship awards one or more undergraduate students studying Engineering at NMSU who have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Primary preference will be given to students who are Mexico residents, and secondary preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.
DONALDSON, SAM A. SCH. Sam A. Donaldson Endowed Scholarship The Sam A. Donaldson Endowed Scholarship was established in 1999 to provide scholarship assistance for students registered in the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication.
MAGGARD, SAMUEL TRANSP SCH Sam Maggard Endowed Transportation Engineering Scholarship Established in 2004, the Sam Maggard Endowed Transportation Engineering Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering with a declared major in Civil Engineering.
SAM STEEL ALUMNI LEGACY SCH Sam Steel Alumni Legacy Scholarship Created in 2019 and amended in 2025, the Sam Steel Alumni Legacy Scholarship will support students in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipients must be student(s) whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and be classified as a Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Graduate level.
BURKE, SAMMY MEM. END. SCH Sammy Burke Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Sammy Burke Memorial Scholarship was established to make scholarship awards to students who attend New Mexico State University- Las Cruces or Dona Ana Community College.
GURULE, SAMMY J. MEMORIAL Sammy J. Gurule Memorial Scholarship This scholarship was established in 2010 by the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in remembrance of former CAMP student and Aggie, Sammy Gurule, who passed away as a Freshman in 2005. It was specifically crafted for an NMSU student who is either a Sophomore or Junior, a student of CAMP, an NM resident and who has a grade point average of 3.0.
MAGGARD, SAMUEL P. END SCH Samuel P. Maggard Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 2004, the Sam Maggard Endowed Transportation Engineering Scholarship will to be used to support scholarships in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Civil Engineering.
SANDERS, SAMUEL MEM SCH Samuel P. Sanders Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016 by Nancy Sanders to honor the memory of her son Sam Sanders who was completing his final course work for a degree in Fire Science before a tragic car accident took his life. He had worked five seasons as a firefighter with the National Forest Service in Alpine, Arizona and hoped to pursure a career with the Forest Service. Recipients of this endowed scholarship will have a declared major in Fire Science Technology at the NMSU Dona Ana Community College.
SAN JUAN COUNTY San Juan County Centennial Sch The San Juan County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
SANDIA RESORT CASINO RES GA Sandia Resort and Casino Responsible Gaming Scholarship Created in 2023, the Sandia Resort and Casino Responsible Gaming Scholarship fund was established to support graduate students in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation.
FLORES-KNOWLTON, SANDRA Sandra Ann Flores-Knowlton Memorial Endowed Scholarship This endowed scholarship was established to honor Sandra Ann Flores-Knowlton who was a strong proponent of education for all people. She received a Doctorate in Education, Curriculum and Instruction and leveraged her knowledge and skills for the betterment of teachers and students. She excelled in all her professional activities and was a true believer in the importance of the society to facilitate education to improve everyone''s lives. She strongly believed that access to higher education was an important right for all citizens.
MORTIMER, SANDRA & HAROLD S Sandra B. and Harold E. Mortimer Endowed Scholarship for Women in Engineering The Sandra B. and Harold E. Mortimer Endowed Scholarship for Women in Engineering was established in 2013 by Eugene and Mary Mortimer in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
HOLMES, SANDRA & DENTON SCH Sandra M. and Denton V. Holmes Endowed Scholarship The Sandra M. and Denton V. Holmes Endowed Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more graduate level students enrolled in the in the Master of Nursing in the College of Health and Social Services.
ABERNATHY ENDOWED SCH Sandra and George Abernathy Endowed Scholarship The Sandra and George Abernathy Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by Sandra and George Abernathy in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
STRANGE,SANDRA&JERRY DACC Sandra and Jerry Strange Endowed Scholarship Student must be in second year in BOT Associate program. Spring award, minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
GRAHAM, SANDY SCHOLARSHIP Sandy Graham Endowed Scholarship Fund The Sandy Graham Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2015 to award undergraduate students with a declared major in the Journalism/Mass Communications Department. Students must be a junior or senior, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to students with a concentration in the news or editorial field. The scholarship is renewable if the student remains eligible.
SANTA FE CENTENNIAL Santa Fe Centennial Scholarship The Santa Fe Centennial scholarship fund was established during the university''s centennial celebration to support students from Santa Fe attending NMSU.
SANTA FE LODGERS ASSOC CU Santa Fe Lodgers Association Current Use Scholarship Created in 2024, the Santa Fed Lodgers Association Current Use Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management or its successor discipline. Student must be a resident of Santa Fe County, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, be in good standing and must be working while attending school as evidenced in employment history on the scholarship application.
OLIVAREZ, SARA ANNE MEM SCH Sara Anne Olivarez Memorial Current Use Scholarship Created in 2015, the Sara Anne Olivares Memorial Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students to assist with course materials as English majors. The recipient must have a declared major in English; must be classified as a Junior or Senior level student; must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; and must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
HARRISON-GIORGIO SCH. Sarah Harrison and Nicole Giorgio Social Justice and Teacher Education Endowed Scholarship The Sarah Harrison & Nicole Giorgio Social Justice and Teacher Education Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008 to make an annual award to an enrolled junior, senior or graduate student with a declared major in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction or Department of Special Education/Communication Disorders. Each award recipient must be a resident of New Mexico, Texas or Chihuahua, Mexico.
WOOTEN, SARA ENDOWMENT SCH Sarah L. Wooten Endowed Scholarship
KAMAT, SATISH END. SCH Satish Kamat Endowed Scholarship The Satish Kamat Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004 by Karen Hench. This fund is to be used to make an annual award to a student(s) in the Department of Industrial Engineering. The award recipient must be a U.S. citizen, a New Mexico resident, an undergraduate student, have a 3.25 grade point average or better, and be actively involved in Industrial Engineering student organizations.
SCARBOROUGH-LINEBERY SCH Scarborough-Linebery Scholarship The Scarborough-Linebery Scholarship was established in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
AT&T CREATIVE MEDIA SCH Scholarships Creative Media Created in 2021, the Grants Creative Media Scholarship fund shall be use to support scholarships for Grants campus students in Creative Media and Game Design. Must maintain a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits.
FY25 HRSA PHD SDS Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students
SCHULTZ ENDOWED SCH. Schultz Endowed Scholarship Established in 2003, the Schultz Endowed Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for mechanical engineering students and biochemistry students in alternating years. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.
SCHWARZ FAMILY ENGINEERING Schwarz Family Engineering Scholarship Established in, 2024, the Schwarz Family Engineering Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering or their successor disciplines, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, must be in good standing, must be a resident of New Mexico, Texas, California, Colorado, Arizona or Utah
ELLINGTON, SCOTT ENDOW SCH Scott Ellington Endowed Schola
WILLIAMS, SCOTT&LESLIE SCH Scott and Leslie Williams Bridge Scholarship The Scott and Leslie Williams Endowed Bridge Scholarship was established in 2009. This fund was created to make an award to an undergraduate student in his/her first semester of study before he/she is eligible for the State of New Mexico Lottery Scholarship. Each award recipient must be an entering freshman student enrolled in the College of Business, and have a minimum cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0.
WILLIAMS, SCOTT & LESLIE Scott and Leslie Williams Finish Line Endowed Scholarship The Scott and Leslie Williams Finish Line Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and be a student who is in "good standing" status and NMSU. Recipient must also be classified as a senior level who is within one or two semesters of completing a bachelor''s degree and submit appropriate documentation.
DELANEY, SEAN MEM END SCH Sean Delaney Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Sean Delaney Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to make scholarship awards to New Mexico State University students who are eligible to participate as a member of the livestock judging team in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences.
O'DONNELL, SEAN MEMORIAL Sean O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship Created in 2021, the Sean O''Donnell Memorial Scholarship supports the NMSU College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Agricultural Biology with a concentration in Entomology, be classified as a sophomore, junior or senior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative PGA of 2.0 and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
ABRAHAMSON, SETH MEMOR PGA Seth Abrahamson Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Seth Abrahamson Memorial PGA Golf Management Endowed Scholarship will provide support to undergraduate students. Students must be enrolled in the PGA Golf Management Program or its successor program, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and must be an undergraduate in good standing.
JONES, SHARI SCHOLARSHIP Shari Jones Endowed Scholarship The Shari Jones Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006, the income from the fund is to be used to make an award to a junior or senior level student majoring in Accounting.
KALLICK, SHARON MEMORIAL Sharon Beth Kallick Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in 1998, the Sharon Beth Kallick Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate students with a declared major in the Department of Theatre Arts. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
SAXENA, SHASHI CURRENT US Shashi Saxena Current Use Scholarship Created in 2012, the Shashi Saxena Current Use Scholarship supports an undergraduate or graduate student in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Recipient must have a declared major in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
HERNANDEZ, SHERIFF JUAN M Sherriff Juan M Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2016, the Sheriff Juan M Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate or graduate level students. Must be classified as a junior, senior, or graduate level student. Must be enrolled in the Department of Criminal Justice or Government with a preference for Criminal Justice. Must be intending to pursue a career in criminal justice and have a 3.0 GPA, with a preference to students who demonstrate leadership in university and/or community service.
STREBECK, SID & SELENA Sid and Selena Strebeck Endowed Scholarship The Sid and Selena Strebeck Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 in their honor, to support undergraduate students with a declared major in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business. Recipients must also have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
JOHANSEN, SIGURD MEM SCH Sigurd Johansen Memorial Scholarship Fund
ROGERS, SIIRI & PATRICK SCH Siiri and Pat Rogers Family Legacy Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Siiri and Pat Rogers Family Legacy Endowed Scholarship supports students in the NMSU College of Business and College of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation (HEST). Recipients must have a cumulative GPA between 3.0-3.5, have a parent, grandparent or guardian who is an NMSU alumnus, in the years of awarding by the College of Business, recipient(s) must have a declared major in Information Systems and in the years of awarding by the College of Education KNA HEST, recipient(s) must have a declared major in Elementary Education, Secondary Education or Special Education.
HOMES, SIVAGE ENDOWED SCH Sivage Homes Endowed Scholarship The Sivage Homes Endowed Scholarship was established by Michael Sivage in 2016. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business and a minimum GPA of 3.5. Preference shall be given to students with a declared major in accounting.
SKAGGS PSL LEARNING SCH Skaggs PSL Experiential Learning Endowed Scholarship The Skaggs PSL Experiential Learning Endowed Scholarship was established by Samuel Robert Skaggs and Barbara Jan Skaggs in 2007 and amended in 2014 to make awards to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled full-time at the Las Cruces campus, must be a student employee at the Physical Science Laboratory, must have a minimum cumulative high school or NMSU GPA of 2.5, and must have financial need. Student athletes are not eligible for award.
SOCIAL WORK ALUMNI CHAPTER Social Work Alumni Chapter Endowed Scholarship
SOCIAL WORK PROGRAM SUPPORT Social Work Program Support Fund
SHPE SCHOLARSHIP Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Endowed Scholarship This scholarship supports students who are in the College of Engineering and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers. Scholarship recipient(s) must have a declared major in electrical or mechanical engineering, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be classified as a freshman, sophomore, or junior level student, be a U.S. Citizen, and be involved in extra-curricular activities.
SOCIOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP Sociology Scholarships Created in 1995, this current use fund supports the Department of Sociology.
SOCORRO COUNTY END SCH Socorro County Centennial Scho The Los Alamos County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
GREENWALD, LELIA FCCLA Socorro Future Homemakers of America/Lelia Cook Greenwald Scholarship Established in 1991, the Socorro FHA/Lelia C. Greenwald Scholarship supports students who were high school members of an FHA/HERO chapter for at least one year and have demonstrated leadership qualities in high school.
SODEXO AMERICA LLC CU Sodexo America, LLC Current Use Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2019, the Sodexo America, LLC Current Use Scholarship support NMSU main campus students. Recipients must be an on-campus resident or have a campus meal plan and preference for student who is a first-time, first year freshman.
SODEXO AMERICA LLC ENDOWED Sodexo America, LLC Quasi-Endowed Scholarship Established in 2012 and amended in 2019, the Sodexo America, LLC Current Use Scholarship supports NMSU main campus students. Recipients must be an on-campus resident or have a campus meal plan and preference will be given to a student who is a first-time, first year freshman.
SNM SOC. HUMAN RES. MGMT Southern New Mexico Society for Human Resource Management Established in 1991 and amended in 2024, the Southern New Mexico Society for Human Resource Management supports sophomore, junior or senior level students. Must be full-time, in good standing, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management (Human Resource Management) or its successor discipline. Must be a student chapter member of the Southern New Mexico Society for Human Resource Management and be enrolled in classes at NMSU main campus in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
SW DISTRICT DENTAL SCHOL Southwest District Dental Society Current Use Scholarship Created in 2004, the Southwest District Dental Society Current Use Scholarship supports students at NMSU DACC. This fund shall be used to make three $150 current use scholarship awards for the Spring semester to students enrolled in the Dental Program at the Dona Ana Branch Community College. Each award must be applied to the cost of the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) Radiation Health & Safety Examination fee. This scholarship is available on a one-time basis. Recipient(s) must be a New Mexico Resident, working towards an Associate Degree in the Dental Assistant Program, and demonstrate financial need, determined by having a current FAFSA on file.
SOUTHWEST DISTRICT DENTAL Southwest District Dental Society Dental Hygiene Faculty Fund The Southwest District Dental Society Dental Hygiene Faculty Fund was established in 2011 by the Southwest District Dental Society in order to make an award to qualified and deserving students at DACC.
SOUTHWESTERN CROW CLUB Southwestern Crow Club Scholarship The Southwestern Crow Club, Association of Old Crows Scholarship was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate student(s) majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or Computer Sciences. Each award recipient must be a full-time junior or senior and have a grade point average of 2.9 or higher.
SPECIAL EDU COMM DISORDERS Special Education/Communication Disorders Centennial Endowment The Special Education/Communication Disorders Endowment was established in 1987 to support teaching, research, or services related to improving conditions for handicapped individuals and their families.
SPECTROSCOPIC ELLIPSOMETRY Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Current Use Fund Established in 2018, the Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Current Use funds shall be used to support students involved in research using spectroscopic ellipsometry at New Mexico State University. Allowable expenses include, but are not limited to: wages, assistantships, stipends, tuition, and fees for NMSU students and high school students involved in research using spectroscopic ellipsometry. Disbursement of this current use fund will be determined by the ellipsometry researcher(s) at NMSU, subject to the approval by the Physics Department Head.
STAFFORD FAMILY MEM Stafford Family Scholarship Created in 2003, the Stafford Family Scholarship fund supports students at NMSU DACC. The funds shall be used to make two $500 current use scholarship awards for the Fall semester and two $500 current use scholarship awards for the Spring semester to students enrolled at the DACC. Recipient(s) must be a resident of Dona Ana County, be working towards an Associate Degree in Nursing, have a minimum cumulative grade point average of a 3.0 or higher, submit an essay describing financial need, and demonstrate financial need by a current FAFSA on file.
HARDIN S. INT'L TRAVEL Stephen Hardin Endowed International Travel Scholarship The Stephen Hardin Endowed International Travel Scholarship was established in 2013 by Margaret Hardin in order to make an award to one or more students in support of an international business travel or study abroad experience approved by the College of Business.
HARDIN, STEPHEN MEM SCH Stephen Hardin Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Stephen Hardin Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2011 in order to make an award to an undergraduate or graduate student with a declared major in Civil Engineering or Engineering Technology-Civil. Preference will be given to a sophomore, junior, or senior level student.
EYHERABIDE, STEPHEN M END Stephen M. Eyherabide Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Stephen M. Eyherabide Endowed Scholarship supports students in the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, have a declared major in Accounting and be classified as a Junior, Senior or Graduate level student.
ROBERTS, S & R MEM SCH Stephen W. and Robert E. Roberts Memorial Student Leadership Award Established in 1983 by George and Bernice Roberts in memory of their sons, Stepen W. Roberts and Robert E. Roberts, who were both NMSU students and active student leaders on campus. George Roberts served NMSU in many capacities, retiring as assistant vice president of business affairs. This scholarship is awarded to outstanding student leaders at NMSU.
HULL, STEVE & FRANCES JARAM Steve Hull and Frances Jaramillo Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Steve Hull and Frances Jaramillo Endowed Scholarship supports students enrolled full-time in the College of Business. Recipients must be classified as a junior or senior level student, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have a declared major in Management or Marketing, and must be working while attending school. Preference will be given to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico.
LEASK, STEVE MEMORIAL Steve Leask Memorial Technology Current Use Fund Established in 2017 by Mrs. Elizabeth "Libby" J. Leask and many colleagues and friends, in memory of Dr. Steven Leask, a highly regarded and treasured staff member of the Information and Communication Technology Center. He was a strong advocate of the use of technology as a way to expand access to learning for all students. Recipients of this award must be enrolled full time at NMSU. Primary preference will be given to students with status in both the American Indian Program and the Military and Veterans Program; secondary preference to students have status in one of the programs mentioned previously.
SOLAJA, STEVE CRIMINAL JUST Steve Solaja Criminal Justice Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Steve Solaja Criminal Justice Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipient(s) must have a declared major in Criminal Justice, be enrolled full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate Financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
JUDD, STEVEN DAVID MEM SCH Steven David Judd Memorial Scholarship Established in 2005 and amended in 2009, the Steven David Judd Memorial Endowed Scholarship honors the memory of Steven David Judd. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, classified as a Junior or Senior level student, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be involved in programs that focus on alcohol abuse prevention, and reduction of high risk drinking at NMSU. Recipients cannot be employed by the W.A.V.E. program in any capacity. Student volunteers in the W.A.V.E. program are eligible. The scholarship is renewable.
PASTERNACK, STEVEN R. MEM Steven R. Pasternack Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund The Steven R. Pasternack Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 to make an annual award to a student majoring in journalism. The award recipients must be a resident of New Mexico or New York, have a grade point average of 3.0, with preference given to a student whose interest lies in improving the lives of people living in Africa, Eastern Europe, or Southeast Asia.
WONDER MILSAP FELICIANO Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Ronnie Milsap, Jose Feliciano-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Established in 1980 and amended in 2021, this endowed scholarship honors Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Ronnie Milsap, and Jose Feliciano, each of whom has performed at NMSU and are famous for their musical abilities and accomplishments. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have a certifiable disability and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to a student with a certifiable visual disability.
BROWN, STUART EXCELLENCE Stuart C. Brown Award for Excellence in Writing and Teaching Endowed Fund Established in 2008, Stuart C. Brown NMSU Quasi-Endowment for Excellence (formerly the Paideia Endowment) will be used to make one or more awards to honor graduate and undergraduate students.
MEERSCHEIDT ATHL TRAINING Stuart and Betsy Meerscheidt Athletic Training Education Program Endowed Scholarship Fund The Stuart and Betsy Meerscheidt Athletic Training Education Program Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2008. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a graduate level student (master student) enrolled in the Athletic Training Educational Program (ATEP). The recipient must exhibit progress in the athletic training program and have professional involvement in athletic training professional organizations.
EDUCATION STUDENT TEACHING Student Teaching Scholarship The Student Teaching Scholarship was established in 1988 by Mrs. Ann Goode. The income from this fund is to be used to provide scholarships for New Mexico State University students registered in the College of Education.
STUDY ABROAD SCH FUND Study Abroad Scholarship Fund
HARD, SUE & JOHN END SCH Sue and John Hard Chiles Por Vida Endowed Scholarship The Sue and John Hard Chiles Por Vida Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016, in honor of Sue and John''s substantial contributions to NMSU''s Chile Pepper Institute. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, and be classified as a sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student. Candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference is given to students demonstrating financial need, and students working for the Chile Pepper Institute and/or the chile pepper breeding program. The award may be renewed if all criteria is met.
BAGGA, DR. SUMAN END SCH Suman Bagga Endowed Scholarship This fund will provide scholarship support to students who are enrolled in the Plant and Environmental Sciences Department. Recipients must have a declared major in genetics (or its successor discipline) and be classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior level student.
BROWN, SUSAN C. ENDOWED SCH Susan C. Brown Endowed Scholarship This endowed scholarship honors three decades of service, dedication, and leadership by Susan C. Brown in the Student Success Center (formerly known as the Center for Learning Assistance). Susan was devoted to providing programs and services to assist students in reaching their highest potential. Recipients of this award must be senior level students preparing to enter graduate school who participated in one of the programs or services at the Student Success Center and who is either a first generation college student or a member of a group underrepresented in higher education (Native American, African American or Hispanic).
KINKADE SUSAN NURSING END Susan Kinkade Nursing Endowed Scholarship Established in 2020, the Susan Kinkade Nursing Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU School of Nursing. Recipients must have a declared major in the School of Nursing and preference will be given to students who are active members of Zeta Tau Alpha. The goal of this scholarship is to support nursing students, in honor and memory of Susan''s remarkable 38-year career as a nurse.
HOWELL, SUSIE MEMORIAL SCH Susie Howell Memorial Endowment Scholarship Fund Enrolled at DACC for Associate''s in Education or Early Childhood Edu. Maintain minimum cumulative GPA 2.5, US Citizen, graduate of a NM high school or GED certificate. Award at least one (1) student, based on funding. **In Memory of Susie Howell; taught for 47 yrs, retired from Dona Ana Elem. Earned MA in Edu from NMSU, member of the Order of Eastern Star, First Baptist Church and Kappa Kappa Iota Sorority. Role model for her grandchildren, was often to have said, "I always try to do what is right".
SUSTAINING ACADEMIC PROG Sustaining Academic Progress Honoring Elizabeth Ayres Pollard Current Use Fund Established in 2018, The Sustaining Academic Progress Fund Honoring Elizabeth Ayres Pollard assists students in the College of Arts & Sciences. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, and a need to reduce existing educational debt in order to re-enroll at New Mexico State University.
SUTHERLAND MCMANUS ATHL. Sutherland-McManus Memorial The Sutherland -McManus Memorial Athletic Scholarship was created to provide scholarships to student athetes who participate in NMSU''s sports programs.
SUTHERLAND MCMANUS THTR. Sutherland-McManus Memorial Theatre Arts Scholarship
SUTHERLAND MCMANUS MEM ZTA Sutherland-McManus Memorial Zeta Tau Alpha Scholarship Funds in the Sutherland-McManus memorial ZTA endowment are to support scholarships for NMSU students who are members of the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.
ROGERS, SUZAN REEDER END SCH Suzan Reeder Rogers Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Suzan Reeder Rogers Endowed Scholarship is to support students in the School of Nursing. Recipients must be enrolled in the School of Nursing, demonstrate financial need, be classified as a junior or senior level student and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
LC SYMPHONY (2) Symphony Created in 1998, the Symphony Current Use fund supports the Music Department.
T.H. HILL ASSOCIATES INC T H Hill Associates Scholarship The T H Hill Associates, Inc. Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 by Tom H. Hill. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be majoring in mechanical engineering (non-aerospace), be a U.S. citizen, be enrolled full-time, and have a minimum 3.2 cumulative grade point average.
KOCH, TAMARA E. SCHOLARSHIP Tamara E. Koch Endowed Scholarship The Tamara E. Koch Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 by Kevin Marvel in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
TEAM 44 NURSING SCH Team 44 Nursing Current Use Scholarship The Team 44 Nursing Current Use Scholarship honors Antonio Fierro. Antonio''s dream was to be a professional baseball player. He would have made it if he had lived past his twelve years of life. He was born with a health issue, but it did not stop him from playing soccer, basketball, riding his dirt bike, and his first love, playing baseball. He played second base and never failed to make an amazing play. Antonio wore the jersey number 44 because he always wanted to go "4 for 4" in a baseball game. His nephews now wear 44 for their sports jerseys. His family misses him every day, and wish to honor him with this scholarship.
TECHNICAL TRADES COMMUNITY Technical Trades Community College Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Technical Trades Community College Endowed Scholarship supports students at Dona Ana Community College.
IFT SCH Telemetering Fellowship/Scholarship The Telemetering Fellowship/Scholarship was established to support the Telemetering and Telecommunications program at New Mexico State University.
LOPEZ, AMANDA NURSING SCH The Amanda Lopez Endowed Nursing Scholarship The Amanda Lopez Endowed Nursing Scholarship was established in 2007 by Gene and Viodell Gosnell. This fund is to be used to award a undergraduate or graduate student. The award recipient must be pursuing studies in nursing.
BEARDEN-FLETCHER SCH The Bearden-Fletcher Engineering Scholarship
HUEY, WILLIAM & MARY SCH The Bill & Mary Huey Endowed Scholarship Fund The Bill and Mary Huey Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 to make an annual award to one or more undergraduate students who are sophomores, juniors, or seniors majoring in Fishery and Wildlife Sciences at the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
HUFF, CHARLES & GENEVA SCH The Charles and Geneva Huff Endowed Scholarship
CRESS EXCELLENCE END SCH The Cress Excellence in Journalism Endowed Scholarship The Cress Excellence in Journalism Endowed Scholarship is designed to strengthen a nationally recognized land grant school''s Journalism and Mass Communications program by supporting exemplary students. Established as a testament to the donor, Cy Cress and as a legacy to the Cress family. Cy received his BA from the University of Denver and his major was Journalism. He was a stellar story teller and a gifted writer. His ability to convey his words to the written page took him all over the world on many different assignments.
KIDD, DON ENDOWED SCH. The Don Kidd Endowed Scholarship The Don Kidd Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 by Ermelinda Quintela. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to an undergraduate or graduate level student.
RAPPAPORT, DR BARRY N MEM The Dr. Barry Neil Rappaport Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Dr. Barry Neil Rappaport Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award alternating annually to one or more graduate students majoring in astronomy and electrical engineering.
CRAWFORD, EVERETT & JOY SCH The Everett & Joy Crawford Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship The Everett & Joy Crawford Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship shall be used to make awards to one or more undergraduate students. Each award recipient must have a declared major in the College of Business, be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours, and have a minimum GPA of 2.7. Recipients must also demonstrate financial need, be a student whose state of legal residence is New Mexico, and be working while enrolled at NMSU.
FARMER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP The Farmer Endowed Scholarship The Farmer Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 by Tara Jaramillo in order to make awards to qualified and deserving graduate students.
THELMA GODFREY MUSIC The Godfrey Music Scholarship
DELAMATER,JAMES&PEGGY SCH The James B. and Peggy M. Delamater and Friends Endowed Scholarship Established in 2009, the James B. and Peggy M. Delamater and Friends Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate students Student must be a junior or senior level student who has a declared major, minor, or teaching field in the Department of Human Performance, Dance, and Recreation KNA as the Department of Kinesiology and Dance. Student must have at least one semester of academic study remaining after receiving this scholarship.
HANSON, JENNIE LYNN AWARD The Jennie Lynn Hanson Memorial Current Use Award Created in 1999, the Jennie Lynn Hanson Memorial award is in honor of Jennie Lynn Hanson who, at age 21, was killed along with her mother, two sisters, brother, and her infant son, Isaiah, on July 1, 1998, in a tractor-trailer crash west of Phoenix, Arizona. The recipient must be majoring in Education; must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must have demonstrated financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to young mothers pursuing a degree.
GENIN OUTSTANDING ME SCH The Joseph and Grace-Ann Genin Outstanding Mechanical Engineer Scholarship The Joseph and Grace-Ann Genin Outstanding Mechanical Engineer Scholarship was established in honor of Dean Emeritus Joseph Genin. This scholarship is to be awarded to a student with a declared major in Mechanical Engineering, must be classified as a Junior or Senior level student, must demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and must be in the top 20% by cumulative GPA and can be renewed up to 4 semesters if all criteria is met.
HOLLOWAY D LAMBDA CHI ALPHA The Lamda Chi Alpha Doug Holloway Memorial Endowed Scholarship The Lambda Chi Alpha/Doug Holloway Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1992 to make an annual scholarship award to an active junior or senior member of Lambda Chi Alpha.
ROSEN, LOUIS MEMORIAL SCH The Louis Rosen Memorial Endowed Scholarship in the College of Engineering Established in 2009, the Louis Rosen Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate student in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be full time, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, be a resident of New Mexico and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
ALLEN, LUCILLE SCHOLARSHIP The Lucille Allen Social Work Endowed Scholarship The Lucille Allen Social Work Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 by Rebecca Sharon Travis to honor the support given to her by social work faculty at New Mexico State University. This fund is to be used to award a graduate student in the School of Social Work. Each award recipient must be classified as a graduate level student, and be pursuing the Master of Social Work degree.
THE LUCKY DAY SCH. CONT. The Lucky Day Scholarship for Continuing Students
EVANS, PAT & MAX ROUNDERS The Pat and Max Evans Rounders Endowed Scholarship Established in 1991 and amended in 2013, the Pat and Max Evans Rounders Endowed Scholarship supports students NMSU students. Recipient(s) must be an undergraduate, enrolled full-time, be from a rural area in New Mexico or from a working ranch or farm, majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications or Animal and Range Sciences and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to student(s) with an emphasis in News Editorial or the most closely associated discipline if majoring in Journalism and Mass communications or to students who plan to pursue a career in veterinary medicine if majoring in Animal and Range Sciences. Award is renewable as long as all criteria is met.
MARTINEZ, RAMONA MEM. SCH. The Ramona L. Martinez Memorial Scholarship The Ramona L. Martinez Memorial Scholarship was established in 2005 by Elias V. Martinez. The scholarship award will alternated between students enrolled in the College of Engineering and the College of Education.
THE RUECREW ENDOWED SCH The RueCrew Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 the RueCrew Endowed Scholarship supports students with declared majors in the Colleges of Education KNA College of Health, Education and Social Transformation (academic years ending in even number) and College of Business (academic years ending in odd number). Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, must be a legal resident of New Mexico. Preference will be given to Dona Ana County resident and to a student who has a current record of community service.
AVANT, SHARON MARKETING SCH The Sharon Lee Avant Marketing Endowed Scholarship in the Department of Marketing The Sharon Lee Avant Marketing Endowed Scholarship was established in 2009 to make an award to an undergraduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared major of Marketing, and have student classification level of junior or senior.
ESTES, THOMAS & DONNA END The Thomas and Donna Estes Endowed Scholarship The Donna Estes Endowed Scholarship in the College of Education was established in 2003 by the Estes Family. The recipients must be a full-time, undergraduate, senior level student, must have a declared major in Elementary Education, must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better and must be enrolled in student teaching during the award year. Preference will be given to graduates of the Gadsden Independent School District, New Mexico.
THE TWELVE PLUS ONE HEART The Twelve Plus One HEART Foundation Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Twelve Plus One Heart Foundation Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU undergraduate students. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need, participated in community service and possess leadership attributes.
THEATRE ARTS ENDOWMENT Theatre Arts Endowed Scholarship The Theatre Arts Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 by Tom Smith in order to make awards to qualified and deserving undergraduate students.
DEPT. OF THEATRE ARTS Theatre Arts Scholarship
GODFREY, THELMA AG/HOME EC Thelma Godfrey Agriculture and Home Economics Scholarship The Thelma Godfrey Agriculture and Home Ec. Scholarship was established in 1979 to award a scholarship to a New Mexico high school graduate enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
REDINGTON,THOMAS&EDITH MEM Thomas & Edith Redington Mem. Established in 1990, the Thomas and Edith Redington Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships in the College of Business.
ERHARD, THOMAS A END MEM SC Thomas A. Erhard Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 2020, the Thomas A. Erhard Endowed Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of English, be classified as a junior or senior level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 and preference for a student pursuing a BA in English with a declared emphasis in Literature, Language & Culture or Creative Writing.
ERHARD,THOMAS A PLAYWRITING Thomas A. Erhard Playwriting Endowed Scholarship Fund The Thomas A. Erhard Playwriting Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1994 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences majoring in Theatre Arts.
DONNELLY, THOMAS ALLYN END Thomas Allyn Donnelly Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Thomas Allyn Donnelly Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in the Department of History or Department of Government, be classified as an undergraduate student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, demonstrated financial need as determined by official FAFSA results and preference will be given to a student(s) that demonstrate leadership skills, and/or extracurricular activities, and/or community service.
GALE, THOMAS EXCELL ENDOWE Thomas M. Gale Endowed Fund for Excellence The Thomas M. Gale Endowed Fund for Excellence was established in 1998 in honor of Tom Gale''s decades service and leadership to the College of Arts and Sciences. The fund will be used to promote excellence in the College and its entities.
WEEMS. T.N. & M.J. ENDOW Thomas N. and Marjorie J. Weems Endowed Scholarship The Thomas N. and Marjorie J. Weems Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 to make an award to an undergraduate student. Each award recipient must have a declared option, emphasis, or field of study in Premedical Studies or Pre-dentistry and be seeking a degree as a medical doctor, or Pre-dentistry (PDEN) as a field of study.
PHILLIPS, THOMAS MEM. SCH Thomas Phillips Memorial Endowed Scholarship Honoring the memory, athleticism and accomplishments of their son, Dr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips established this endowed scholarship in 1988 to support NMSU student athletes who are members of the swim, tennis, golf, or volleyball teams. Recipients must be New Mexico residents and have financial need. In the event there is no eligible student athlete the fund may be used to make renewable awards to undergraduates following pre-medical coursework who are New Mexico residents and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. These recipients must also demonstrate financial need.
POOL, THOMAS ENDOWED SCHOLA Thomas Pool Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023, the Thomas Pool Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students. Must have a need to reduce existing educational debt in order to re-enroll at NMSU.
MANN, THOMAS & ALLENE MEM Thomas T. Mann Sr. and Allene B. Mann Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund The Thomas T. Mann Sr. and Allene B. Mann Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2005 to make an annual award to one or more sophomore, junior or senior level students with declared majors in Survey Engineering or Civil Engineering.
THOMAS WADE ATHL. SCH Thomas Wade Athletic Current Use Scholarship Established in 2009 and amended in 2017, the Thomas Wade Athletic Scholarship fund supports the College of ACES. Recipients must be an undergraduate student, enrolled full-time in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Preference shall be given to an athlete on one of NMSU''s NCAA sanctioned sports teams as verified by team rosters maintained by the Department of Athletics.
THOMAS JODY VANDIVER Thomas and Jody Vandiver Excellence Scholarship The Thomas and Jody Vandiver Scholarship was established in 1978 in order to make awards to qualified and deserving students.
DORMODY, TOM & PAT LDRSHP Thomas and Patrick Dormody Leadership Scholarship The Thomas and Patrick Dormody Leadership Scholarship was established in 2004 to make an annual award to one or more students. Recipients of this award must be a sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education, and have a record of outstanding leadership and/or service at the department, college, and/or university level(s).
TIM THOMPSON GRAD SCH FUND Tim Thompson Graduate Scholarship Fund In Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Created in 2023, the Tim Thompson Graduate Scholarship Fund in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering supports students pursuing a master''s degree in either mechanical or aerospace engineering through the Master''s Accelerated Program (MAP). Preference will be given to students who are graduates of a New Mexico high school. Preference will be given to students who completed their undergraduate degree at NMSU in mechanical engineering or aerospace engineering.
CLEARY, TIMOTHY SCHOLARSHIP Timothy Cleary Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Timothy Cleary Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Cleary in 1993 to make an annual award to one or more students enrolled in the College of Education, Department of Special Education/Communication Disorders.
MURPHY,TIMOTHY D MEM END SC Timothy Dominic Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Timothy Dominic Murphy Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Health, Education, and Social Transformation. Recipient must be an undergraduate or graduate student with a major within the School of Nursing: Nursing, Nursing Leadership & Admin., Nursing Practice, Psych/Mental Health Nursing, Family Nurse Practitioner, and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference to a student with an interest in wound care.
LAWTON, TIMOTHY FROST SCHO Timothy Frost Lawton Endowed Scholarship The Timothy Frost Lawton Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 to award graduate students with a declared major in the Department of Geological Sciences. Scholarship recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, and thesis research focusing on sedimentary geology applied to tectonic related research with a field-based component.
JONES, TINY FAYE HEALTH END Tiny Faye Jones Endowed Healthcare Scholarships The Tiny Faye Jones Memorial Endowed Healthcare Scholarship was established in 2011 from an estate gift from the estate of Tiny Faye Jones.
JONES, TINY FAYE MEM 4-H Tiny Faye Jones Memorial Endowed 4-H Scholarship The Tiny Faye Jones Memorial Endowed 4-H Scholarship was established by Barbara Morrison as a memorial to Tiny Faye Jones in 2011. Tiny Faye Jones spent 25 years as a state 4-H leader, helping membership increase from 4,000 members when her career began, to more than 80,000 when she retired. This scholarship was established to make awards to undergraduate or graduate students who are currently enrolled or have been actively enrolled in 4-H.
JONES,TINY FAYE MEM NURSING Tiny Faye Jones Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship The Tiny Faye Jones Memorial Nursing Endowed Scholarship was established by Barbara Morrison in memory of Tiny Faye Jones in 2011. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to one or more nursing students.
TIXIER BENAVIDEZ END SCH Tixier Benavidez Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Tixier Benavidez Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students enrolled full-time at the NMSU Las Cruces Main Campus. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 - 3.0 and be a graduate of Gadsden High School. Preference will be given to students who are involved in on or off campus activities as evidenced in their scholarship application.
ELFMONT, TOM & DOREEN SCH Tom and Doreen Elfmont Current Use Scholarship Created in 2016, the Tom and Doreen Elfmont Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students. The award will be equal to the amount of room and board. Recipient must be enrolled in the Army ROTC or Air Force ROTC at the time of the award. Preference will be given to qualified cadets in good standing who desires to go active duty and combat arms in any branch of service upon graduation.
BENJAMIN, TOM & KAREN Tom and Karen Benjamin Native American Current Use Scholarship Created in 2018 and amended in 2020, the Tom and Karen Benjamin Native American Current Use Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students. Award recipients must be enrolled in the College of Engineering, have a declared major in Mechanical (if no mechanical engineering majors are identified, the following order of majors should be followed; (1) Civil (2) Electrical (3) Chemical & Materials (4) Aerospace) and must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized Native American Tribe by proof of CIB or Tribal Identification Card.
SIMPSON, TOM AND LACY END Tom and Lacy Simpson Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Tom and Lacy Simpson Endowed Scholarship supports the College of ACES. Recipient(s) must be classified as an undergraduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, demonstrates financial need as determined by official FAFSA results, and have a declared major in one of the following departments: Ag Economics & Ag Business, Plant & Environmental Sciences or Family & Consumer Sciences. Preference will be given to students who are New Mexico residents and who demonstrates leadership skills/extracurricular activities/community service.
SALOPEK, TOM & MARY END SCH Tom and Mary Ikard Salopek Endowed Scholarship Tom Salopek started farming on his own in 1950; growing cotton, alfalfa, lettuce, onions, and Angus cattle. In 1969, the Salopek Family began planting pecan trees throughout the Mesilla Valley. Tom married Mary Ikard in 1956 and they were blessed with six children. The children were raised on the farm and grew to appreciate the agriculture industry. Mary Salopek advocated education to her children and was a member of the Las Cruces Public Schools Board of Education. Each of the children attended NMSU. This scholarship is an important piece of their heritage for each of them to give back to deserving students of the community.
SCOTT, TRACI AND CHRIS ENDOW Traci and Chris Scott Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business Established in 2023, the Traci and Chris Scott Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business supports sophomore, junior and senior students with a declared major in the College of Business. Must maintain a GPA of 3.0. Preference for a student who comes from a rural community in NM (cities other than Albuquerque, Las Cruces and Santa Fe.
MONTERO, TRENTEN ENDOWED SC Trenten Montero Endowed Scholarship Established in 2024, the Trenten Montero Endowed Scholarship supports an undergraduate student in good standing. Recipient must be a member of the NMSU Rodeo team, must be a full-time student, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be a multi-event rodeo student. Preference for a student who graduated from a high school in the state of Nevada. Preference for rough stock event rodeo student.
YOUNGER, TREVAS A END SCH Trevas A. Younger Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Trevas A. Younger Endowed Scholarship supports the NMSU College of Business. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Business, be classified as an undergraduate level student and maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Preference will be given to students who are New Mexico residents.
TWELFTH JUDICIAL DIST BAR Twelfth Judicial District Bar Association Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Twelfth Judicial District Bar Association Endowed Scholarship supports students at NMSU Alamogordo. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, be enrolled in 6 or more credit hours, and have a declared major in Criminal Justice, Paralegal Studies or working towards a certificate in Legal Assistant. Preference for students from Otero County or Lincoln County and who demonstrate financial need.
US BANK ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP US Bank Endowed Scholarship The AccessBank Endowed Scholarship, now named the US Bank Endowed Scholarship, was established in 2002 to make an award to an upperclassmen student with a 3.0 GPA in the College of Business who has been a resident of Dona Ana County for at least on year.
UNITED BLOOD SERVICES HERO United Blood Services Find the Hero in You Endowed Scholarship
TRUJILLO TORRES,VALERIE END Valerie Trujillo Torres Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Valerie Torres Endowed Scholarship supports NMSU students in the Honors College. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5, be classified as a Sophomore, Junior or Senior level student, county of legal residence is Dona Ana, and must have financial need. This scholarship was established in honor of Valerie Trujillo Torres to support future generations of students in the Conroy Honors College.
VANWIE LEARNING LEADER END VanWie Endowed Scholarship for Learning Leadership Established in 2014 and amended in 2025, the VanWie Endowed Scholarship for Learning Leadership supports students in the College of Education KNA the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must be a graduate level student in good standing and have a declared major within the School of Teacher Preparation, Administration, and Leadership (TPAL) in the department of Educational Leadership and Administration, Special Education, curriculum and Instruction, or Teacher Education Program. Preference for a student who demonstrated financial need, a New Mexico resident, and who is a first-generation student, students who participate in continuous professional development and are graduate students pursuing a learning leadership career in the field of education who practice a democratic, learning-centered approach, to include: social justice, meaningful community, family engagement, health needs (physical, social, and mental) social and emotional learning, multicultural, multilingual and technology learning, challenging and supportive academic learnings, multiple types of assessment for learning and collaboration and team work.
ERENS, VANESSA ENDOWED SCH Vanessa Erns Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Vanessa Erens Endowed Scholarship will be used to provide one or more scholarships to students from NMSU in Las Cruces, NM. Recipients must be classified as a graduate level student, be pursuing a Master of Science degree in athletic training, and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference for demonstration of leadership skills/extracurricular activities/community service participation in approved and recognized organizations/activities that are provided by the NMSU system.
VARNELL ENTERPRISES END SCH Varnell Enterprises Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Ben Farrell and in Memory of Lon Varnell Established in 2017 and amended in 2021, the Varnell Enterprises-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Ben Farrell and in Memory of Lon Varnell supports students in the College of Business. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and have an expressed interest in a career in event production or the entertainment business as evidenced by information in the scholarship application, such as a statement of educational and career goals.
VEGA FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLAR Vega Family Endowed Scholarship Established in 2018, the Vega Family Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. The Vega Family, from Socorro, New Mexico, has excelled through the education and experience obtained at NMSU. Through establishing this endowed scholarship they look to enable others to find success through NMSU''s high quality educational experience.
GUNTER-LANDRUM, VELMA C. Velma C. Gunter-Landrum Endowed Scholarship The Velma C. Gunter-Landrum Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate student(s). Recipients must have a declared major in Chemistry or Biochemistry, Biology, or Physics and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Preference will be given to students who demonstrates financial need.
RULE, VERNA N. MEMORIAL Verna Newman Rule Endowed Memorial Scholarship The Verna Newman Rule Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1993 to make annual awards to students majoring in English who have the highest GPA. Award rotates each year among classifications: junior, senior and graduate level students.
VERNON HALL MEMORIAL 4 H Vernon Hall Memorial 4-H Endowed Scholarship Fund The Vernon Hall Memorial 4-H Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1996 to make an annual award to one or more students who have been active 4-H members.
DAZZO, VICKI & SAM JR. Vicki and Sam Dazzo, Jr. Endowed Scholarship The Vicki and Sam Dazzo, Jr. Endowed Scholarship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must be a legal resident of New Mexico, have a declared major in accounting, financial need and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Preference shall be given to students with a diagnosed learning disability.
ARNOLD, VICTOR & NANCY SCH Victor E. and Nancy Arnold Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017, the Victor E. and Nancy Arnold Endowed Scholarship is to support undergraduate students in the College of Business. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9 and demonstrate financial need. Preference for a student who is a legal resident of New Mexico and is interested in pursuing a career in Entrepreneurship.
RADER, VICTORIA END SCH Victoria Rader Endowed Scholarship The Victoria Rader Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by Victoria Rader in order to provide awards for qualified and deserving students.
DE ALMEIDA, VICTORIA MEM Victoria de Almeida Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2021, the Victoria de Almeida Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of Health, Education and Social Transformation. Recipients must have a declared major in Social Work, be classified as an undergraduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results. Preference will be given to students who are New Mexico residents.
VIRGIN GALACTIC AEROSPACE Virgin Galactic Aerospace Scholarship Created in 2019 and amended in 2024, the Virgin Galactic Aerospace Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in the College of Engineering, must be an undergraduate or graduate level student in good standing, must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 (undergraduate) GPA of 3.0 (graduate). Preference will be given to first generation students and students who demonstrate financial need.
BAXTER, VIRGINIA END SCH Virginia Baxter Endowed Scholarship Established in 2019, the Virginia Baxter Endowed Scholarship supports students in the College of ACES. Recipients must have a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and state of legal residence is New Mexico.
HIGBIE, VIRGINIA C. SCH Virginia C. Higbie Endowed Scholarship The Virginia C. Higbie Endowed Scholarship was established by friends and family of Dr. Virginia C. Higbie in honor of her dedication and contributions to the College of HSS. Each award recipient must be classified as a senior level student, have a declared major in any accredited undergraduate program in the College of HSS, have completed at least two semesters as a student in the College of HSS on the main campus of NMSU, and have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. The award will rotate annually among each of the three academic units in the College of HSS in this order: School of Nursing, School of Social Work, Department of Health Science.
LEE, VIRGINIA MEMORIAL SCH Virginia Lee Memorial Current Use Scholarship for Cancer Research Established in 2011, this current use scholarship will support students in the NMSU College of Arts and Sciences. It fosters support of promising cancer researchers by providing a renewable award to undergraduate students studying Biology, Chemistry or Biochemistry, who have completed at least 32 credit hours at NMSU and have a cumulative GPA of 3.4. Preferences in selection will be given to a a student whose legal state of residence is New Mexico.
RAABE,VIRGINIA&E.R.(DUTCH) Virginia and E.R. (Dutch) Raabe Memorial Scholarship Established in 2004 and amended in 2010, the Virginia and E.R. (Dutch) Raabe Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Health Science KNA Department of Public Health Sciences. Recipients must be classified as a freshman, sophomore, junior or graduate level student and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
RAITT,VIRGINIA & GEORGE SCH Virginia and George Raitt Scholarship The Virginia M. Raitt Memorial Scholarship was established in 1986 to provide scholarships for students registered in the Department of Nursing.
VOELZ FAMILY ENDOWED SCH Voelz Family Endowed Scholarship The Voelz Family Endowed Scholarship was established by David, Brian, Sharon, and Judi Voelz to support student in the College of Business and Engineering. Awards shall be made to one or more undergraduate students. Recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7. In the years of awarding by the College of Business, recipient must have a declared major in Business. In the years of awarding by the College of Engineering, recipient must have a declared Engineering major.
HUMPHRIES, W.A. BILL MEM W.A. (Bill) Humphries Memorial Scholarship Established in 1974, the W.A. (Bill) Humphries Memorial Scholarship will be used to support scholarships for freshmen or sophomore level students with a declared major in the Department of Animal, Range, and Wildlife Science or its successor discipline. Recipients must be New Mexico residents, US citizens, and chosen on the basis of scholastic ability and need as determined by official FAFSA results.
GREER, W.A. & NINA MEM SCH W.A. and Nina Greer Memorial Scholarship The W.A. and Nina Greer Memorial Endowment was established so that the income may be used in support of students in Civil, Chemical, and Mechanical Engineering departments in the College of Engineering, for teaching and research programs, and to provide scholarships to students who do not receive state or federal financial aid.
MARTIN, W.F.& WANDA CENT. W.F. and Wanda Martin Centennial Endowed Scholarship The W. F. and Wanda Martin Centennial Scholarship was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students attending NMSU.
WIA LAS CRUCES WOMENS W.I.A. Las Cruces Woman's Club Pioneer Women's Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1998, The W.I.A. Las Cruces Women''s Club Pioneer Women''s Club Endowed Scholarship fund supports a returning student to continue their education. Must have a 2.5 or higher GPA and must have financial need.
NOFTSKER,W.R&HARRIET S MEM W.R. Noftsker and Harriet S. Noftsker Memorial Endowed Scholarship The W.R. Noftsker and Harriet S. Noftsker Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2006 by Harry Noftsker, Russell Noftsker Jr., and Deke Noftsker. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a sophomore, junior or senior level student majoring in engineering who has a grade point average of 3.0 or above.
PHILLIPS, WAITE & GENEVIEVE Waite and Genevieve Phillips Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund Established in 1995, the Waite and Genevieve Phillips Foundation Endowed Scholarship fund supports freshman level students with a high school GPA of 3.0 or sophomore level students with a GPA 3.0 as a freshman at NMSU. Eligible students must be a graduate of a New Mexico High School.
LWOWSKI,WALTER (GRAD STDNT) Walter Lwowski Junior Graduate Student Research Endowed Award The Walter Lwowski Junior Graduate Student Research Endowed Award was established in 2005 to make an annual award to an outstanding graduate research student in their second or third year of study or to one who has completed their second or third year of study in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
BULLOCK,WANDA H. END SCH Wanda Bullock Nursing Scholarship This endowment was set up to honor Wanda H. Bullock. The recipient of this scholarship must be admitted to the nursing program and a preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need as determined by official FAFSA results.
WOODSON, WARREN B. END. SCH Warren B. Woodson Endowed Fund The Warren B. Woodson Endowed Fund was established in 2003 to support scholarships for members of the Aggie Football Team. The endowment is funded through contributions made by former members of the Warren B. Woodson era football teams, their families and friends.
WATSON WILLIAMS MEMORIAL Watson-Williams Memorial Scholarship The Watson-Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in honor of Clarence Watson and Boyce Williams. This fund was created to make an annual award to one or more students majoring in the Department of Agronomy in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
WILSON, WAYNE MEM RODEO CU Wayne Wilson Memorial Rodeo Current Use Scholarship The Wayne Wilson Memorial Current Use Scholarship was established in 2019. Wayne Wilson''s family history at NMSU and their desire to provide opportunities for future students to rodeo with NMSU prompted this gift. Wayne was always interested in mentoring and encouraging youth to get into rodeo. But as an educator he valued having an emphasis on learning, also promoted by High School and Intercollegiate rodeo. Maintenance of a grade point requires competitors to balance their lives between rodeo and education. Recipients must be a member of the NMSU Rodeo team, must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and preference to a student graduating from a New Mexico High School.
WEMLINGER END GEOLOGY Wemlinger Geology Endowment The Wemlinger Endowment was established in 1991 to support New Mexico State University.
TRAYLOR, WENDY & TRAVIS SCH Wendy and Travis Traylor Endowed Scholarship The Wendy and Travis Traylor Endowed Scholarship was established in 2004. This fund was created to make an annual award to a student interested in becoming a teacher. The award recipient must be a Junior or Senior pre-service science teacher, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.
THATCHER, WESLEY D. SCH Wesley Duane Thatcher Endowed Fund Established in 1994, the Wesley Duane Thatcher Memorial Scholarship supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must be classified as a freshman, New Mexico resident, enrolled in Mechanical Engineering and preference for financial need.
THATCHER, WESLEY DUANE SCH Wesley Duane Thatcher Scholarship Created in 1993, the Wesley Duane Thatcher Scholarship supports students majoring in mechanical engineering. Undergraduate level students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and graduate level student a 3.0 GPA.
WOLFF, WESTON C MEM END SCH Weston C. Wolff Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015 by Andrew and Marcia Rice, the Weston Wolff Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports students who are members of the NMSU men''s tennis team. Preference in awarding shall be given to a student with a declared major in the Colleges of Business or Engineering.
WESTWIND COMPUTER PRODUCTS Westwind Computer Products Endowed Scholarship The Westwind Computer Products Endowed Scholarship is awarded to at least two undergraduate students split annually between management and marketing. Recipients must be enrolled in the College of Business, have a declared major in management or marketing, and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Student must also be a legal resident of New Mexico, be classified as a Junior of Senior, and be working while attending school as evidenced through employment history.
WHITLEY-KUCERA ENDOWED SCH Whitley-Kucera Endowed Scholarship in Chem and BioChem Established in 2017 by Dr. Heather D. Whitley and Mr. James M. Kucera this scholarship supports upper level undergraduate students with a declared major in Chemistry or Biochemistry. Recipients have to be New Mexico residents, demonstrate financial need, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
WIDOWED PERSONS SERVICE Widowed Persons Service Current Use Scholarship Established in 2003, the Widowed Persons Service Current Use Scholarship is an annual award of $500 to an undergraduate student who is widowed, maintains a 2.0 GPA, minor in Gerontology and a preference for widows or widowers with a dependent child(ren).
GRIZZLE, JR WILEY MEMORIAL Wiley H. Grizzle, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2023 the Wiley H. Grizzle, Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship fund supports full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Preference for a student who grew up on a family farm and/or are intending to return to the family farm after graduation.
COTHERN, WILFORD END MEM. Wilford Cothern Endowed Memorial Scholarship Established in 1989, the Wilford Cothern Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund shall be used to make an annual award to members of the Men''s Basketball Team. Eligible candidates shall be selected by the Office of Financial Aid in consultation with the Head Coach of the Men''s NMSU Basketball Team and the Director of Athletics.
GORMAN, WILLIAM "BILL" William Bill Gorman Endowed Scholarship William (Bill) Gorman began teaching in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in 1969. Dr. Gorman officially retired from NMSU in 2002. After his retirement he continued to teach, conduct agribusiness management research for the department and mentor graduate and undergraduate students. His strong belief in the value of these experiences led him to create the William (Bill) Gorman Endowed Scholarship giving deserving students the opportunity to attend both domestic and international agribusiness conferences.
BLYTHE, WILLIAM MAYFIELD William Blythe Endowed Graduate Scholarship The William Blythe "Bill" Mayfield Endowed Fund was established in 2009 to make an award to a graduate student enrolled in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. This award would provide funding for a graduate research project or allow the student to travel to regional national meetings to present his/her research.
BULLEN, WILLIAM MEM. GOLF William Bullen Memorial Golf Scholarship The William Bullen Memorial Endowed Scholarship was created in 2006 to provide and award to an undergraduate student who is a member of the men''s or women''s golf team or to a fifth-year senior whose athletic eligibility has expired.
WUNSCH,WILLIAM&WILHELM SCH William C. & Wilhelm A. Wunsch Endowed Scholarship Fund The William C. and Wilhelm A. Wunsch Endowed Scholarship was established in 1996 to make an annual award to a Native American student in the College of Business.
LINDEMANN, WILLIAM END SCH William C. Bill Lindemann Endowed Scholarship The Environmental Science Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 1997 to make an annual award to one or more students majoring in Environmental Science. Eligible candidates for this scholarship must have a 3.0 grade point average and be a sophomore, junior, or senior.
FISKE, WILLIAM CLAY MEM William Clay Fiske Endowed Memorial Scholarship The William "Clay" Fiske Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by family and friends of Clay Fiske in 2006 to make an award to an undergraduate student. The award recipient must be a U.S. citizen and a sophomore, junior or senior, have attained a minimum 2.7 or higher cumulative grade point average, and qualify for federal financial aid.
CLARK, WILLIAM D MUSIC END William Dempsey Clark Music Endowment The William Dempsey Clark Music Endowment was established 1999 to make annual scholarship awards to wind or percussion players who are music majors.
ESSLINGER II, WILLIAM E. William E. Esslinger II Memorial Scholarship The William E. Esslinger, II Memorial Scholarship was established in 1981 to provide scholarships to students in need who are majoring in Agricultural Economics.
EAMON,WILLIAM ENDOWED SCH William Eamon Social Justice and Community Engagement Endowed Scholarship This endowed scholarship was established in 2016 by Dr. Eamon, the first Dean of the Honors College at NMSU. Recipients must be undergraduate Crimson Scholars and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5. Preference will be given to students with demonstrated leadership in community engagement, service, and social justice issues as evidenced by a statement of educational and career goals, off campus activities and personal statement.
WHITFIELD, JR. WILLIAM MEM William Edwin Whitfield, Jr. Memorial Endowment The William Edwin Whitfield, Jr. Memorial Endowment was established in 2008 to make an award to a junior level student with a declared major in management. Must be enrolled full time.
BOLES, JR., WILLIAM H. SCH William H. Boles, Jr. Scholarship Established in 1997, the William H. Boles, Jr. Current Use Scholarship is to support students in the College of Engineering.
BULLOCK, WILLIAM L. MEM. William L. Bullock Memorial Endowed Scholarship The William L. Bullock Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007. The income from this fund is to be used to make an award to a junior or senior level student majoring in Chemical Engineering who is a graduate of a New Mexico high school.
MCCARTHY, WILLIAM MEM. William McCarthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship Established in 2010, the William McCarthy Memorial Endowed Scholarship supports the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in engineering, be a full-time student and be classified as a senior level student. Preference for a student who has served as a mentor through the Regional Alliance for Science, Engineering and Mathematics (RASEM) and Reaching the Pinnical (RIP) programs. Preference to a student who has exhibited leadership and/or has participated in community service.
COINMAN, WILLIAM MEM SCH William Michael (Mike) Coinman Endowed Memorial Scholarship The William Michael (Mike) Coinman Endowed Memorial Scholarship was established by Mack Haley and friends of Mike Coinman in 2000 to make an annual award to incoming freshmen students who have graduated from a New Mexico High School. Candidates for this award must have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher in high school and have been involved in extra curricular activities.
DOUDS, D ACTS & HUBBARD William Morris Endeavor-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship Honoring Dave Douds Established in 2000 and amended in 2021, the William Morris Endeavor-ACTS Barbara Hubbard Endowed Scholarship honors Dave Douds. Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5, have financial need, and have an expressed interest in a career in performing arts, special events or facility management as evidenced by information submitted in scholarship application, such as statement of educational and career goals. Preference will be given for students interested in the field of country music entertainment and who are currently or previously employed by the Office of Special Events.
CHARLES, WILLIAM & PATRICIA William Paul and Patricia Charles Endowed Scholarship Fund
FRIEL,WILLIAM R&LOIS M SCH William R. Friel and Lois M. Friel Scholarship The William R. Friel and Lois M. Friel Endowed Scholarship was established in 2003 to provide support to student athletes who has suffered a permanent injury that prevents them from competing in intercollegiate athletics. A student athlete may continue to receive this award until they have completed their requirement for a bachelor''s degree. The award may also be given to a student athlete who has exhausted their playing eligibiliy but has not earned their bachelor''s degree.
SEAGER, WILLIAM ENDOWED William R. Seager Endowed Fund for Field-Based Research The William R. Seager Endowed Fund for Field-Based Research was established in 1998 to make annual awards in one installment to one or more students who are currently enrolled or accepted as a undergraduate or graduate student in New Mexico State University''s Geological Sciences program.
SEAGER, WILLIAM R UNDERGRAD William R. Seager Undergraduate Scholarship Created in 2021, the William R. Seager Undergraduate Scholarship supports students in the College of Arts and Sciences. Recipients must have a declared major in Geology, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and be classified as an undergraduate level student.
HEARST, WILLIAM R. SCH. William Randolph Hearst Endowed Nursing Scholarship The Hearst Endowed Scholarship in Nursing was established to award scholarships to students enrolled in the School of Nursing in the College of Health and Social Services.
ELLETT, WILLIAM RUNYAN SCH William Runyan Ellett Memorial Undergraduate Endowed Electrical Engineering Scholarship
MAY, WILLIAM S. SCH. William S. May Scholarship For Agricultural Finance The William S. May Scholarship for Agricultural Finance was established in 1982 to provide at least one scholarship annually.
FLORES, WILLIAM V. END SCH William V. Flores Current Use Scholarship Established in 2005, The William V. Flores Current Use Scholarship in the College of Arts & Sciences, supports undergraduate Hispanic students majoring in government, criminal justice, sociology and/or anthropology who have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.
BURKE, WILLIAM W SCH William W. Burke Scholarship Created in 2021, the William W. Burke Scholarship supports one or more undergraduate students in the College of Business. Must have a declared major in finance. Must have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA; must be classified as a junior or senior level student. Preference for students with a declared minor in risk management and insurance. Preference to students whose state of legal residence is New Mexico. Preference for a student who demonstrates leadership skills/extracurricular activities/community service, and participation in an approved and recognized organization/activities in the NMSU system.
WEBBER, W. VOYAGER GRAD SCH William Webber Voyager Current Use Graduate Fund Created in 2015 and amended in 2017, the William Webber Voyager Current Use Graduate Fund supports the College of Arts and Sciences. The purpose of the fund is to assist the department in recruiting, retaining and supporting high quality graduate students primarily by providing scholarship ( or fellowship) funds for one or more graduate students. Use of the funds is to be related to achieving the goal of recruitment, retention and support of graduate students are acceptable, at the discretion of the department head. These include, but are not limited to, funding for recruitment materials, travel related to recruitment, performance awards for graduate students, and support of undergraduates who foster interest in the graduate program. For the graduate scholarship (or fellowship) award(s) recipients must be accepted as a student in the Graduate College and the Department of Astronomy, may be an incoming or continuing graduate student and all scientific interests of potential recipients are acceptable. The Graduate Admissions Committee of the Department of Astronomy will make recommendations to the department head who will have the final decision as to use of the funds in a given year.
HOLCOMB, WILLIAM CU SCH William and Virginia Holcomb Endowed Fund This endowed scholarship was established to support two students annually in chemical engineering at New Mexico State University. Recipients must be classified as sophomore, junior or senior level students and must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
WILLIAMS, DOUGLAS & SHEILA Williams Scholarship-Married S The Douglas and Sheila Williams Endowed Scholarship was established in 1980 to provide scholarships for students who are married.
CADMAN, WILSON K. END. SCH. Wilson K. Cadman Endowed Scholarship Fund The Wilson K. Cadman Endowed Scholarship Fund was established in 2004 to make an annual award to at least one student. The award recipient must be admitted to the Master''s Program in Economics with a Regulatory Option, and have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
WILSON COMPANY ENGR SCH Wilson and Company Engineering Current Use Scholarship Established in 1996, the Wilson and Company Engineering Scholarship was created to support a junior, senior or graduate student majoring in Civil Engineering or Surveying. Recipients must be maintaining a minimum 2.8 GPA, and be a New Mexico resident.
JOHNSON,WINSTON&VIVIAN SCH Winston A. and Vivian Johnson Endowed Scholarship The Winston A. and Vivian Johnson Endowed Scholarship was established in 2008. Each award recipient must be a full-time sophomore, junior or senior level student with a declared major in mechanical engineering, Recipients must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8 and be U.S. citizens.
JOHNSON, WINSTON & MARY SCH Winston and Mary Tippin Johnson Endowed Scholarship This endowed scholarship honors the loyalty of the Johnsons to NMSU. In 2017, when this fund was established, 4 generations of Winston and Mary Tippin Johnson''s family have attended NMSU, in particular the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. The award supports full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the College of ACES who have a minimum GPA of 2.7 and are US Citizens. Preference will be given to students classified as Juniors or Seniors, who demonstrate financial need, and to students enrolled in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department.
WOMEN IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Women in Criminal Justice Current Use Scholarship Created in 2018, the Women in Criminal Justice Current Use Scholarship supports a student enrolled in the Criminal Justice program. Preference to a student currently employed in the field of Criminal Justice. Preference to a student who demonstrates need as determined by official FAFSA results and has a cumulative 3.0 GPA.
WOMEN IN SCIENCE END SCH Women in Science Endowed Scholarship Established in 2017 to honor four scientists who have been presenters in the NMSU Lowenstein Lecture Series - Drs Ellen Peffley, Anne Wagner, Jennifer Ryder Fox and Virginia Lohr. This scholarship, which seeks to encourage NMSU students to pursue graduate level study, will be awarded to senior or graduate students whose declared major is in the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. Preference in selection will go to students with minimum GPA''s of 3.3 (for graduate students) or 3.0 (for seniors). Finalists in selection will be required to submit a letter of recommendation by a PES department faculty member.
EGGINTON, WYNN&EVERETT SCH Wynn M. and Everett Egginton Endowed Scholarship The Wynn M. and Everett Egginton Endowed Scholarship was established in 2010 and amended in 2020. Recipients must be enrolled full-time, classified as a sophomore, junior or graduate level student, maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, have a declared major in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and preference will be given to student(s) who legal residence is Mexico.
YARBROUGH FAMILY SCH Yarbrough Family Scholarship Established in 2003, the Yarbrough Family Scholarships supports students in the College of Engineering. Recipients must have a declared major in Electrical and Computer Engineering, be a returning student after at least a three-year absence, US Citizen, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must demonstrate financial need.
YATES DRILLING COMPANY Yates Drilling Company Endowed Scholarship The Yates Drilling Co. Eddy County scholarship fund was established during the university''s centennial celebration to support students from Eddy County attending NMSU.
YATES ENDOWMENT Yates Endowment Established in 2005, the Yates Endowment supports an undergraduate student majoring in the Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism Management. Recipient must be full-time, maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
MORENO, YOLANDA & LORENZO Yolanda and Lorenzo Moreno Endowed Scholarship Established in 2015, the Yolanda and Lorenzo Moreno Endowed Scholarship awards undergraduate students who are legal residents of New Mexico, and demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to Hispanic students.
MARTINEZ, EDWARD ZIA ENGR Zia Engineering-Edward Martinez Endowed Scholarship
ALLIED MED SERV. LOAN - GR Used as an educational assistance option for students and their individual success.
CHAVEZ COUNTY CENTENNIAL The Chaves County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU''s centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
DIPONZIO, GIOVANNI END. SCH The Giovanni DiPonzio Scholarship is in honor of a man who was extremely passionate about people. This scholarship makes an award to students who have a declared major in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management, and must demonstrate an appreciation for the interpersonal relationships that make a student successful in HRTM.
EL PASO ENERGY ACCTING The El Paso Energy Scholarship in Accounting was established to support a student majoring in Accounting at New Mexico State University. Eligible recipients must be a U.S. Citizen demonstrating financial need, and demonstrating academic excellence
FY23-24 MC2 MOST
GENERAL CENTENNIAL The General Centennial Scholarship Fund was created during the university''s centennial celebration to provide support for New Mexico State University students.
HUBBERT, FARRIS ANSC END Established in 2014, the Farris Hubbert Animal Science Nutrition Endowed Scholarship was established to support graduate students in the Animal and Range Sciences Department studying animal nutrition. Preference shall be given to a graduate student with a GPA above 3.0.
LC TWAIVER ALL GR NRES GRAD Nominated by FAO. Main campus, Graduate, 3.0 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL GR NRES INTL Nominated by International Programs. Main campus, Graduate, 3.0 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL GR NRES NAPI Nominate and posted by IRD-Contact Joe Graham. Main campus, Graduate, 3.0 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL UG NRES AMOU Nominated by American Indian Program. Main campus, undergraduate, 2.5 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL UG NRES ATHL Nominate and posted by Athletics. Main campus, undergraduate, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL UG NRES INTL Nominated by International Programs. Main campus, Undergraduate, 3.5 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL UG NRES NAPI Nominated and posted by IRD - Contact Joe Graham. Main campus, Undergraduate, 2.5 GPA, Renewable.
LC TWAIVER ALL UG NRES UACH Nominated by engineering. Main campus, Undergraduate, 2.5 GPA, Mechanical engineering and Aerospace engineering, Renewable.
LC WAIVER ALL UG NRES CAMP Nominated by FAO. Main campus, Undergraduate, Renewable.
MORA COUNTY CENTENNIAL SCH The Mora County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
NMSGC 2020-2024
NMSU HOUSING SCHOLARSHIP This scholarship is to be awarded to incoming freshman who have on-campus housing.
ONR-FIN Junction Flows
PGM DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARS Scholarships in varying amounts for PGA Golf Management students.
RIO ARRIBA CO. CENTENNIAL The Rio Arriba County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
ROOSEVELT CO. CENTENNIAL The Roosevelt County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
SAN MIGUEL CO. CENTENNIAL The San Miguel County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.
SLATTERY, RAYMOND MEM SCH Open to students interested in vocational studies
TAOS COUNTY CENTENNIAL SCH The Taos County Centennial Scholarship fund was established during NMSU's centennial celebration to support students from New Mexico attending NMSU.